path: root/src
diff options
authorSergio Martins <smartins@kde.org>2018-05-15 22:14:50 +0100
committerSergio Martins <smartins@kde.org>2018-05-15 22:52:15 +0100
commitdcac97b866c83d6645e3bc4af1f42b255f81d9a3 (patch)
tree02b8f6ba3279fd6df932d8bec8f2125052a919c0 /src
parentfa6f5d8e206eca0823cfa5030abb5c824f7685ac (diff)
Make it easier to link to READMEs by removing the level name.
After make install they will still be installed to a level0, 1, 2 sub-folder, as the cmake instructions are generated by generate.py BUG: 394237
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
75 files changed, 0 insertions, 933 deletions
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-connect-by-name.md b/src/checks/level0/README-connect-by-name.md
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index e5f7d255..00000000
--- a/src/checks/level0/README-connect-by-name.md
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-# connect-by-name
-Warns when "auto-connection slots" are used. They're also known as "connect by name", a
-very old and unpopular feature which shouldn't be used anymore. See http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qobject.html#auto-connection for more information about them.
-These types of connections are very brittle, as a simple object rename would break your code.
-In Qt 5 the PMF connect syntax is recommended as it catches errors at compile time.
-This check simply warns for any slot named like on_*_*, because even if you're not using .ui files
-this naming is misleading and not good for readability, as the reader would think you're using auto-connection.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-connect-non-signal.md b/src/checks/level0/README-connect-non-signal.md
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-# connect-non-signal
-Warns when connecting a non-signal to something.
-For example:
-`connect(obj, &MyObj::mySlot, ...);`
-Only works with the new Qt5 connect syntax (PMF).
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-connect-not-normalized.md b/src/checks/level0/README-connect-not-normalized.md
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-# connect-not-normalized
-Warns when the contents of `SIGNAL()`, `SLOT()`, `Q_ARG()` and `Q_RETURN_ARG()` are not normalized.
-Using normalized signatures allows to avoid unneeded memory allocations.
-For signals and slots it only warns for `connect` statements, not `disconnect`, since it only
-impacts the performance of the former.
-See `QMetaObject::normalizedSignature()` for more information.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-container-anti-pattern.md b/src/checks/level0/README-container-anti-pattern.md
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-# container-anti-pattern
-Finds when temporary containers are being created needlessly.
-These cases are usually easy to fix by using iterators, avoiding memory allocations.
-Matches code like:
- {QMap, QHash, QSet}.values().*
- {QMap, QHash}.keys().*
- {QVector, QSet}.toList().*
- QList::toVector().*
- QSet::intersect(other).isEmpty()
- for (auto i : {QHash, QMap}.values()) {}
- foreach (auto i, {QHash, QMap}.values()) {}
-#### Example
- set.toList()[0]; // use set.constFirst() instead
- hash.values().size(); // Use hash.size() instead
- hash.keys().contains(); // Use hash.contains() instead
- hash.values().contains(); // Use std::find(hash.cbegin(), hash.cend(), myValue) instead
- map.values(k).foo ; // Use QMap::equal_range(k) instead
- for (auto i : hash.values()) {} // Iterate the hash directly instead: for (auto i : hash) {}
- QSet::intersect(other).isEmpty() // Use QSet::intersects() instead, avoiding memory allocations and iterations, since Qt 5.6
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-fully-qualified-moc-types.md b/src/checks/level0/README-fully-qualified-moc-types.md
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-# fully-qualified-moc-types
-Warns when a signal, slot or invokable declaration is not using fully-qualified type names, which will break old-style connects
-and interaction with QML.
-Also warns if a Q_PROPERTY of type gadget is not fully-qualified (Enums and QObjects in Q_PROPERTY don't need
-to be fully qualified).
-namespace MyNameSpace {
- struct MyType { (...) };
- class MyObject : public QObject
- {
- Q_PROPERTY(MyGadget myprop READ myprop); // Wrong, needs namespace
- void mySignal(MyType); // Wrong
- void mySignal(MyNameSpace::MyType); // OK
- };
-Beware that fixing these type names might break user code if they are connecting to them via old style connects,
-since the users might have worked around your bug and not included the namespace in their connect statement
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-lambda-in-connect.md b/src/checks/level0/README-lambda-in-connect.md
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-# lambda-in-connect
-Warns when a lambda inside a connect captures local variables by reference.
-This usually results in a crash since the lambda might get called after the captured variable went out of scope.
-#### Example:
- int a;
- connect(obj, &MyObj::mySignal, [&a]{ ... });
-Although it's dangerous to capture by reference in other situations too, this check only warns for
-connects, otherwise it would generate false-positives in legitimate situations where you only
-use the lambda before going out of scope.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-lambda-unique-connection.md b/src/checks/level0/README-lambda-unique-connection.md
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-# lambda-unique-connection
-Finds usages of `Qt::UniqueConnection` when the slot is a functor, lambda or non-member function.
