path: root/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/GzHandler.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/GzHandler.cpp')
1 files changed, 820 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/GzHandler.cpp b/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/GzHandler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d7f94b19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/GzHandler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
+// GzHandler.cpp
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "../../../C/CpuArch.h"
+#include "Common/ComTry.h"
+#include "Common/StringConvert.h"
+#include "Windows/PropVariant.h"
+#include "Windows/Time.h"
+#include "../Common/ProgressUtils.h"
+#include "../Common/RegisterArc.h"
+#include "../Common/StreamUtils.h"
+#include "../Compress/CopyCoder.h"
+#include "../Compress/DeflateDecoder.h"
+#include "../Compress/DeflateEncoder.h"
+#include "Common/InStreamWithCRC.h"
+#include "Common/OutStreamWithCRC.h"
+#include "Common/ParseProperties.h"
+#define Get32(p) GetUi32(p)
+using namespace NWindows;
+namespace NArchive {
+namespace NGz {
+static const UInt16 kSignature = 0x8B1F;
+namespace NHeader
+ namespace NFlags
+ {
+ const Byte kIsText = 1 << 0;
+ const Byte kCrc = 1 << 1;
+ const Byte kExtra = 1 << 2;
+ const Byte kName = 1 << 3;
+ const Byte kComment = 1 << 4;
+ }
+ namespace NExtraFlags
+ {
+ const Byte kMaximum = 2;
+ const Byte kFastest = 4;
+ }
+ namespace NCompressionMethod
+ {
+ const Byte kDeflate = 8;
+ }
+ namespace NHostOS
+ {
+ enum EEnum
+ {
+ kFAT = 0,
+ kVMS,
+ kUnix,
+ kVM_CMS,
+ kAtari,
+ kHPFS,
+ kMac,
+ kZ_System,
+ kCPM,
+ kTOPS20,
+ kNTFS,
+ kQDOS,
+ kAcorn,
+ kVFAT,
+ kMVS,
+ kBeOS,
+ kTandem,
+ kUnknown = 255
+ };
+ }
+static const char *kHostOSes[] =
+ "FAT",
+ "AMIGA",
+ "VMS",
+ "Unix",
+ "VM/CMS",
+ "Atari",
+ "HPFS",
+ "Macintosh",
+ "Z-System",
+ "CP/M",
+ "TOPS-20",
+ "NTFS",
+ "Acorn",
+ "VFAT",
+ "MVS",
+ "BeOS",
+ "Tandem",
+ "OS/400",
+ "OS/X"
+static const char *kUnknownOS = "Unknown";
+class CItem
+ bool TestFlag(Byte flag) const { return (Flags & flag) != 0; }
+ Byte Method;
+ Byte Flags;
+ Byte ExtraFlags;
+ Byte HostOS;
+ UInt32 Time;
+ UInt32 Crc;
+ UInt32 Size32;
+ AString Name;
+ AString Comment;
+ // CByteBuffer Extra;
+ // bool IsText() const { return TestFlag(NHeader::NFlags::kIsText); }
+ bool HeaderCrcIsPresent() const { return TestFlag(NHeader::NFlags::kCrc); }
+ bool ExtraFieldIsPresent() const { return TestFlag(NHeader::NFlags::kExtra); }
+ bool NameIsPresent() const { return TestFlag(NHeader::NFlags::kName); }
+ bool CommentIsPresent() const { return TestFlag(NHeader::NFlags::kComment); }
+ void Clear()
+ {
+ Name.Empty();
+ Comment.Empty();
+ // Extra.SetCapacity(0);
+ }
+ HRESULT ReadHeader(NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *stream);
+ HRESULT ReadFooter1(NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *stream);
+ HRESULT ReadFooter2(ISequentialInStream *stream);
+ HRESULT WriteHeader(ISequentialOutStream *stream);
+ HRESULT WriteFooter(ISequentialOutStream *stream);
+static HRESULT ReadBytes(NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *stream, Byte *data, UInt32 size)
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ data[i] = stream->ReadByte();
+ return stream->InputEofError() ? S_FALSE : S_OK;
+static HRESULT SkipBytes(NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *stream, UInt32 size)
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ stream->ReadByte();
+ return stream->InputEofError() ? S_FALSE : S_OK;
+static HRESULT ReadUInt16(NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *stream, UInt16 &value /* , UInt32 &crc */)
+ value = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ Byte b = stream->ReadByte();
+ if (stream->InputEofError())
+ return S_FALSE;
+ // crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, b);
+ value |= (UInt16(b) << (8 * i));
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+static HRESULT ReadString(NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *stream, AString &s, UInt32 limit /* , UInt32 &crc */)
+ s.Empty();
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < limit; i++)
+ {
+ Byte b = stream->ReadByte();
+ if (stream->InputEofError())
+ return S_FALSE;
+ // crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, b);
+ if (b == 0)
+ return S_OK;
+ s += (char)b;
+ }
+ return S_FALSE;
+HRESULT CItem::ReadHeader(NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *stream)
+ Clear();
+ // Header-CRC field had another meaning in old version of gzip!
