path: root/test-framework
diff options
authorTim Jenssen <>2011-02-21 16:30:31 +0100
committerTim Jenssen <>2011-02-21 16:41:32 +0100
commit8457830abdca9d5769e2ec1bdbfb793a05e6c5dd (patch)
tree4c9e87efd34104ec59ae31efd0394e998a2434f7 /test-framework
init commit
Diffstat (limited to 'test-framework')
38 files changed, 2284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-framework/README b/test-framework/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..caa0c00a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/README
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+= Testing Framework =
+== Overview ==
+The "testing framework" was developed to continuously run automated, non-interactive tests for the Nokia NDK installers on a set of test systems.
+It uses remote-controlled VMWare virtual machines (VMs) to execute the tests on. Both the actual controlling process and the post installation checks on the VMs are implemented in Python.
+Additionally, a set of test cases is created and configured.
+A test case consists of a) a QtScript script specifying the user input for non-interactive installation and b) post-installation checks to perform after installation. This way various user behaviour can be tested (e.g. different component selections) and whether installation succeeds and certain post-conditions are met (e.g. files end up in in specific locations). A test case can also contain additional steps to test updating and package management.
+For each compatible VM/Test case combination, the VM is reset to a predefined state, the installer is run using the QtScript script and the post-installation checks are performed.
+The test results are aggregated and submitted to a CDash dashboard.
+== Setup at Nokia ==
+The VMs run on a VMWare server installation on bersrv16723. The VMWare server web frontend requires a IE (32-bit) plugin to get the guest system's shell.
+(Nokia internal:
+As far as I know there is no way atm to get it running on other platforms.
+Web frontend URL: http://bersrv16723:8222/ui (redirect to https://bersrv16723:8333/ui, but in some cases it is not working without this redirection)
+The testing framework itself is configured and runs on the controller VM. It it supposed to be accessed via ssh.
+Controller VM: [get a fixed IP/hostname].
+Attach/Start a screen session:
+ screen -D -R
+Start the test runner:
+ cd $HOME/test/installerfw/installer/test-framework
+ vmware/ -s 2010-05-17 site/host-config.cfg # insert your date here
+For more explanations on see below.
+The CDash location presenting the build results is (the controller VM). The project used is NDKInstallerTests (TODO: actually use that one).
+The current setup with working examples of configuration files is in $TODO:/home/kdab/test/ (TODO: commit to repo)
+== ==
+The central python script executing test runs is vmware/
+ [options] host-config
+ -s | --only-since YYYY-MM-DD when checking
+ /path/to/vmware/ -s 2010-05-14 host-config.cfg
+ does the following: It collects the information about configured VMs and test cases from the host configuration file.
+It then checks the configured installer sources for new installers, and sequentially executes the test for each new installer on all VM/test case combinations that apply to the installer (there can be specific tests cases for certain platforms only). For each installer x VM x test case run, the result is added to CDash.
+Once all installers on the FTP server (or the ones matching the --only-since restriction) were tested, the process goes to sleep and checks every hour for new installers.
+ only executes all test runs sequentially, with a single test at a time. If this turns out to be too much of a bottleneck, multiple instances in different working directories and with different
+host-config files could be run in parallel (e.g. each one monitoring a different path on the FTP server).
+== Virtual Machine Setup ==
+Any VMWare virtual machine can be used for testing, if some preparations are made:
+ * Add a virtual CD/DVD drive (for VMWare Tools; Choose a random ISO file when asked)
+ * Install VMWare Tools (important: The test run might just hang and do nothing if the VM has no VMWare tools installed)
+ * Install Python 2.6
+ * Create a snapshot of the VM in the state that should be used as initial state for each test run [TODO: relate to UI]
+ * Create a configuration file for the VM. The configuration file provides information to about the VM, such as the user/password combination to use to login, the location of the python installation or the
+ path in the VM to use for temporary files, such as the downloaded installer and result output files.
+ (See Virtual Machine Configuration File Options for details)
+ * To enable the VM, add the path to the VM config file to the host config file (See Host Configuration File Options).
+== Virtual Machine Configuration File Options ==
+=== Section: General ===
+snapshot: identifier (Default: "base")
+The baseline snapshot to revert to when start a test run.
+This option is only relevant VMWare Fusion and Workstation (as Server/ESX only support a single unnamed snapshot)
+username: string
+password: string
+The username and password to authenticate with inside the VM.
+vmx: string
+The path to the VM's vmx file. Relative paths are understood relative to the configuration file.
+For remote setups, the name as listed by the TODO tool must be used.
+TODO: explain how to list snapshots.
+tempDir: guest path
+Path inside the VM to use for temporary data (installer, checker copy, test script...).
+It must be writable by the user.
+os: windows|linux|mac
+The OS running inside the VM
+python: guest path (Default: "python")
+The path to the installed python executable inside the VM.
+== Test Cases ==
+=== Configuration File ===
+General/platforms: string list
+comma-separated list of platforms the testcase should be run on.
+Valid platform names are "windows", "linux", "mac"
+General/targetDirectory: guest path
+The target directory to use for the post-installation checks (see below). Note that the actual installation directory is specified in the
+installscript and must be kept in sync.
+See the section on post-installation checks for details.
+The path to the maintenance tool (updater/package manager) after installation. Required for multi-step tests
+==== Steps ====
+Each test case can consist of of n steps and must have at least one.
+The first step is the actual installation and will execute the installer, the following steps will start the maintenance tool.
+Step section must be consecutive and start at 0: Step0, Step1, Step2 etc.
+StepN/installscript: path
+The path to the QtScript used for non-interactive execution of the installer/maintenance tool.
+relative paths are interpreted relative to the configuration file.
+StepN/checkerTestDir: string
+The path to a directory containing a set of tests to perform after a successful installer/maintenance tool run.
+relative paths are interpreted relative to the configuration file.
+=== Install scripts ===
+see non-interactive installation section in installerbuilder/installerbuilder.dox
+TODO: merge
+=== Post-installation checks ===
+The framework can execute post-installation tests on the VM to check if the installation is in the expected state.
+The python code executing those checks is called "checker".
+Each testcase can contain a "checker test directory" to contain checks to be executed.
+The framework copies both the checker code and the test case into the VM, executes the checks and reports the results.
+Currently, the following checks are supported:
+==== Files ====
+It can be checked for files to exist in the installation and their file size and md5sum.
+To add such a check, place a file with extension .filelist in the test directory.
+The format of a .filelist file is:
+filename; file size; md5sum
+file size and md5sum are optional and can be empty.
+components.xml; 2050; 6813144fd09f7d39764702e5adb91679wrong
+index.html; 46; fd40a94472ea1d13d93221c5ce62c321
+include\QtGui\qwidget.h; 108; 67dc776dd5aa66741dab6a2eeec4ac3c
+Relative paths are understood relative to the targetDirectory.
+Such files can be generated using the script test-framework/checker/scripts/
+==== Windows Registry ====
+Similar to .filelist, .registrylist files can be used to check for the existance and content of windows registry keys.
+The format is
+<path>; <key>; <value>
+HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion; SM_GamesName; Games
+==== Arbitrary python code ====
+Not yet done but easy to implement: Run tests from python code from .py files in the test dir.
+== Host Configuration File Options ==
+=== Section: General ===
+vmrun: path (Default: "vmrun")
+vmrun specifies the location of the vmrun executable to use. vmrun is part of VMRun Workstation, Fusion, Server and ESX. If the
+framework not on the same system as the VMWare server, you must sure that the executable installed supports the VMWare edition used
+(At the time of writing, this is VMWare Server).
+checkerInstallation: path
+The path to the "checker" python files which will be copied to each VM and executed to perform postinstallation checks.
+testcase{0..n}: path
+The configuration files of the test cases to use.
+Relative paths are understood relative to the configuration file.
+vm{0..n}: path
+n configuration files of the virtual machines to use.
+Relative paths are understood relative to the configuration file.
+gui: True|False (default: False TODO: ensure)
+Whether VMWare/vmrun should bring up . Only relevant when used with VMWare Workstation or Fusion.
+createErrorSnapshots True|False (default: False TODO: ensure)
+Specifies if the framework should create error snapshots if the installation or post-installation checks fail.
+This is currently only supported for VMWare Workstation and Fusion (the server editions unfortunately only support a single snapshot per VM,
+which is reserved for the baseline.
+=== Section: Host ===
+This section is optional. It is used if the VMWare host is different from the local machine (VMWare Server or esx).
+type: string
+The VMWare edition to talk against, one of "server" and "esx"
+location: URL
+The URL of the server/esx installation to talk to
+username: string
+The user used to login on the VMWare server
+password: string
+The user used to login on the VMWare server
+=== Section: CDash ===
+The framework is able to generate test reports in CDash format. If this section does not exist, the results are just printed to stdout.
+host: hostname
+The host of the CDash installation
+The path to the CDash installation on host
+The CDash project to report the test results to.
+=== Section: Source{0..n} ===
+Each source provides installers to be tested, for a specific platform.
