; Test that patterns of transformations which disconnect a region of the call ; graph mid-traversal and then invalidate it function correctly. ; ; RUN: opt -S -passes='cgscc(inline,function(simplify-cfg))' < %s | FileCheck %s define internal void @test_scc_internal(i1 %flag) { ; CHECK-NOT: @test_scc_internal entry: br i1 %flag, label %then, label %else then: call void @test_scc_internal(i1 false) call void @test_scc_external() br label %else else: ret void } define void @test_scc_external() { ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test_scc_external() entry: call void @test_scc_internal(i1 false) ret void } define internal void @test_refscc_internal(i1 %flag, i8* %ptr) { ; CHECK-NOT: @test_refscc_internal entry: br i1 %flag, label %then, label %else then: call void @test_refscc_internal(i1 false, i8* bitcast (i8* ()* @test_refscc_external to i8*)) br label %else else: ret void } define i8* @test_refscc_external() { ; CHECK-LABEL: define i8* @test_refscc_external() entry: br i1 true, label %then, label %else ; CHECK-NEXT: entry: ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i8* null ; CHECK-NEXT: } ; CHECK-NOT: @test_refscc_internal then: ret i8* null else: ret i8* bitcast (void (i1, i8*)* @test_refscc_internal to i8*) }