-That `connect()` overload does not support `Qt::UniqueConnection`.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-mutable-container-key.md b/src/checks/level0/README-mutable-container-key.md
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-# mutable-container-key
-Looks for `QMap` or `QHash` having key types which can be modified due to external factors.
-The key's value should never change, as it's needed for sorting or hashing, but with some types, such as non-owning smart pointers it might happen.
-The supported key types are: `QPointer`, `QWeakPointer`, `weak_ptr` and `QPersistentModelIndex`.
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-# qcolor-from-literal
-Warns when a `QColor` is being constructed from a string literal such as "#RRGGBB".
-This is less performant than calling the ctor that takes `int`s, since it creates temporary `QString`s.
-`QColor c("#000000");` // Use QColor c(0, 0, 0) instead
-`c.setNamedColor("#001122");` // Use c = QColor(0, 0x11, 0x22) instead
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-# qdatetime-utc
-Finds calls to `QDateTime::currentDateTime()` which should be replaced by
-`QDateTime::currentDateTimeUTC()` in order to avoid expensive timezone code paths.
-The two supported cases are:
-- QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() -> QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toTime_t()
-- QDateTime::currentDateTime().toUTC() -> QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-qenums.md b/src/checks/level0/README-qenums.md
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-# qenums
-Warns when you're using `Q_ENUMS`. Use Q_ENUM instead.
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-# qfileinfo-exists
-Finds places using `QFileInfo("filename").exists()` instead of the faster version `QFileInfo::exists("filename")`.
-According to Qt's docs:
-"Using this function is faster than using QFileInfo(file).exists() for file system access."
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-qgetenv.md b/src/checks/level0/README-qgetenv.md
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-# qgetenv
-Warns on innefficient usages of `qgetenv()` which usually allocate memory.
-Suggests usage of `qEnvironmentVariableIsSet()`, `qEnvironmentVariableIsEmpty()` and `qEnvironmentVariableIntValue()`.
-These replacements are available since Qt 5.5.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-qmap-with-pointer-key.md b/src/checks/level0/README-qmap-with-pointer-key.md
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-# qmap-with-pointer-key
-Finds cases where you're using `QMap<K,T>` and K is a pointer.
-`QMap` has the particularity of sorting it's keys, but sorting by memory
-address makes no sense.
-Use `QHash` instead, which provides faster lookups.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-qstring-arg.md b/src/checks/level0/README-qstring-arg.md
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-# qstring-arg
-Implements two warnings:
-1. Detects when you're using chained `QString::arg()` calls and should instead use the multi-arg overload to save memory allocations
- QString("%1 %2").arg(a).arg(b);
- QString("%1 %2").arg(a, b); // one less temporary heap allocation
-2. Detects when you're using misleading `QString::arg()` overloads
- QString arg(qlonglong a, int fieldwidth = 0, int base = 10, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(qulonglong a, int fieldwidth = 0, int base = 10, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(long a, int fieldwidth = 0, int base=10, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(ulong a, int fieldwidth = 0, int base=10, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(int a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(uint a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(short a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(ushort a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(double a, int fieldWidth = 0, char fmt = 'g', int prec = -1, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(char a, int fieldWidth = 0, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(QChar a, int fieldWidth = 0, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
- QString arg(const QString &a, int fieldWidth = 0, QChar fillChar = QLatin1Char(' ')) const
-because they are commonly misused, for example:
- int hours = ...;
- int minutes = ...;
- // This won't do what you think it would at first glance.
- QString s("The time is %1:%2").arg(hours, minutes);
-To reduce false positives, some cases won't be warned about:
- str.arg(hours, 2); // User explicitly used a integer literal, it's probably fine
- str.arg(foo); // We're only after cases where the second argument (or further) is specified, so this is safe
- str.arg(foo, width); // Second argument is named width, or contains the name "width", it's safe. Same for third argument and "base".
-Using these misleading overloads is perfectly valid, so only warning (1) is enabled by default.
-To enable warning (2), `export CLAZY_EXTRA_OPTIONS="qstring-arg-fillChar-overloads"`
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-qstring-insensitive-allocation.md b/src/checks/level0/README-qstring-insensitive-allocation.md
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-# qstring-insensitive-allocation
-Finds unneeded memory allocations such as
- `if (str.toLower().contains("foo"))` which you should fix as
- `if (str.contains("foo", Qt::CaseInsensitive))` to avoid the heap allocation caused by toLower().
-Matches any of the following cases:
- `str.{toLower, toUpper}().{contains, compare, startsWith, endsWith}()`
-#### Pitfalls
-`Qt::CaseInsensitive` is different from `QString::toLower()` comparison for a few code points, but it
-should be very rare: <http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2016-February/024776.html>
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-qstring-ref.md b/src/checks/level0/README-qstring-ref.md
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-# qstring-ref
-Finds places where `QString::fooRef()` should be used instead of `QString::foo()`, to avoid temporary heap allocations.
