path: root/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Rar/RarIn.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Rar/RarIn.cpp')
1 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Rar/RarIn.cpp b/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Rar/RarIn.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4810649ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Rar/RarIn.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+// Archive/RarIn.cpp
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "../../../../C/7zCrc.h"
+#include "Common/StringConvert.h"
+#include "Common/UTFConvert.h"
+#include "../../Common/LimitedStreams.h"
+#include "../../Common/StreamUtils.h"
+#include "../Common/FindSignature.h"
+#include "RarIn.h"
+namespace NArchive {
+namespace NRar {
+void CInArchive::ThrowExceptionWithCode(
+ CInArchiveException::CCauseType cause)
+ throw CInArchiveException(cause);
+HRESULT CInArchive::Open(IInStream *inStream, const UInt64 *searchHeaderSizeLimit)
+ try
+ {
+ Close();
+ HRESULT res = Open2(inStream, searchHeaderSizeLimit);
+ if (res == S_OK)
+ return res;
+ Close();
+ return res;
+ }
+ catch(...) { Close(); throw; }
+void CInArchive::Close()
+ m_Stream.Release();
+static inline bool TestMarkerCandidate(const void *aTestBytes)
+ for (UInt32 i = 0; i < NHeader::kMarkerSize; i++)
+ if (((const Byte *)aTestBytes)[i] != NHeader::kMarker[i])
+ return false;
+ return true;
+HRESULT CInArchive::FindAndReadMarker(IInStream *stream, const UInt64 *searchHeaderSizeLimit)
+ RINOK(FindSignatureInStream(stream,
+ NHeader::kMarker, NHeader::kMarkerSize,
+ searchHeaderSizeLimit, m_ArchiveStartPosition));
+ m_Stream = stream;
+ m_Position = m_ArchiveStartPosition + NHeader::kMarkerSize;
+ return m_Stream->Seek(m_Position, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
+void CInArchive::ThrowUnexpectedEndOfArchiveException()
+ ThrowExceptionWithCode(CInArchiveException::kUnexpectedEndOfArchive);
+bool CInArchive::ReadBytesAndTestSize(void *data, UInt32 size)
+ if (m_CryptoMode)
+ {
+ const Byte *bufData = (const Byte *)m_DecryptedData;
+ UInt32 bufSize = m_DecryptedDataSize;
+ UInt32 i;
+ for (i = 0; i < size && m_CryptoPos < bufSize; i++)
+ ((Byte *)data)[i] = bufData[m_CryptoPos++];
+ return (i == size);
+ }
+ return (ReadStream_FALSE(m_Stream, data, size) == S_OK);
+void CInArchive::ReadBytesAndTestResult(void *data, UInt32 size)
+ if(!ReadBytesAndTestSize(data,size))
+ ThrowUnexpectedEndOfArchiveException();
+HRESULT CInArchive::ReadBytes(void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processedSize)
+ size_t realProcessedSize = size;
+ HRESULT result = ReadStream(m_Stream, data, &realProcessedSize);
+ if (processedSize != NULL)
+ *processedSize = (UInt32)realProcessedSize;
+ AddToSeekValue(realProcessedSize);
+ return result;
+static UInt32 CrcUpdateUInt16(UInt32 crc, UInt16 v)
+ crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, (Byte)(v & 0xFF));
+ crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, (Byte)((v >> 8) & 0xFF));
+ return crc;
+static UInt32 CrcUpdateUInt32(UInt32 crc, UInt32 v)
+ crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, (Byte)(v & 0xFF));
+ crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, (Byte)((v >> 8) & 0xFF));
+ crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, (Byte)((v >> 16) & 0xFF));
+ crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, (Byte)((v >> 24) & 0xFF));
+ return crc;
+HRESULT CInArchive::Open2(IInStream *stream, const UInt64 *searchHeaderSizeLimit)
+ m_CryptoMode = false;
+ RINOK(stream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &m_StreamStartPosition));
+ m_Position = m_StreamStartPosition;
+ RINOK(FindAndReadMarker(stream, searchHeaderSizeLimit));
+ Byte buf[NHeader::NArchive::kArchiveHeaderSize];
+ UInt32 processedSize;
+ ReadBytes(buf, sizeof(buf), &processedSize);
+ if (processedSize != sizeof(buf))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ m_CurData = buf;
+ m_CurPos = 0;
+ m_PosLimit = sizeof(buf);
+ m_ArchiveHeader.CRC = ReadUInt16();
+ m_ArchiveHeader.Type = ReadByte();
+ m_ArchiveHeader.Flags = ReadUInt16();
+ m_ArchiveHeader.Size = ReadUInt16();
+ m_ArchiveHeader.Reserved1 = ReadUInt16();
+ m_ArchiveHeader.Reserved2 = ReadUInt32();
+ m_ArchiveHeader.EncryptVersion = 0;
+ UInt32 crc = CRC_INIT_VAL;
+ crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, m_ArchiveHeader.Type);
+ crc = CrcUpdateUInt16(crc, m_ArchiveHeader.Flags);
+ crc = CrcUpdateUInt16(crc, m_ArchiveHeader.Size);
+ crc = CrcUpdateUInt16(crc, m_ArchiveHeader.Reserved1);
+ crc = CrcUpdateUInt32(crc, m_ArchiveHeader.Reserved2);
+ if (m_ArchiveHeader.IsThereEncryptVer() && m_ArchiveHeader.Size > NHeader::NArchive::kArchiveHeaderSize)
+ {
+ ReadBytes(&m_ArchiveHeader.EncryptVersion, 1, &processedSize);
+ if (processedSize != 1)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ crc = CRC_UPDATE_BYTE(crc, m_ArchiveHeader.EncryptVersion);
+ }
+ if(m_ArchiveHeader.CRC != (CRC_GET_DIGEST(crc) & 0xFFFF))
+ ThrowExceptionWithCode(CInArchiveException::kArchiveHeaderCRCError);
+ if (m_ArchiveHeader.Type != NHeader::NBlockType::kArchiveHeader)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ m_ArchiveCommentPosition = m_Position;
+ m_SeekOnArchiveComment = true;
+ return S_OK;
+void CInArchive::SkipArchiveComment()
+ if (!m_SeekOnArchiveComment)
+ return;
+ AddToSeekValue(m_ArchiveHeader.Size - m_ArchiveHeader.GetBaseSize());
+ m_SeekOnArchiveComment = false;
+void CInArchive::GetArchiveInfo(CInArchiveInfo &archiveInfo) const
+ archiveInfo.StartPosition = m_ArchiveStartPosition;
+ archiveInfo.Flags = m_ArchiveHeader.Flags;
+ archiveInfo.CommentPosition = m_ArchiveCommentPosition;
+ archiveInfo.CommentSize = (UInt16)(m_ArchiveHeader.Size - NHeader::NArchive::kArchiveHeaderSize);
+static void DecodeUnicodeFileName(const char *name, const Byte *encName,
+ int encSize, wchar_t *unicodeName, int maxDecSize)
+ int encPos = 0;
+ int decPos = 0;
+ int flagBits = 0;
+ Byte flags = 0;
+ Byte highByte = encName[encPos++];
+ while (encPos < encSize && decPos < maxDecSize)
+ {
+ if (flagBits == 0)
+ {
+ flags = encName[encPos++];
+ flagBits = 8;
+ }
+ switch(flags >> 6)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ unicodeName[decPos++] = encName[encPos++];
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ unicodeName[decPos++] = (wchar_t)(encName[encPos++] + (highByte << 8));
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ unicodeName[decPos++] = (wchar_t)(encName[encPos] + (encName[encPos + 1] << 8));
