// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1y -triple x86_64-linux-gnu -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s // Check that we keep the 'extern' when we instantiate the definition of this // variable template specialization. template extern const int extern_redecl; template const int extern_redecl = 5; template const int extern_redecl; // CHECK: @_Z13extern_redeclIiE = weak_odr constant template struct Outer { template struct Inner { template static int arr[]; }; }; Outer outer_int; int init_arr(); template template template int Outer::Inner::arr[sizeof(T) + sizeof(U) + sizeof(V)] = { init_arr() }; int *p = Outer::Inner::arr; // CHECK: @_ZN5OuterIA100_cE5InnerIA20_cE3arrIA3_cEE = linkonce_odr global [123 x i32] zeroinitializer // CHECK: @_ZGVN5OuterIA100_cE5InnerIA20_cE3arrIA3_cEE = linkonce_odr global // CHECK: call {{.*}}@_Z8init_arrv