-#### Example
- str.mid(5).toInt(ok) // BAD
- str.midRef(5).toInt(ok) // GOOD
-Where `mid` can be any of: `mid`, `left`, `right`.
-And `toInt()` can be any of: `compare`, `contains`, `count`, `startsWith`, `endsWith`, `indexOf`, `isEmpty`, `isNull`, `lastIndexOf`, `length`, `size`, `to*`, `trimmed`
-#### FixIts
-Fixing the above cases can be automated with:
-`export CLAZY_FIXIT="fix-missing-qstringref"`
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-qt-macros.md b/src/checks/level0/README-qt-macros.md
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-# qt-macros
-Finds misusages of some Qt macros.
-The two cases are:
-- Using `Q_OS_WINDOWS` instead of `Q_OS_WIN` (The former doesn't exist).
-- Testing a `Q_OS_XXX` macro before including `qglobal.h`
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-qvariant-template-instantiation.md b/src/checks/level0/README-qvariant-template-instantiation.md
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--- a/src/checks/level0/README-qvariant-template-instantiation.md
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-# qvariant-template-instantiation
-Detects when you're using `QVariant::value<Foo>()` instead of `QVariant::toFoo()`.
-The former results in more code being generated.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-strict-iterators.md b/src/checks/level0/README-strict-iterators.md
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-# strict-iterators
-Warns when `iterator` objects are implicitly cast to `const_iterator`.
-This is mostly equivalent to passing -DQT_STRICT_ITERATORS to the compiler.
-This prevents detachments but also caches subtle bugs such as:
- QHash<int, int> wrong;
- if (wrong.find(1) == wrong.cend()) {
- qDebug() << "Not found";
- } else {
- qDebug() << "Found"; // find() detached the container before cend() was called, so it prints "Found"
- }
- QHash<int, int> right;
- if (right.constFind(1) == right.cend()) {
- qDebug() << "Not found"; // This is correct now !
- } else {
- qDebug() << "Found";
- }
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-temporary-iterator.md b/src/checks/level0/README-temporary-iterator.md
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index c9dcd776..00000000
--- a/src/checks/level0/README-temporary-iterator.md
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-# temporary-iterator
-Detects when you're using using functions returning iterators (eg. `begin()` or `end()`) on a temporary container.
-#### Example
- // temporary list returned by function
- QList<type> getList()
- {
- QList<type> list;
- ... add some items to list ...
- return list;
- }
- // Will cause a crash if iterated using:
- for (QList<type>::iterator it = getList().begin(); it != getList().end(); ++it)
- {
- ...
- }
-because the end iterator was returned from a different container object than the begin iterator.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-unused-non-trivial-variable.md b/src/checks/level0/README-unused-non-trivial-variable.md
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--- a/src/checks/level0/README-unused-non-trivial-variable.md
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-# unused-non-trivial-variable
- Warns about unused Qt value classes.
- Compilers usually only warn when trivial classes are unused and don't emit warnings for non-trivial classes.
- This check has a whitelist of common Qt classes such as containers, `QFont`, `QUrl`, etc and warns for those too.
- See `UnusedNonTrivialType::isInterestingType(QualType t)` for a list of all types.
- It's possible to extend the whitelist with user types, by setting the env variable `CLAZY_UNUSED_NON_TRIVIAL_VARIABLE_WHITELIST`.
- It accepts a comma separate name of types.
- It's possible to disable the whitelist via exporting `CLAZY_EXTRA_OPTIONS=unused-non-trivial-variable-no-whitelist`,
- when this env variable is set clazy will warn for any unused non-trivial type. This will create many false positives,
- such as RAII classes, but still useful to run at least once on your codebase. When disabling the whitelist this way it's also possible
- to black list types, by setting a comma separated list of types to `CLAZY_UNUSED_NON_TRIVIAL_VARIABLE_BLACKLIST`
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-writing-to-temporary.md b/src/checks/level0/README-writing-to-temporary.md
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--- a/src/checks/level0/README-writing-to-temporary.md
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-# writing-to-temporary
-Catches when calling setters on temporaries.
-#### Example
-Which should instead be:
-QSizePolicy sp = widget->sizePolicy();
-#### Requirements
-- The method must be of void return type, and must belong to one of these whitelisted classes:
- QList, QVector, QMap, QHash, QString, QSet, QByteArray, QUrl, QVarLengthArray, QLinkedList, QRect, QRectF, QBitmap, QVector2D, QVector3D, QVector4D, QSize, QSizeF, QSizePolicy
-- Optionally, if you set env variable `CLAZY_EXTRA_OPTIONS="writing-to-temporary-widen-criteria"`, it will warn on any method with name starting with "set", regardless of it being whitelisted, example:
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-wrong-qevent-cast.md b/src/checks/level0/README-wrong-qevent-cast.md
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--- a/src/checks/level0/README-wrong-qevent-cast.md
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-# wrong-qevent-cast
-Warns when a QEvent is possibly cast to the wrong derived class via static_cast.