+Currently, FTP is assumed and the only supported protocol.
diff --git a/test-framework/checker/ b/test-framework/checker/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..137fafb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/checker/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import optparse, sys
+from testrunner import testrunner
+from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator
+from xml.sax.xmlreader import AttributesNSImpl
+class Writer:
+ def __init__( self, out ):
+ self._out = out
+ self.gen = XMLGenerator( out, 'utf-8' )
+ self.gen.startDocument()
+ self.gen.startElement( 'results', {} )
+ def addResult( self, name, status, errstr ):
+ self.gen.startElement('result', { 'name':name, 'status':status } )
+ self.gen.characters( errstr )
+ self.gen.endElement('result' )
+ def addFailed( self, name, errstr ):
+ self.addResult( name, "failed", errstr )
+ def addPassed( self, status, errstr ):
+ self.addResult( name, "passed", errstr )
+ def finalize( self ):
+ self.gen.endElement( 'results' )
+ self.gen.endDocument
+ self._out.write( '\n' )
+optionParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] testcaseDir", version="%prog 0.1")
+optionParser.add_option("-p", "--omit-prefix", dest="prefix", help="for file checks, prefix relative paths with this prefix", metavar="PREFIX" )
+optionParser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", help="write results to file (instead of stdout)", metavar="OUTPUT" )
+(options, args) = optionParser.parse_args()
+ testdir = args[0]
+except IndexError:
+ optionParser.print_usage( sys.stderr )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+out = sys.stdout
+if options.output != None:
+ out = file( options.output, 'wb' )
+writer = Writer( out )
+ runner = testrunner.TestRunner( testdir, options.prefix, writer )
+ writer.finalize() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-framework/checker/scripts/ b/test-framework/checker/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba4929304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/checker/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import optparse, os, sys
+from testrunner import files, testrunner
+class GenerateException( Exception ):
+ def __init__( self, value ):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return repr( self.value )
+def relpath( path, prefix ):
+ if prefix != None:
+ return os.path.relpath( path, prefix )
+ else:
+ return path;
+out = sys.stdout
+def walker( prefix, current_dir, children ):
+ for c in children:
+ child = current_dir + os.sep + c
+ if os.path.isdir( child ):
+ continue
+ fileObj = file( child, 'rb' )
+ md5 = files.md5sum( fileObj )
+ out.write( "{0}; {1}; {2}\n".format( relpath( child, prefix ), os.path.getsize( child ), md5 ) )
+optionParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] directory", version="%prog 0.1")
+optionParser.add_option("-p", "--omit-prefix", dest="prefix", help="make entries relative to this prefix", metavar="PREFIX" )
+optionParser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output", help="save file list to file (instead of stdout)", metavar="OUTPUT" )
+(options, args) = optionParser.parse_args()
+ directory = args[0]
+except IndexError:
+ raise GenerateException( "No directory given.")
+if options.output != None:
+ out = file( options.output, 'wb' )
+os.path.walk( directory, walker, options.prefix )
diff --git a/test-framework/checker/testrunner/ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..210f31223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test-framework/checker/testrunner/ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..629bedd05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from testexception import TestException
+import fnmatch, hashlib, os
+def md5sum( fileObj ):
+ md5 = hashlib.md5()
+ while True:
+ chunk = 4096 )
+ if not chunk:
+ break
+ md5.update( chunk )
+ return md5.hexdigest()
+def locateFiles( rootPath, pattern ):
+ for path, dirs, files in os.walk( os.path.abspath( rootPath ) ):
+ for filename in fnmatch.filter( files, pattern ):
+ yield os.path.join( path, filename )
+def checkFileImpl( path, expectedSize=-1, expectedMd5=None ):
+ #TODO: normalize path/convert to platform
+ if not os.path.exists( path ):
+ raise TestException( '{0}: file does not exist'.format( path ) )
+ size = os.path.getsize( path )
+ if expectedSize >= 0 and size != expectedSize:
+ raise TestException( '{0}: unexpected size. Actual: {1} Expected: {2}'.format( path, size, expectedSize ) )
+ if ( expectedMd5 != None ):
+ fileObj = file( path, 'rb' )
+ md5 = md5sum( fileObj )
+ fileObj.close()
+ if md5 != expectedMd5:
+ raise TestException( '{0}: md5sum mismatch. Actual: {1} Expected: {2}'.format( path, md5, expectedMd5 ) )
diff --git a/test-framework/checker/testrunner/ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
diff --git a/test-framework/checker/testrunner/ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..854a029f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from testexception import TestException
+import _winreg
+_registry = dict()
+_registry["HKEY_USERS"] = _winreg.HKEY_USERS
+def splitKey( key ):
+ key, seperator, subKey = key.partition( '\\' )
+ return _registry[key], subKey
+def checkKey( key, value, expectedData ):
+ baseKey, subKey = splitKey( key )
+ keyHandle = _winreg.OpenKey( baseKey, subKey )
+ data, _ = _winreg.QueryValueEx( keyHandle, value )
+ if data != expectedData:
+ raise TestException( '{0}: unexpected registry data. Actual: {1} Expected: {2}'.format( key, data, expectedData ) )
diff --git a/test-framework/checker/testrunner/ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58254a599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+class TestException( Exception ):
+ def __init__( self, value ):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return repr( self.value )
diff --git a/test-framework/checker/testrunner/ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fcef00b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/checker/testrunner/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import files, os, string, platform
+from testexception import TestException
+if ( platform.system() == "Windows" ):
+ import registry
+def makeAbsolutePath( path, relativeTo ):
+ if os.path.isabs( path ) or relativeTo == None:
+ return path
+ else:
+ return relativeTo + os.sep + path
+class TestRunner:
+ def __init__( self, testDir, basedir, result ):
+ self._testDir = testDir
+ self._basedir = basedir
+ self._result = result
+ def checkFile( self, name, size=-1, expectedMd5=None ):
+ try:
+ files.checkFileImpl( name, size, expectedMd5 )
+ except TestException as e:
+ self._result.addFailed( name, e.value )
+ def checkFileList( self, path ):
+ lineNum = 0
+ haveError = False
+ with open( path, 'r' ) as f:
+ while True:
+ line = f.readline()
+ lineNum += 1
+ if not line:
+ break
+ line = string.strip( line )
+ if len( line ) == 0:
+ continue
+ segments = string.split( line, ';' )
+ if len( segments ) == 3:
+ fp = makeAbsolutePath( segments[0], self._basedir )
+ try:
+ fs = int( segments[1] )
+ except ValueError:
+ fs = -1 #TODO handle error
+ femd5 = segments[2]
+ femd5 = string.strip( femd5 )
+ self.checkFile( fp, fs, femd5 )
+ else:
+ self._result.addFailed( path + '_' + str( lineNum ), "Could not parse file list entry: " + line )
+ haveError = True
+ if not haveError:
+ self._result.addPassed( path, "" )
+ def checkRegistryList( self, path ):
+ haveError = False
+ lineNum = 0
+ with open( path, 'r' ) as f:
+ while True:
+ lineNum += 1
+ line = f.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ line = string.strip( line )
+ if len( line ) == 0:
+ continue
+ segments = string.split( line, ';' )
+ if len( segments ) == 3:
+ key = segments[0].strip()
+ value = segments[1].strip()
+ expectedData = segments[2].strip()
+ registry.checkKey( key, value, expectedData )
+ else:
+ self._result.addFailed( path + '_' + str( lineNum ), "Could not parse registry list entry: " + line )
+ haveError = True
+ if not haveError:
+ self._result.addPassed( path, "" )
+ def run( self ):
+ fileLists = files.locateFiles( self._testDir, "*.filelist" )
+ for i in fileLists:
+ self.checkFileList( i )
+ if ( platform.system() == "Windows" ):
+ registryLists = files.locateFiles( self._testDir, "*.registrylist" )
+ for i in registryLists:
+ self.checkRegistryList( i )
+ # run all .py's in testdir
+ # execute all filelists
diff --git a/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/checker/testinstall.filelist b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/checker/testinstall.filelist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30aecdabc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/checker/testinstall.filelist
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+components.xml; 2050; 6813144fd09f7d39764702e5adb91679wrong
+index.html; 46; fd40a94472ea1d13d93221c5ce62c321
+uninstall.exe; 13598393; 44945e7d3507d294b5e9e096ac3269b1
+include\QtCore\qobject.h; 108; 9e50d789f32d1651e16b6ae55699eb71
+include\QtGui\qwidget.h; 108; 67dc776dd5aa66741dab6a2eeec4ac3c
diff --git a/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/testcase-linux64.cfg b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/testcase-linux64.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ffbc24556
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/testcase-linux64.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/testscript.qs b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/testscript.qs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3cc4bd4d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase-linux64/testscript.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+function Controller()
+ installer.autoRejectMessageBoxes
+ installer.setMessageBoxAutomaticAnswer( "overwriteTargetDirectory", QMessageBox.Yes )
+Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function()
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.LicenseAgreementPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "LicenseAgreementPage" )
+ page.acceptLicenseRB.setChecked( true )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.TargetDirectoryPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "TargetDirectoryPage" )
+ page.targetDirectoryLE.setText( "/home/kdab/testinstall" )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.ComponentSelectionPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "ComponentSelectionPage" )
+ page.deselectComponent( "" )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.DynamicQtGuiPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "DynamicQtGuiPage" )
+ page.checkBoxLib.setChecked( false )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.DynamicErrorPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "DynamicErrorPage" )
+ page.checkBoxMakeSure.setChecked( true )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.ReadyForInstallationPageCallback = function()
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.StartMenuDirectoryPageCallback = function()
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.PerformInstallationPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "PerformInstallationPage" )
+Controller.prototype.FinishedPageCallback = function()
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.FinishButton )
diff --git a/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/checker/testinstall.filelist b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/checker/testinstall.filelist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30aecdabc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/checker/testinstall.filelist
