path: root/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/DmgHandler.cpp
diff options
authorkh1 <>2012-03-15 14:53:47 +0100
committerKarsten Heimrich <>2012-03-19 16:14:04 +0100
commitbe3b47d0d504a3409ce66bd77bb8c0acff87c4f5 (patch)
tree09dfb02d484a4f395991972b828da71400fb761a /src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/DmgHandler.cpp
parent9fd62353cf7f973d78cd2093328ac15b5c4980b6 (diff)
Reorganize the tree, have better ifw.pri. Shadow build support.
Change-Id: I01fb12537f863ed0744979973c7e4153889cc5cb Reviewed-by: Tim Jenssen <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/DmgHandler.cpp')
1 files changed, 918 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/DmgHandler.cpp b/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/DmgHandler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5040d5182
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/DmgHandler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,918 @@
+// DmgHandler.cpp
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "../../../C/CpuArch.h"
+#include "Common/Buffer.h"
+#include "Common/ComTry.h"
+#include "Common/IntToString.h"
+#include "Common/MyXml.h"
+#include "Common/UTFConvert.h"
+#include "Windows/PropVariant.h"
+#include "../Common/LimitedStreams.h"
+#include "../Common/ProgressUtils.h"
+#include "../Common/RegisterArc.h"
+#include "../Common/StreamUtils.h"
+#include "../Compress/BZip2Decoder.h"
+#include "../Compress/CopyCoder.h"
+#include "../Compress/ZlibDecoder.h"
+// #define DMG_SHOW_RAW
+// #include <stdio.h>
+#define PRF(x) // x
+#define Get32(p) GetBe32(p)
+#define Get64(p) GetBe64(p)
+static int Base64ToByte(char c)
+ if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') return c - 'A';
+ if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') return c - 'a' + 26;
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0' + 52;
+ if (c == '+') return 62;
+ if (c == '/') return 63;
+ if (c == '=') return 0;
+ return -1;
+static int Base64ToBin(Byte *dest, const char *src, int srcLen)
+ int srcPos = 0;
+ int destPos = 0;
+ while (srcPos < srcLen)
+ {
+ Byte buf[4];
+ int filled = 0;
+ while (srcPos < srcLen)
+ {
+ int n = Base64ToByte(src[srcPos++]);
+ if (n >= 0)
+ {
+ buf[filled++] = (Byte)n;
+ if (filled == 4)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (filled >= 2) { if (dest) dest[destPos] = (buf[0] << 2) | (buf[1] >> 4); destPos++; }
+ if (filled >= 3) { if (dest) dest[destPos] = (buf[1] << 4) | (buf[2] >> 2); destPos++; }
+ if (filled >= 4) { if (dest) dest[destPos] = (buf[2] << 6) | (buf[3] ); destPos++; }
+ }
+ return destPos;
+static UString GetSizeString(UInt64 value)
+ wchar_t s[32];
+ wchar_t c;
+ if (value < (UInt64)20000) c = 0;
+ else if (value < ((UInt64)20000 << 10)) { value >>= 10; c = L'K'; }
+ else if (value < ((UInt64)20000 << 20)) { value >>= 20; c = L'M'; }
+ else { value >>= 30; c = L'G'; }
+ ConvertUInt64ToString(value, s);
+ int p = MyStringLen(s);
+ s[p++] = c;
+ s[p++] = L'\0';
+ return s;
+namespace NArchive {
+namespace NDmg {
+struct CBlock
+ UInt32 Type;
+ UInt64 UnpPos;
+ UInt64 UnpSize;
+ UInt64 PackPos;
+ UInt64 PackSize;
+ UInt64 GetNextPackOffset() const { return PackPos + PackSize; }
+struct CFile
+ CByteBuffer Raw;
+ UInt64 StartPos;