-switch (ev->type()) {
- case QEvent::MouseMove:
- auto e = static_cast<QKeyEvent*>(ev);
-Currently only casts inside switches are verified.
diff --git a/src/checks/level0/README-wrong-qglobalstatic.md b/src/checks/level0/README-wrong-qglobalstatic.md
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-# wrong-qglobalstatic
-Finds `Q_GLOBAL_STATIC`s being used with trivial types.
-This is unnecessary and creates code bloat.
-#### Example:
- struct Trivial
- {
- int v;
- };
- Q_GLOBAL_STATIC(Trivial, t); // Wrong
- static Trivial t; // Correct
diff --git a/src/checks/level1/README-auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder.md b/src/checks/level1/README-auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder.md
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-# auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder
-Finds places where auto is deduced to be `QStringBuilder` instead of `QString`, which introduces crashes.
-Also warns for lambdas returning `QStringBuilder`.
-#### Example
- #include <QtCore/QString>
- (...)
- const auto path = "hello " + QString::fromLatin1("world");
- qDebug() << path; // CRASH
-#### Fixits
- export CLAZY_FIXIT="fix-auto-unexpected-qstringbuilder"
diff --git a/src/checks/level1/README-child-event-qobject-cast.md b/src/checks/level1/README-child-event-qobject-cast.md
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-# child-event-qobject-cast
-Finds places where `qobject_cast<MyType>(event->child())` is being used inside `QObject::childEvent()` or equivalent (`QObject::event()` or `QObject::eventFilter()`).
-`qobject_cast` can fail because the child might not be totally constructed yet.
diff --git a/src/checks/level1/README-connect-3arg-lambda.md b/src/checks/level1/README-connect-3arg-lambda.md
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-# connect-3arg-lambda
-Warns when using the 3-arg `QObject::connect` that takes a lambda.
-The recommendation is to use the 4-arg overload, which takes a context object
-so that the lambda isn't executed when the context object is deleted.
-It's very common to use lambdas to connect signals to slots with different number
-of arguments. This can result in a crash if the signal is emitted after the receiver
-is deleted.
-Another reason for using a context-object is so you explicitly think about in
-which thread you want the slot to run in. Note that with a context-object the
-connection will be of type `Qt::AutoConnection` instead of `Qt::DirectConnection`,
-which you can control if needed, via the 5th (optional) argument.
-In order to reduce false-positives, it will only warn if the lambda body dereferences
-at least one QObject (other than the sender).
-It's very hard to not have any false-positives. If you find any you probably can just
-pass the sender again, as 3rd parameter.
diff --git a/src/checks/level1/README-const-signal-or-slot.md b/src/checks/level1/README-const-signal-or-slot.md
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-# const-signal-or-slot
-Warns when a signal or non-void slot is const.
-This aims to prevent unintentionally marking a getter as slot, or connecting to
-the wrong method. For signals, it's just pointless to mark them as const.
-Warns for the following cases:
-- non-void const method marked as slot
-- const method marked as signal
-- connecting to a method which isn't marked as slot, is const and returns non-void
-For exposing methods to QML prefer either Q_PROPERTY or Q_INVOKABLE.
diff --git a/src/checks/level1/README-detaching-temporary.md b/src/checks/level1/README-detaching-temporary.md
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-# detaching-temporary
-Finds places where you're calling non-const member functions on temporaries.
-For example `getList().first()`, which would detach if the container is shared.
-There can be some false-positives, for example `someHash.values().first()` because refcount is 1.
-But `constFirst()` is a good default, so you should try to use it wherever you can, since it's not practical to inspect all code and figure out if the container is shared or not.
diff --git a/src/checks/level1/README-foreach.md b/src/checks/level1/README-foreach.md
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-# foreach
-- Finds places where you're detaching the `foreach` container.
-- Finds places where big or non-trivial types are passed by value instead of const-ref.
-- Finds places where you're using `foreach` on STL containers. It causes deep-copy. Use C++11 range-loop instead.
-**Note**: range-loop is prefered over `foreach` since the compiler generates less and more optimized code.
-Use range-loop if your container is const, otherwise a detach will happen.
-This check is disabled for Qt >= 5.9
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-# incorrect-emit
-For readability purposes you should always use emit (or Q_EMIT) when calling a signal.
-Conversely, you should not use those macros when calling a non-signal.
-clazy will warn if you forget to use emit (or Q_EMIT) or if you use them on a non-signal.
-Additionally, it will warn when emitting a signal from a constructor, because there's nothing connected to the signal yet.
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-# inefficient-qlist-soft
-A less aggressive version of the **inefficient-qlist** check.
-Finds `QList<T>` where `sizeof(T) > sizeof(void*)`. `QVector<T>` should be used instead.
-Only warns if the container is a local variable and isn't passed to any method or returned,
-unlike **inefficient-qlist**. This makes it easier to fix the warnings without concern about source and binary compatibility.
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-# install-event-filter
-Warns on potential misuse of `QObject::installEventFilter()`.
