#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 from __future__ import print_function import argparse import cgi import errno import functools from multiprocessing import cpu_count import os.path import re import shutil from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers.c_cpp import CppLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter import optpmap import optrecord desc = '''Generate HTML output to visualize optimization records from the YAML files generated with -fsave-optimization-record and -fdiagnostics-show-hotness. The tools requires PyYAML and Pygments Python packages.''' # This allows passing the global context to the child processes. class Context: def __init__(self, caller_loc = dict()): # Map function names to their source location for function where inlining happened self.caller_loc = caller_loc context = Context() class SourceFileRenderer: def __init__(self, source_dir, output_dir, filename): existing_filename = None if os.path.exists(filename): existing_filename = filename else: fn = os.path.join(source_dir, filename) if os.path.exists(fn): existing_filename = fn self.stream = open(os.path.join(output_dir, optrecord.html_file_name(filename)), 'w') if existing_filename: self.source_stream = open(existing_filename) else: self.source_stream = None print('''

Unable to locate file {}

'''.format(filename), file=self.stream) self.html_formatter = HtmlFormatter(encoding='utf-8') self.cpp_lexer = CppLexer(stripnl=False) def render_source_lines(self, stream, line_remarks): file_text = stream.read() html_highlighted = highlight(file_text, self.cpp_lexer, self.html_formatter) # Take off the header and footer, these must be # reapplied line-wise, within the page structure html_highlighted = html_highlighted.replace('
', '')
        html_highlighted = html_highlighted.replace('
', '') for (linenum, html_line) in enumerate(html_highlighted.split('\n'), start=1): print(''' {linenum}
'''.format(**locals()), file=self.stream) for remark in line_remarks.get(linenum, []): self.render_inline_remarks(remark, html_line) def render_inline_remarks(self, r, line): inlining_context = r.DemangledFunctionName dl = context.caller_loc.get(r.Function) if dl: link = optrecord.make_link(dl['File'], dl['Line'] - 2) inlining_context = "{r.DemangledFunctionName}".format(**locals()) # Column is the number of characters *including* tabs, keep those and # replace everything else with spaces. indent = line[:max(r.Column, 1) - 1] indent = re.sub('\S', ' ', indent) print(''' {r.RelativeHotness} {r.PassWithDiffPrefix}
{r.message}  {inlining_context} '''.format(**locals()), file=self.stream) def render(self, line_remarks): if not self.source_stream: return print('''
''', file=self.stream) self.render_source_lines(self.source_stream, line_remarks) print('''
Line Hotness Optimization Source Inline Context
''', file=self.stream) class IndexRenderer: def __init__(self, output_dir): self.stream = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html'), 'w') def render_entry(self, r, odd): escaped_name = cgi.escape(r.DemangledFunctionName) print(''' {r.DebugLocString} {r.RelativeHotness} {escaped_name} {r.PassWithDiffPrefix} '''.format(**locals()), file=self.stream) def render(self, all_remarks): print('''
''', file=self.stream) for i, remark in enumerate(all_remarks): self.render_entry(remark, i % 2) print('''
Source Location Hotness Function Pass
''', file=self.stream) def _render_file(source_dir, output_dir, ctx, entry): global context context = ctx filename, remarks = entry SourceFileRenderer(source_dir, output_dir, filename).render(remarks) def map_remarks(all_remarks): # Set up a map between function names and their source location for # function where inlining happened for remark in optrecord.itervalues(all_remarks): if isinstance(remark, optrecord.Passed) and remark.Pass == "inline" and remark.Name == "Inlined": for arg in remark.Args: caller = arg.get('Caller') if caller: try: context.caller_loc[caller] = arg['DebugLoc'] except KeyError: pass def generate_report(all_remarks, file_remarks, source_dir, output_dir, should_display_hotness, num_jobs, should_print_progress): try: os.makedirs(output_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(output_dir): pass else: raise _render_file_bound = functools.partial(_render_file, source_dir, output_dir, context) if should_print_progress: print('Rendering HTML files...') optpmap.pmap(_render_file_bound, file_remarks.items(), num_jobs, should_print_progress) if should_display_hotness: sorted_remarks = sorted(optrecord.itervalues(all_remarks), key=lambda r: (r.Hotness, r.File, r.Line, r.Column, r.PassWithDiffPrefix, r.yaml_tag, r.Function), reverse=True) else: sorted_remarks = sorted(optrecord.itervalues(all_remarks), key=lambda r: (r.File, r.Line, r.Column, r.PassWithDiffPrefix, r.yaml_tag, r.Function)) IndexRenderer(args.output_dir).render(sorted_remarks) shutil.copy(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "style.css"), output_dir) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument( 'yaml_dirs_or_files', nargs='+', help='List of optimization record files or directories searched ' 'for optimization record files.') parser.add_argument( '--output-dir', '-o', default='html', help='Path to a directory where generated HTML files will be output. ' 'If the directory does not already exist, it will be created. ' '"%(default)s" by default.') parser.add_argument( '--jobs', '-j', default=cpu_count(), type=int, help='Max job count (defaults to %(default)s, the current CPU count)') parser.add_argument( '-source-dir', '-s', default='', help='set source directory') parser.add_argument( '--no-progress-indicator', '-n', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not display any indicator of how many YAML files were read ' 'or rendered into HTML.') args = parser.parse_args() print_progress = not args.no_progress_indicator files = optrecord.find_opt_files(args.yaml_dirs_or_files) if not files: parser.error("No *.opt.yaml files found") sys.exit(1) all_remarks, file_remarks, should_display_hotness = \ optrecord.gather_results(files, args.jobs, print_progress) map_remarks(all_remarks) generate_report(all_remarks, file_remarks, args.source_dir, args.output_dir, should_display_hotness, args.jobs, print_progress)