Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [𝘀𝗽𝗿] changes introduced through rebaseupstream/users/ilovepi/spr/main.llvmnfc-document-clopt-variable-and-fix-typo-2Paul Kirth2024-04-3035-99/+413
| * [Clang][NFC] Fix status colorscor3ntin2024-04-301-2/+2
| * SystemZ: Implement copyPhysReg between vr128 and gr128 (#90616)Matt Arsenault2024-04-303-0/+173
| * [OpenMP][AIX] Implement __kmp_is_address_mapped() for AIX (#90516)Xing Xue2024-04-301-4/+45
| * [DFSan] Replace `cat` with `cmake -E cat` (#90557)Igor Kudrin2024-04-301-1/+2
* [llvm][profdata][NFC] Support 64-bit weights in ProfDataUtils (#86607)Paul Kirth2024-04-304-24/+38
* [RISCV] Make RISCVISAInfo::updateMaxELen extension checking more robust. Add ...Craig Topper2024-04-301-3/+12
* NFC add a new precommit test case for PPCMIpeephole (#90656)zhijian lin2024-04-301-0/+695
* Revert "[GVNSink] Fix incorrect codegen with respect to GEPs #85333" (#90658)AdityaK2024-04-302-105/+5
* [mlir][tensor] Fix integration tests that uses reshape ops. (#90649)Han-Chung Wang2024-04-301-1/+7
* [IR] Use StringRef::operator== instead of StringRef::equals (NFC) (#90550)Kazu Hirata2024-04-309-28/+25
* [Hexagon] Let ArrayRef infer the array size (NFC) (#90534)Kazu Hirata2024-04-301-2/+1
* [lldb] Fix a warningKazu Hirata2024-04-301-2/+2
* [flang] Update calls to isa/dyn_cast/dyn_cast_or_nullKazu Hirata2024-04-302-3/+3
* [mlir][sparse] fix sparse tests that uses reshape operations. (#90637)Peiming Liu2024-04-302-16/+40
* [OpenACC] Fix test failure from fa67986derichkeane2024-04-301-4/+4
* [libc++][ranges] Implement LWG4053 and LWG4054 (#88612)yronglin2024-04-304-7/+26
* [GVNSink] Fix incorrect codegen with respect to GEPs #85333 (#88440)AdityaK2024-04-302-5/+105
* [OpenACC] Private Clause on Compute Constructs (#90521)Erich Keane2024-04-3022-118/+1225
* Reapply "[Clang][Sema] Diagnose class member access expressions naming non-ex...Krystian Stasiowski2024-04-3030-278/+872
* [Clang][Sema][Parse] Delay parsing of noexcept-specifiers in friend function ...Krystian Stasiowski2024-04-307-37/+154
* [WebAssembly] Add preprocessor define for half-precision (#90528)Heejin Ahn2024-04-302-0/+14
* [mlir][NFC] update code to use `mlir::dyn_cast/cast/isa` (#90633)Peiming Liu2024-04-309-55/+60
* [BOLT] Fix build-time assertion in RewriteInstance (#90540)Maksim Panchenko2024-04-301-4/+3
* [lldb] Support custom LLVM formatting for variables (#81196)Dave Lee2024-04-305-10/+104
* [libc++] Some tests are missing include for `numeric_limits` (#90345)Alex Guteniev2024-04-304-0/+4
* [RISCV] Drop unnecessary curly braces in RISCVISAInfo:parse*ArchString. NFCCraig Topper2024-04-301-4/+3
* [RISCV] Handle fixed length vectors with exact VLEN in lowerINSERT_SUBVECTOR ...Luke Lau2024-05-016-182/+351
* [LangRef] Fix build warning.Eli Friedman2024-04-301-1/+1
* [libc++][NFC] Fixes a status page note and a minor copy & paste error in a te...Hristo Hristov2024-04-303-2/+3
* [libc][stdfix] Fix overflow problem for fixed point sqrt when the inputs are ...lntue2024-04-304-14/+37
* [LangRef] Try to clarify mustprogress wording. (#90510)Eli Friedman2024-04-301-5/+7
* [MLIR][Arith] expand-ops: Support mini/maxi (#90575)Matthias Gehre2024-04-302-0/+72
* [mlir][sparse] handle padding on sparse levels. (#90527)Peiming Liu2024-04-304-29/+339
* Thread '--lldb-obj-root' through lldb-dotest for manual testingAdrian Prantl2024-04-301-0/+2
* [VP] Fix unit test failures caused by #90502Min Hsu2024-04-302-0/+3
* [LegalizeDAG] Simplify interface to PromoteReduction. NFCCraig Topper2024-04-301-8/+5
* [Frontend][OpenMP] Add unit tests for getLeafConstructsOrSelf, NFC (#90110)Krzysztof Parzyszek2024-04-301-0/+9
* [flang][OpenMP] Pass symTable to all genXYZ functions, NFC (#90090)Krzysztof Parzyszek2024-04-301-66/+105
* [flang][OpenMP] Implement getIterationVariableSymbol helper function,… (#90...Krzysztof Parzyszek2024-04-302-1/+36
* [flang][OpenMP] Implement getOpenMPVersionAttribute helper function, NFC (#90...Krzysztof Parzyszek2024-04-301-2/+10
* [DAG] Pull out repeated SDLoc() from SHL/SRL/SRA combines. NFC.Simon Pilgrim2024-04-301-57/+38
* [X86] Add icmp i16 test coverageSimon Pilgrim2024-04-301-0/+734
* [X86] combineAnd/combineAddOrSub - use DAG::getNegative() helper. NFC.Simon Pilgrim2024-04-301-5/+3
* [MLIR] Generalize expand_shape to take shape as explicit input (#90040)Gaurav Shukla2024-04-3055-633/+1214
* [VP][RISCV] Add vp.cttz.elts intrinsic and its RISC-V codegen (#90502)Min-Yih Hsu2024-04-3013-2/+459
* [flang] Adapt PolymorphicOpConversion to run on all top level ops (#90597)Tom Eccles2024-04-308-9/+28
* [flang][OpenMP] ensure we hit the TODO for intrinsic array reduction (#90593)Tom Eccles2024-04-302-6/+14
* [AMPGPU] Emit s_singleuse_vdst instructions when a register is used multiple ...Scott Egerton2024-04-302-24/+52
* Revert "[BOLT] Avoid reference updates for non-JT symbol operands (#88838)"Amir Ayupov2024-04-302-64/+4