+ encPos += 2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ {
+ int length = encName[encPos++];
+ if (length & 0x80)
+ {
+ Byte correction = encName[encPos++];
+ for (length = (length & 0x7f) + 2;
+ length > 0 && decPos < maxDecSize; length--, decPos++)
+ unicodeName[decPos] = (wchar_t)(((name[decPos] + correction) & 0xff) + (highByte << 8));
+ }
+ else
+ for (length += 2; length > 0 && decPos < maxDecSize; length--, decPos++)
+ unicodeName[decPos] = name[decPos];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ flags <<= 2;
+ flagBits -= 2;
+ }
+ unicodeName[decPos < maxDecSize ? decPos : maxDecSize - 1] = 0;
+void CInArchive::ReadName(CItemEx &item, int nameSize)
+ item.UnicodeName.Empty();
+ if (nameSize > 0)
+ {
+ m_NameBuffer.EnsureCapacity(nameSize + 1);
+ char *buffer = (char *)m_NameBuffer;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nameSize; i++)
+ buffer[i] = ReadByte();
+ int mainLen;
+ for (mainLen = 0; mainLen < nameSize; mainLen++)
+ if (buffer[mainLen] == '\0')
+ break;
+ buffer[mainLen] = '\0';
+ item.Name = buffer;
+ if(item.HasUnicodeName())
+ {
+ if(mainLen < nameSize)
+ {
+ int unicodeNameSizeMax = MyMin(nameSize, (0x400));
+ _unicodeNameBuffer.EnsureCapacity(unicodeNameSizeMax + 1);
+ DecodeUnicodeFileName(buffer, (const Byte *)buffer + mainLen + 1,
+ nameSize - (mainLen + 1), _unicodeNameBuffer, unicodeNameSizeMax);
+ item.UnicodeName = _unicodeNameBuffer;
+ }
+ else if (!ConvertUTF8ToUnicode(item.Name, item.UnicodeName))
+ item.UnicodeName.Empty();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ item.Name.Empty();
+Byte CInArchive::ReadByte()
+ if (m_CurPos >= m_PosLimit)
+ throw CInArchiveException(CInArchiveException::kIncorrectArchive);
+ return m_CurData[m_CurPos++];
+UInt16 CInArchive::ReadUInt16()
+ UInt16 value = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ Byte b = ReadByte();
+ value |= (UInt16(b) << (8 * i));
+ }
+ return value;
+UInt32 CInArchive::ReadUInt32()
+ UInt32 value = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ Byte b = ReadByte();
+ value |= (UInt32(b) << (8 * i));
+ }
+ return value;
+void CInArchive::ReadTime(Byte mask, CRarTime &rarTime)
+ rarTime.LowSecond = (Byte)(((mask & 4) != 0) ? 1 : 0);
+ int numDigits = (mask & 3);
+ rarTime.SubTime[0] = rarTime.SubTime[1] = rarTime.SubTime[2] = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++)
+ rarTime.SubTime[3 - numDigits + i] = ReadByte();
+void CInArchive::ReadHeaderReal(CItemEx &item)
+ item.Flags = m_BlockHeader.Flags;
+ item.PackSize = ReadUInt32();
+ item.Size = ReadUInt32();
+ item.HostOS = ReadByte();
+ item.FileCRC = ReadUInt32();
+ item.MTime.DosTime = ReadUInt32();
+ item.UnPackVersion = ReadByte();
+ item.Method = ReadByte();
+ int nameSize = ReadUInt16();
+ item.Attrib = ReadUInt32();
+ item.MTime.LowSecond = 0;
+ item.MTime.SubTime[0] =
+ item.MTime.SubTime[1] =
+ item.MTime.SubTime[2] = 0;
+ if((item.Flags & NHeader::NFile::kSize64Bits) != 0)
+ {
+ item.PackSize |= ((UInt64)ReadUInt32() << 32);
+ item.Size |= ((UInt64)ReadUInt32() << 32);
+ }
+ ReadName(item, nameSize);
+ if (item.HasSalt())
+ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(item.Salt); i++)
+ item.Salt[i] = ReadByte();
+ // some rar archives have HasExtTime flag without field.
