Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Revert "[XCOFF][obj2yaml] support parsing auxiliary symbols for XCOFF (#70642)"upstream/revert-70642-xcoff2yaml_auxsymEsme2023-12-075-638/+13
* [mlir][arith] Overflow semantics in documentation for muli, subi, and addi (#...Jacob Yu2023-12-071-1/+31
* [Driver] Use SmallVectorImpl reference instead of SmallVector reference in Mu...Craig Topper2023-12-062-2/+2
* [asan][Darwin] Use Apples blocks extension only when supported (#72639) (#72642)Tobias Burnus2023-12-061-0/+2
* [X86][NFC] Reuse class EVEX_NoCD8 that is defined in #74548Shengchen Kan2023-12-071-6/+2
* [libc++abi] Fix lpStart adjustment for exceptions table (#72727)Maksim Panchenko2023-12-062-4/+112
* [PowerPC] redesign the target flags (#69695)Chen Zheng2023-12-0712-108/+145
* [XCOFF][obj2yaml] support parsing auxiliary symbols for XCOFF (#70642)Esme2023-12-075-13/+638
* [mlir][SparseTensor] Fix invalid API usage in patterns (#74690)Matthias Springer2023-12-072-11/+20
* [X86][MC] Support Enc/Dec for EGPR for promoted INVPCID instruction (#74548)XinWang102023-12-075-0/+24
* [mailmap] Add my entryJianjian GUAN2023-12-071-0/+2
* [mlir][complex] Allow integer element types in `complex.constant` ops (#74564)Matthias Springer2023-12-073-5/+10
* [clang-format] Fix a possible crash in `AlignAfterOpenBracket: BlockIndent`Owen Pan2023-12-061-1/+1
* [mlir] Fix build after 77f5b33cMatthias Springer2023-12-072-1/+3
* [clang] Exclude non-template classes when checking if constraint refers to co...antangelo2023-12-063-0/+39
* [RISCV] Add vmv.x.s to RISCVOptWInstrs. (#74519)Craig Topper2023-12-062-3/+76
* [clang][Sema] Add -Wswitch-default warning option (#73077)dong jianqiang2023-12-075-1/+25
* [clang-format] Handle merging functions containing only a block comment (#74651)Owen Pan2023-12-063-10/+33
* Revert " [OpenMP][NFC] Remove `DelayedBinDesc`" (#74679)Johannes Doerfert2023-12-065-7/+25
* [mlir][sparse] fix bugs when generate sparse conv_3d kernels. (#74561)Peiming Liu2023-12-062-15/+66
* [mlir][SparseTensor] Fix invalid IR in `ForallRewriter` pattern (#74547)Matthias Springer2023-12-071-0/+4
* [mlir][SparseTensor] Fix insertion point in `createQuickSort` (#74549)Matthias Springer2023-12-071-1/+1
* Fix tests clang-offload-bundler-zlib/zstd.c (#74504)Yaxun (Sam) Liu2023-12-062-13/+14
* [mlir][tensor] `tensor.generate`: do not verify dynamic sizes (#74568)Matthias Springer2023-12-074-108/+70
* [JITLink][aarch64] Pointer jump stubs should have 4-byte alignment.Lang Hames2023-12-061-1/+1
* [HLSL] RWBuffer<T> should not have a default parameterJustin Bogner2023-12-066-14/+18
* [mlir][SCF] Retire SCF-specific `to_memref`/`to_tensor` canonicalization patt...Matthias Springer2023-12-074-182/+4
* [ELF] IWYU <optional> NFCFangrui Song2023-12-063-0/+3
* [Clang][Sema] Don't say "is declared here" for invalid template locationsJustin Bogner2023-12-069-61/+91
* [OpenMP][NFC] Actually use a string in the error messageJohannes Doerfert2023-12-061-1/+1
* [mlir][spirv] Add folding for SPIR-V Shifting ops (#74192)Finn Plummer2023-12-063-0/+286
* [OpenMP][FIX] Ensure we do not read outside the device image (#74669)Johannes Doerfert2023-12-064-13/+48
* [mlir][openacc] Switch * to `star` which is more MLIR friendly (#74662)Valentin Clement (バレンタイン クレメン)2023-12-064-5/+5
* [OpenMP][FIX] Use unique library name to avoid clashes with other testsJohannes Doerfert2023-12-061-2/+2
* [OpenMP][NFC] Remove `DelayedBinDesc` (#74360)Johannes Doerfert2023-12-065-25/+7
* [lldb] Un-xfail test after commit revertFelipe de Azevedo Piovezan2023-12-061-4/+0
* [libcxx] reorganises the hardening documentation (#73159)Christopher Di Bella2023-12-061-54/+65
* [clang driver] Remove a bit of redundant flang specific code [nfc]Philip Reames2023-12-061-6/+0
* Recommit "[Reassociate] Use disjoint flag to convert Or to Add. (#72772)"Craig Topper2023-12-062-3/+16
* [OpenMP] Allow to specify what plugins to look for (#74538)Johannes Doerfert2023-12-063-11/+26
* [clang][DebugInfo] Revert "emit definitions for constant-initialized static d...Michael Buch2023-12-068-293/+17
* [mlir][sparse] use "current" and "curr" consistently (#74656)Aart Bik2023-12-062-139/+138
* [ORC] Use dyn_cast to check input type in StaticLibraryDefinitionGenerator.Lang Hames2023-12-063-2/+12
* Revert "[Reassociate] Use disjoint flag to convert Or to Add. (#72772)"Craig Topper2023-12-062-16/+3
* [Reassociate] Use disjoint flag to convert Or to Add. (#72772)Craig Topper2023-12-062-3/+16
* [GISel] Don't print the opcode twice in LegalityQuery::print. (#74232)Craig Topper2023-12-061-4/+2
* [mlir][ArmSME] Update docs (#74527)Andrzej Warzyński2023-12-061-6/+22
* [mlir][linalg][conv] Flatten the channel dimension when vectorizing (#71918)Andrzej Warzyński2023-12-065-29/+388
* [mlir][sparse] cleanup ldx/idx/depth/at usage (#74654)Aart Bik2023-12-061-70/+69
* [gn build] Port 0eb7d53cfc48LLVM GN Syncbot2023-12-061-0/+1