-To install an event filter you should call `monitoredObject->installEventFilter(this)`, but sometimes
-you'll write `installEventFilter(filterObject)` by mistake, which compiles fine.
-In rare cases you might actually want to install the event filter on `this`, in which case this is a false-positive.
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-# non-pod-global-static
-Warns about non-POD [1] global statics.
-CTORS from globals are run before main, on library load, slowing down startup.
-This is more a problem for libraries, since usually the app won't use every feature the library provides,
-so it's a waste of resources to initialize CTORs from unused features.
-It's tolerated to have global statics in executables, however, clazy doesn't know if it's compiling
-an executable or a library, so it's your job to run this check only on libraries. It doesn't harm, though,
-to also remove global statics from executables, because they're usually evil.
-The same goes for DTORs at library unload time. A good way to fix them is by using `Q_GLOBAL_STATIC`.
-[1] The term "POD" is too strict. The correct term is "types with a trivial dtor and trivial ctor", and that's how this check is implemented.
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-# overridden-signal
-Warns when overriding a signal, which might make existing connects not work, if done unintentionally.
-Doesn't warn when the overridden signal has a different signature.
-Warns for:
-- Overriding signal with non-signal
-- Overriding non-signal with signal
-- Overriding signal with signal
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-# post-event
-Finds places where an event is not correctly passed to `QCoreApplication::postEvent()`.
-`QCoreApplication::postEvent()` expects an heap allocated event, not a stack allocated one.
-`QCoreApplication::sendEvent()` correctness is not checked due to false-positives.
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-# qdeleteall
-Finds places where a call to `qDeleteAll()` has a redundant `values()` or `keys()` call.
-Those calls create a temporary `QList<int>` and allocate memory.
-#### Example
- QSet<Cookies> set;
- // BAD: Unneeded container iteration and memory allocation to construct list of values
- qDeleteAll(set.values());
- // GOOD: Unneeded container iteration and memory allocation to construct list of values
- qDeleteAll(set);
-#### Pitfalls
-Very rarely you might be deleting a list of `QObject`s who's `destroyed()` signal is connected to some code
-that modifies the original container. In the case of this contrived example iterating over the container copy is safer.
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-# qhash-namespace
-Warns when a `qHash()` function is not declared inside the namespace of it's argument.
-`qHash()` needs to be inside the namespace for ADL lookup to happen.
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-# qlatin1string-non-ascii
-Finds places where you're using `QLatin1String` with a non-ascii literal like `QLatin1String("é")`.
-This is almost always a mistake, since source files are usually in UTF-8.
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-# qproperty-without-notify
-Warns when a non-CONSTANT Q_PROPERTY is missing a NOTIFY signal.
-Objects used in QML (e.g. Qt Quick or Declarative Widgets) need to notify when a property changes.
-This is also useful when viewing QObject properties in Gammaray.
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-# qstring-left
-Finds places where you're using `QString::left(1)` instead of `QString::at(0)`.
-The later form is cheaper, as it doesn't deep-copy the string.
-There's however another difference between the two: `left(1)` will return an empty
-string if the string is empty, while `QString::at(0)` will assert. So be sure
-that the string can't be empty, or add a `if (!str.isEmpty()` guard, which is still
-faster than calling `left()` for the cases which deep-copy.
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-# range-loop
-Finds places where you're using C++11 range-loops with non-const Qt containers (potential detach).
-Fix it by marking the container const, or, since Qt 5.7, use `qAsConst()`:
-#### Example
-`for (auto i : qAsConst(list)) { ... }`
-Also warns if you're passing structs with non-trivial copy-ctor or non-trivial dtor by value, use
-const-ref so that the copy-ctor and dtor don't get called.
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-# returning-data-from-temporary
-Warns when returning the data from a `QByteArray` that will soon be destroyed.
-## Examples
-QByteArray b = ...;
-return b.data();
-return funcReturningByteArray().data();
-return funcReturningByteArray().constData();
-const char * getFoo()
- QByteArray b = ...;
- return b; // QByteArray can implicitly cast to char*
- const char *c1 = getByteArray();
- const char *c2 = str.toUtf8().data();
-Note that in some cases it might be fine, since the method can return the data
-of a global static QByteArray. However such code is brittle, it could start crashing
-if it ceased to be static.
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-# rule-of-two-soft
-Finds places where:
-1. You're calling a trivial copy-ctor of a class which has a non-trivial copy-assignment operator
-2. You're calling a trivial copy-assignment operator of a class which has a non-trivial copy-ctor
-It won't warn on classes that violate the rule of two unless you actually use the copy-ctor or the copy-assignment operator, otherwise it will generate lots of warnings. If you're really interested in all warnings, see the *rule-of-three* check instead of *rule-of-two-soft*.
-Beware that removing copy-ctors or copy-assignment operators might make the class trivially copiable, which is not ABI compatible.
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-# skipped-base-method
-Warns when calling a method from the "grand-base class" instead of the base-class method.
