path: root/installerbuilder
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authorNiels Weber <>2012-03-05 15:20:57 +0100
committerKarsten Heimrich <>2012-03-05 20:30:07 +0100
commit9786f4c357fefb122418de8d8c9c6ac27070f2d9 (patch)
treea39f7c7a051e14cedc927938f8688a805dfdeb87 /installerbuilder
parent6fdf3c3bb6c74a21d4c3f170ed63782125057fc1 (diff)
deleted outdated and unneded doxygen file
Change-Id: Ia512615e517639cf83f60e1b2334f3570ac0db9c Reviewed-by: Karsten Heimrich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'installerbuilder')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 746 deletions
diff --git a/installerbuilder/installerbuilder.dox b/installerbuilder/installerbuilder.dox
deleted file mode 100644
index 1729da741..000000000
--- a/installerbuilder/installerbuilder.dox
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,746 +0,0 @@
-// -*- mode:c++ -*-
- \page component-definition Component Definition
- \brief Documentation on how to create installer components.
- The Installer is based on the idea of having several components, which are either embedded in the
- installer itself or loaded from a remote repository. For both, embedding components into the installer
- and creating an online repository, you need to keep your components in a certain format readable
- by the installer.
- \section directory-structure Directory Structure
- Components are identified by a domain-like identifier. This
- has to be the name of the directory the component data has to be placed in.
- Within this directory, two subdirectories for \ref data "data" and \ref metadata "meta data" have to exist.
- A packages directory can look like this:
- \verbatim
- -packages
- -
- - data
- - meta
- -
- - data
- - meta
- -
- - data
- - meta
- \endverbatim
- \section metadata Contents of the meta data directory
- The meta data directory contains all files which are not to be deployed by the installer but contain
- information about deployment.
- \subsection packagexml package.xml
- The file package.xml is the main source of information about the component. It's in XML and can look like this:
- \verbatim
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <Package>
- <DisplayName>QtGui</DisplayName>
- <Description>Qt gui libraries</Description>
- <Version>4.5.1</Version>
- <ReleaseDate>2009-04-23</ReleaseDate>
- <Name></Name>
- <Dependencies></Dependencies>
- <Virtual>false</Virtual>
- <Script>installscript.qs</Script>
- <UserInterfaces>
- <UserInteface>specialpage.ui</UserInterface>
- <UserInteface>errorpage.ui</UserInterface>
- </UserInterfaces>
- <Translations>
- <Translation>sv_se.qm</Translation>
- <Translation>de_de.qm</Translation>
- </Translations>
- </Package>
- \endverbatim
- In the example above, you see several XML tags which are filled with values. The following tag names - values - are allowed:
- \li \b DisplayName The human readable name of the component - \a required.
- \li \b Description The human readable description of the component - \a required.
- \li \b Version The version number of the component - \a required.
- \li \b ReleaseDate The day this component version was released - \a optional.
- \li \b Name domain-like identification for this component - \a required.
- \li \b Dependencies Comma-separated list of \ref componentdependencies "dependencies" - \a optional.
- \li \b Virtual Set to true if this is a virtual component not showing up in the installer.
- \li \b SortingPriority Priority of this component when visible in the tree. Lowest priority number is on top.
- \li \b Script File name of a \ref componentscripting "script" being loaded - \a optional.
- \li \b UserInterfaces One ore more file names of \ref componentuserinterfaces "user interfaces" being loaded - \a optional.
- \li \b Translations One ore more file names of \ref componenttranslation "translations" being loaded - \a optional.
- \li \b UpdateText A description added to the component description if the component is an update - \a optional.
- \li \b NewComponent If this flag is set the component appears as an update if its not installed - \a optional.
- \li \b Important The package is marked as important. This is relevant for updates found with UpdateAgent.
- \li \b ForcedInstallation This packages must always be installed and can't get unchecked by the user.
- \li \b AutoSelectOn Define boolean expressions with other components names to define when this components gets autoselected.
- \subsection stuff Scripts, User interfaces and translations
- Additonally, all files named in the package.xml - scripts, user interfaces and translations - have to be in the meta data directory.