+ // UInt32 crc = CRC_INIT_VAL;
+ Byte buf[10];
+ RINOK(ReadBytes(stream, buf, 10));
+ if (GetUi16(buf) != kSignature)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ Method = buf[2];
+ if (Method != NHeader::NCompressionMethod::kDeflate)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ Flags = buf[3];
+ Time = Get32(buf + 4);
+ ExtraFlags = buf[8];
+ HostOS = buf[9];
+ // crc = CrcUpdate(crc, buf, 10);
+ if (ExtraFieldIsPresent())
+ {
+ UInt16 extraSize;
+ RINOK(ReadUInt16(stream, extraSize /* , crc */));
+ RINOK(SkipBytes(stream, extraSize));
+ // Extra.SetCapacity(extraSize);
+ // RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, Extra, extraSize));
+ // crc = CrcUpdate(crc, Extra, extraSize);
+ }
+ if (NameIsPresent())
+ RINOK(ReadString(stream, Name, (1 << 10) /* , crc */));
+ if (CommentIsPresent())
+ RINOK(ReadString(stream, Comment, (1 << 16) /* , crc */));
+ if (HeaderCrcIsPresent())
+ {
+ UInt16 headerCRC;
+ // UInt32 dummy = 0;
+ RINOK(ReadUInt16(stream, headerCRC /* , dummy */));
+ /*
+ if ((UInt16)CRC_GET_DIGEST(crc) != headerCRC)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ */
+ }
+ return stream->InputEofError() ? S_FALSE : S_OK;
+HRESULT CItem::ReadFooter1(NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *stream)
+ Byte buf[8];
+ RINOK(ReadBytes(stream, buf, 8));
+ Crc = Get32(buf);
+ Size32 = Get32(buf + 4);
+ return stream->InputEofError() ? S_FALSE : S_OK;
+HRESULT CItem::ReadFooter2(ISequentialInStream *stream)
+ Byte buf[8];
+ RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, buf, 8));
+ Crc = Get32(buf);
+ Size32 = Get32(buf + 4);
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT CItem::WriteHeader(ISequentialOutStream *stream)
+ Byte buf[10];
+ SetUi16(buf, kSignature);
+ buf[2] = Method;
+ buf[3] = Flags & NHeader::NFlags::kName;
+ // buf[3] |= NHeader::NFlags::kCrc;
+ SetUi32(buf + 4, Time);
+ buf[8] = ExtraFlags;
+ buf[9] = HostOS;
+ RINOK(WriteStream(stream, buf, 10));
+ // crc = CrcUpdate(CRC_INIT_VAL, buf, 10);
+ if (NameIsPresent())
+ {
+ // crc = CrcUpdate(crc, (const char *)Name, Name.Length() + 1);
+ RINOK(WriteStream(stream, (const char *)Name, Name.Length() + 1));
+ }
+ // SetUi16(buf, (UInt16)CRC_GET_DIGEST(crc));
+ // RINOK(WriteStream(stream, buf, 2));
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT CItem::WriteFooter(ISequentialOutStream *stream)
+ Byte buf[8];
+ SetUi32(buf, Crc);
+ SetUi32(buf + 4, Size32);
+ return WriteStream(stream, buf, 8);
+static const UInt32 kAlgoX1 = 0;
+static const UInt32 kAlgoX5 = 1;
+static const UInt32 kNumPassesX1 = 1;
+static const UInt32 kNumPassesX7 = 3;
+static const UInt32 kNumPassesX9 = 10;
+static const UInt32 kNumFastBytesX1 = 32;
+static const UInt32 kNumFastBytesX7 = 64;
+static const UInt32 kNumFastBytesX9 = 128;
+struct CCompressMode
+ UInt32 NumPasses;
+ UInt32 NumFastBytes;
+ UInt32 Algo;
+ UInt32 Mc;
+ bool McDefined;
+ bool IsMaximum() const { return Algo > 0; }
+ void Init()
+ {
+ NumPasses = NumFastBytes = Mc = Algo = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ McDefined = false;
