// REQUIRES: systemz-registered-target // RUN: %clang_cc1 -target-cpu z14 -triple s390x-unknown-unknown \ // RUN: -Wall -Wno-unused -Werror -fsyntax-only -verify %s typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) signed char vec_schar; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) signed short vec_sshort; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) signed int vec_sint; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) signed long long vec_slong; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) unsigned char vec_uchar; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) unsigned short vec_ushort; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) unsigned int vec_uint; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) unsigned long long vec_ulong; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) double vec_double; typedef __attribute__((vector_size(16))) float vec_float; volatile vec_schar vsc; volatile vec_sshort vss; volatile vec_sint vsi; volatile vec_slong vsl; volatile vec_uchar vuc; volatile vec_ushort vus; volatile vec_uint vui; volatile vec_ulong vul; volatile vec_double vd; volatile vec_float vf; volatile unsigned int len; int cc; void test_integer(void) { __builtin_s390_vmslg(vul, vul, vuc, -1); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vmslg(vul, vul, vuc, 16); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vmslg(vul, vul, vuc, len); // expected-error {{must be a constant integer}} } void test_float(void) { __builtin_s390_vfmaxdb(vd, vd, -1); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfmaxdb(vd, vd, 16); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfmaxdb(vd, vd, len); // expected-error {{must be a constant integer}} __builtin_s390_vfmindb(vd, vd, -1); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfmindb(vd, vd, 16); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfmindb(vd, vd, len); // expected-error {{must be a constant integer}} __builtin_s390_vftcisb(vf, -1, &cc); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vftcisb(vf, 4096, &cc); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vftcisb(vf, len, &cc); // expected-error {{must be a constant integer}} __builtin_s390_vfisb(vf, -1, 0); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfisb(vf, 16, 0); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfisb(vf, len, 0); // expected-error {{must be a constant integer}} __builtin_s390_vfisb(vf, 0, -1); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfisb(vf, 0, 16); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfisb(vf, 0, len); // expected-error {{must be a constant integer}} __builtin_s390_vfmaxsb(vf, vf, -1); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfmaxsb(vf, vf, 16); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfmaxsb(vf, vf, len); // expected-error {{must be a constant integer}} __builtin_s390_vfminsb(vf, vf, -1); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfminsb(vf, vf, 16); // expected-error-re {{argument value {{.*}} is outside the valid range}} __builtin_s390_vfminsb(vf, vf, len); // expected-error {{must be a constant integer}} }