+ if (m_CurPos < m_PosLimit && item.HasExtTime())
+ {
+ Byte accessMask = (Byte)(ReadByte() >> 4);
+ Byte b = ReadByte();
+ Byte modifMask = (Byte)(b >> 4);
+ Byte createMask = (Byte)(b & 0xF);
+ if ((modifMask & 8) != 0)
+ ReadTime(modifMask, item.MTime);
+ item.CTimeDefined = ((createMask & 8) != 0);
+ if (item.CTimeDefined)
+ {
+ item.CTime.DosTime = ReadUInt32();
+ ReadTime(createMask, item.CTime);
+ }
+ item.ATimeDefined = ((accessMask & 8) != 0);
+ if (item.ATimeDefined)
+ {
+ item.ATime.DosTime = ReadUInt32();
+ ReadTime(accessMask, item.ATime);
+ }
+ }
+ UInt16 fileHeaderWithNameSize = (UInt16)m_CurPos;
+ item.Position = m_Position;
+ item.MainPartSize = fileHeaderWithNameSize;
+ item.CommentSize = (UInt16)(m_BlockHeader.HeadSize - fileHeaderWithNameSize);
+ if (m_CryptoMode)
+ item.AlignSize = (UInt16)((16 - ((m_BlockHeader.HeadSize) & 0xF)) & 0xF);
+ else
+ item.AlignSize = 0;
+ AddToSeekValue(m_BlockHeader.HeadSize);
+void CInArchive::AddToSeekValue(UInt64 addValue)
+ m_Position += addValue;
+HRESULT CInArchive::GetNextItem(CItemEx &item, ICryptoGetTextPassword *getTextPassword)
+ if (m_SeekOnArchiveComment)
+ SkipArchiveComment();
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ if(!SeekInArchive(m_Position))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ if (!m_CryptoMode && (m_ArchiveHeader.Flags &
+ NHeader::NArchive::kBlockHeadersAreEncrypted) != 0)
+ {
+ m_CryptoMode = false;
+ if (getTextPassword == 0)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ if(!SeekInArchive(m_Position))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ if (!m_RarAES)
+ {
+ m_RarAESSpec = new NCrypto::NRar29::CDecoder;
+ m_RarAES = m_RarAESSpec;
+ }
+ m_RarAESSpec->SetRar350Mode(m_ArchiveHeader.IsEncryptOld());
+ // Salt
+ const UInt32 kSaltSize = 8;
+ Byte salt[kSaltSize];
+ if(!ReadBytesAndTestSize(salt, kSaltSize))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ m_Position += kSaltSize;
+ RINOK(m_RarAESSpec->SetDecoderProperties2(salt, kSaltSize))
+ // Password
+ CMyComBSTR password;
+ RINOK(getTextPassword->CryptoGetTextPassword(&password))
+ UString unicodePassword(password);
+ CByteBuffer buffer;
+ const UInt32 sizeInBytes = unicodePassword.Length() * 2;
+ buffer.SetCapacity(sizeInBytes);
+ for (int i = 0; i < unicodePassword.Length(); i++)
+ {
+ wchar_t c = unicodePassword[i];
+ ((Byte *)buffer)[i * 2] = (Byte)c;
+ ((Byte *)buffer)[i * 2 + 1] = (Byte)(c >> 8);
+ }
+ RINOK(m_RarAESSpec->CryptoSetPassword((const Byte *)buffer, sizeInBytes));
+ const UInt32 kDecryptedBufferSize = (1 << 12);
+ if (m_DecryptedData.GetCapacity() == 0)
+ {
+ m_DecryptedData.SetCapacity(kDecryptedBufferSize);
+ }
+ RINOK(m_RarAES->Init());
+ size_t decryptedDataSizeT = kDecryptedBufferSize;