+ }
+ void Normalize(UInt32 level)
+ {
+ if (level == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ level = 5;
+ if (NumPasses == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ NumPasses =
+ (level >= 9 ? kNumPassesX9 :
+ (level >= 7 ? kNumPassesX7 :
+ kNumPassesX1));
+ if (NumFastBytes == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ NumFastBytes =
+ (level >= 9 ? kNumFastBytesX9 :
+ (level >= 7 ? kNumFastBytesX7 :
+ kNumFastBytesX1));
+ if (Algo == 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ Algo = (level >= 5 ?
+ kAlgoX5 :
+ kAlgoX1);
+ }
+class CHandler:
+ public IInArchive,
+ public IArchiveOpenSeq,
+ public IOutArchive,
+ public ISetProperties,
+ public CMyUnknownImp
+ CItem _item;
+ UInt64 _startPosition;
+ UInt64 _headerSize;
+ UInt64 _packSize;
+ bool _packSizeDefined;
+ CMyComPtr<IInStream> _stream;
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> _decoder;
+ NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder *_decoderSpec;
+ CCompressMode _method;
+ UInt32 _level;
+ void InitMethodProperties()
+ {
+ _level = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ _method.Init();
+ }
+ MY_UNKNOWN_IMP4(IInArchive, IArchiveOpenSeq, IOutArchive, ISetProperties)
+ INTERFACE_IInArchive(;)
+ INTERFACE_IOutArchive(;)
+ STDMETHOD(OpenSeq)(ISequentialInStream *stream);
+ STDMETHOD(SetProperties)(const wchar_t **names, const PROPVARIANT *values, Int32 numProps);
+ CHandler()
+ {
+ InitMethodProperties();
+ _decoderSpec = new NCompress::NDeflate::NDecoder::CCOMCoder;
+ _decoder = _decoderSpec;
+ }
+ { NULL, kpidPath, VT_BSTR},
+ { NULL, kpidSize, VT_UI8},
+ { NULL, kpidPackSize, VT_UI8},
+ { NULL, kpidMTime, VT_FILETIME},
+ { NULL, kpidHostOS, VT_BSTR},
+ { NULL, kpidCRC, VT_UI4}
+ // { NULL, kpidComment, VT_BSTR}
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetArchiveProperty(PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
+ NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
+ switch(propID)
+ {
+ case kpidPhySize: if (_packSizeDefined) prop = _packSize; break;
+ }
+ prop.Detach(value);
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetNumberOfItems(UInt32 *numItems)
+ *numItems = 1;
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetProperty(UInt32 /* index */, PROPID propID, PROPVARIANT *value)
+ NWindows::NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
+ switch(propID)
+ {
+ case kpidPath:
+ if (_item.NameIsPresent())
+ prop = MultiByteToUnicodeString(_item.Name, CP_ACP);
+ break;
+ // case kpidComment: if (_item.CommentIsPresent()) prop = MultiByteToUnicodeString(_item.Comment, CP_ACP); break;
+ case kpidMTime:
+ {
+ if (_item.Time != 0)
+ {
+ NTime::UnixTimeToFileTime(_item.Time, utc);
+ prop = utc;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case kpidSize: if (_stream) prop = (UInt64)_item.Size32; break;
+ case kpidPackSize: if (_packSizeDefined) prop = _packSize; break;
+ case kpidHostOS: prop = (_item.HostOS < sizeof(kHostOSes) / sizeof(kHostOSes[0])) ?