+ CRecordVector<CBlock> Blocks;
+ UInt64 GetUnpackSize() const
+ {
+ UInt64 size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Size(); i++)
+ size += Blocks[i].UnpSize;
+ return size;
+ };
+ UInt64 GetPackSize() const
+ {
+ UInt64 size = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Blocks.Size(); i++)
+ size += Blocks[i].PackSize;
+ return size;
+ };
+ AString Name;
+class CHandler:
+ public IInArchive,
+ public CMyUnknownImp
+ CMyComPtr<IInStream> _inStream;
+ AString _xml;
+ CObjectVector<CFile> _files;
+ CRecordVector<int> _fileIndices;
+ HRESULT Open2(IInStream *stream);
+ HRESULT Extract(IInStream *stream);
+ INTERFACE_IInArchive(;)
+const UInt32 kXmlSizeMax = ((UInt32)1 << 31) - (1 << 14);
+ METHOD_ZERO_0 = 0,
+ METHOD_ZERO_2 = 2,
+ METHOD_ADC = 0x80000004,
+ METHOD_ZLIB = 0x80000005,
+ METHOD_BZIP2 = 0x80000006,
+struct CMethodStat
+ UInt32 NumBlocks;
+ UInt64 PackSize;
+ UInt64 UnpSize;
+ CMethodStat(): NumBlocks(0), PackSize(0), UnpSize(0) {}
+struct CMethods
+ CRecordVector<CMethodStat> Stats;
+ CRecordVector<UInt32> Types;
+ void Update(const CFile &file);
+ UString GetString() const;
+void CMethods::Update(const CFile &file)
+ for (int i = 0; i < file.Blocks.Size(); i++)
+ {
+ const CBlock &b = file.Blocks[i];
+ int index = Types.FindInSorted(b.Type);
+ if (index < 0)
+ {
+ index = Types.AddToUniqueSorted(b.Type);
+ Stats.Insert(index, CMethodStat());
+ }
+ CMethodStat &m = Stats[index];
+ m.PackSize += b.PackSize;
+ m.UnpSize += b.UnpSize;
+ m.NumBlocks++;
+ }
+UString CMethods::GetString() const
+ UString res;
+ for (int i = 0; i < Types.Size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i != 0)
+ res += L' ';
+ wchar_t buf[32];
+ const wchar_t *s;
+ const CMethodStat &m = Stats[i];
+ bool showPack = true;
+ UInt32 type = Types[i];
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case METHOD_ZERO_0: s = L"zero0"; showPack = (m.PackSize != 0); break;
+ case METHOD_ZERO_2: s = L"zero2"; showPack = (m.PackSize != 0); break;
+ case METHOD_COPY: s = L"copy"; showPack = (m.UnpSize != m.PackSize); break;
+ case METHOD_ADC: s = L"adc"; break;
+ case METHOD_ZLIB: s = L"zlib"; break;
+ case METHOD_BZIP2: s = L"bzip2"; break;
+ default: ConvertUInt64ToString(type, buf); s = buf;
+ }
+ res += s;
+ if (m.NumBlocks != 1)
+ {
+ res += L'[';
+ ConvertUInt64ToString(m.NumBlocks, buf);
+ res += buf;
+ res += L']';
+ }
+ res += L'-';
+ res += GetSizeString(m.UnpSize);
+ if (showPack)
+ {
+ res += L'-';
+ res += GetSizeString(m.PackSize);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ { NULL, kpidPath, VT_BSTR},
+ { NULL, kpidSize, VT_UI8},
+ { NULL, kpidPackSize, VT_UI8},
+ { NULL, kpidComment, VT_BSTR},
+ { NULL, kpidMethod, VT_BSTR}
+STATPROPSTG kArcProps[] =
+ { NULL, kpidMethod, VT_BSTR},
+ { NULL, kpidNumBlocks, VT_UI4}
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetArchiveProperty(PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
+ NWindows::NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
+ switch(propID)
+ {
+ case kpidMethod:
+ {
+ CMethods m;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _files.Size(); i++)
+ m.Update(_files[i]);
+ prop = m.GetString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case kpidNumBlocks:
+ {