- In the example above, this should look like that:
- \verbatim
- -packages
- -
- - data
- - meta
- - de_de.qm
- - errorpage.ui
- - installscript.qs
- - package.xml
- - specialpage.ui
- - sv_se.qm
- \endverbatim
- \subsection componentdependencies Component Dependencies
- Each component can have one or more components it depends on. This can be other real or virtual components. Every
- dependency as defined via its identifier and optionally its version. The version, if given, is separated by the identifier
- by a dash ('-') and can be prefixed by a comparision operator like '=', '>', '<', '>=' or '<=', which means that the version
- of the matching package is compared to the required version and has to be \a equal, \a greater, \a less, \a greater \a or \a equal or
- \a less \a or \a equal as the version number given in the dependency. If no comparision operator is given, it defaults to '='.
- \subsection componenttranslation Component Translation
- As the installer makes use of the Qt Translation system, all user readable output can be translated to other languages. To make this
- work for strings contained in component scripts and user interfaces, components can provide QTranslator files, which get loaded by the
- installation system when loading the component. The Installer always loads the translation file with a name matching the current system
- locale. For the system locale being German (Germany), this would be de_de.qm.
- Inside of scripts, you have to use the function qsTr() for literal text. Additionally your script can contain a method
- Component.prototype.retranslateUi which is called whenever the language of the Installer has changed, i.e. after your translation file
- was loaded.
- The context being used for translation is the basename of the script file when using qsTr or the class name of the UI file when translating
- an user interface.
- \subsection componentuserinterfaces Component User Interfaces
- A component can contain one or more user interface files, which are placed into the installer by the script. The installer is automatically
- loading all ui files listed in the package.xml. You can access the loaded widgets by calling QInstaller::Component::userInterface with the class
- name of the widget:
- \code
- component.userInterface( "MyPage" ).checkbox.checked = true; \endcode
- There are two ways of inserting custom user interface widgets into the installer: Inserting them as a single widget or inserting them as their
- own page.
- To insert them as a single widget, use #QInstaller::Installer::addWizardPageItem. From within the script, this is done by:
- \code
- // add the instance of MyWidget to the component selection page
- installer.addWizardPageItem( component, "MyWidget", QInstaller.ComponentSelection ); \endcode
- To add a completely new page into the Installer, you need to specify in front of which page you want to add it.
- Adding the page is done with #QInstaller::Installer::addWizardPage.
- \code
- // add the instance of MyPage in front of the "Ready to Installation" page
- installer.addWizardPage( component, "MyPage", QInstaller.ReadyForInstallation ); \endcode
- \section data Contents of the data directory
- The data section can contain plain files or directories. Directories will be compressed to 7z archives on creation.
- Plain files will be put into the installer as they are.
- \note We recommend you to put 7zip compatible archives into the data directory.
- \page componentscripting Component Scripting
- \brief Documentation about the scripting abilities inside of components.
- Each component can specify one script handled by the Installer. It has to be compatible to QScriptEngine.
- \section constructor Construction
- The script has to provide an object Component, which will be created by the Installer when loading the script.
- Therefore the script must contains at least a function Component(), which can do all the initialization needed,
- like putting user interfaces in place or connecting signals/slots:
- \verbatim
- function Component()
- {
- // let's assume we have a user interface ErrorPage - which should not be complete
- installer.addWizardPage( component, "ErrorPage", QInstaller.ReadyForInstallation );
- component.userInterface( "ErrorPage" ).complete = false;
- }
- \endverbatim
- The example above places the user interface "ErrorPage" (which is the class name of the ui file loaded from errorpage.ui) in
- front of the installer page "Ready for Installation" and sets his completeness to false. See the documentation for
- \link QInstaller::Installer::addWizardPage addWizardPage \endlink and
- \link QInstaller::Component::userInterface userInterface \endlink for details.
- \section hooks Hooks called by the Installer
- You can add several hook methods into your script:
- \b Component.prototype.retranslateUi is called, whenever the language of the Installer changes.
- \b Component.prototype.createOperations- see \link QInstaller::Component::createOperations \endlink
- \b Component.prototype.createOperationsForArchive - see \link QInstaller::Component::createOperationsForArchive \endlink
- \b Component.prototype.createOperationsForPath - see \link QInstaller::Component::createOperationsForPath \endlink
- \section globalvariables Global variables
- The Installer puts the following symbols into the scripts space:
- \li \b installer A reference to the component's \link QInstaller::Installer Installer \endlink
- \li \b component A reference to the component's \link QInstaller::Component Component \endlink
- All methods marked with Q_INVOKABLE as well as all signals, slots and properties can be used by the script.