+ RINOK(ReadStream(m_Stream, (Byte *)m_DecryptedData, &decryptedDataSizeT));
+ m_DecryptedDataSize = (UInt32)decryptedDataSizeT;
+ m_DecryptedDataSize = m_RarAES->Filter((Byte *)m_DecryptedData, m_DecryptedDataSize);
+ m_CryptoMode = true;
+ m_CryptoPos = 0;
+ }
+ m_FileHeaderData.EnsureCapacity(7);
+ if(!ReadBytesAndTestSize((Byte *)m_FileHeaderData, 7))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ m_CurData = (Byte *)m_FileHeaderData;
+ m_CurPos = 0;
+ m_PosLimit = 7;
+ m_BlockHeader.CRC = ReadUInt16();
+ m_BlockHeader.Type = ReadByte();
+ m_BlockHeader.Flags = ReadUInt16();
+ m_BlockHeader.HeadSize = ReadUInt16();
+ if (m_BlockHeader.HeadSize < 7)
+ ThrowExceptionWithCode(CInArchiveException::kIncorrectArchive);
+ if (m_BlockHeader.Type == NHeader::NBlockType::kEndOfArchive)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ if (m_BlockHeader.Type == NHeader::NBlockType::kFileHeader)
+ {
+ m_FileHeaderData.EnsureCapacity(m_BlockHeader.HeadSize);
+ m_CurData = (Byte *)m_FileHeaderData;
+ m_PosLimit = m_BlockHeader.HeadSize;
+ ReadBytesAndTestResult(m_CurData + m_CurPos, m_BlockHeader.HeadSize - 7);
+ ReadHeaderReal(item);
+ if ((CrcCalc(m_CurData + 2,
+ m_BlockHeader.HeadSize - item.CommentSize - 2) & 0xFFFF) != m_BlockHeader.CRC)
+ ThrowExceptionWithCode(CInArchiveException::kFileHeaderCRCError);
+ FinishCryptoBlock();
+ m_CryptoMode = false;
+ SeekInArchive(m_Position); // Move Position to compressed Data;
+ AddToSeekValue(item.PackSize); // m_Position points to next header;
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ if (m_CryptoMode && m_BlockHeader.HeadSize > (1 << 12))
+ return E_FAIL; // it's for bad passwords
+ if ((m_BlockHeader.Flags & NHeader::NBlock::kLongBlock) != 0)
+ {
+ m_FileHeaderData.EnsureCapacity(7 + 4);
+ m_CurData = (Byte *)m_FileHeaderData;
+ ReadBytesAndTestResult(m_CurData + m_CurPos, 4); // test it
+ m_PosLimit = 7 + 4;
+ UInt32 dataSize = ReadUInt32();
+ AddToSeekValue(dataSize);
+ if (m_CryptoMode && dataSize > (1 << 27))
+ return E_FAIL; // it's for bad passwords
+ m_CryptoPos = m_BlockHeader.HeadSize;
+ }
+ else
+ m_CryptoPos = 0;
+ AddToSeekValue(m_BlockHeader.HeadSize);
+ FinishCryptoBlock();
+ m_CryptoMode = false;
+ }
+bool CInArchive::SeekInArchive(UInt64 position)
+ UInt64 newPosition;
+ m_Stream->Seek(position, STREAM_SEEK_SET, &newPosition);
+ return newPosition == position;
+ISequentialInStream* CInArchive::CreateLimitedStream(UInt64 position, UInt64 size)
+ CLimitedSequentialInStream *streamSpec = new CLimitedSequentialInStream;
+ CMyComPtr<ISequentialInStream> inStream(streamSpec);
+ SeekInArchive(position);
+ streamSpec->SetStream(m_Stream);
+ streamSpec->Init(size);
+ return inStream.Detach();