+ UInt64 numBlocks = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < _files.Size(); i++)
+ numBlocks += _files[i].Blocks.Size();
+ prop = numBlocks;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ prop.Detach(value);
+ return S_OK;
+static int FindKeyPair(const CXmlItem &item, const AString &key, const AString &nextTag)
+ for (int i = 0; i + 1 < item.SubItems.Size(); i++)
+ {
+ const CXmlItem &si = item.SubItems[i];
+ if (si.IsTagged("key") && si.GetSubString() == key && item.SubItems[i + 1].IsTagged(nextTag))
+ return i + 1;
+ }
+ return -1;
+static AString GetStringFromKeyPair(const CXmlItem &item, const AString &key, const AString &nextTag)
+ int index = FindKeyPair(item, key, nextTag);
+ if (index >= 0)
+ return item.SubItems[index].GetSubString();
+ return AString();
+HRESULT CHandler::Open2(IInStream *stream)
+ const int HEADER_SIZE = 0x1E0;
+ UInt64 headerPos;
+ RINOK(stream->Seek(-HEADER_SIZE, STREAM_SEEK_END, &headerPos));
+ Byte buf[HEADER_SIZE];
+ RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, buf, HEADER_SIZE));
+ UInt64 address1 = Get64(buf + 0);
+ UInt64 address2 = Get64(buf + 0xB8);
+ UInt64 size64 = Get64(buf + 0xC0);
+ if (address1 != address2 || size64 >= kXmlSizeMax || size64 == 0 ||
+ address1 >= headerPos || address1 + size64 > headerPos)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ RINOK(stream->Seek(address1, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
+ size_t size = (size_t)size64;
+ char *ss = _xml.GetBuffer((int)size + 1);
+ RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, ss, size));
+ ss[size] = 0;
+ _xml.ReleaseBuffer();
+ CXml xml;
+ if (!xml.Parse(_xml))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ if (xml.Root.Name != "plist")
+ return S_FALSE;
+ int dictIndex = xml.Root.FindSubTag("dict");
+ if (dictIndex < 0)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ const CXmlItem &dictItem = xml.Root.SubItems[dictIndex];
+ int rfDictIndex = FindKeyPair(dictItem, "resource-fork", "dict");
+ if (rfDictIndex < 0)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ const CXmlItem &rfDictItem = dictItem.SubItems[rfDictIndex];
+ int arrIndex = FindKeyPair(rfDictItem, "blkx", "array");
+ if (arrIndex < 0)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ const CXmlItem &arrItem = rfDictItem.SubItems[arrIndex];
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < arrItem.SubItems.Size(); i++)
+ {
+ const CXmlItem &item = arrItem.SubItems[i];
+ if (!item.IsTagged("dict"))
+ continue;
+ CFile file;
+ file.StartPos = 0;
+ int destLen;
+ {
+ AString dataString;
+ AString name = GetStringFromKeyPair(item, "Name", "string");
+ if (name.IsEmpty())
+ name = GetStringFromKeyPair(item, "CFName", "string");
+ file.Name = name;
+ dataString = GetStringFromKeyPair(item, "Data", "data");
+ destLen = Base64ToBin(NULL, dataString, dataString.Length());
+ file.Raw.SetCapacity(destLen);
+ Base64ToBin(file.Raw, dataString, dataString.Length());
+ }
+ if (destLen > 0xCC && Get32(file.Raw) == 0x6D697368)
+ {
+ PRF(printf("\n\n index = %d", _files.Size()));
+ const int kRecordSize = 40;
+ for (int offset = 0xCC; offset + kRecordSize <= destLen; offset += kRecordSize)
+ {
+ const Byte *p = (const Byte *)file.Raw + offset;
+ CBlock b;
+ b.Type = Get32(p);
+ if (b.Type == METHOD_END)