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+components.xml; 2050; 6813144fd09f7d39764702e5adb91679wrong
+index.html; 46; fd40a94472ea1d13d93221c5ce62c321
+uninstall.exe; 13598393; 44945e7d3507d294b5e9e096ac3269b1
+include\QtCore\qobject.h; 108; 9e50d789f32d1651e16b6ae55699eb71
+include\QtGui\qwidget.h; 108; 67dc776dd5aa66741dab6a2eeec4ac3c
diff --git a/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/testcase1.cfg b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/testcase1.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..178613640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/testcase1.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/testscript.qs b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/testscript.qs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59bf25e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/TestCases/testcase1/testscript.qs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+function Controller()
+ installer.autoRejectMessageBoxes
+ installer.setMessageBoxAutomaticAnswer( "overwriteTargetDirectory", QMessageBox.Yes )
+Controller.prototype.IntroductionPageCallback = function()
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.LicenseAgreementPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "LicenseAgreementPage" )
+ page.acceptLicenseRB.setChecked( true )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.TargetDirectoryPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "TargetDirectoryPage" )
+ page.targetDirectoryLE.setText( "c:\\testinstall" )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.ComponentSelectionPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "ComponentSelectionPage" )
+ page.deselectComponent( "" )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.DynamicQtGuiPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "DynamicQtGuiPage" )
+ page.checkBoxLib.setChecked( false )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.DynamicErrorPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "DynamicErrorPage" )
+ page.checkBoxMakeSure.setChecked( true )
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.ReadyForInstallationPageCallback = function()
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.StartMenuDirectoryPageCallback = function()
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.NextButton )
+Controller.prototype.PerformInstallationPageCallback = function()
+ var page = gui.pageWidgetByObjectName( "PerformInstallationPage" )
+Controller.prototype.FinishedPageCallback = function()
+ gui.clickButton( buttons.FinishButton )
diff --git a/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/LinuxUbuntu9.1064Bit.cfg b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/LinuxUbuntu9.1064Bit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5c19e084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/LinuxUbuntu9.1064Bit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+vmx=[standard] Linux Ubuntu 9.10 64 Bit/Linux Ubuntu 9.10 64 Bit.vmx
diff --git a/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsVista32Bit.cfg b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsVista32Bit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40a49d2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsVista32Bit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+vmx=[standard] Windows Vista 32 Bit/Windows Vista 32 Bit.vmx
diff --git a/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsVista64Bit.cfg b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsVista64Bit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c46d8fba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsVista64Bit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+vmx=[standard] Windows XP 32 Bit/Windows XP 32 Bit.vmx
+tempDir=c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\kdab\Desktop
diff --git a/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsXp32Bit.cfg b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsXp32Bit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c46d8fba5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsXp32Bit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+vmx=[standard] Windows XP 32 Bit/Windows XP 32 Bit.vmx
+tempDir=c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\kdab\Desktop
diff --git a/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsXp64Bit.cfg b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsXp64Bit.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..effbbd70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/VMConfigs/WindowsXp64Bit.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+vmx=[standard] Windows XP 64 Bit/Windows XP 64 Bit.vmx
+tempDir=c:\Documents and Settings\kdab\Desktop
diff --git a/test-framework/site/host-config.cfg b/test-framework/site/host-config.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f500e6fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/host-config.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
diff --git a/test-framework/site/ b/test-framework/site/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9d5342d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/site/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+vmrun -u kdab -p kdab -T server -h listRegisteredVM
diff --git a/test-framework/tests/ b/test-framework/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a320191a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import sys
+from testrunner import testrunner
+class Result:
+ def addError( self, errstr ):
+ print errstr
+result = Result()
+runner = testrunner.TestRunner( sys.argv[1], result )
diff --git a/test-framework/tests/testfiles/test.filelist b/test-framework/tests/testfiles/test.filelist
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fdeb8ee2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/tests/testfiles/test.filelist
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/home/frank/.ssh/; 1113; 1fddf250c364370b7936c1b7256c7eda
+/home/frank/.ssh/; 1113; 1fddf250c364370b7936c1b7256c7edb
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5acaa783e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import datetime, socket, os, sys, traceback, time, tempfile, httplib, urllib
+from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator
+from xml.sax.xmlreader import AttributesNSImpl
+import result, utils
+from result import exitStatusAsString
+from xmlutils import startElement, endElement, writeElement
+checkerResultAsString = { result.CheckerResult.Passed:u"passed", result.CheckerResult.Failed:u"failed", result.CheckerResult.NotRun:u"notRun" }
+def formatDate( date ):
+ return date.strftime( '%Y%m%d-%H%M' )
+def writeExecutionResult( gen, name, r ):
+ if r == None or r.hasError():
+ stat = "failed"
+ else:
+ stat = "passed"
+ startElement( gen, None, "Test", { u"Status":stat } )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Name", name )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "FullName", name )
+ startElement( gen, None, "NamedMeasurement", { u"type":u"text/string", u"name":u"Exit Code"} )
+ if r:
+ msg = "(Unexpected)"
+ ec = r.exitCode
+ if ec == 0:
+ msg = "(Success)"
+ elif ec == 1:
+ msg = "(Failed)"
+ elif ec == 2:
+ msg = "(Canceled)"
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Value", "Exit status: {0}; Installer exit code: {1} {2}".format( exitStatusAsString( r.exitStatus ), str( r.exitCode ), msg ) )
+ else:
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Value", "Could not determine installation result." )
+ endElement( gen, None, "NamedMeasurement" )
+ if r:
+ startElement( gen, None, "NamedMeasurement", { u"type":u"numeric/double", u"name":u"Execution Time"} )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Value", str( r.executionTime ) )
+ endElement( gen, None, "NamedMeasurement" )
+ endElement( gen, None, "Test" )
+def writeInternalError( gen, errorstr, num ):
+ startElement( gen, None, "Test", { u"Status":u"failed"} )
+ name = "InternalError{0}".format( num )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Name", name )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "FullName", name )
+ startElement( gen, None, "NamedMeasurement", { u"type":u"text/string", u"name":u"Completion Status"} )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Value", errorstr )
+ endElement( gen, None, "NamedMeasurement" )
+ endElement( gen, None, "Test" )
+def writeTest( gen, test ):
+ startElement( gen, None, "Test", { u"Status":checkerResultAsString[test.result]} )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Name", )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "FullName", )
+ startElement( gen, None, "NamedMeasurement", { u"type":u"text/string", u"name":u"Completion Status"} )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Value", test.errorString )
+ endElement( gen, None, "NamedMeasurement" )
+ endElement( gen, None, "Test" )
+class CDashReporter:
+ def __init__( self, host, location, project ):
+ self._host = host
+ self._location = location
+ self._project = project
+ def reportException( self ):
+ sys.stderr.write( traceback.format_exc( 15 ) + '\n' )
+ def reportResult( self, result ):
+ self._buildStamp = '{0}-Nightly'.format( '%Y%m%d-%H%M' ), utils.randomString( 4 ) )
+ try:
+ #generate XML
+ self.genXml( self.genTestXml, result )
+ #generate Tests.xml
+ #submitFile('Tests.xml')
+ except:
+ raise
+ def genTestXml( self, gen, result ):
+ name = "{0} on {1}".format( result._installer.sourceFilename, )
+ startElement( gen, None, "Site", { u"BuildStamp":self._buildStamp, u"Name":name, u"Generator":u"VMTester 0.1" } )
+ startElement( gen, None, "Testing" )
+ writeElement( gen, None, "StartDateTime", formatDate( result._testStart ) )
+ startElement( gen, None, "TestList" )
+ internal = result._internalErrors
+ for i in range( 0, len( internal ) - 1 ):
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Test", "InternalError{0}".format( i ) )
+ for stepNum in range( len( result._stepResults ) ):
+ step = result._stepResults[stepNum]
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Test", "installer-run{0}".format( stepNum ) )
+ for i in step.checkerResults:
+ writeElement( gen, None, "Test", )
+ endElement( gen, None, "TestList" )
+ for i in range( 0, len( internal ) - 1 ):
+ writeInternalError( gen, internal[i], i )
+ for stepNum in range( len( result._stepResults ) ):
+ step = result._stepResults[stepNum]
+ writeExecutionResult( gen, "installer-run{0}".format( stepNum ), step.executionResult )
+ for i in step.checkerResults:
+ writeTest( gen, i )
+ endElement( gen, None, "Testing" )
+ endElement( gen, None, "Site" )
+ def genXml( self, fillFunc, result ):
+ f = None
+ try:
+ f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False )
+ gen = XMLGenerator( f, 'utf-8' )
+ gen.startDocument()
+ fillFunc( gen, result )
+ gen.endDocument()
+ f.close()
+ self.submitFile( )
+ finally:
+ if f:
+ os.unlink( )
+ def submitFile( self, path ):
+ f = file( path )
+ params = urllib.urlencode( {'project': self._project} )
+ conn = None
+ try:
+ try:
+ conn = httplib.HTTPConnection( self._host )
+ conn.request( "POST", "{0}/submit.php?project={1}".format( self._location, self._project ), f )
+ response = conn.getresponse()
+ print response.status, response.reason
+ #TODO check result
+ finally:
+ if conn:
+ conn.close()
+ except:
+ #TODO: if submitting to cdash fails, try to notify the admin (mail?)
