// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -funknown-anytype -emit-llvm -o %t %s // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix COMMON %s < %t // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix X86_64 %s < %t // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple i386-apple-darwin10 -funknown-anytype -emit-llvm -o %t %s // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix COMMON %s < %t // RUN: FileCheck -check-prefix I386 %s < %t // x86-64 is the special case here because of its variadic convention. // We want to ensure that it always uses a variadic convention even if // other platforms do not. // rdar://13731520 int test0() { extern __unknown_anytype test0_any; // COMMON: load i32, i32* @test0_any return (int) test0_any; } int test1() { extern __unknown_anytype test1_any(); // COMMON: call i32 @_Z9test1_anyv() return (int) test1_any(); } extern "C" __unknown_anytype test2_any(...); float test2() { // X86_64: call float (double, ...) @test2_any(double {{[^,]+}}) // I386: call float (double, ...) @test2_any(double {{[^,]+}}) return (float) test2_any(0.5f); } extern "C" __unknown_anytype test2a_any(...); float test2a() { // X86_64: call float (float, ...) @test2a_any(float {{[^,]+}}) // I386: call float (float, ...) @test2a_any(float {{[^,]+}}) return (float) test2a_any((float) 0.5f); } float test3() { extern __unknown_anytype test3_any; // COMMON: [[FN:%.*]] = load float (i32)*, float (i32)** @test3_any, // COMMON: call float [[FN]](i32 5) return ((float(*)(int)) test3_any)(5); } namespace test4 { extern __unknown_anytype test4_any1; extern __unknown_anytype test4_any2; int test() { // COMMON: load i32, i32* @_ZN5test410test4_any1E // COMMON: load i8, i8* @_ZN5test410test4_any2E return (int) test4_any1 + (char) test4_any2; } } extern "C" __unknown_anytype test5_any(); void test5() { // COMMON: call void @test5_any() return (void) test5_any(); } extern "C" __unknown_anytype test6_any(float *); long test6() { // COMMON: call i64 @test6_any(float* null) return (long long) test6_any(0); } struct Test7 { ~Test7(); }; extern "C" __unknown_anytype test7_any(int); Test7 test7() { // COMMON: call void @test7_any({{%.*}}* sret {{%.*}}, i32 5) return (Test7) test7_any(5); } struct Test8 { __unknown_anytype foo(); __unknown_anytype foo(int); void test(); }; void Test8::test() { float f; // COMMON: call i32 @_ZN5Test83fooEv( f = (int) foo(); // COMMON: call i32 @_ZN5Test83fooEi( f = (int) foo(5); // COMMON: call i32 @_ZN5Test83fooEv( f = (float) this->foo(); // COMMON: call i32 @_ZN5Test83fooEi( f = (float) this->foo(5); } void test8(Test8 *p) { double d; // COMMON: call i32 @_ZN5Test83fooEv( d = (double) p->foo(); // COMMON: call i32 @_ZN5Test83fooEi( d = (double) p->foo(5); // COMMON: call i32 @_ZN5Test83fooEv( d = (bool) (*p).foo(); // COMMON: call i32 @_ZN5Test83fooEi( d = (bool) (*p).foo(5); } extern "C" __unknown_anytype test9_foo; void *test9() { // COMMON: ret i8* bitcast (i32* @test9_foo to i8*) return (int*) &test9_foo; } // Don't explode on this. extern "C" __unknown_anytype test10_any(...); void test10() { (void) test10_any(), (void) test10_any(); } extern "C" __unknown_anytype malloc(...); void test11() { void *s = (void*)malloc(12); // COMMON: call i8* (i32, ...) @malloc(i32 12) void *d = (void*)malloc(435); // COMMON: call i8* (i32, ...) @malloc(i32 435) }