-class MyFrame : public QFrame
- bool event(QEvent *ev) override
- {
- (...)
- return QWidget::event(ev); // warning: Maybe you meant to call QFrame::changeEvent() instead [-Wclazy-skipped-base-method]
- }
-Try to avoid jumping over the direct base method. If you really need to then at least
-add a comment in the code, so people know it was intentional. Or even better, an clazy:exclude=skipped-base-method comment, which also sliences this warning.
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-# virtual-signal
-Warns when a signal is virtual.
-Virtual signals make it very hard to read connect statements since people don't
-know they are virtual, and don't expect them to be.
-moc also discourages the use of virtual signals, by printing a non-fatal warning:
-`Warning: Signals cannot be declared virtual`
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-# base-class-event
-Warns when you `return false` inside your `QObject::event()` or `QObject::eventFilter()` reimplementation.
-Instead you should probably call the base class method, so the event is correctly handled.
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-# copyable-polymorphic
-Finds polymorphic classes that are copyable.
-These classes are usually vulnerable to slicing [1].
-To fix these warnings use Q_DISABLE_COPY or delete the copy-ctor yourself.
-[1] <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_slicing>
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-# ctor-missing-parent-argument
-Warns when `QObject` derived classes don't have at least one CTOR receiving a QObject.
-This is an attempt to catch classes which are missing the parent argument.
-It doesn't have false-positives, but might miss true-positives. For example,
-if you have a CTOR which receives a `QObject* but then forget to pass it to the
-base CTOR.
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-# function-args-by-ref
-Warns when you should be passing by const-ref.
-Types with sizeof > 16 bytes [1] or types which are not trivially-copyable [2] or not trivially-destructible [3] should be passed by ref. A rule of thumb is that if passing by value would trigger copy-ctor and/or dtor then pass by ref instead.
-This check will ignore shared pointers, you're on your own. Most of the times passing shared pointers by const-ref is the best thing to do, but occasionally that will lead to crashes if you're in a method that calls something else that makes the shared pointer ref count go down to zero.
-- [1] <http://www.macieira.org/blog/2012/02/the-value-of-passing-by-value/>
-- [2] <http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concept/TriviallyCopyable>
-- [3] <http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/type_traits/is_trivially_destructible/>
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-# function-args-by-value
-Warns when you should be passing by value instead of by-ref.
-Types with sizeof <= 16 bytes [1] which are trivially-copyable [2] and trivially-destructible [3] should be passed by value.
-Only fix these warnings if you're sure that the value would be passed in a CPU register instead on the stack.
-- [1] <http://www.macieira.org/blog/2012/02/the-value-of-passing-by-value/>
-- [2] <http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/concept/TriviallyCopyable>
-- [3] <http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/type_traits/is_trivially_destructible/>
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-# global-const-char-pointer
-Finds where you're using `const char *foo` instead of `const char *const foo` or `const char []foo`.
-The former case adds a pointer in .data, pointing to .rodata. The later cases only use .rodata.
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-# implicit-casts
-Finds places with unwanted implicit casts in function calls.
-#### Supported cases
-* pointer->bool cast in functions accepting bool and pointers, example:
- MyWidget(bool b, QObject *parent = nullptr) {}
- MyWidget(parent);
-* bool->int
- void func(int duration);
- func(someBool);
-This last case is disabled due to false positives when calling C code.
-You can enable it by with:
-`export CLAZY_EXTRA_OPTIONS=implicit-casts-bool-to-int`
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-# missing-qobject-macro
-Finds `QObject` derived classes that don't have a Q_OBJECT macro.
-#### Reasons to use Q_OBJECT
-- Signals and slots
-- `QObject::inherits`
-- `qobject_cast`
-- `metaObject()->className()`
-- Use your custom widget as a selector in Qt stylesheets
-#### Reasons not to use Q_OBJECT
-- Templated QObjects
-- Compilation time
-This check can't be used with pre-compiled headers support.
-This check doesn't have false positives, but it's not included in level <= 1 because the missing Q_OBJECT might be intentional.
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-# missing-typeinfo
-Suggests usage of `Q_PRIMITIVE_TYPE` or `Q_MOVABLE_TYPE` in cases where you're using `QList<T>` and `sizeof(T) > sizeof(void*)`
-or using `QVector<T>`, unless they already have a type info classification.
-See `Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO` in Qt documentation for more information.
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-# old-style-connect
-Finds usages of old style connects.
-Connecting with old style syntax (`SIGNAL`/`SLOT`) is much slower than using pointer to member syntax (PMF).
-Here's however a non-exhaustive list of caveats you should be aware of:
-- You can't disconnect with new-syntax if the connect was made with old-syntax (and vice-versa)
-- You can't disconnect from a static slot with new-syntax (although connecting works)
-- Difference in behaviour when calling slots of partially destroyed objects (<https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/83800>)
-#### Fixits
-You can convert the most simple cases with `export CLAZY_FIXIT=fix-old-style-connect`.