+ raise
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ r = result.Result()
+ r.testStarted()
+ r.addCheckerResult( result.CheckerResult( "test1", result.CheckerResult.Passed, "" ) )
+ r.addCheckerResult( result.CheckerResult( "test2", result.CheckerResult.Failed, "Something went wrong, dude!" ) )
+ time.sleep( 1 )
+ r.testFinished()
+ cr = CDashReporter( "http://localhost", "/CDash", "test1" )
+ cr.reportResult( r )
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b24c33ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import ConfigParser, datetime, os, string, sys, time, platform
+import testcase, utils, result, virtualmachine
+from virtualmachine import VMException
+from xml.sax import make_parser
+from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler
+class ControlException( Exception ):
+ def __init__( self, value ):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return repr( self.value )
+class Handler( ContentHandler ):
+ def __init__( self, res ):
+ self._res = res
+ self._inResult = False
+ self._buf = ""
+ def startElement( self, name, attrs ):
+ self._inResult = False
+ if name == "result":
+ self._inResult = True
+ self._name = attrs['name']
+ self._status = attrs['status']
+ def endElement( self, name ):
+ if name == 'result':
+ trimmed = string.strip( self._buf )
+ if self._status == "passed":
+ stat = result.CheckerResult.Passed
+ else:
+ stat = result.CheckerResult.Failed
+ self._res.addCheckerResult( result.CheckerResult( self._name, stat, trimmed ) )
+ self._inResult = False
+ self._buf = ""
+ def characters( self, ch ):
+ if self._inResult:
+ self._buf += ch
+class Control:
+ def __init__( self, vmrun, checkerDir, source, reporter ):
+ self._vmrun = vmrun
+ self._checkerDir = checkerDir
+ self._vms = []
+ self._testcases = []
+ self._source = source
+ self._reporter = reporter
+ self._guiEnabled = True
+ self._createErrorSnapshots = False
+ self._hostType = ""
+ self._hostLocation = ""
+ self._hostUsername = ""
+ self._hostPassword = ""
+ def setGuiEnabled( self, usegui ):
+ self._guiEnabled = usegui
+ for i in self._vms:
+ i.setGuiEnabled( usegui )
+ def setCreateErrorSnapshots( self, createSnapshots ):
+ self._createErrorSnapshots = createSnapshots
+ def setRemoteHost( self, type, loc, user, pw ):
+ self._hostType = type
+ self._hostLocation = loc
+ self._hostUsername = user
+ self._hostPassword = pw
+ for vm in self._vms:
+ if not vm.isRemote():
+ vm.setRemoteHost( self._hostType, self._hostLocation, self._hostUsername, self._hostPassword )
+ def addVM( self, cfgpath ):
+ config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ cfgpath )
+ vm = virtualmachine.fromVMRunAndPath( self._vmrun, cfgpath )
+ vm.setGuiEnabled( self._guiEnabled )
+ if len( self._hostType ) > 0 and not vm.isRemote():
+ vm.setRemoteHost( self._hostType, self._hostLocation, self._hostUsername, self._hostPassword )
+ self._vms.append( vm )
+ #TODO catch/transform exceptions
+ def addTestCase( self, path ):
+ self._testcases.append( testcase.TestCase( path ) )
+ def run( self ):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ inst = self._source.nextInstaller()
+ if inst == None:
+ print( "** Installer source returned None, aborting" )
+ return
+ if inst.error:
+ raise ControlException( inst.error )
+ print( "** New installer: {0}".format( inst.path ) )
+ self.testInstaller( inst, inst.platform )
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ self._reporter.reportException()
+ def testInstaller( self, inst, platform ):
+ for vm in self._vms:
+ if vm.ostype() != platform:
+ continue
+ for case in self._testcases:
+ if not case.supportsPlatform( platform ):
+ continue
+ res = result.Result()
+ try:
+ try:
+ res.setInstaller( inst )
+ res.setTestCase( case )
+ res.setVirtualMachine( vm )
+ res.testStarted()
+ self.run_test( inst.path, vm, case, res )
+ res.testFinished()
+ inst.markAsTested()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ raise
+ except:
+ res.addException()
+ finally:
+ self._reporter.reportResult( res )
+ def convertCheckerResults( self, filename, res ):
+ parser = make_parser()
+ parser.setContentHandler( Handler( res ) )
+ f = file( filename, 'rb' )
+ parser.parse( f )
+ def run_test( self, installerPath, vm, testcase, res ):
+ steps = testcase.steps()
+ if len( steps ) == 0:
+ raise ControlException( "No steps found for testcase {0}".format( ) )
+ revertStatus, _ = vm.revertToSnapshot()
+ if revertStatus != 0:
+ raise VMException( "Failed to revert to snapshot '{0}'".format( vm.snapshot() ) )
+ time.sleep( 5 ) # Trying to avoid a possible race between restore and start
+ vm.start()
+ try:
+ try:
+ vm.checkPythonInstalled()
+ wrapperpath = vm.copyToTemp( utils.execution_path( '' ) )
+ for stepNum in range( len( steps ) ):
+ needSnapshot = False
+ step = steps[stepNum]
+ if stepNum == 0:
+ executableguestpath = vm.copyToTemp( installerPath )
+ else:
+ executableguestpath = testcase.maintenanceToolLocation()
+ outputFileName = 'output{0}.log'.format( stepNum )
+ outputpath = vm.mkTempPath( outputFileName )
+ scriptguestpath = vm.copyToTemp( step.installscript() )
+ timeout = step.timeout()
+ checkerguestpath = vm.copyToTemp( step.checkerTestDir(), "checkerTestDir{0}".format( stepNum ) ) if len( string.strip( step.checkerTestDir() ) ) > 0 else None
+ vm.command( 'Execute installer', "runProgramInGuest", "'{0}' '{1}' '{2}' '{3}' '{4}' --script '{5}'".format( vm.python(), wrapperpath, outputpath, timeout, executableguestpath, scriptguestpath ) )
+ vm.copyFromTemp( outputFileName, outputFileName )
+ r = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ outputFileName )
+ try:
+ s = r.get( 'Result', 'ExitCode' )
+ exitCode = int( s )
+ except ValueError:
+ res.addInternalError( "Could not parse integer exit code from '{0}'".format( r.get( 'Result', 'ExitCode' ) ) )
+ exitCode = -1
+ try:
+ s = r.get( 'Result', 'ExecutionTime' )
+ executionTime = float( s )
+ except ValueError:
+ res.addInternalError( "Could not parse float execution time from '{0}'".format( r.get( 'Result', 'ExecutionTime' ) ) )
+ executionTime = 0.0
+ exitStatus = result.exitStatusFromString( r.get( 'Result', 'ExitStatus' ) )
+ instR = result.ExecutionResult( exitCode, exitStatus, executionTime )
+ if instR.hasError():
+ needSnapshot = True
+ checkerResults = []
+ if checkerguestpath and not instR.hasError():
+ if ( platform.system() == "Darwin" ):
+ # Have to sleep to work around VMware Fusion bug
+ time.sleep( 30 )
+ run_py = vm.copyToTemp( self._checkerDir ) + vm.pathSep() + ""
+ if ( platform.system() == "Darwin" ):
+ # Have to sleep to work around VMware Fusion bug
+ time.sleep( 30 )
+ checkeroutputFileName = 'checker-output{0}.xml'.format( stepNum )
+ checkeroutput = vm.mkTempPath( checkeroutputFileName )
+ vm.command( 'Execute checker tests', "runProgramInGuest", "'{0}' '{1}' '{2}' -o '{3}' -p '{4}'".format( vm.python(), run_py, checkerguestpath, checkeroutput, testcase.targetDirectory() ) )
+ vm.copyFromTemp( checkeroutputFileName, checkeroutputFileName )
+ self.convertCheckerResults( localcheckeroutput, checkerResults )
+ if res.hasCheckerErrors():
+ needSnapshot = True
+ if self._createErrorSnapshots and needSnapshot:
+ snapshot = 'error-{0}-{1}'.format( '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S' ), utils.randomString( 4 ) )
+ status, _ = vm.createSnapshot( snapshot )
+ if status == 0:
+ res.setErrorSnapshot( snapshot )
+ else:
+ res.addInternalError( 'Could not create error snapshot "{0}"'.format( snapshot ) )
+ res.addStepResult( result.StepResult( instR, checkerResults ) )
+ #TODO handle timeouts?
