// REQUIRES: asserts // RUN: %clang_cc1 -O0 -triple %itanium_abi_triple -debug-info-kind=limited -S -emit-llvm %s -o - | \ // RUN: FileCheck %s // This test simply checks that the varargs thunk is created. The failing test // case asserts. typedef signed char __int8_t; typedef int BOOL; class CMsgAgent; class CFs { public: typedef enum {} CACHE_HINT; virtual BOOL ReqCacheHint( CMsgAgent* p_ma, CACHE_HINT hint, ... ) ; }; typedef struct {} _Lldiv_t; class CBdVfs { public: virtual ~CBdVfs( ) {} }; class CBdVfsImpl : public CBdVfs, public CFs { BOOL ReqCacheHint( CMsgAgent* p_ma, CACHE_HINT hint, ... ); }; BOOL CBdVfsImpl::ReqCacheHint( CMsgAgent* p_ma, CACHE_HINT hint, ... ) { return true; } // CHECK: define {{.*}} @_ZThn{{[48]}}_N10CBdVfsImpl12ReqCacheHintEP9CMsgAgentN3CFs10CACHE_HINTEz(