Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [𝘀𝗽𝗿] changes introduced through rebaseupstream/users/avillega/main.clangd-migrate-command-line-option-parsin-to-opttableAndrés Villegas2024-01-03398-9871/+13573
* [𝘀𝗽𝗿] changes to main this commit is based onAndrés Villegas2024-01-035554-208115/+418883
* Add a test for evicting unreachable modules from the global module cache (#74...jimingham2023-12-124-0/+185
* [NFC][InstrProf] Rename internal `InstrProfiling` to `InstrLowerer` (#75139)Mircea Trofin2023-12-121-38/+38
* [mlir][sparse]Make isBlockSparsity more robust (#75113)Yinying Li2023-12-122-2/+57
* [X86] avx512-vbroadcast.ll - fix orphan check prefixesSimon Pilgrim2023-12-121-2/+2
* [bazel,unittest] Export llvm_orc_registerJITLoaderGDBWrapperFangrui Song2023-12-121-0/+7
* [mlir][mesh] Add endomorphism simplification for all-reduce (#73150)Boian Petkantchin2023-12-1211-0/+659
* [mlir][vector] Allow vector distribution with multiple written elements (#75122)Jakub Kuderski2023-12-124-17/+123
* [ELF] Don't create copy relocation/canonical PLT entry for a defined symbol (...Fangrui Song2023-12-124-7/+7
* [libc++][chrono] Fixes year_month year wrapping. (#74938)Mark de Wever2023-12-1215-161/+329
* [DebugInfo] Fix duplicate DIFile when main file is preprocessed (#75022)Fangrui Song2023-12-122-4/+10
* [libc++][doc] Updates module information. (#75003)Mark de Wever2023-12-121-17/+22
* [coroutines] Use DILocation from new storage for hoisted dbg.declare (#75104)Wei Wang2023-12-122-15/+20
* [AMDGPU] CodeGen for GFX12 64-bit scalar add/sub (#75070)Jay Foad2023-12-127-112/+1833
* [ORC][MachO] For convenience, make MachOPlatform ref available to subclasses.Lang Hames2023-12-121-2/+2
* [gn build] Port 6a6646749900LLVM GN Syncbot2023-12-121-0/+1
* [analyzer] Fix broken testcase (#75216)DonatNagyE2023-12-121-1/+1
* [RegAllocFast] NFC cleanups (#74860)Nick Desaulniers2023-12-121-35/+30
* [clang][Sema] Always clear UndefinedButUsed (#73955)Jonas Hahnfeld2023-12-121-2/+1
* [Transforms] Fix a warningKazu Hirata2023-12-121-0/+1
* [readtapi] Cleanup printing command line options (#75106)Cyndy Ishida2023-12-123-13/+26
* [flang] Fix compilation error due to variable no being used (#75210)Pete Steinfeld2023-12-121-1/+0
* [C API] Add getters and setters for fast-math flags on relevant instructions ...Benji Smith2023-12-126-0/+350
* [libc++][CI] Tests the no RTTI configuration. (#65518)Mark de Wever2023-12-125-1/+21
* [RemoveDIs] Fold variable into assert, it's only used once. NFCBenjamin Kramer2023-12-121-2/+1
* [RemoveDI] Handle DPValues in SROA (#74089)Orlando Cazalet-Hyams2023-12-1213-33/+67
* [AArch64][GlobalISel] Test Pre-Commit for Look into array's elementTuan Chuong Goh2023-12-121-26/+295
* [mlir][tensor] Fix bug in `tensor.extract(tensor.from_elements)` folder (#75109)Rafael Ubal2023-12-122-2/+45
* [analyzer] Move alpha checker EnumCastOutOfRange to optin (#67157)DonatNagyE2023-12-127-42/+78
* [RemoveDIs] Handle DPValues in replaceDbgDeclare (#73507)Orlando Cazalet-Hyams2023-12-124-9/+19
* [SHT_LLVM_BB_ADDR_MAP] Implements PGOAnalysisMap in Object and ObjectYAML wit...Micah Weston2023-12-1210-57/+752
* [X86][GlobalISel] Add instruction selection for G_SELECT (#70753)Evgenii Kudriashov2023-12-125-89/+835
* [AMDGPU] Remove unused function splitScalar64BitAddSubJay Foad2023-12-122-77/+0
* [LLVM][DWARF] Add compilation directory and dwo name to TU in dwo section (#7...Alexander Yermolovich2023-12-124-8/+41
* [clang][Interp] Implement __builtin_ffs (#72988)Timm Baeder2023-12-122-0/+28
* [RemoveDIs] Update ConvertDebugDeclareToDebugValue after #72276 (#73508)Orlando Cazalet-Hyams2023-12-121-13/+27
* [libc][NFC] Reuse `FloatProperties` constant instead of creating new ones (#7...Guillaume Chatelet2023-12-124-62/+55
* [RemoveDIs] Fix removeRedundantDdbgInstrs utils for dbg.declares (#74102)Orlando Cazalet-Hyams2023-12-121-0/+14
* Reapply "[RemoveDIs][NFC] Find DPValues using findDbgDeclares (#73500)"OCHyams2023-12-124-27/+25
* [GitHub] Remove author association print from new-prs workflowDavid Spickett2023-12-121-8/+0
* [libc++] tests with picolibc: mark fenv tests as unsupported (#74610)Dominik Wójt2023-12-122-4/+6
* [clang][NFC] Remove unused parameterTimm Bäder2023-12-123-5/+3
* [clang][Interp][NFC] Fix a comment typoTimm Bäder2023-12-121-1/+1
* [libc++] P2770R0: Stashing stashing iterators for proper flattening (#66033)Jakub Mazurkiewicz2023-12-1255-196/+605
* Revert "[RemoveDIs][NFC] Find DPValues using findDbgDeclares (#73500)"OCHyams2023-12-123-21/+27
* [AMDGPU] Turn off clang-format in moveToVALU (#75188)Piotr Sobczak2023-12-121-0/+5
* [libc++] Fix incorrectly-placed attributeLouis Dionne2023-12-121-1/+1
* [LVI] Don't return optional from getEdgeValueLocal() (NFC)Nikita Popov2023-12-121-13/+8
* [RemoveDIs] Handle DPValues in LowerDbgDeclare (#73504)Orlando Cazalet-Hyams2023-12-1213-17/+43