Pretokenized Headers (PTH)

This document first describes the low-level interface for using PTH and then briefly elaborates on its design and implementation. If you are interested in the end-user view, please see the User's Manual.

Using Pretokenized Headers with clang-cc (Low-level Interface)

The low-level Clang compiler tool, clang-cc, supports three command line options for generating and using PTH files.

To generate PTH files using clang-cc, use the option -emit-pth:

 $ clang-cc test.h -emit-pth -o test.h.pth 

This option is transparently used by clang when generating PTH files. Similarly, PTH files can be used as prefix headers using the -include-pth option:

  $ clang-cc -include-pth test.h.pth test.c -o test.s

Alternatively, Clang's PTH files can be used as a raw "token-cache" (or "content" cache) of the source included by the original header file. This means that the contents of the PTH file are searched as substitutes for any source files that are used by clang-cc to process a source file. This is done by specifying the -token-cache option:

  $ cat test.h
  #include <stdio.h>
  $ clang-cc -emit-pth test.h -o test.h.pth
  $ cat test.c
  #include "test.h"
  $ clang-cc test.c -o test -token-cache test.h.pth

In this example the contents of stdio.h (and the files it includes) will be retrieved from test.h.pth, as the PTH file is being used in this case as a raw cache of the contents of test.h. This is a low-level interface used to both implement the high-level PTH interface as well as to provide alternative means to use PTH-style caching.

PTH Design and Implementation

Unlike GCC's precompiled headers, which cache the full ASTs and preprocessor state of a header file, Clang's pretokenized header files mainly cache the raw lexer tokens that are needed to segment the stream of characters in a source file into keywords, identifiers, and operators. Consequently, PTH serves to mainly directly speed up the lexing and preprocessing of a source file, while parsing and type-checking must be completely redone every time a PTH file is used.

Basic Design Tradeoffs

In the long term there are plans to provide an alternate PCH implementation for Clang that also caches the work for parsing and type checking the contents of header files. The current implementation of PCH in Clang as pretokenized header files was motivated by the following factors:

Further, compared to GCC's PCH implementation (which is the dominate precompiled header file implementation that Clang can be directly compared against) the PTH design in Clang yields several attractive features:

Despite these strengths, PTH's simple design suffers some algorithmic handicaps compared to other PCH strategies such as those used by GCC. While PTH can greatly speed up the processing time of a header file, the amount of work required to process a header file is still roughly linear in the size of the header file. In contrast, the amount of work done by GCC to process a precompiled header is (theoretically) constant (the ASTs for the header are literally memory mapped into the compiler). This means that only the pieces of the header file that are referenced by the source file including the header are the only ones the compiler needs to process during actual compilation. While GCC's particular implementation of PCH mitigates some of these algorithmic strengths via the use of copy-on-write pages, the approach itself can fundamentally dominate at an algorithmic level, especially when one considers header files of arbitrary size.

There are plans to potentially implement an complementary PCH implementation for Clang based on the lazy deserialization of ASTs. This approach would theoretically have the same constant-time algorithmic advantages just mentioned but would also retain some of the strengths of PTH such as reduced memory pressure (ideal for multi-core builds).

Internal PTH Optimizations

While the main optimization employed by PTH is to reduce lexing time of header files by caching pre-lexed tokens, PTH also employs several other optimizations to speed up the processing of header files: