path: root/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/UI/FileManager/FM_rc.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/UI/FileManager/FM_rc.cpp')
1 files changed, 970 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/UI/FileManager/FM_rc.cpp b/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/UI/FileManager/FM_rc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53d242c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installerbuilder/libinstaller/3rdparty/p7zip_9.04/unix/CPP/7zip/UI/FileManager/FM_rc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include "wx/wx.h"
+#include "wx/mimetype.h"
+#include "wx/artprov.h"
+#include "wx/imaglist.h"
+#include "resource.h"
+#include "App.h"
+#include "Windows/Control/DialogImpl.h"
+#include "Windows/Control/ListView.h"
+#include "Windows/Control/Window2.h"
+#undef IDCLOSE
+#define IDCLOSE wxID_EXIT
+#define static const
+#include "../GUI/p7zip_32.xpm"
+#undef static
+extern HWND g_HWND;
+#define BASE_ID_PANEL_1 (1000 + 100 * 0)
+#define BASE_ID_PANEL_2 (1000 + 100 * 1)
+////////////////////////////////////// Tool bar images
+#include "res/AddPNG.h"
+#include "res/Add2PNG.h"
+#include "res/ExtractPNG.h"
+#include "res/Extract2PNG.h"
+#include "res/TestPNG.h"
+#include "res/Test2PNG.h"
+#include "res/CopyPNG.h"
+#include "res/Copy2PNG.h"
+#include "res/MovePNG.h"
+#include "res/Move2PNG.h"
+#include "res/DeletePNG.h"
+#include "res/Delete2PNG.h"
+#include "res/InfoPNG.h"
+#include "res/Info2PNG.h"
+#include <wx/mstream.h>
+#define wxGetBitmapFromMemory(name) _wxGetBitmapFromMemory(name ## _png, sizeof(name ## _png))
+static inline wxBitmap _wxGetBitmapFromMemory(const unsigned char *data, int length) {
+ wxMemoryInputStream is(data, length);
+ return wxBitmap(wxImage(is, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY, -1), -1);
+///////////////////////////////////// SevenZipPanel.h /////////////////////
+#include <wx/listctrl.h>
+typedef wxListCtrl CExplorerListCtrl;
+class MyFrame;
+class SevenZipPanel : public wxPanel
+ static int count;
+ CExplorerListCtrl *m_pListCtrlExplorer;
+ NWindows::NControl::CWindow2 *_wList;
+ wxBitmapButton *m_pBmpButtonParentFolder;
+ wxComboBox *m_pComboBoxPath;
+ wxStatusBar *m_pStatusBar;
+ MyFrame *m_frame;
+ wxImageList imgList;
+ int _panelIndex;
+ // wxString m_currentDirectory;
+ // int m_nbDirs;
+ // wxString m_prompt;
+ SevenZipPanel(MyFrame *frame, wxWindow *parent,int id,int panelIndex);
+ void registerWindow2(NWindows::NControl::CWindow2 *w)
+ {
+ _wList = w;
+ _wList->OnMessage(WM_CREATE,0,0);
+ }
+ void OnAnyButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
+ void OnSelected(wxListEvent& event);
+ void OnDeselected(wxListEvent& event);
+ void OnActivated(wxListEvent& event);
+ void OnFocused(wxListEvent& event);
+ void OnLeftDownBeginDrag(wxListEvent& event);
+ void OnRightClick(wxListEvent& event);
+ void OnColumnClick(wxListEvent& event);
+ void OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent &event );
+ void OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent &event );
+ void WriteText(const wxString& text) {
+ printf("DEBUG : %ls\n",(const wchar_t *)text);
+ }
+ /* Don't work ...