+ break;
+ if (b.Type == METHOD_DUMMY)
+ continue;
+ b.UnpPos = Get64(p + 0x08) << 9;
+ b.UnpSize = Get64(p + 0x10) << 9;
+ b.PackPos = Get64(p + 0x18);
+ b.PackSize = Get64(p + 0x20);
+ file.Blocks.Add(b);
+ PRF(printf("\nType=%8x m[1]=%8x uPos=%8x uSize=%7x pPos=%8x pSize=%7x",
+ b.Type, Get32(p + 4), (UInt32)b.UnpPos, (UInt32)b.UnpSize, (UInt32)b.PackPos, (UInt32)b.PackSize));
+ }
+ }
+ int itemIndex = _files.Add(file);
+ if (file.Blocks.Size() > 0)
+ {
+ // if (file.Name.Find("HFS") >= 0)
+ _fileIndices.Add(itemIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ // PackPos for each new file is 0 in some DMG files. So we use additional StartPos
+ bool allStartAreZeros = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < _files.Size(); i++)
+ {
+ const CFile &file = _files[i];
+ if (!file.Blocks.IsEmpty() && file.Blocks[0].PackPos != 0)
+ allStartAreZeros = false;
+ }
+ UInt64 startPos = 0;
+ if (allStartAreZeros)
+ {
+ for (i = 0; i < _files.Size(); i++)
+ {
+ CFile &file = _files[i];
+ file.StartPos = startPos;
+ if (!file.Blocks.IsEmpty())
+ startPos += file.Blocks.Back().GetNextPackOffset();
+ }
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Open(IInStream *stream,
+ const UInt64 * /* maxCheckStartPosition */,
+ IArchiveOpenCallback * /* openArchiveCallback */)
+ {
+ Close();
+ if (Open2(stream) != S_OK)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ _inStream = stream;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Close()
+ _inStream.Release();
+ _fileIndices.Clear();
+ _files.Clear();
+ _xml.Empty();
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfItems(UInt32 *numItems)
+ *numItems = _fileIndices.Size()
+ #ifdef DMG_SHOW_RAW
+ + _files.Size() + 1;
+ #endif
+ ;
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetProperty(UInt32 index, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
+ NWindows::NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
+ #ifdef DMG_SHOW_RAW
+ if ((int)index == _fileIndices.Size())
+ {
+ switch(propID)
+ {
+ case kpidPath:
+ prop = RAW_PREFIX L"a.xml";
+ break;
+ case kpidSize:
+ case kpidPackSize:
+ prop = (UInt64)_xml.Length();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ((int)index > _fileIndices.Size())
+ {
+ int rawIndex = (int)index - (_fileIndices.Size() + 1);
+ switch(propID)
+ {
+ case kpidPath:
+ {
+ wchar_t s[32] = RAW_PREFIX;
+ ConvertUInt64ToString(rawIndex, s + MyStringLen(s));
+ prop = s;
+ break;
+ }
+ case kpidSize:
+ case kpidPackSize:
+ prop = (UInt64)_files[rawIndex].Raw.GetCapacity();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+ int itemIndex = _fileIndices[index];
+ const CFile &item = _files[itemIndex];
+ switch(propID)
+ {
+ case kpidMethod:
+ {
+ CMethods m;
+ m.Update(item);
+ UString resString = m.GetString();
+ if (!resString.IsEmpty())
+ prop = resString;
+ break;
+ }
+ // case kpidExtension: prop = L"hfs"; break;
+ case kpidPath:
+ {
+ // break;
+ UString name;
+ wchar_t s[32];
+ ConvertUInt64ToString(index, s);
+ name = s;
+ int num = 10;
+ int numDigits;
+ for (numDigits = 1; num < _fileIndices.Size(); numDigits++)
+ num *= 10;
+ while (name.Length() < numDigits)
+ name = L'0' + name;
+ AString subName;
+ int pos1 = item.Name.Find('(');
+ if (pos1 >= 0)
+ {
+ pos1++;
+ int pos2 = item.Name.Find(')', pos1);