+ finally:
+ vm.kill()
+ except e:
+ print( e )
+ res.addInternalError( str( e ) )
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..306c76b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from ftplib import FTP
+import datetime, functools, os, time, tempfile
+from source import Installer
+import utils
+def _timestampFromFilename( platform, fn ):
+ # windows: assumed format is YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM as prefix
+ # linux: assumed format is YYYY-mm-dd as suffix
+ if platform.startswith( 'windows' ):
+ format = '%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M'
+ length = len( 'YYYY_mm_dd_HH_MM' )
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime( fn[0:length], format )
+ else:
+ format = '%Y-%m-%d'
+ length = len( 'YYYY-mm-dd' )
+ return datetime.datetime.strptime( fn[-length:], format )
+def timestampFromFilename( platform, fn ):
+ try:
+ return _timestampFromFilename( platform, fn )
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+def filesNewerThan( files, dt ):
+ if dt:
+ return filter( lambda (x,y): y >= dt, files )
+ else:
+ return files
+#internal to FtpSource
+class Location:
+ def __init__( self, host, path, platform ):
+ = host
+ self.path = path
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.testedFiles = []
+ def ls( self ):
+ ftp = FTP( )
+ ftp.login()
+ try:
+ return map( utils.basename, ftp.nlst( self.path ) )
+ finally:
+ ftp.close()
+ def filesSortedByTimestamp( self ):
+ files =
+ withTS = [( i, timestampFromFilename( self.platform, i ) ) for i in files]
+ filtered = filter( lambda (x,y): y != None, withTS )
+ filtered.sort( key=lambda (x,y): y )
+ return filtered
+ def untestedFilesSortedByTimestamp( self ):
+ l = self.filesSortedByTimestamp()
+ return filter( lambda ( x, y ): not self.isTested( x ), l )
+ def markAsTested( self, filename ):
+ self.testedFiles.append( filename )
+ def isTested( self, filename ):
+ return filename in self.testedFiles
+ def description( self ):
+ return "host={0} path={1} platform={2}".format(, self.path, self.platform )
+ def download( self, fn, target ):
+ ftp = FTP( )
+ ftp.login()
+ try:
+ ftp.retrbinary( 'RETR {0}/{1}'.format( self.path, fn ), target.write )
+ finally:
+ ftp.close()
+class FtpSource:
+ def __init__( self, delay=60*60, tempdir='/tmp' ):
+ self._locations = []
+ self._delay = delay
+ self._tempdir = tempdir
+ self._startDate = None
+ def setStartDate( self, date ):
+ self._startDate = date
+ def addLocation( self, host, path, platform ):
+ self._locations.append( Location( host, path, platform ) )
+ def nextInstaller( self ):
+ while True:
+ for i in self._locations:
+ print( "** Checking FTP location: " + i.description() )
+ files = i.untestedFilesSortedByTimestamp()
+ if self._startDate != None:
+ files = filesNewerThan( files, self._startDate )
+ if len( files ) == 0:
+ continue;
+ fn, ts = files[0]
+ print( "** Downloading new installer: {0}...".format( fn ) )
+ tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( dir=self._tempdir, prefix=fn )
+ fn, tmp )
+ print( "** Download completed. ({0})".format( ) )
+ i.lastTested = ts
+ inst = Installer(, i.platform, i, ts, tmp )
+ inst.sourceFilename = fn
+ return inst
+ print( "** No installers found. Going to sleep for {0} seconds...".format( self._delay ) )
+ time.sleep( self._delay )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ src = FtpSource()
+ src.addLocation( "hegel", "/projects/ndk/installers/windows", "windows" )
+ while True:
+ inst = src.nextInstaller()
+ print inst
+ inst.markAsTested()
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b410d366b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys, subprocess, ConfigParser, platform, os
+# begin Autobuild/helpers/
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import sys
+import signal
+from subprocess import Popen
+from threading import Thread
+from subprocess import PIPE
+import subprocess
+import platform
+def DebugN( l, m ):
+ pass
+def windowskill( pid ):
+ """ replace os.kill on Windows, where it is not available"""
+ Cmd = 'taskkill /PID ' + str( int( pid ) ) + ' /T /F'
+ if os.system( Cmd ) == 0:
+ DebugN( 4, 'windowskill: process ' + str( pid ) + ' killed.' )
+def kill( pid, signal ):
+ if 'Windows' in platform.platform():
+ windowskill( pid )
+ else:
+ os.kill( pid, signal )
+class CommandRunner( Thread ):
+ def __init__ ( self, Cmd ):
+ Thread.__init__( self )
+ self.__started = None
+ self.mCmd = Cmd
+ self.mOutput = ()
+ self.mPid = -1
+ self.mReturnCode = -1
+ self.mError = ()
+ self.__combinedOutput = False
+ def setCombinedOutput(self, combine):
+ if combine: # make sure combine is usable as a boolean
+ self.__combinedOutput = True
+ else:
+ self.__combinedOutput = False
+ def getCombineOutput(self):
+ return self.__combinedOutput
+ def run( self ):
+ DebugN( 4, 'RunCommand: ' + str( self.mCmd ) )
+ stderrValue = subprocess.PIPE
+ if self.__combinedOutput:
+ stderrValue = subprocess.STDOUT
+ self.__started = True
+#nokia-sdk: changed to shell=False, as shell=True requires manual quoting of args
+ p = Popen ( self.mCmd, shell = False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderrValue )
+ self.mPid =
+ self.mOutput, self.mError = p.communicate()
+ self.mReturnCode = p.returncode
+ DebugN( 4, 'ReturnCode of RunCommand: ' + str( p.returncode ) )
+ def started(self):
+ return self.__started
+ def output( self ):
+ return self.mOutput, self.mError
+ def terminate( self ):
+ # FIXME logic?
+ if self.mPid != -1:
+ kill( self.mPid, signal.SIGTERM )
+ if self.mPid == True:
+ self.join( 5 )
+ kill( self.mPid, signal.SIGKILL )
+ self.mPid = -1
+def RunCommand( Cmd, TimeOutSeconds=-1, CombineOutput = False ):
+ timeoutString = ' without a timeout'
+ if TimeOutSeconds > 0:
+ timeoutString = ' with timeout of ' + str( TimeOutSeconds )
+ combinedOutputString = ' and separate output for stdout and stderr'
+ if CombineOutput:
+ combinedOutputString = ' and combined stdout and stderr output'
+ DebugN ( 3, 'RunCommand: executing ' + str( Cmd ) + timeoutString + combinedOutputString )
+ runner = CommandRunner ( Cmd )
+ runner.setCombinedOutput( CombineOutput )
+ runner.start()
+ # poor man's mutex:
+ while not runner.started():
+ time.sleep( 0.1 )
+# if "CYGWIN" in platform.platform() or 'Windows' in platform.platform():
+# time.sleep( 1 )
+ if TimeOutSeconds == -1:
+ runner.join()
+ else:
+ runner.join( TimeOutSeconds )
+ if runner.isAlive():
+ runner.terminate()
+# if "CYGWIN" in platform.platform() or 'Windows' in platform.platform():
+# time.sleep(1)
+ runner.join( 5 )
+ DebugN( 3, 'RunCommand: command timed out, returncode is ' + str( runner.mReturnCode ) )
+ return ( runner.mReturnCode, runner.output(), True )
+ else:
+ DebugN( 3, 'RunCommand: command completed, returncode is ' + str( runner.mReturnCode ) )
+ return ( runner.mReturnCode, runner.output(), False )
+# end Autobuild/helpers/
+def printUsage():
+ print( "Usage: {0} <outputfile> <timeout> <program> [<args>*]".format( sys.argv[0] ) )
+if len( sys.argv ) < 4:
+ printUsage()
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+output = sys.argv[1]
+timeout = int( sys.argv[2] )
+cmd = sys.argv[3:]
+start = time.clock()
+exitCode, pout, timedOut = RunCommand( cmd, timeout )
+end = time.clock()
+if timedOut:
+ exitStatus = 'Timeout'
+ exitStatus = 'Normal' #TODO: detect crash
+config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+config.add_section( 'Result' )
+config.set( 'Result', 'ExitCode', str( exitCode ) )
+config.set( 'Result', 'ExitStatus', exitStatus )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Filename', cmd[0] )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Arguments', " ".join( cmd[1:] ) )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Timeout', str( timeout ) )
+config.set( 'Result', 'ExecutionTime', str( end - start ) )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Stdout', pout[0] )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Stderr', pout[1] )
+config.add_section( 'Platform' )
+config.set( 'Platform', 'system', platform.system() )
+config.set( 'Platform', 'release', platform.release() )
+config.set( 'Platform', 'version', platform.version() )
+config.set( 'Platform', 'machine', platform.machine() )
+with open( output, 'w' ) as configFile:
+ config.write(configFile )
+sys.exit( exitCode )
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f80b1c73d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import os, ConfigParser, tempfile, platform
+config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+config.set('Guest', 'temp_dir', str(tempfile.gettempdir()))
+config.set('Guest', 'path_sep', os.sep)
