diff options
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/kdtools/kdgenericfactory.cpp b/src/libs/kdtools/kdgenericfactory.cpp
index 9352f83cd..df419c1f4 100644
--- a/src/libs/kdtools/kdgenericfactory.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/kdtools/kdgenericfactory.cpp
@@ -153,98 +153,3 @@
type T, identified by \a name. When a product is registered via this method, it will be created
by calling create().
-#include <KDUnitTest/test.h>
-#include <QStringList>
-#include <QMap>
-class Fruit
- virtual ~Fruit() {}
-class Apple : public Fruit
-class Pear : public Fruit
-std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& stream, const QStringList& list )
- stream << "QStringList(";
- for( QStringList::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it )
- {
- stream << " " << it->toLocal8Bit().data();
- if( it + 1 != list.end() )
- stream << ",";
- }
- stream << " )";
- return stream;
-class KDGenericFactoryTest : public KDUnitTest::Test {
- KDGenericFactoryTest() : Test( "KDGenericFactory" ) {}
- void run() {
- doRun<QHash>();
- doRun<QMap>();
- }
- template <template <typename U, typename V> class T_Map>
- void doRun();
-KDAB_EXPORT_UNITTEST( KDGenericFactoryTest, "kdcoretools" )
-template <template <typename U, typename V> class T_Map>
-void KDGenericFactoryTest::doRun() {
- {
- KDGenericFactory< Fruit, QString, T_Map > fruitPlantation;
- assertEqual( fruitPlantation.productCount(), 0U );
- assertEqual( fruitPlantation.availableProducts(), QStringList() );
- fruitPlantation.template registerProduct< Apple >( QLatin1String( "Apple" ) );
- assertEqual( fruitPlantation.productCount(), 1U );
- assertEqual( fruitPlantation.availableProducts(), QStringList( QLatin1String( "Apple" ) ) );
- fruitPlantation.template registerProduct< Pear >( QLatin1String( "Pear" ) );
- assertEqual( fruitPlantation.productCount(), 2U );
- Fruit* fruit = 0;
- fruit = fruitPlantation.create( QLatin1String( "Apple" ) );
- assertNotNull( fruit );
- assertNotNull( dynamic_cast< Apple* >( fruit ) );
- fruit = fruitPlantation.create( QLatin1String( "Pear" ) );
- assertNotNull( fruit );
- assertNotNull( dynamic_cast< Pear* >( fruit ) );
- fruit = fruitPlantation.create( QLatin1String( "Cherry" ) );
- assertNull( fruit );
- fruitPlantation.unregisterProduct( QLatin1String( "Apple" ) );
- assertEqual( fruitPlantation.productCount(), 1U );
- assertEqual( fruitPlantation.availableProducts(), QStringList( QLatin1String( "Pear" ) ) );
- fruit = fruitPlantation.create( QLatin1String( "Apple" ) );
- assertNull( fruit );
- fruit = fruitPlantation.create( QLatin1String( "Pear" ) );
- assertNotNull( fruit );
- assertNotNull( dynamic_cast< Pear* >( fruit ) );
- fruitPlantation.unregisterProduct( QLatin1String( "Pear" ) );
- assertEqual( fruitPlantation.productCount(), 0U );
- fruit = fruitPlantation.create( QLatin1String( "Pear" ) );
- assertNull( fruit );
- }
diff --git a/src/libs/kdtools/kdlockfile.cpp b/src/libs/kdtools/kdlockfile.cpp
index 3a440b6b0..0b1853e99 100644
--- a/src/libs/kdtools/kdlockfile.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/kdtools/kdlockfile.cpp
@@ -55,37 +55,3 @@ bool KDLockFile::unlock()
return d->unlock();
-#include <KDUnitTest/Test>
-#include <QDebug>
-#include <QDir>
-KDAB_UNITTEST_SIMPLE( KDLockFile, "kdcoretools" ) {
- {
- KDLockFile f( QLatin1String("/jlksdfdsfjkldsf-doesnotexist/file") );
- const bool locked = f.lock();
- assertFalse( locked );
- qDebug() << f.errorString();
- assertTrue( !f.errorString().isEmpty() );
- if ( !locked )
- assertTrue( f.unlock() );
- }
- {
- KDLockFile f( QDir::currentPath() + QLatin1String("/kdlockfile-test") );
- const bool locked = f.lock();
- assertTrue( locked );
- if ( !locked )
- qDebug() << f.errorString();
- assertEqual( locked, f.errorString().isEmpty() );
- const bool unlocked = f.unlock();
- assertTrue( unlocked );
- if ( !unlocked )
- qDebug() << f.errorString();
- assertEqual( unlocked, f.errorString().isEmpty() );
- }
diff --git a/src/libs/kdtools/kdsavefile.cpp b/src/libs/kdtools/kdsavefile.cpp
index 849eef393..450f29e83 100644
--- a/src/libs/kdtools/kdsavefile.cpp
+++ b/src/libs/kdtools/kdsavefile.cpp
@@ -458,73 +458,3 @@ QString KDSaveFile::backupExtension() const
return d->backupExtension;
- * TODO
- *
- *
- */
-#include <KDUnitTest/Test>
-KDAB_UNITTEST_SIMPLE( KDSaveFile, "kdcoretools" ) {
- //TODO test contents (needs blocking and checked write() )
- {
- const QString testfile1 = QLatin1String("kdsavefile-test1");
- QByteArray testData("lalalala");
- KDSaveFile saveFile( testfile1 );
- assertTrue( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) );
- saveFile.write( testData.constData(), testData.size() );
- assertTrue( saveFile.commit() );
- assertTrue( QFile::exists( testfile1 ) );
- assertTrue( QFile::remove( testfile1 ) );
- }
- {
- const QString testfile1 = QLatin1String("kdsavefile-test1");
- QByteArray testData("lalalala");
- KDSaveFile saveFile( testfile1 );
- assertTrue( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) );
- saveFile.write( testData.constData(), testData.size() );
- saveFile.close();
- assertFalse( QFile::exists( testfile1 ) );
- }
- {
- const QString testfile1 = QLatin1String("kdsavefile-test1");
- QByteArray testData("lalalala");
- KDSaveFile saveFile( testfile1 );
- assertTrue( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) );
- saveFile.write( testData.constData(), testData.size() );
- assertTrue( saveFile.commit() );
- assertTrue( QFile::exists( testfile1 ) );
- KDSaveFile sf2( testfile1 );
- sf2.setBackupExtension( QLatin1String(".bak") );
- assertTrue( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) );
- sf2.write( testData.constData(), testData.size() );
- sf2.commit(); //commit in backup mode (default)
- const QString backup = testfile1 + sf2.backupExtension();
- assertTrue( QFile::exists( backup ) );
- assertTrue( QFile::remove( backup ) );
- KDSaveFile sf3( testfile1 );
- sf3.setBackupExtension( QLatin1String(".bak") );
- assertTrue( QIODevice::WriteOnly ) );
- sf3.write( testData.constData(), testData.size() );
- sf3.commit( KDSaveFile::OverwriteExistingFile );
- const QString backup2 = testfile1 + sf3.backupExtension();
- assertFalse( QFile::exists( backup2 ) );
- assertTrue( QFile::remove( testfile1 ) );
- }
- {
- const QString testfile1 = QLatin1String("kdsavefile-test1");
- KDSaveFile sf( testfile1 );
- assertFalse( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) );
- assertFalse( QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Append ) );
- assertTrue( QIODevice::ReadWrite ) );
- }