+ if (pos2 >= 0)
+ {
+ subName = item.Name.Mid(pos1, pos2 - pos1);
+ pos1 = subName.Find(':');
+ if (pos1 >= 0)
+ subName = subName.Left(pos1);
+ }
+ }
+ subName.Trim();
+ if (!subName.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (subName == "Apple_HFS")
+ subName = "hfs";
+ else if (subName == "Apple_HFSX")
+ subName = "hfsx";
+ else if (subName == "Apple_Free")
+ subName = "free";
+ else if (subName == "DDM")
+ subName = "ddm";
+ UString name2;
+ ConvertUTF8ToUnicode(subName, name2);
+ name += L'.';
+ name += name2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UString name2;
+ ConvertUTF8ToUnicode(item.Name, name2);
+ if (!name2.IsEmpty())
+ name += L" - ";
+ name += name2;
+ }
+ prop = name;
+ break;
+ }
+ case kpidComment:
+ {
+ UString name;
+ ConvertUTF8ToUnicode(item.Name, name);
+ prop = name;
+ break;
+ }
+ case kpidSize: prop = item.GetUnpackSize(); break;
+ case kpidPackSize: prop = item.GetPackSize(); break;
+ }
+ }
+ prop.Detach(value);
+ return S_OK;
+class CAdcDecoder:
+ public ICompressCoder,
+ public CMyUnknownImp
+ CLzOutWindow m_OutWindowStream;
+ CInBuffer m_InStream;
+ void ReleaseStreams()
+ {
+ m_OutWindowStream.ReleaseStream();
+ m_InStream.ReleaseStream();
+ }
+ class CCoderReleaser
+ {
+ CAdcDecoder *m_Coder;
+ public:
+ bool NeedFlush;
+ CCoderReleaser(CAdcDecoder *coder): m_Coder(coder), NeedFlush(true) {}
+ ~CCoderReleaser()
+ {
+ if (NeedFlush)
+ m_Coder->m_OutWindowStream.Flush();
+ m_Coder->ReleaseStreams();
+ }
+ };
+ friend class CCoderReleaser;
+ STDMETHOD(CodeReal)(ISequentialInStream *inStream,
+ ISequentialOutStream *outStream, const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize,
+ ICompressProgressInfo *progress);
+ STDMETHOD(Code)(ISequentialInStream *inStream,
+ ISequentialOutStream *outStream, const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize,
+ ICompressProgressInfo *progress);
+STDMETHODIMP CAdcDecoder::CodeReal(ISequentialInStream *inStream,
+ ISequentialOutStream *outStream, const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize,
+ ICompressProgressInfo *progress)
+ if (!m_OutWindowStream.Create(1 << 18))
+ if (!m_InStream.Create(1 << 18))
+ m_OutWindowStream.SetStream(outStream);
+ m_OutWindowStream.Init(false);
+ m_InStream.SetStream(inStream);
+ m_InStream.Init();
+ CCoderReleaser coderReleaser(this);
+ const UInt32 kStep = (1 << 20);
+ UInt64 nextLimit = kStep;
+ UInt64 pos = 0;
+ while (pos < *outSize)
+ {
+ if (pos > nextLimit && progress)
+ {
+ UInt64 packSize = m_InStream.GetProcessedSize();
+ RINOK(progress->SetRatioInfo(&packSize, &pos));
+ nextLimit += kStep;
+ }
+ Byte b;
+ if (!m_InStream.ReadByte(b))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ UInt64 rem = *outSize - pos;
+ if (b & 0x80)
+ {
+ unsigned num = (b & 0x7F) + 1;
+ if (num > rem)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; i++)
+ {
+ if (!m_InStream.ReadByte(b))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ m_OutWindowStream.PutByte(b);
+ }
+ pos += num;
+ continue;
+ }
+ Byte b1;
+ if (!m_InStream.ReadByte(b1))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ UInt32 len, distance;
+ if (b & 0x40)
+ {
+ len = ((UInt32)b & 0x3F) + 4;
+ Byte b2;
