// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-apple-darwin9 -fsyntax-only -fdouble-square-bracket-attributes -verify %s void f0() [[clang::availability(macosx,introduced=10.4,deprecated=10.2)]]; // expected-warning{{feature cannot be deprecated in macOS version 10.2 before it was introduced in version 10.4; attribute ignored}} void f1() [[clang::availability(ios,obsoleted=2.1,deprecated=3.0)]]; // expected-warning{{feature cannot be obsoleted in iOS version 2.1 before it was deprecated in version 3.0; attribute ignored}} void f2() [[clang::availability(ios,introduced=2.1,deprecated=2.1)]]; extern void ATSFontGetName(const char *oName) [[clang::availability(macosx,introduced=8.0,deprecated=9.0, message="use CTFontCopyFullName")]]; // expected-note {{'ATSFontGetName' has been explicitly marked deprecated here}} void test_10095131() { ATSFontGetName("Hello"); // expected-warning {{'ATSFontGetName' is deprecated: first deprecated in macOS 9.0 - use CTFontCopyFullName}} } enum [[clang::availability(macos, unavailable)]] { NSDataWritingFileProtectionWriteOnly = 0x30000000, NSDataWritingFileProtectionCompleteUntilUserAuthentication = 0x40000000, }; extern int x [[clang::availability(macosx,introduced=10.5)]]; extern int x; int i [[clang::availability(this, should = 1.0)]]; // expected-error {{'should' is not an availability stage; use 'introduced', 'deprecated', or 'obsoleted'}} \ // expected-warning {{unknown platform 'this' in availability macro}}