- \section messageboxes Message boxes
- You can show a QMessageBox from within the script by using:
- \li QMessageBox.critical
- \li QMessageBox.information
- \li QMessageBox.question
- \li QMessageBox.warning
- For your convenience, the values for QMessageBox::StandardButton are made available by using QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Open, ...
- \page installer The Installer
- \brief Documentation about everything with installation.
- \section installeroperations Installer Operations
- Update operations can be created and added to the installation from within a script using \link QInstaller::Component::addOperation Component::addOperation. \endlink
- Every operation has an unique key used for identification and up to five parameters. Inside of the parameters, you can use variables as set in
- \link QInstaller::Installer::setValue Installer::setValue. \endlink See the \link predefinedvariables list of predefined variables. \endlink.
- This is a short list of available installer operations and their use.
- \subsection Copy
- \b Syntax: "Copy" \a source \a target
- Copies a file from \a source to \a target.
- \subsection Move
- \b Syntax: "Move" \a source \a target
- Moves a file from \a source to \a target.
- \subsection Delete
- \b Syntax: "Delete" \a filename
- Deletes the file specified by \a filename.
- \subsection Mkdir
- \b Syntax: "Mkdir" \a path
- Creates the directory path \a path.
- \subsection Rmdir
- \b Syntax: "Rmdir" \a path
- Removes the directory path \a path.
- \subsection AppendFile
- \b Syntax: "AppendFile" \a filename \a text
- Appends \a text to the file specified by \a filename. \a is threated as ASCII text.
- \subsection PrepenFile
- \b Syntax: "PrependFile" \a filename \a text
- Prepends \a text to the file specified by \a filename. \a is threated as ASCII text.
- \subsection Execute
- \b Syntax: "Execute" [{\aexitcodes}] \a command [\a parameter1 [\a parameter2 [\a parameter3 [\a parameter4]]]]
- Executes the command specified by \a command. Up to four parameters can be passed.
- Optionally, you can pass a comma separated list of numbers in {} as first argument, which defines the "valid" exit codes
- of the process, i.e. the codes the execution is considered being successful. This defaults to "{0}".
- \subsection CreateShortcut
- \b Syntax: "CreateShortcut" \a filename \a linkname [\a arguments]
- Creates a shortcut from the file specified by \a filename to \a linkname.
- On Windows, this will create a .lnk file which can have \a arguments, on Unix this will create a symobic link.
- \subsection CreateDesktopEntry
- \b Syntax: "CreateDesktopEntry" \a filename \a "key=value[\nkey2=value2[\nkey3=value3]]]"
- Creates an INI-file like .desktop file as specified by
- If \a filename is absolute, the desktop entry is stored there. Otherwise it's stored in locations defined in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications
- or $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications, including the default pathes for boths, as defined by
- The key/value pairs are written in the file.
- The file is set to a encoding of UTF-8.
- \subsection InstallIcons
- \b Syntax: "InstallIcons" \a directory
- Installs the contents of \a directory into a location as specified by, i.e. in any of $XDG_DATA_DIRS/icons or /usr/share/icons
- or $HOME/.icons. The files are removed from their initial location. Make sure to add this operation after the operation extracting them form the archive.
- \subsection Extract
- \b Syntax: "Extract" \a archive \a targetdirectory
- Extracts \a archive to \a targetdirectory
- \subsection GlobalConfig
- \b Syntax: "GlobalConfig" \a company \a application \a key \a value <br>
- \a or <br>
- \b Syntax: "GlobalConfig" \a filename \a key \a value
- Stores \a value for \a key in a configuration file. The configuration file is either
- specified by \a filename (using QSettings::NativeFormat, which might be the Windows registry)
- or via the \a application and the \a company name.
- \subsection EnvironmentVariable
- \b Syntax: "EnvironmentVariable" \a key \a value [[\a persistent] \a system]
- Sets the envirnoment variable \a key to a \a value. If \a persistent is set to true, the variable
- will be set persistently. This is currently only supported on Windows. If \a system is set to true, the
- persistent variable will be set system wide, not only for the current user.
- \subsection RegisterFileType
- \b Syntax: "RegisterFileType" \a extension \a command [\a description [\a contentType [\a icon]]].
