Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [𝘀𝗽𝗿] initial versionupstream/users/MaskRay/spr/driveraarch64-remove-aarch32-specific-mno-unaligned-accessFangrui Song2024-03-153-29/+6
* [Driver] Don't alias -mstrict-align to -mno-unaligned-accessFangrui Song2024-03-1510-67/+43
* [RISCV,test] Change two -munaligned-access to GCC-supported -mno-strict-alignFangrui Song2024-03-151-2/+2
* [asan][windows] Make tests more flexable (#85274)Charlie Barto2024-03-1525-241/+143
* [libc][math][c23] adds `nanf128` (#85201)Michael Flanders2024-03-1515-42/+235
* Reapply [libomptarget] Support BE ELF files in plugins-nextgen (#85246)Ulrich Weigand2024-03-155-51/+95
* [Hexagon][TTI] Remove two overrides which simply proxy to base class [NFC]Philip Reames2024-03-152-22/+0
* [gn build] Port f01a32f5c58bLLVM GN Syncbot2024-03-151-0/+1
* [MLIR][LLVM] Support Recursive DITypes (#80251)Billy Zhu2024-03-1515-143/+416
* [SLP][NFC]Fix signedness to avoid comparison warning.Alexey Bataev2024-03-151-2/+2
* [lldb] Add missing headers lldb/Host/Alarm.hJonas Devlieghere2024-03-151-0/+3
* [SLP][NFC]Add a test for minbitwidth analysis of icmp, being transformedAlexey Bataev2024-03-151-0/+70
* [AIX] Support per global code model. (#79202)Sean Fertile2024-03-157-28/+344
* [ELF] Reject certain unknown section types (#85173)Fangrui Song2024-03-158-9/+86
* [msan] Re-exec with no ASLR if memory layout is incompatible on Linux (#85142)Thurston Dang2024-03-153-14/+50
* [AMDGPU] Simplify definition of FLAT segment bits. NFC.Jay Foad2024-03-151-4/+2
* [AMDGPU] Fix GFX11 sendmsg codes (#85299)Stanislav Mekhanoshin2024-03-156-3/+17
* [X86,AsmPrinter] Set assembler dialect for module inline asmFangrui Song2024-03-152-2/+14
* [lldb] Add an Alarm class for coalescing progress reports (#85329)Jonas Devlieghere2024-03-155-0/+489
* [X86][AVX] Fix handling of out-of-bounds SRA shift amounts in AVX2 vector shi...SahilPatidar2024-03-152-0/+283
* [libc++] Fixes run-buildbot-container. (#84644)Mark de Wever2024-03-151-2/+2
* [libc++] Add [[nodiscard]] to static numeric limit functions (#83748)Marc Auberer2024-03-153-63/+204
* [libc] remove BlockStore from cpp namespace (#85312)Nick Desaulniers2024-03-153-7/+5
* [FPEnv][PowerPC] Correct strictfp test.Kevin P. Neal2024-03-151-2/+2
* [llvm][vfs] Preserve paths for fallback/fallthrough in RedirectingFileSystem ...Ben Langmuir2024-03-153-49/+112
* [AMDGPU] Clean up GFX10 FLAT saddr field definitionJay Foad2024-03-151-2/+3
* Add ALLOW_RETRIES to flaky test dbg-record-roundtrip.ll (#85410)Orlando Cazalet-Hyams2024-03-151-0/+5
* [libc] Fix typo in libc fullbuild mode doc (#85204)FantasqueX2024-03-151-1/+1
* [clang][Interp] Don't suppress diagnostics for undefined+external funcsTimm Bäder2024-03-152-1/+9
* [clang][Interp] Don't diagnose reading const ints in C++98Timm Bäder2024-03-152-4/+10
* [AMDGPU] Simplify some uniform patterns. NFC. (#85407)Jay Foad2024-03-151-9/+8
* AMDGPU: Partially clean up canonicalized predicates in tablegen (#85404)Matt Arsenault2024-03-152-24/+19
* [SLP] Compute a shuffle mask for getGatherCost (#85330)Philip Reames2024-03-151-7/+14
* [SLP] Compute a shuffle mask for SK_InsertSubvector (#85408)Philip Reames2024-03-151-4/+11
* [clang] Fix documentation markup in the Clang release notes and language exte...Tom Honermann2024-03-152-6/+6
* [flang] Lower REAL(16) MODULO to Float128Math library call. (#85322)Slava Zakharin2024-03-154-12/+53
* llvm-shlib: Fix libLLVM-${MAJOR}.so symlink on MacOS (#85163)Tom Stellard2024-03-152-5/+4
* [DFAJumpThreading] Early exit if switch is not in a loop (#85360)XChy2024-03-151-5/+14
* [SLP] Compute a shuffle mask for SK_Broadcast shuffle (#85327)Philip Reames2024-03-151-7/+13
* [bazel] Add workflows to label and assign bazel PRs (#85352)Jordan Rupprecht2024-03-152-0/+6
* [BPF] Add support for may_goto insn (#85358)yonghong-song2024-03-156-1/+22
* [flang][cuda] Lower dim3 grid z correctly on calls (#85346)Valentin Clement (バレンタイン クレメン)2024-03-152-4/+8
* [AMDGPU] Simplify GFX11 and GFX12 FLAT saddr field definitionJay Foad2024-03-151-15/+6
* [X86] isGuaranteedNotToBeUndefOrPoisonForTargetNode - generalize shuffle deco...Simon Pilgrim2024-03-151-10/+22
* [AMDGPU] Update checks in new test after #85370Jay Foad2024-03-151-1185/+1001
* [X86] Add Support for X86 TLSDESC Relocations (#83136)Phoebe Wang2024-03-159-19/+289
* Revert "[compiler-rt] Avoid generating coredumps when piped to a tool" (#85390)antoine moynault2024-03-152-24/+2
* [NFC] Fix incorrect RUN line in test from #83251Orlando Cazalet-Hyams2024-03-151-1/+1
* [NFC] Fix comment in test from #83251Orlando Cazalet-Hyams2024-03-151-1/+3
* [RemoveDIs] Enable direct-to-bitcode writing by defaultOrlando Cazalet-Hyams2024-03-151-1/+1