/* Used with the types.c test */ // TYPE_EXT_QUAL typedef __attribute__((address_space(1))) int ASInt; // TYPE_COMPLEX typedef _Complex float Cfloat; // TYPE_ATOMIC typedef _Atomic(int) AtomicInt; // TYPE_POINTER typedef int * int_ptr; // TYPE_BLOCK_POINTER typedef int (^Block)(int, float); // TYPE_CONSTANT_ARRAY typedef int five_ints[5]; // TYPE_INCOMPLETE_ARRAY typedef float float_array[]; // TYPE_VARIABLE_ARRAY in stmts.[ch] // TYPE_VECTOR typedef float float4 __attribute__((vector_size(16))); // TYPE_EXT_VECTOR typedef float ext_float4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4))); // TYPE_FUNCTION_NO_PROTO typedef int noproto(); // TYPE_FUNCTION_PROTO typedef float proto(float, float, ...); // TYPE_TYPEDEF typedef int_ptr * int_ptr_ptr; // TYPE_TYPEOF_EXPR typedef typeof(17) typeof_17; // TYPE_TYPEOF typedef typeof(int_ptr *) int_ptr_ptr2; struct S2; struct S2 {}; enum E; enum E { myenum };