+config.set('Guest', 'system', platform.system())
+config.set('Guest', 'release', platform.release())
+config.set('Guest', 'version', platform.version())
+config.set('Guest', 'machine', platform.machine())
+with open('example.cfg', 'wb') as configFile:
+ config.write(configFile)
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..57366a8fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import datetime, socket, sys, traceback
+from xml.sax.saxutils import XMLGenerator
+from xml.sax.xmlreader import AttributesNSImpl
+import result
+from result import exitStatusAsString
+from xmlutils import startElement, endElement, writeElement
+class Reporter:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ pass
+ def reportException( self ):
+ sys.stderr.write( traceback.format_exc( 15 ) + '\n' )
+ def reportResult( self, result ):
+ try:
+ self.toXml( result, sys.stdout )
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ def toXml( self, result, out ):
+ atom = ""
+ tf = ""
+ gen = XMLGenerator( out, 'utf-8' )
+ gen.startDocument()
+ gen.startPrefixMapping( 'atom', atom)
+ gen.startPrefixMapping( 'tf', tf )
+ startElement( gen, atom, 'entry' )
+ writeElement( gen, atom, 'title', result.constructTitle() )
+ writeElement( gen, atom, 'updated', )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'errorSummary', exitStatusAsString( result.status() ) )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'host', socket.gethostname() )
+ if result._testStart != None:
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'testStart', result._testStart.isoformat() )
+ else:
+ result._internalErrors.append( "Result generator: no start timestamp found." )
+ if result._testEnd != None:
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'testEnd', result._testEnd.isoformat() )
+ else:
+ result._internalErrors.append( "Result generator: no end timestamp found." )
+ startElement( gen, tf, 'installer' )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'sourceUrl', result._installerSourceLocation )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'platform', result._installerTargetPlatform )
+ #TODO revision
+ endElement( gen, tf, 'installer' )
+ if result._testcase != None:
+ startElement( gen, tf, 'testCase' )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'name', )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'path', result._testcase.path() )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'installScript', result._testcase.installscript() )
+ endElement( gen, tf, 'testCase' )
+ else:
+ result._internalErrors.append( "Result generator: No test case given." )
+ if result._installationResult != None:
+ startElement( gen, tf, 'installationResult' )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'exitCode', str( result._installationResult.exitCode ) )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'exitStatus', exitStatusAsString( result._installationResult.exitStatus ) )
+ endElement( gen, tf, 'installationResult' )
+ else:
+ result._internalErrors.append( "Result generator: No installation result given." )
+ startElement( gen, tf, 'checkerResult' )
+ for err in result._checkerErrors:
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'error', err )
+ endElement( gen, tf, 'checkerResult' )
+ startElement( gen, tf, 'virtualMachine' )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'path', result._vm.vmxPath() )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'platform', result._vm.ostype() )
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'snapshot', result._vm.snapshot() )
+ endElement( gen, tf, 'virtualMachine' )
+ startElement( gen, tf, 'internalErrors' )
+ for i in result._internalErrors:
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'internalError', str( i ) )
+ endElement( gen, tf, 'internalErrors' )
+ if result._errorSnapshot != None:
+ writeElement( gen, tf, 'errorSnapshot', result._errorSnapshot )
+ endElement( gen, atom, 'entry' )
+ gen.endDocument()
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07d4832aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import control, testcase, datetime, source, tempfile, traceback, utils
+from source import Installer
+class ExecutionResult:
+ #return codes:
+ Success = 0
+ InstallationFailed = 1
+ InstallationCanceled = 2
+ #exit status:
+ Normal = 0
+ Crash = 1
+ Timeout = 2
+ def __init__( self, exitCode, exitStatus, executionTime ):
+ self.exitCode = exitCode
+ self.exitStatus = exitStatus
+ self.executionTime = executionTime
+ def hasError( self ):
+ return self.exitCode != 0 or self.exitStatus != ExecutionResult.Normal
+class CheckerResult:
+ Passed = 0
+ Failed = 1
+ NotRun = 2
+ def hasError( list ):
+ #the following would more efficient with something find_if-like (stopping if test with error is found)
+ return len( [x for i in list if i.hasError() ] ) > 0
+ def __init__( self, name, result, errorString ):
+ = utils.randomString( 3 ) + '_' + name
+ self.result = result
+ self.errorString = errorString
+ def hasError( self ):
+ return self.result != CheckerResult.Passed
+class StepResult:
+ def __init__( self, executionResult, checkerResults ):
+ self.executionResult = executionResult
+ self.checkerResults = checkerResults
+ def hasCheckerErrors( self ):
+ return CheckerResult.hasError( self.checkerResults )
+def exitStatusFromString( s ):
+ if s == 'Crash':
+ return ExecutionResult.Crash
+ if s == 'Timeout':
+ return ExecutionResult.Timeout
+ if s == 'Normal':
+ return ExecutionResult.Normal
+ raise control.ControlException( "Unknown exit status string: {0}".format( s ) )
+#there is probably a cooler way with introspection and stuff:
+def exitStatusAsString( status ):
+ if status == ExecutionResult.Crash:
+ return 'Crash'
+ if status == ExecutionResult.Normal:
+ return 'Normal'
+ if status == ExecutionResult.Timeout:
+ return 'Timeout'
+ raise control.ControlException( "Unknown exit status: {0}".format( status ) )
+class Result:
+ NoError=0 # Everything ok
+ InstallerError=1 #Installer failed, or post-conditions not met
+ InternalError=2 #Internal test framework error
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self._internalErrors = []
+ self._stepResults = []
+ self._installer = None
+ self._testStart = None
+ self._testEnd = None
+ self._testcase = None
+ self._vm = None
+ self._errorSnapshot = None
+ self._revision = "revision-todo"
+ def setInstaller( self, installer ):
+ self._installer = installer
+ def testStarted( self ):
+ self._testStart =
+ def testFinished( self ):
+ self._testEnd =
+ def setTestCase( self, testcase ):
+ self._testcase = testcase
+ def setErrorSnapshot( self, name ):
+ self._errorSnapshot = name
+ def setVirtualMachine( self, vm ):
+ self._vm = vm
+ def addInternalError( self, errstr ):
+ self._internalErrors.append( errstr )
+ def hasInternalErrors( self ):
+ return len( self._internalErrors ) > 0
+ def addException( self ):
+ s = 'Unexpected exception: {0}'.format( traceback.format_exc( 15 ) )
+ self._internalErrors.append( s )
+ def hasCheckerErrors( self ):
+ for step in self._stepResults:
+ if CheckerResult.hasError( step.checkerResults ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def addStepResult( self, result ):
+ self._stepResults.append( result )
+ def status( self ):
+ if len( self._internalErrors ) > 0:
+ return Result.InternalError
+ if len( self._stepResults ) == 0:
+ return Result.InternalError
+ for step in self._stepResults:
+ if step.executionResult.exitCode != ExecutionResult.Success or step.exitStatus != ExecutionResult.Normal:
+ return Result.InstallerError
+ if step.hasCheckerErrors():
+ return Result.InstallerError
+ #TODO: check test results
+ return Result.NoError
+ def statusAsNiceString( self ):
+ s = self.status()
+ if s == Result.InternalError:
+ return "Internal framework errors"
+ if s == Result.InstallerError:
+ return "Installation error"
+ return "OK"
+ def constructTitle( self ):
+ smiley = ":-)" if self.status() == Result.NoError else ":-("
+ return "{0}: {1} on {2} testing {3} - {4} {5}".format( self._revision, utils.basename( self._installerSourceLocation ),,, self.statusAsNiceString(), smiley )
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c063f3e70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys, os, ConfigParser, optparse, time, virtualmachine, utils
+# TODO: - Look in sensible locations for python in the guest VM
+# - Try and work-around VMware Fusion needing to be closed
+def check_option( option, optionName ):
+ if option:
+ return
+ print("** Could not find a value for {0}".format(optionName) )
+ print("** Please specify it on the commandline or configuration file.")