- Registers the file type with \a extension to be opened via \a command. Optionally, you can specify
- a \a description, a \a contentType and an \a icon. This is currently only supported on Windows.
- \section sec_customoperations Custom Operations
- It is possible to register custom installation operations in the Installer. This works by deriving KDUpdater::UpdateOperation.
- See the following code to know which methods must be implemented:
- \code
- #include <KDUpdater/UpdateOperation>
- class CustomOperation : public KDUpdater::UpdateOperation
- {
- public:
- CustomOperation()
- {
- setName( "CustomOperation" );
- }
- void backup()
- {
- // do whatever is needed to restore the state in undoOperation()
- }
- bool performOperation()
- {
- const QStringList args = arguments();
- // do whatever is needed to do for the given arguments
- bool success = ...;
- return success;
- }
- void undoOperation()
- {
- // restore the previous state, as saved in backup()
- }
- bool testOperation()
- {
- // currently unused
- return true;
- }
- CustomOperation* clone() const
- {
- return new CustomOperation;
- }
- QDomDocument toXml()
- {
- // automatically adds the operation's arguments and everything set via setValue
- QDomDocument doc = KDUpdater::UpdateOperation::toXml();
- // if you need any information to undo the operation you did,
- // add them to the doc here
- return doc;
- }
- bool fromXml( const QDomDocument& doc )
- {
- // automatically loads the operation's arguments and everything set via setValue
- if( !KDUpdater::UpdateOperation::fromXml( doc ) )
- return false;
- // if you need any information to undo the operation you did,
- // read them from the doc here
- return true;
- }
- };
- \endcode
- Finally, you need to register your custom operation class:
- \code
- #include <KDupdater/UpdateOperationFactory>
- KDUpdater::UpdateOperationFactory::instance().registerUpdateOperation< CustomOperation >( "CustomOperation" );
- \endcode
- Now you can use your operation in the installer like every other of the predefined operations.
- \page toolchain Toolchain
- \brief Documentation about the different tools coming with the Installerbuilder
- \section binarycreator Installer Binary Creation
- Installer Binaries are created using binarycreator. This is done by appending information about
- components and even their data, in case of an offline installer, to a basic binary. Read
- QInstaller::BinaryContent to know how this works. If you only want to use the provided installerbase, you
- don't need to care about this.
- \subsection Usage
- binarycreator expects the following parameters:
- \li <b>-t \a or --template \a file</b> Use \a file as input file <br>
- This is the binary used to append component information. <br>
- On Windows, this defaults to be installerbase.exe in the current working directory.
- On Unix, installerbase is used.
- \li <b>-p \a or --packages \a directory</b> Use \a directory as packaces directory <br>
- Specifies the directory to get package, i.e. component information from. See
- \link component-definition Component Definition \endlink to find out how this directory need
- to look like. This setting defaults to the current working directory.
- \li <b>-n \a or --nodeps</b> Add only the selected packages to the compile. Don't add their dependencies.
- \li <b>-c \a or --config \a directory</b> Use \a directory as config directory <br>
- Specifies the directory to be used for \link installer-config Installer Configuration. \endlink
- \li <b>-e \a or --exclude \a p1,...,pn</b> Mark a comma separated list of packages to be retrieved
- from an online repository, i.e. not to be completely included in the installer binary.
- \li <b>-v \a or --verbose</b> Verbose output. Add this if you are into lots of debug output.
- These parameters are followed by the name of the target binary and a list of packages to be
- availabe for installation. Note that not only these packages will be inside of the installer, but
- even all their dependencies and all packages sharing the same prefix, as long as you add the --nodeps flag.
- On Windows, the name of the target binary is automatically extended with .exe, if it wasn't already added by the user.
- On Mac, the target will be created as application bundle with extension .app, which as automatically added, if not supplied. Additionally, the user can use a .dmg extension, which will create a DMG disk image containing an .app bundle.
- \subsubsection Example
- <b>Offline installer</b>
- \verbatim
- binarycreator.exe -c installer-config SDKInstaller.exe\endverbatim
- This commands puts as well as all packages depends on into the installer
- binary SDKInstaller.exe. Additionally, this binary will contain all packages prefixed with
- <b>Online installer</b>
- \verbatim
- binarycreator.exe -c installer-config -e, SDKInstaller.exe\endverbatim
- The same as above, except that the data for and will be downloaded
- from a remote repository.