+ kHostOSes[_item.HostOS] : kUnknownOS; break;
+ case kpidCRC: if (_stream) prop = _item.Crc; break;
+ }
+ prop.Detach(value);
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Open(IInStream *stream, const UInt64 *, IArchiveOpenCallback *)
+ HRESULT res;
+ try
+ {
+ RINOK(stream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &_startPosition));
+ res = OpenSeq(stream);
+ if (res == S_OK)
+ {
+ UInt64 endPos;
+ res = stream->Seek(-8, STREAM_SEEK_END, &endPos);
+ _packSize = endPos + 8 - _startPosition;
+ _packSizeDefined = true;
+ if (res == S_OK)
+ {
+ res = _item.ReadFooter2(stream);
+ _stream = stream;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(...) { res = S_FALSE; }
+ if (res != S_OK)
+ Close();
+ return res;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::OpenSeq(ISequentialInStream *stream)
+ HRESULT res;
+ try
+ {
+ Close();
+ _decoderSpec->SetInStream(stream);
+ _decoderSpec->InitInStream(true);
+ res = _item.ReadHeader(_decoderSpec);
+ _headerSize = _decoderSpec->GetInputProcessedSize();
+ }
+ catch(...) { res = S_FALSE; }
+ if (res != S_OK)
+ Close();
+ return res;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Close()
+ _packSizeDefined = false;
+ _stream.Release();
+ _decoderSpec->ReleaseInStream();
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::Extract(const UInt32* indices, UInt32 numItems,
+ Int32 _aTestMode, IArchiveExtractCallback *extractCallback)
+ bool allFilesMode = (numItems == (UInt32)-1);
+ if (!allFilesMode)
+ {
+ if (numItems == 0)
+ return S_OK;
+ if (numItems != 1 || indices[0] != 0)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ bool testMode = (_aTestMode != 0);
+ if (_stream)
+ extractCallback->SetTotal(_packSize);
+ UInt64 currentTotalPacked = 0;
+ RINOK(extractCallback->SetCompleted(&currentTotalPacked));
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> realOutStream;
+ Int32 askMode = testMode ?
+ NArchive::NExtract::NAskMode::kTest :
+ NArchive::NExtract::NAskMode::kExtract;
+ RINOK(extractCallback->GetStream(0, &realOutStream, askMode));
+ if (!testMode && !realOutStream)
+ return S_OK;
+ extractCallback->PrepareOperation(askMode);
+ COutStreamWithCRC *outStreamSpec = new COutStreamWithCRC;
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialOutStream> outStream(outStreamSpec);
+ outStreamSpec->SetStream(realOutStream);
+ outStreamSpec->Init();
+ realOutStream.Release();
+ CLocalProgress *lps = new CLocalProgress;
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressProgressInfo> progress = lps;
+ lps->Init(extractCallback, true);
+ if (_stream)
+ {
+ RINOK(_stream->Seek(_startPosition, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
+ _decoderSpec->InitInStream(true);
+ }
+ bool firstItem = true;
+ Int32 opRes = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ lps->InSize = _packSize = _decoderSpec->GetInputProcessedSize();
+ _packSizeDefined = true;
+ lps->OutSize = outStreamSpec->GetSize();
+ RINOK(lps->SetCur());
+ CItem item;
+ if (!firstItem || _stream)
+ {
+ HRESULT result = item.ReadHeader(_decoderSpec);
+ if (result != S_OK)
+ {
+ if (result != S_FALSE)
+ return result;
+ opRes = firstItem ?
+ NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError :
+ NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kOK;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ firstItem = false;
+ UInt64 startOffset = outStreamSpec->GetSize();
+ outStreamSpec->InitCRC();
+ HRESULT result = _decoderSpec->CodeResume(outStream, NULL, progress);
+ if (result != S_OK)
+ {
+ if (result != S_FALSE)
+ return result;
+ opRes = NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError;
+ break;
+ }
+ _decoderSpec->AlignToByte();
+ if (item.ReadFooter1(_decoderSpec) != S_OK)
+ {
+ opRes = NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kDataError;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (item.Crc != outStreamSpec->GetCRC() ||
+ item.Size32 != (UInt32)(outStreamSpec->GetSize() - startOffset))
+ {
+ opRes = NArchive::NExtract::NOperationResult::kCRCError;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ outStream.Release();
+ return extractCallback->SetOperationResult(opRes);
+static const Byte kHostOS =
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ NHeader::NHostOS::kFAT;
+ #else
+ NHeader::NHostOS::kUnix;
+ #endif
+static HRESULT UpdateArchive(
+ ISequentialOutStream *outStream,
+ UInt64 unpackSize,
+ const CItem &newItem,
+ const CCompressMode &compressionMode,
+ IArchiveUpdateCallback *updateCallback)
+ UInt64 complexity = 0;
+ RINOK(updateCallback->SetTotal(unpackSize));
+ RINOK(updateCallback->SetCompleted(&complexity));
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> fileInStream;
+ RINOK(updateCallback->GetStream(0, &fileInStream));
+ CSequentialInStreamWithCRC *inStreamSpec = new CSequentialInStreamWithCRC;
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> crcStream(inStreamSpec);
+ inStreamSpec->SetStream(fileInStream);
+ inStreamSpec->Init();
+ CLocalProgress *lps = new CLocalProgress;
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressProgressInfo> progress = lps;
+ lps->Init(updateCallback, true);
+ CItem item = newItem;
+ item.Method = NHeader::NCompressionMethod::kDeflate;
+ item.ExtraFlags = compressionMode.IsMaximum() ?
+ NHeader::NExtraFlags::kMaximum :
+ NHeader::NExtraFlags::kFastest;
+ item.HostOS = kHostOS;
+ RINOK(item.WriteHeader(outStream));
+ NCompress::NDeflate::NEncoder::CCOMCoder *deflateEncoderSpec = new NCompress::NDeflate::NEncoder::CCOMCoder;
+ CMyComPtr<ICompressCoder> deflateEncoder = deflateEncoderSpec;
+ {
+ NWindows::NCOM::CPropVariant props[] =
+ {
+ compressionMode.Algo,
+ compressionMode.NumPasses,
+ compressionMode.NumFastBytes,
+ compressionMode.Mc
+ };
+ PROPID propIDs[] =
+ {
+ NCoderPropID::kAlgorithm,
+ NCoderPropID::kNumPasses,
+ NCoderPropID::kNumFastBytes,
+ NCoderPropID::kMatchFinderCycles
+ };
+ int numProps = sizeof(propIDs) / sizeof(propIDs[0]);
+ if (!compressionMode.McDefined)
+ numProps--;
+ RINOK(deflateEncoderSpec->SetCoderProperties(propIDs, props, numProps));
+ }
+ RINOK(deflateEncoder->Code(crcStream, outStream, NULL, NULL, progress));
+ item.Crc = inStreamSpec->GetCRC();
+ item.Size32 = (UInt32)inStreamSpec->GetSize();
+ RINOK(item.WriteFooter(outStream));
+ return updateCallback->SetOperationResult(NArchive::NUpdate::NOperationResult::kOK);
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::GetFileTimeType(UInt32 *timeType)
+ *timeType = NFileTimeType::kUnix;
+ return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::UpdateItems(ISequentialOutStream *outStream, UInt32 numItems,
+ IArchiveUpdateCallback *updateCallback)
+ if (numItems != 1)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ Int32 newData, newProps;
+ UInt32 indexInArchive;
+ if (!updateCallback)