-Be careful, as PMF is not a 100% drop-in replacement.
-#### Pitfalls
-Although this check doesn't have false-positives it's a level2 check, that's because some connects are tricky to convert to PMF syntax and might introduce bugs if you don't know what you're doing.
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-# qstring-unneeded-heap-allocations
-Finds places with unneeded memory allocations due to temporary `QString`s.
-Here's a summary of usages that allocate:
-1. `QString s = "foo"; // Allocates, use QStringLiteral("foo") instead`
-2. `QString s = QLatin1String("foo"); // Allocates, use QStringLiteral("foo") instead`
- 2.1 `QString s = QLatin1String(""); // No allocation. QString is optimized for this case, so it's safe for empty literals`
-3. `QString s = QStringLiteral("foo"); // No allocation`
-4. `QString s = QString::fromLatin1("foo"); // Allocates, use QStringLiteral`
-5. `QString s = QString::fromUtf8("foo"); // Allocates, use QStringLiteral`
-6. `s == "foo" // Allocates, use QLatin1String`
-7. `s == QLatin1String("foo) // No allocation`
-8. `s == QStringLiteral("foo") // No allocation`
-9. `QString {"append", "compare", "endsWith", "startsWith", "indexOf", "insert",`
- ` "lastIndexOf", "prepend", "replace", "contains" } // They all have QLatin1String overloads, so passing a QLatin1String is ok.`
-10. `QString::fromLatin1("foo %1").arg(bar) // Allocates twice, replacing with QStringLiteral makes it allocate only once.`
-#### Fixits
- fix-qlatin1string-allocations // To replace QLatin1String with QStringLiteral only where it was allocating before
- fix-fromLatin1_fromUtf8-allocations // To replace fromLatin1() and fromUtf8() so it doesn't allocate
- fix-fromCharPtrAllocations // To replace raw string literals so it doesn't allocate
- Example:
- export CLAZY_FIXIT="fix-fromCharPtrAllocations"
-#### Pitfalls
-- `QStringLiteral` might make your app crash at exit if plugins are involved.
-<https://blogs.kde.org/2015/11/05/qregexp-qstringliteral-crash-exit> and
-- Also note that MSVC crashes when `QStringLiteral` is used inside initializer lists. For that reason no warning or fixit is emitted for this case unless you set an env variable:
- export CLAZY_EXTRA_OPTIONS="qstring-allocations-no-msvc-compat"
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-# returning-void-expression
-Warns when returning a void expression.
-void doStuff()
- if (cond)
- return // Oops, forgot the ; but it still compiles since processStuff() returns void.
- processStuff();
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-# rule-of-three
-Implements the rule of three:
-#### Exceptions
-To reduce the amount of warnings, these cases won't emit warnings:
-- class has a QSharedDataPointer member
-- class inherits from QSharedData
-- if only the dtor is implemented and it's protected
-- class name ends with "Private" and is defined in a .cpp, .cxx or _p.h file
-In some cases you're missing methods, in others you have too many methods. You'll have to judge what's the correct fix and beware of binary compatibility.
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-# static-pmf
-Warns when storing a pointer to QObject member function into a static variable.
-Passing such variable to a connect is known to fail when using MingW.
-static auto pmf = &QObject::destroyed;
-QCOMPARE(pmf, &QObject::destroyed); // fails
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-# virtual-call-ctor
-Finds places where you're calling pure virtual functions inside a constructor or destructor.
-Compilers usually warn about this if there isn't any indirection, this check will catch cases like calling
-a non-pure virtual that calls a pure virtual.
-This check only looks for pure virtuals, ignoring non-pure, which in theory you shouldn't call,
-but seems common practice.
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-# assert-with-side-effects
-Tries to find `Q_ASSERT`s with side-effects. Asserts are compiled-out in release mode so you shouldn't put any important code inside them.
-#### Example
- // The connect statement wouldn't run in release mode
- Q_ASSERT(connect(buttonm, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MainWindow::handleClick));
-#### Pitfalls
-As this is a level3 check, it will have many false positives and might be buggy. Patches accepted!
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-# detaching-member
-Finds places where member containers are potentially detached.
-#### Example
- QString MyClass::myMethod()
- {
- return m_container.first(); // Should be constFirst()
- }
-#### Pitfalls
-This check is disabled by default as it reports too many false positives for now.
diff --git a/src/checks/level3/README-reserve-candidates.md b/src/checks/level3/README-reserve-candidates.md
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-# reserve-candidates
-Finds places that could use a `reserve()` call.
-Whenever you know how many elements a container will hold you should reserve
-space in order to avoid repeated memory allocations.
-#### Trivial example missing reserve()
- QList<int> ages;
- // list.reserve(people.size());
- for (auto person : people)
- list << person.age();
-Example where reserve shouldn't be used:
- QLost<int> list;
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
- // reserve() will be called 1000 times, meaning 1000 allocations
- // whilst without a reserve the internal exponential growth algorithm would do a better job
- list.reserve(list.size() + 2);
- for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
- list << m;
- }
- }
-#### Supported containers
-`QVector`, `std::vector`, `QList`, `QSet` and `QVarLengthArray`
-#### Pitfalls
-Rate of false-positives is around 15%. Don't go blindly calling `reserve()` without proper analysis.