+ print
+ optionParser.print_help();
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def die(message):
+ print "** " + str(message)
+ sys.exit(1);
+# Parse options
+optionParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] vmx-file", version="%prog 0.9")
+optionParser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="username", help="username for VM", metavar="USERNAME" )
+optionParser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="password", help="password for VM", metavar="PASSWORD" )
+optionParser.add_option("-S", "--script", dest="script", help="script for VM", metavar="SCRIPT" )
+optionParser.add_option("-s", "--snapshot", dest="snapshot", help="snapshot for VM", metavar="SNAPSHOT" )
+optionParser.add_option("-P", "--python", dest="python", help="python location in VM", metavar="PYTHON" )
+optionParser.add_option("-v", "--vmrun", dest="vmrun", help="vmrun command for VM", metavar="VMRUN")
+optionParser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="config", help="configuration file for VM", metavar="CONFIG")
+optionParser.add_option("-i", "--installer", dest="installer", help="installer executable to command inside the VM", metavar="INSTALLER")
+optionParser.add_option("-e", "--installscript", dest="installscript", help="QtScript script to use for non-interactive installation", metavar="INSTALLSCRIPT")
+(options, args) = optionParser.parse_args()
+ options.vmx = args[0]
+except IndexError:
+ options.vmx = None
+options.ostype = None
+options.guestTempDir = None
+config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+if options.config:
+ print("** Reading config: " + options.config )
+ options.config )
+ print("** No config given")
+options.username = utils.get_config_option( config, options.username, "username", "nokia" )
+options.password = utils.get_config_option( config, options.password, "password", "nokia" )
+options.script = utils.get_config_option( config, options.script, "script", "" )
+options.python = utils.get_config_option( config, options.python, "python", "c:/python26/python.exe" )
+options.snapshot = utils.get_config_option( config, options.snapshot, "snapshot", "base" )
+options.vmrun = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmrun, "vmrun" )
+options.vmx = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmx, "vmx" )
+options.guestTempDir = utils.get_config_option( config, options.guestTempDir, "tempDir", "c:\\windows\\temp" )
+options.ostype = utils.get_config_option( config, options.ostype, "os", "windows" )
+check_option( options.vmx, "vmx-file" )
+# Search the PATH and the a few extra locations for 'vmrun'
+if not options.vmrun:
+ options.vmrun = utils.findVMRun()
+check_option( options.vmrun, "VMRUN" )
+check_option( options.installer, "INSTALLER" )
+check_option( options.installscript, "INSTALLSCRIPT" )
+# VM actions
+vm = virtualmachine.VirtualMachine( options.vmrun, options.vmx, options.username, options.password, options.guestTempDir, options.ostype )
+snapshotExists = vm.snapshotExists( options.snapshot )
+if not snapshotExists:
+ die("Could not find '{0}' snapshot, please create it in the VM.".format( options.snapshot ) )
+revertStatus, _ = vm.revertToSnapshot( options.snapshot )
+if revertStatus != 0:
+ die("Failed to revert to snapshot")
+time.sleep( 5 ) # Trying to avoid a possible race between restore and start
+ pythonStatus, _ = vm.command("Checking for guest installed Python", "fileExistsInGuest", options.python)
+ if pythonStatus != 0:
+ raise virtualmachine.VMException("Please install Python in the VM from")
+ wrapperpath = vm.copyToTemp( '' )
+ installerpath = vm.copyToTemp( options.installer )
+ scriptpath = vm.copyToTemp( options.installscript )
+ outputpath = vm.mkTempPath( 'output.log' )
+ vm.command( 'Execute installer', "runProgramInGuest", "-interactive -activeWindow '{0}' '{1}' '{2}' '{3}' --script '{4}'".format( options.python, wrapperpath, outputpath, installerpath, scriptpath ) )
+ vm.copyFromTemp( 'output.log', 'output.log' )
+ result = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ 'output.log' )
+ print( "Installer exit code: " + result.get( 'Result', 'ExitCode' ) )
+ #TODO parse output and do something with it
+except virtualmachine.VMException as exception:
+ die( exception )
+ vm.kill()
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f02571051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import ConfigParser, datetime, optparse, os, sys
+from functools import partial
+import cdashreporter, control, ftpsource, source, reporter, utils
+def die( msg ):
+ sys.stderr( msg + '\n' )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+optionParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] configfile installer0 [installer1 ...]", version="%prog 0.1")
+optionParser.add_option("-r", "--vmrun", dest="vmrun", help="vmrun executable to use", metavar="VMRUN" )
+optionParser.add_option("-s", "--only-since", dest="since", help="test only installers newer than timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm)", metavar="SINCE" )
+optionParser.add_option("-c", "--checkerInstallation", dest="checkerInstallation", help="checker installation to use for post-installation checks", metavar="CHECKERINSTALLATION" )
+(options, args) = optionParser.parse_args()
+ configpath = utils.makeAbsolutePath( args[0], os.getcwd() )
+except IndexError:
+ optionParser.print_usage( sys.stderr )
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() configpath )
+#make an unary functor to create absolute paths
+abspath = partial( utils.makeAbsolutePath, relativeTo=os.path.dirname( configpath ) )
+vmrun = utils.get_config_option( config, options.vmrun, "vmrun", utils.findVMRun() )
+useGui = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "gui", "true" ).lower() == "true"
+createErrorSnapshots = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "createErrorSnapshots", "true" ).lower() == "true"
+hostType = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "type", "", "Host" )
+hostLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "Host" )
+hostUsername = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "username", "", "Host" )
+hostPassword = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "password", "", "Host" )
+cdashHost = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "host", "", "CDash" )
+cdashLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "CDash" )
+cdashProject = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "project", "", "CDash" )
+if vmrun == None:
+ die( "Could not find vmrun executable. Please specify it in the config file (vmrun=...) or via the --vmrun option" )
+checkerInstallation = utils.get_config_option( config, options.checkerInstallation, "checkerInstallation" )
+if checkerInstallation == None:
+ die( "Could not find checker installation. Please specify it in the config file (checkerInstallation=...) or via the --checkerInstallation option" )
+#apply functor to list to get absolute paths:
+testcases = map( abspath, utils.get_enumerated_config_option( config, 'testcase' ) )
+if len( testcases ) == 0:
+ die( "No testcases specified. Please specify at least one test case in the configuration" )
+vms = map( abspath, utils.get_enumerated_config_option( config, 'vm' ) )
+if len( vms ) == 0:
+ die( "No VMs specified. Please specify at least one VM in the configuration" )
+installers = args[1:]
+if len( installers ) > 0:
+ source = source.Source()
+ for i in installers:
+ source.addDummy( 5, i )
+ source = ftpsource.FtpSource()
+ if options.since:
+ try:
+ sdt = datetime.datetime.strptime( options.since, '%Y-%m-%d' )
+ except ValueError:
+ sdt = datetime.datetime.strptime( options.since, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M' )
+ source.setStartDate( sdt )
+ found = True
+ nextsec = 0
+ while found:
+ sec = "Source{0}".format( nextsec )
+ nextsec += 1
+ try:
+ host = config.get( sec, "host" )
+ path = config.get( sec, "path" )
+ platform = config.get( sec, "platform" )
+ print( "** Add FTP location {0}:{1} ({2})".format( host, path, platform ) )
+ source.addLocation( host, path, platform )
+ except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
+ found = False
+cdashHost = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "host", "", "CDash" )
+cdashLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "CDash" )
+cdashProject = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "project", "", "CDash" )
+if len( cdashHost ) > 0:
+ reporter = cdashreporter.CDashReporter( cdashHost, cdashLocation, cdashProject )
+ reporter = reporter.Reporter()
+control = control.Control( vmrun, checkerInstallation, source, reporter )
+control.setGuiEnabled( useGui )
+control.setCreateErrorSnapshots( createErrorSnapshots )
+if len( hostType ) > 0:
+ control.setRemoteHost( hostType, hostLocation, hostUsername, hostPassword )
+for i in vms:
+ control.addVM( i )
+for i in testcases:
+ control.addTestCase( i )
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fe067ab4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import os, time
+class Installer:
+ def __init__( self, path, platform, location, timestamp=None, tempfile=None ):
+ self.path = path
+ self.platform = platform
+ self.error = None
+ self.timestamp = timestamp
+ self.tempfile = tempfile
+ self.sourceLocation = location
+ def markAsTested( self ):
+ self.sourceLocation.markAsTested( self.sourceFilename )
+class Source:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ self._dummies = []
+ def nextInstaller( self ):
+ if len( self._dummies ) == 0:
+ return None
+ delay, path = self._dummies.pop()
+ time.sleep( delay )
+ if os.path.exists( path ):
+ inst = Installer( path, "linux", None )
+ inst.sourceFilename = path
+ return inst
+ else:
+ inst = Installer( None, None )
+ #simulating download errors
+ inst.error = "Installer '{0}' does not exist".format( path )
+ return inst
+ def addDummy( self, delay, path ):
+ self._dummies.insert( 0, ( delay, path ) )
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65fd83880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import ConfigParser, os, utils
+class Step:
+ def __init__( self, installscript, checkerTestDir, timeout ):
+ self._installscript = installscript
+ self._checkerTestDir = checkerTestDir
+ self._timeout = timeout
+ def installscript( self ):
+ return self._installscript
+ def checkerTestDir( self ):
+ return self._checkerTestDir
+ def timeout( self ):
+ return self._timeout
+class TestCase:
+ def __init__( self, path ):
+ self._steps = []
+ config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ path )
+ self._path = path
+ self._platforms = []
+ found = True
+ stepNum = 0
+ while found:
+ sec = "Step{0}".format( stepNum )
+ if not config.has_section( sec ):
+ found = False
+ continue
+ stepNum += 1
+ installscript = utils.makeAbsolutePath( utils.get_config_option( config, None, "installscript", None, sec ), os.path.dirname( path ) )
+ checkerTestDir = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "checkerTestDir", None, sec )
+ checkerTestDir = utils.makeAbsolutePath( checkerTestDir, os.path.dirname( path ) ) if checkerTestDir else ""
+ timeout = int( utils.get_config_option( config, None, "timeout", 60 * 60, sec ) )
+ self._steps.append( Step( installscript, checkerTestDir, timeout ) )
+ self._name = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "name", utils.basename( path ) )
+ self._targetDirectory = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "targetDirectory", "" )
+ self._maintenanceToolLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "maintenanceToolLocation", "" )
+ platforms = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "platforms" )
+ if platforms != None:
+ self._platforms = platforms.split( ',' )
+ def supportsPlatform( self, platform ):
+ return platform in self._platforms
+ def installerTimeout( self ):
+ return self._installerTimeout
+ def platforms( self ):
+ return self._platforms
+ def name( self ):
+ return self._name
+ def targetDirectory( self ):
+ return self._targetDirectory
+ def steps( self ):
+ return self._steps
+ def path( self ):
+ return self._path
+ def maintenanceToolLocation( self ):
+ return self._maintenanceToolLocation
+ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24529be40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import ConfigParser, inspect, os, string, sys
+from random import Random
+def findVMRun():
+ searchDirectories = os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)
+ searchDirectories.append("/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion")
+ for directory in searchDirectories:
+ possibleFile = os.path.join(directory, 'vmrun')
+ if os.path.isfile(possibleFile):
+ return possibleFile
+ return None
+def basename( path ):
+ if path.endswith( os.path.sep ):
+ return os.path.basename( path[0,-1] )
+ else:
+ return os.path.basename( path )
+def makeAbsolutePath( path, relativeTo ):
+ if os.path.isabs( path ) or relativeTo == None:
+ return path
+ else:
+ return relativeTo + os.sep + path
+def execution_path( filename ):
+ return os.path.join( os.path.dirname( inspect.getfile( sys._getframe( 1 ) ) ), filename )
+def unixPathSep( s ):
+ return s.replace( '\\', '/' )
+def get_config_option( config, initial, option, default=None, section="General" ):
+ # If there's already a valid option from the commandline,
+ # override the value from the configuration file.