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) {
+ _wList->OnDestroy();
+ }
+ */
+ void evt_destroy() {
+ _wList->OnDestroy();
+ }
+///////////////////////////////////// SevenZipPanel.h /////////////////////
+class MyFrame: public wxFrame
+ // ctor
+ MyFrame(void (*fct)(HWND),wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title, int x, int y, int w, int h);
+ // virtual ~MyFrame();
+ void registerWindow2(int baseID,NWindows::NControl::CWindow2 *w)
+ {
+ printf("MyFrame::registerWindow2(%d,%p)\n",baseID,w);
+ switch (baseID)
+ {
+ case BASE_ID_PANEL_1: _panel1->registerWindow2(w); break;
+ case BASE_ID_PANEL_2: _panel2->registerWindow2(w); break;
+ default: printf("FIXME - MyFrame::registerWindow2\n");
+ }
+ }
+ void PopulateToolbar(wxToolBar* toolBar);
+ void RecreateToolbar();
+ // callbacks
+ void OnWorkerEvent(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnAnyMenu(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ extern bool OnMenuCommand(HWND hWnd, int id);
+ extern void ExecuteCommand(UINT commandID);
+ int wmId = event.GetId();
+ if (wmId >= kToolbarStartID)
+ {
+ ExecuteCommand(wmId);
+ return ; // 0;
+ }
+ OnMenuCommand(this, wmId);
+ }
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ {
+ if (_panel1) _panel1->evt_destroy();
+ if (_panel2) _panel2->evt_destroy();
+ extern void main_WM_DESTROY();
+ main_WM_DESTROY();
+ Destroy();
+ }
+ SevenZipPanel * _panel1;
+ SevenZipPanel * _panel2;
+enum {
+ WORKER_EVENT=100 // this one gets sent from the worker thread
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(MyFrame, wxFrame)
+ EVT_MENU(WORKER_EVENT, MyFrame::OnWorkerEvent)
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_ANY, MyFrame::OnAnyMenu)
+ EVT_CLOSE(MyFrame::OnCloseWindow)
+// My frame constructor
+MyFrame::MyFrame(void (*wm_create)(HWND),wxFrame *frame, const wxString& title,
+ int x, int y, int w, int h)
+ : wxFrame(frame, wxID_ANY, title, wxPoint(x, y), wxSize(w, h))
+ this->SetIcon(wxICON(p7zip_32));
+ g_HWND = this; // FIXME
+ wxBoxSizer *topsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
+ _panel1 = new SevenZipPanel(this,this,BASE_ID_PANEL_1,0); // FIXME panelIndex = 0
+ _panel2 = 0;
+ topsizer->Add(
+ _panel1,
+ 1, // make vertically stretchable
+ wxEXPAND | // make horizontally stretchable
+ wxALL, // and make border all around
+ 0 ); // set border width to 10
+ // Create the toolbar
+ // FIXME RecreateToolbar();
+ wm_create(this);
+ // Create the toolbar // FIXME
+ RecreateToolbar();
+ SetSizer( topsizer ); // use the sizer for layout
+ topsizer->SetSizeHints( this ); // set size hints to honour minimum size
+void myCreateHandle(int n);
+void MyFrame::OnWorkerEvent(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ int n = event.GetInt();
+ myCreateHandle(n);
+wxWindow * g_window=0;
+HWND myCreateAndShowMainWindow(LPCTSTR title,void (*fct)(HWND))
+ MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(fct,(wxFrame *)NULL, title, 50, 50, 450, 340);
+ // Don't Show the frame !
+ frame->Show(true); // FIXME
+ // FIXME : SetTopWindow(g_HWND);
+ g_window = frame;
+ return frame;
+class myToolBar
+ wxToolBar * m_toolbar;
+ bool m_bShowText;
+ myToolBar(wxToolBar * toolbar,bool bShowText ) : m_toolbar(toolbar), m_bShowText(bShowText) { }
+ myToolBar* AddTool(int toolId, const wxString& label, const wxBitmap& bitmap1, const wxString& shortHelpString = _T(""), wxItemKind kind = wxITEM_NORMAL)
+ {
+ wxString text = wxEmptyString;
+ if (m_bShowText) text = label;
+ wxSize tb_size = m_toolbar->GetToolBitmapSize();
+ int tb_witdh = tb_size.GetWidth();
+ int tb_height = tb_size.GetHeight();
+ if ((bitmap1.GetWidth() > tb_witdh) || ( bitmap1.GetHeight()> tb_height))
+ {
+ wxBitmap bmp(bitmap1.ConvertToImage().Scale(tb_witdh, tb_height));
+ m_toolbar->AddTool(toolId,text,bmp,shortHelpString,kind);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_toolbar->AddTool(toolId,text,bitmap1,shortHelpString,kind);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ void SetToolBitmapSize(const wxSize& size)
+ {
+ m_toolbar->SetToolBitmapSize(size);
+ }
+ bool Realize()
+ {
+ return m_toolbar->Realize();
+ }
+ void AddSeparator() { m_toolbar->AddSeparator(); }
+void MyFrame::PopulateToolbar(wxToolBar* p_toolBar)
+ toolBar->AddTool(wxID_NEW, _T("New"),toolBarBitmaps[Tool_new], wxNullBitmap, wxITEM_NORMAL,
+ _T("New file"), _T("This is help for new file tool"));
+ */
+ myToolBar toolBar(p_toolBar,true);
+ const int kWidth = 24;
+ const int kHeight = 24;