+ if (!m_InStream.ReadByte(b2))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ distance = ((UInt32)b1 << 8) + b2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ b &= 0x3F;
+ len = ((UInt32)b >> 2) + 3;
+ distance = (((UInt32)b & 3) << 8) + b1;
+ }
+ if (distance >= pos || len > rem)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ m_OutWindowStream.CopyBlock(distance, len);
+ pos += len;
+ }
+ if (*inSize != m_InStream.GetProcessedSize())
+ return S_FALSE;
+ coderReleaser.NeedFlush = false;
+ return m_OutWindowStream.Flush();
+STDMETHODIMP CAdcDecoder::Code(ISequentialInStream *inStream,
+ ISequentialOutStream *outStream, const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize,
+ ICompressProgressInfo *progress)
+ try { return CodeReal(inStream, outStream, inSize, outSize, progress);}
+ catch(const CInBufferException &e) { return e.ErrorCode; }
+ catch(const CLzOutWindowException &e) { return e.ErrorCode; }
+ catch(...) { return S_FALSE; }
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Extract(const UInt32 *indices, UInt32 numItems,
+ Int32 testMode, IArchiveExtractCallback *extractCallback)
+ bool allFilesMode = (numItems == (UInt32)-1);
+ if (allFilesMode)
+ numItems = _files.Size();
+ if (numItems == 0)
+ return S_OK;
+ UInt64 totalSize = 0;
+ UInt32 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
+ {
+ int index = (int)(allFilesMode ? i : indices[i]);
+ #ifdef DMG_SHOW_RAW
+ if (index == _fileIndices.Size())
+ totalSize += _xml.Length();
+ else if (index > _fileIndices.Size())
+ totalSize += _files[index - (_fileIndices.Size() + 1)].Raw.GetCapacity();
+ else
+ #endif
+ totalSize += _files[_fileIndices[index]].GetUnpackSize();
+ }
+ extractCallback->SetTotal(totalSize);
+ UInt64 currentPackTotal = 0;
+ UInt64 currentUnpTotal = 0;
+ UInt64 currentPackSize = 0;
+ UInt64 currentUnpSize = 0;
+ const UInt32 kZeroBufSize = (1 << 14);
+ CByteBuffer zeroBuf;
+ zeroBuf.SetCapacity(kZeroBufSize);
+ memset(zeroBuf, 0, kZeroBufSize);
+ NCompress::CCopyCoder *copyCoderSpec = new NCompress::CCopyCoder();
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> copyCoder = copyCoderSpec;
+ NCompress::NBZip2::CDecoder *bzip2CoderSpec = new NCompress::NBZip2::CDecoder();
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> bzip2Coder = bzip2CoderSpec;
+ NCompress::NZlib::CDecoder *zlibCoderSpec = new NCompress::NZlib::CDecoder();
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> zlibCoder = zlibCoderSpec;
+ CAdcDecoder *adcCoderSpec = new CAdcDecoder();
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> adcCoder = adcCoderSpec;
+ CLocalProgress *lps = new CLocalProgress;
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressProgressInfo> progress = lps;
+ lps->Init(extractCallback, false);
+ CLimitedSequentialInStream *streamSpec = new CLimitedSequentialInStream;
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> inStream(streamSpec);
+ streamSpec->SetStream(_inStream);
+ for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++, currentPackTotal += currentPackSize, currentUnpTotal += currentUnpSize)
+ {
+ lps->InSize = currentPackTotal;
+ lps->OutSize = currentUnpTotal;
+ currentPackSize = 0;
+ currentUnpSize = 0;
+ RINOK(lps->SetCur());
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> realOutStream;
+ Int32 askMode = testMode ?