+ if initial != None:
+ print( "** Overridden {0}={1}".format( option, initial ) )
+ return initial
+ try:
+ tmp = config.get( section, option )
+ print( "** Read config value {0}={1}".format( option, tmp ) )
+ return tmp
+ except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError):
+ print( "** Using default value {0}={1}".format( option, default ) )
+ return default
+def get_enumerated_config_option( config, option ):
+ res = []
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ key = option + str( i )
+ val = get_config_option( config, None, key )
+ if val == None:
+ print res
+ return res
+ res.append( val )
+ i += 1
+def randomString( length ):
+ return ''.join( Random().sample( string.letters + string.digits, length ) )
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7507cd531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import commands, ConfigParser, os, string, utils, platform
+class VMException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.value)
+class VirtualMachine:
+ def __init__( self, vmrun, vmx, username, password, tempDir, ostype ):
+ self._vmrun = vmrun
+ self._vmx = vmx
+ self._username = username
+ self._password = password
+ self._tempDir = tempDir
+ self._ostype = ostype
+ self._useGui = True
+ self._name = "no name"
+ self._hostType = ""
+ self._hostLocation = None
+ self._hostUsername = None
+ self._hostPassword = None
+ def setGuiEnabled( self, usegui ):
+ self._useGui = usegui
+ def name( self ):
+ return self._name
+ def isRemote( self ):
+ return len( self._hostType ) > 0;
+ def setRemoteHost( self, type, loc, user, pw ):
+ self._hostType = type
+ self._hostLocation = loc
+ self._hostUsername = user
+ self._hostPassword = pw
+ def command( self, message, command, parameters=None ):
+ if len( self._hostType ) > 0:
+ remote = "-T {0} -h '{1}' -u {2} -p {3}".format( self._hostType, self._hostLocation, self._hostUsername, self._hostPassword )
+ else:
+ remote = ""
+ vmcommand = "'{0}' {1} -gu {2} -gp {3} {4} '{5}' ".format( self._vmrun, remote, self._username, self._password, command, self._vmx )
+ if parameters:
+ vmcommand += parameters
+ print "** " + message
+ status, output = commands.getstatusoutput(vmcommand)
+ if status != 0:
+ print "* Return code: {0}".format(status)
+ print "* Output:"
+ print output
+ print
+ return status, output
+ def copyFileToGuest( self, source, target ):
+ #TODO convert paths to guest system?
+ status, _ = self.command( 'Copying {0} to {1}'.format( source, target ), 'copyFileFromHostToGuest', "'{0}' '{1}'".format( source, target ) )
+ if status != 0:
+ raise VMException( "Could not copy from host to guest: source {0} target {1}".format( source, target ) )
+ def copyFileFromGuest( self, source, target ):
+ #TODO convert paths to guest system?
+ status, _ = self.command( 'Copying {0} to {1}'.format( source, target ), 'copyFileFromGuestToHost', "'{0}' '{1}'".format( source, target ) )
+ if status != 0:
+ raise VMException( "Could not copy from guest to host: source {0} target {1}".format( source, target ) )
+ def ostype( self ):
+ return self._ostype
+ def vmxPath( self ):
+ return self._vmx
+ def mkTempPath( self, filename ):
+ return self._tempDir + self.pathSep() + utils.basename( filename )
+ def pathSep( self ):
+ if self._ostype == "windows":
+ return "\\"
+ else:
+ return "/"
+ def copyToTemp( self, source, targetN=None ):
+ if source == None or len( string.strip( source ) ) == 0:
+ return None
+ if targetN == None:
+ targetN = source
+ target = self.mkTempPath( targetN )
+ self.copyFileToGuest( source, target )
+ return target
+ def copyFromTemp( self, filename, target ):
+ source = self.mkTempPath( filename )
+ self.copyFileFromGuest( source, target )
+ return target
+ def start( self ):
+ arg = "gui" if self._useGui else "nogui"
+ self.command("Starting VM ({0})".format( arg ), "start", arg )
+ def kill( self ):
+ self.command("Stopping VM", "stop", "hard" )
+ def isRunning( self ):
+ _, vmList = self.command("Checking running VMs", "list")
+ _, _, vmFilename = self._vmx.rpartition( os.sep )
+ return vmList.find(vmFilename) is not -1
+ def snapshotExists( self, snapshot ):
+ _, output = self.command("Checking snapshots", "listSnapshots")
+ snapshotList = output.split("\n")
+ # Remove first entry which contains number of snapshots
+ snapshotList.pop(0)
+ return snapshotList.count( snapshot ) > 0
+ def checkPythonInstalled( self ):
+ pp = utils.unixPathSep( self._python )
+ pythonStatus, _ = self.command("Checking for guest installed Python", "fileExistsInGuest", pp )
+ print pythonStatus
+ if pythonStatus != 0:
+ raise VMException("Could not find python in {0}: Please specify the path/install Python in the VM from".format( pp ) )
+ else:
+ print("Python found ({0})".format( pp ) )
+ def python( self ):
+ return self._python
+ def snapshot( self ):
+ return self._snapshot
+ def revertToSnapshot( self, snapshot=None ):
+ if snapshot != None:
+ snap = snapshot
+ else:
+ snap = self._snapshot
+ # VMware Fusion needs to be closed before you can restore snapshots so kill it
+ if ( platform.system() == "Darwin" ):
+ commands.getstatusoutput( "ps x|grep 'VMware Fusion'|cut -d ' ' -f1|xargs kill" )
+ return self.command("Reverting to '{0}' snapshot".format( snap ), "revertToSnapshot", snap )
+ def createSnapshot( self, name ):
+ return self.command("Creating error snapshot '{0}'".format( name ), "snapshot", name )
+def fromVMRunAndPath( vmrun, path ):
+ config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+ path )
+ hostType = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "type", "", "Host" )
+ hostLocation = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "location", "", "Host" )
+ hostUsername = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "username", "", "Host" )
+ hostPassword = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "password", "", "Host" )
+ vmxVal = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "vmx" )
+ if not len( hostType ) == 0:
+ vmx = utils.makeAbsolutePath( vmxVal, os.path.dirname( path ) )
+ else:
+ vmx = vmxVal
+ username = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "username", "nokia" )
+ password = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "password", "nokia" )
+ tempDir = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "tempDir", "c:\\windows\\temp" )
+ ostype = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "os", "windows" )
+ vm = VirtualMachine( vmrun, vmx, username, password, tempDir, ostype )
+ vm._name = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "name", utils.basename( path ) )
+ vm._snapshot = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "snapshot", "base" )
+ vm._python = utils.get_config_option( config, None, "python", "c:/python26/python.exe" )
+ vm._hostType = hostType
+ vm._hostLocation = hostLocation
+ vm._hostUsername = hostUsername
+ vm._hostPassword = hostPassword
+ return vm
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..609412309
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+def startElement( gen, ns, name, attrsb={} ):
+ attrs = {}
+ for i in attrsb:
+ attrs[(None, i)] = attrsb[i]
+ gen.startElementNS( ( ns, name ), name, attrs )
+def endElement( gen, ns, name ):
+ gen.endElementNS( ( ns, name ), name )
+def writeElement( gen, ns, name, text, attrs={} ):
+ startElement( gen, ns, name, attrs )
+ gen.characters( text )
+ endElement( gen, ns, name )