+ return E_FAIL;
+ RINOK(updateCallback->GetUpdateItemInfo(0, &newData, &newProps, &indexInArchive));
+ CItem newItem = _item;
+ newItem.ExtraFlags = 0;
+ newItem.Flags = 0;
+ if (IntToBool(newProps))
+ {
+ {
+ FILETIME utcTime;
+ NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
+ RINOK(updateCallback->GetProperty(0, kpidMTime, &prop));
+ if (prop.vt != VT_FILETIME)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ utcTime = prop.filetime;
+ if (!NTime::FileTimeToUnixTime(utcTime, newItem.Time))
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ {
+ NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
+ RINOK(updateCallback->GetProperty(0, kpidPath, &prop));
+ if (prop.vt == VT_BSTR)
+ {
+ UString name = prop.bstrVal;
+ int dirDelimiterPos = name.ReverseFind(CHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR);
+ if (dirDelimiterPos >= 0)
+ name = name.Mid(dirDelimiterPos + 1);
+ newItem.Name = UnicodeStringToMultiByte(name, CP_ACP);
+ if (!newItem.Name.IsEmpty())
+ newItem.Flags |= NHeader::NFlags::kName;
+ }
+ else if (prop.vt != VT_EMPTY)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ {
+ NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
+ RINOK(updateCallback->GetProperty(0, kpidIsDir, &prop));
+ if (prop.vt == VT_BOOL)
+ {
+ if (prop.boolVal != VARIANT_FALSE)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ else if (prop.vt != VT_EMPTY)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ }
+ if (IntToBool(newData))
+ {
+ UInt64 size;
+ {
+ NCOM::CPropVariant prop;
+ RINOK(updateCallback->GetProperty(0, kpidSize, &prop));
+ if (prop.vt != VT_UI8)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ size = prop.uhVal.QuadPart;
+ }
+ _method.Normalize(_level);
+ return UpdateArchive(outStream, size, newItem, _method, updateCallback);
+ }
+ if (indexInArchive != 0)
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ if (!_stream)
+ return E_NOTIMPL;
+ UInt64 offset = _startPosition;
+ if (IntToBool(newProps))
+ {
+ newItem.WriteHeader(outStream);
+ offset += _headerSize;
+ }
+ RINOK(_stream->Seek(offset, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL));
+ return NCompress::CopyStream(_stream, outStream, NULL);
+STDMETHODIMP CHandler::SetProperties(const wchar_t **names, const PROPVARIANT *values, Int32 numProps)
+ InitMethodProperties();
+ for (int i = 0; i < numProps; i++)
+ {
+ UString name = names[i];
+ name.MakeUpper();
+ if (name.IsEmpty())
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ const PROPVARIANT &prop = values[i];
+ if (name[0] == L'X')
+ {
+ UInt32 level = 9;
+ RINOK(ParsePropValue(name.Mid(1), prop, level));
+ _level = level;
+ }
+ else if (name.Left(4) == L"PASS")
+ {
+ UInt32 num = kNumPassesX9;
+ RINOK(ParsePropValue(name.Mid(4), prop, num));
+ _method.NumPasses = num;
+ }
+ else if (name.Left(2) == L"FB")
+ {
+ UInt32 num = kNumFastBytesX9;
+ RINOK(ParsePropValue(name.Mid(2), prop, num));
+ _method.NumFastBytes = num;
+ }
+ else if (name.Left(2) == L"MC")
+ {
+ UInt32 num = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ RINOK(ParsePropValue(name.Mid(2), prop, num));
+ _method.Mc = num;
+ _method.McDefined = true;
+ }
+ else if (name.Left(1) == L"A")
+ {
+ UInt32 num = kAlgoX5;
+ RINOK(ParsePropValue(name.Mid(1), prop, num));
+ _method.Algo = num;
+ }
+ else
+ return E_INVALIDARG;
+ }
+ return S_OK;
+static IInArchive *CreateArc() { return new CHandler; }
+static IOutArchive *CreateArcOut() { return new CHandler; }
+#define CreateArcOut 0
+static CArcInfo g_ArcInfo =
+ { L"GZip", L"gz gzip tgz tpz", L"* * .tar .tar", 0xEF, { 0x1F, 0x8B, 8 }, 3, true, CreateArc, CreateArcOut };