- \subsection binacycreatorplatformspecific Platform specific notes
- \subsubsection mac Mac OS X
- \li If the target binary is suffixed with .app, a shiny Mac OS X application bundle will be created
- \li The icon set in the config.xml is extended with ".icns" and used as icon for a created bundle
- \subsubsection win Windows
- \li The icon set in the config.xml is extended with ".ico" and used as application icon for the .exe file.
- \subsection lin Linux
- \li The icon set in the config.xml is extended with ".png" and used as window icon.
- \section sec_repogen Online Repository generation
- To generate online repositories, use the tool repogen.
- \subsection Usage
- repogen expects the following parameters in this order:
- \li <b>Packages directory</b> Directory containing the packages. Same as for binarycreator.
- \li <b>Configuration directory</b> Directory containing the installer configuration. Same as for binarycreator.
- \li <b>Repository directory</b> Target directory to generate the repository. Must not yeut exist.
- \li <b>Components</b> List of components to be placed into the repository. Includes dependencies.
- When the repository has been created, you can upload it to anywhere. Just put the location into
- the \link installer-config installer configuration\endlink when creating an installer for it.
- \subsection Example
- \verbatim
- repogen.exe packages installer-config repository\endverbatim
- This command creates a repository inside of \a repository containing and
-, including all dependencies.
- \page installer-config Installer Configuration
- \brief Explanation about how to configure the created installer
- For creation of installer binaries and online repositories, you need to provide a config directory.
- This directory needs to contain at least a file named config.xml containing XML information about
- how to build the installer.
- This file can look like this:
- \verbatim
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- <Name>Nokia SDK</Name>
- <Version>1.0.0</Version>
- <Title>Nokia SDK Setup</Title>
- <Publisher>Nokia</Publisher>
- <ProductUrl></ProductUrl>
- <Logo>logo.png</Logo>
- <License>license.txt</License>
- <Watermark>watermark.png</Watermark>
- <RunProgram></RunProgram>
- <RunProgramDescription></RunProgramDescription>
- <StartMenuDir>Nokia SDK</StartMenuDir>
- <Icon>qticon</Icon>
- <!-- @homeDir@ and @rootDir@ are some of the supported vars -->
- <TargetDir>@homeDir@/testinstall</TargetDir>
- <RemoteRepositories>
- <Repository>
-       <Url></Url>
-        </Repository>
- </RemoteRepositories>
-</Installer> \endverbatim
- \section Settings
- The following settings are contained in this file. All of them are actually optional.
- \li \b Name The name of the product being installed
- \li \b Version The version of the product being installed
- \li \b Title The title text of the generated installer, i.e. its name
- \li \b MaintenanceTitle The title text of the generated maintenance tool, i.e. its name
- \li \b Pushblisher The publisher of the software
- \li \b ProductUrl URL of the product
- \li \b Logo Filename for a logo used as QWizard::LogoPixmap
- \li \b License Filename of the license text to be accepted by the installing user
- \li \b Watermark Filename for a watermark used as QWizard::WatermarkPixmap
- \li \b Background Filename for an image used as QWizard::BackgroundPixmap
- \li \b RunProgram Command executed after the installer is done, if the user accepts it
- \li \b RunProgramDescription Text shown next to the checkbox for running the program. Defaults to "Run <Name>"
- \li \b StartMenuDir Name of the predefined group in the Windows Start Menu
- \li \b Icon Filename of the installer icon. On Windows, .ico is appended, on Mac, .icns is appended and on Linux, .png is appended.
- \li \b TargetDir Predefined target directory for installation
- \li \b RemoteRepositories List of \ref sec_repogen "remote repositories"
- \li \b UninstallerName File name of the generated uninstaller. Defaults to "uninstall". The platform specific executable suffixs is appended.
- \section remoterepo Remote Repositories
- The installer configuration file can contain a list of several remote repositories. Each of them has
- two properties. The first one is the repository URL. In the example above, this is ""
- The URL needs to contain a file Updates.xml listing the available packages. See \ref sec_repogen
- to read more about online repositories. The second parameter is "Required". If you set this to true,
- the installer won't work if this repository is not available. If you set it to false, it is working, but just without
- the packages from there.