-In doubt don't use it, all containers have a growth curve and usually only do log(N) allocations
-when you append N items.
diff --git a/src/checks/level3/README-thread-with-slots.md b/src/checks/level3/README-thread-with-slots.md
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-# thread-with-slots
-slots in a `QThread` derived class are usually a code smell, because
-they'll run in the thread where the `QThread` `QObject` lives and not in
-the thread itself.
-Disabled by default since it's very hard to avoid for false-positives. You'll
-have to explicitly enable it and check case by case for races.
diff --git a/src/checks/manuallevel/README-container-inside-loop.md b/src/checks/manuallevel/README-container-inside-loop.md
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-# container-inside-loop
-Finds places defining containers inside loops.
-Defining them outside the loop and using `resize(0)` will save memory allocations.
-#### Example
- // This will allocate memory at least N times:
- for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- QVector<int> v;
- (...)
- v.append(bar);
- (...)
- }
- // This will reuse previously allocated memory:
- QVector<int> v;
- for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
- v.resize(0); // resize(0) preserves capacity, unlike QVector::clear()
- (...)
- v.append(bar);
- (...)
- }
-#### Supported containers
-`QList`, `QVector` and `std::vector`
diff --git a/src/checks/manuallevel/README-inefficient-qlist.md b/src/checks/manuallevel/README-inefficient-qlist.md
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-# inefficient-qlist
-Finds `QList<T>` where `sizeof(T) > sizeof(void*)`. `QVector<T>` should be used instead.
-This is a very noisy check and hence disabled by default. See **inefficient-qlist-soft** for a more useful check.
diff --git a/src/checks/manuallevel/README-isempty-vs-count.md b/src/checks/manuallevel/README-isempty-vs-count.md
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-# isempty-vs-count
-Finds places where you're using `Container::count()` or `Container::size()` instead of `Container::isEmpty()`.
-Although there's no performance benefit, `isEmpty()` provides better semantics.
-#### Example
-QList<int> foo;
-if (foo.count()) {}
diff --git a/src/checks/manuallevel/README-qhash-with-char-pointer-key.md b/src/checks/manuallevel/README-qhash-with-char-pointer-key.md
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-# qhash-with-char-pointer-key
-Finds cases of `QHash<const char *, T>`. It's error-prone as the key is just compared
-by the address of the string literal, and not the string literal itself.
-Check is disabled by default as there are valid uses-cases.
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-# qstring-varagars
-This implements the equivalent of `-Wnon-pod-varargs` but only for `QString`.
-This check is disabled by default and is only useful in cases where you don't want
-to enable `-Wnon-pod-varargs`. For example on projects with thousands of benign warnings
-(like with CString), where you might only want to fix the `QString` cases.
-#### Example
- QString s = (...)
- LogError("error %s", s);
diff --git a/src/checks/manuallevel/README-qt-keywords.md b/src/checks/manuallevel/README-qt-keywords.md
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-# qt-keywords
-Warns when using Qt keywords such as emit, slots, signals and foreach.
-This check is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled, as using the
-above Qt keywords is fine unless you're using 3rdparty headers that also define them,
-in which case you'll want to use Q_EMIT, Q_SLOTS, Q_SIGNALS and Q_FOREACH instead.
-It's also recommended you don't use the Qt keywords in public headers.
-Also consider using `CONFIG += no_keywords` (qmake) or `ADD_DEFINITIONS(-DQT_NO_KEYWORDS)` (CMake)
-instead of using this check.
diff --git a/src/checks/manuallevel/README-qt4-qstring-from-array.md b/src/checks/manuallevel/README-qt4-qstring-from-array.md
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-# qt4-qstring-from-array
-Warns when using `QString` methods taking a `char*` or a `QByteArray`.
-These are dangerous in Qt4 because Qt4 assumes they are in latin1, while Qt5 assumes they are in utf8.
diff --git a/src/checks/manuallevel/README-tr-non-literal.md b/src/checks/manuallevel/README-tr-non-literal.md
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-# tr-non-literal
-Finds calls to `QObject::tr()` with non literal argument.
-Example: `tr(myStr.toUtf8());`
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-# unneeded-cast
-Finds unneeded qobject_cast, static_cast and dynamic_casts.
-Warns when you're casting to base or casting to the same type, which doesn't require
-any explicit cast.
-Also warns when you're using dynamic_cast for QObjects. qobject_cast is prefered.
-#### Example
- Foo *a = ...;
- Foo *b = qobject_cast<Foo*>(a);
-To shut the warnings about using qobject_cast over dynamic cast you can set:
-`export CLAZY_EXTRA_OPTIONS="unneeded-cast-prefer-dynamic-cast-over-qobject"`