+ NExtract::NAskMode::kTest :
+ NExtract::NAskMode::kExtract;
+ Int32 index = allFilesMode ? i : indices[i];
+ // const CItemEx &item = _files[index];
+ RINOK(extractCallback->GetStream(index, &realOutStream, askMode));
+ if (!testMode && !realOutStream)
+ continue;
+ RINOK(extractCallback->PrepareOperation(askMode));
+ CLimitedSequentialOutStream *outStreamSpec = new CLimitedSequentialOutStream;
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> outStream(outStreamSpec);
+ outStreamSpec->SetStream(realOutStream);
+ realOutStream.Release();
+ Int32 opRes = NExtract::NOperationResult::kOK;
+ #ifdef DMG_SHOW_RAW
+ if (index > _fileIndices.Size())
+ {
+ const CByteBuffer &buf = _files[index - (_fileIndices.Size() + 1)].Raw;
+ outStreamSpec->Init(buf.GetCapacity());
+ RINOK(WriteStream(outStream, buf, buf.GetCapacity()));
+ currentPackSize = currentUnpSize = buf.GetCapacity();
+ }
+ else if (index == _fileIndices.Size())
+ {
+ outStreamSpec->Init(_xml.Length());
+ RINOK(WriteStream(outStream, (const char *)_xml, _xml.Length()));
+ currentPackSize = currentUnpSize = _xml.Length();
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+ const CFile &item = _files[_fileIndices[index]];
+ currentPackSize = item.GetPackSize();
+ currentUnpSize = item.GetUnpackSize();
+ UInt64 unpPos = 0;
+ UInt64 packPos = 0;
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < item.Blocks.Size(); j++)
+ {
+ lps->InSize = currentPackTotal + packPos;
+ lps->OutSize = currentUnpTotal + unpPos;
+ RINOK(lps->SetCur());
+ const CBlock &block = item.Blocks[j];
+ packPos += block.PackSize;
+ if (block.UnpPos != unpPos)
+ {
+ opRes = NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError;
+ break;
+ }
+ RINOK(_inStream->Seek(item.StartPos + block.PackPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
+ streamSpec->Init(block.PackSize);
+ // UInt64 startSize = outStreamSpec->GetSize();
+ bool realMethod = true;
+ outStreamSpec->Init(block.UnpSize);
+ HRESULT res = S_OK;
+ switch(block.Type)
+ {
+ case METHOD_ZERO_0:
+ case METHOD_ZERO_2:
+ realMethod = false;
+ if (block.PackSize != 0)
+ opRes = NExtract::NOperationResult::kUnSupportedMethod;
+ break;
+ if (block.UnpSize != block.PackSize)
+ {
+ opRes = NExtract::NOperationResult::kUnSupportedMethod;
+ break;
+ }
+ res = copyCoder->Code(inStream, outStream, NULL, NULL, progress);
+ break;
+ case METHOD_ADC:
+ {
+ res = adcCoder->Code(inStream, outStream, &block.PackSize, &block.UnpSize, progress);
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ res = zlibCoder->Code(inStream, outStream, NULL, NULL, progress);
+ break;
+ }
+ case METHOD_BZIP2:
+ {
+ res = bzip2Coder->Code(inStream, outStream, NULL, NULL, progress);
+ if (res == S_OK)
+ if (streamSpec->GetSize() != block.PackSize)
+ opRes = NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ opRes = NExtract::NOperationResult::kUnSupportedMethod;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (res != S_OK)
+ {
+ if (res != S_FALSE)
+ return res;
+ if (opRes == NExtract::NOperationResult::kOK)
+ opRes = NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError;
+ }
+ unpPos += block.UnpSize;
+ if (!outStreamSpec->IsFinishedOK())
+ {
+ if (realMethod && opRes == NExtract::NOperationResult::kOK)
+ opRes = NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError;
+ while (outStreamSpec->GetRem() != 0)
+ {
+ UInt64 rem = outStreamSpec->GetRem();
+ UInt32 size = (UInt32)MyMin(rem, (UInt64)kZeroBufSize);
+ RINOK(WriteStream(outStream, zeroBuf, size));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ outStream.Release();
+ RINOK(extractCallback->SetOperationResult(opRes));
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+static IInArchive *CreateArc() { return new CHandler; }
+static CArcInfo g_ArcInfo =
+ { L"Dmg", L"dmg", 0, 0xE4, { 0 }, 0, false, CreateArc, 0 };