- \page predefinedvariables Predefined variables
- \brief List over the predefined variables inside of the installer and their meaning
- \li ProductName The name of the product to be installed as defined in config.xml
- \li ProductVersion The version of the product to be installed as defined in config.xml
- \li Title The title of the installation program as defined in config.xml
- \li Publisher The publisher of the installation program as defined in config.xml
- \li Url Product URL as defined in config.xml
- \li StartMenuDir Start menu group as defined in config.xml. Applies only to Microsoft Windows
- \li LicenseFile File name of the program license as defined in config.xml
- \li TargetDir Target directory for installation as selected by the user.
- \li DesktopDir Directory containing the user's desktop.
- \li os The current platform, might be "x11", "win" or "mac"
- \note You can use these variables inside of the parameter list for installation operations.
- "{TargetDir}/settings.xml" might be expanded to "C:/Program Files/My Program/settings.xml".
- \page non-interactive-installation
- \brief page and scripted messagebox handling
- \section Installer Page Callbacks
- \subsection builtinpages Built-in pages
- \subsubsection IntroductionPageCallback
- Wizard buttons:
- \li Next
- \li Cancel
- \subsubsection LicenseAgreementPageCallback
- Wizard buttons:
- \li Next
- \li Cancel
- \li Back
- Radio buttons:
- \li acceptLicenseRB (radio button): Accepts the license Agreement (unchecked by default)
- \li rejectLicenseRB (radio button): Rejects the license Agreement (checked by default)
- \subsubsection TargetDirectoryPageCallback
- Wizard buttons:
- \li Next
- \li Cancel
- \li Back
- targetDirectoryLE (line edit): The target directory for installation
- \subsubsection ComponentSelectionPageCallback
- Wizard buttons:
- \li Next
- \li Cancel
- \li Back
- Methods:
- \li selectComponent( id ): selects the component with the ID id (string)
- \li deselectComponent( id ): deselects the component with the ID id (string)
- In uninstallation mode, additional controls are available:
- \li uninstallAllComponentsRB (radio button): Uninstall all components (default)
- \li keepSelectedComponentsRB (radio button): Uninstall only unselected components (deselectComponent/selectComponent to modify them)
- \subsubsection ReadyForInstallationPageCallback
- Wizard buttons:
- \li Next ("Install")
- \li Cancel
- \li Back
- \subsubsection PerformInstallationPage
- details.button (push button): Shows/hides installation details
- Wizard buttons: Cancel
- \subsubsection FinishedPageCallback
- Wizard buttons:
- \li Finish
-\subsection Custom Pages
-Custom pages are registered as Dynamic${ObjectName}, where ${ObjectName} is the object name set in the UI file.
-Thus the callback called is Dynamic${ObjectName}Callback(). Widgets can be addressed using their object names (from the UI file):
-var page = pageWidgetByObjectName( "DynamicSomePage" ) //direct child of the UI file's widgte
-page.someFancyWidget.subWidget.setText( "foobar" ) // nested widget
- \section messageboxes
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th>Identifier</th>
- <th>Possible Answers</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>cancelInstallation</td>
- <td>Yes, No</td>
- <td>Confirmation for canceling the installation (Cancel button in the wizard)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>overwriteTargetDirectory</td>
- <td>Yes, No</td>
- <td>Confirmation to use an already existing directory as target</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>installationError</td>
- <td>Ok</td>
- <td>A fatal error occurred while performing the installation</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>installationErrorWithRetry</td>
- <td>Retry, Ignore, Cancel</td>
- <td>An error occurred while performing the installation, Retry possible</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>metaInfoJobError</td>
- <td>Ok</td>
- <td>Error occurred retrieving meta information (online installer)</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- \page testnokia testing of the nokia installer
- \brief List of the pages and their components from the nokia installer
- \section customized pages
- \subsection TargetDirectoryPage
- The target directory page got a custom UI file called InstallationKindWidget
- that contains two radio buttons.
- Radio buttons:
- \li CustomRadioButton (radio button): Shows the ComponentSelectionPage (unchecked by default)
- \li FullRadioButton (radio button): Marks all available packages for installation (checked by default)
- Be aware with the version from 2010_04_06_16_39 setting the CustomRadioButton to checked has no
- effect other than marking the button if next ist clicked the full installation is still performed.
- Only a mouseklick changes the installation behavior as the script uses a buttonReleasedSignal to
- change that behavior.