+ // FIXME toolBar->SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(24,24));
+ toolBar.SetToolBitmapSize(wxSize(kWidth,kHeight));
+ toolBar.AddTool(kAddCommand, wxT("Add"), wxGetBitmapFromMemory(ADD2));
+ toolBar.AddTool(kExtractCommand,wxT("Extract"), wxGetBitmapFromMemory(EXTRACT2));
+ toolBar.AddTool(kTestCommand, wxT("Test"), wxGetBitmapFromMemory(TEST2));
+ toolBar.AddSeparator();
+ toolBar.AddTool(IDM_COPY_TO, wxT("Copy"), wxGetBitmapFromMemory(COPY2));
+ toolBar.AddTool(IDM_MOVE_TO, wxT("Move"), wxGetBitmapFromMemory(MOVE2));
+ toolBar.AddTool(IDM_DELETE, wxT("Delete"), wxGetBitmapFromMemory(DELETE2));
+ toolBar.AddTool(IDM_FILE_PROPERTIES, wxT("Info"), wxGetBitmapFromMemory(INFO2));
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /* FIXME
+ if (g_mimeDatabase)
+ {
+ toolBar.AddSeparator();
+ TryMime(&toolBar, _T("txt"));
+ TryMime(&toolBar, _T("rar"));
+ TryMime(&toolBar, _T("7z"));
+ }
+ toolBar.AddSeparator();
+ wxIcon i_plus = wxArtProvider::GetIcon(wxART_ADD_BOOKMARK , wxART_TOOLBAR , wxSize(kWidth,kHeight));
+ toolBar.AddTool(wxID_ANY, wxT("Add Bookmark"), i_plus);
+ wxIcon i_go_up_dir = wxArtProvider::GetIcon(wxART_GO_DIR_UP , wxART_TOOLBAR , wxSize(kWidth,kHeight));
+ toolBar.AddTool(wxID_ANY, wxT("Go up dir"), i_go_up_dir);
+ wxIcon i_folder = wxArtProvider::GetIcon(wxART_FOLDER , wxART_TOOLBAR , wxSize(kWidth,kHeight));
+ toolBar.AddTool(wxID_ANY, wxT("Folder"), i_folder);
+ wxIcon i_missing_image = wxArtProvider::GetIcon(wxART_MISSING_IMAGE , wxART_TOOLBAR , wxSize(kWidth,kHeight));
+ toolBar.AddTool(wxID_ANY, wxT("missing image"), i_missing_image);
+ */
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ toolBar.Realize();
+ // toolBar->SetRows(!(toolBar->IsVertical()) ? m_rows : 10 / m_rows);
+void MyFrame::RecreateToolbar()
+ // delete and recreate the toolbar
+ wxToolBar *toolBar = GetToolBar();
+ // long style = toolBar ? toolBar->GetWindowStyle() : TOOLBAR_STYLE;
+ SetToolBar(NULL);
+ delete toolBar;
+ /*
+ switch( m_toolbarPosition )
+ {
+ case TOOLBAR_LEFT:style |= wxTB_LEFT; break;
+ case TOOLBAR_TOP: style |= wxTB_TOP;break;
+ case TOOLBAR_RIGHT:style |= wxTB_RIGHT;break;
+ case TOOLBAR_BOTTOM:style |= wxTB_BOTTOM;break;
+ }
+ */
+ long style = wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_NODIVIDER | wxTB_TEXT; // TOOLBAR_STYLE | wxTB_TOP;
+ /*
+ if ( m_showTooltips ) style &= ~wxTB_NO_TOOLTIPS;
+ else style |= wxTB_NO_TOOLTIPS;
+ if ( style & wxTB_TEXT && !(style & wxTB_NOICONS) && m_horzText ) style |= wxTB_HORZ_LAYOUT;
+ */
+ toolBar = CreateToolBar(style, wxID_ANY);
+ PopulateToolbar(toolBar);
+void registerWindow2(int baseID,NWindows::NControl::CWindow2 *w)
+ MyFrame * f = (MyFrame *) g_HWND;
+ f->registerWindow2(baseID,w);
+#include "LangUtils.h"
+static const UINT kOpenBookmarkMenuID = 730; // FIXME / duplicate
+static const UINT kSetBookmarkMenuID = 740;
+void rc_MyLoadMenu(HWND hWnd)
+ wxFrame *hwnd = (wxFrame *)hWnd;
+ wxMenu *m;
+ wxMenu *m_file = m = new wxMenu;
+ {
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_OPEN, _T("&Open\tEnter"));
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_OPEN_INSIDE,_T("Open &Inside\tCtrl+PgDn"));
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_OPEN_OUTSIDE,_T("Open O&utside\tShift+Enter"));
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_EDIT,_T("&Edit\tF4"));
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_RENAME,_T("Rena&me\tF2"));
+ m->Append(IDM_COPY_TO,_T("&Copy To...\tF5"));
+ m->Append(IDM_MOVE_TO,_T("&Move To...\tF6"));
+ m->Append(IDM_DELETE,_T("&Delete\tDel"));
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_SPLIT,_T("&Split file..."));
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_COMBINE,_T("Com&bine files..."));
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_PROPERTIES,_T("P&roperties\tAlt+Enter"));
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_COMMENT,_T("Comme&nt\tCtrl+Z"));
+ m->Append(IDM_FILE_CRC,_T("Calculate checksum"));
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_CREATE_FOLDER,_T("Create Folder\tF7"));
+ m->Append(IDM_CREATE_FILE,_T("Create File\tCtrl+N"));
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDCLOSE,_T("E&xit\tAlt+F4"));
+ }
+ wxMenu *m_edit = m = new wxMenu;
+ {
+ m->Append(IDM_EDIT_CUT, _T("Cu&t\tCtrl+X"))->Enable(true); // GRAYED
+ // m->Enable(IDM_EDIT_CUT, false);
+ m->Append(IDM_EDIT_COPY, _T("&Copy\tCtrl+C"))->Enable(true); // GRAYED
+ m->Append(IDM_EDIT_PASTE, _T("&Paste\tCtrl+V"))->Enable(true); // GRAYED
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_SELECT_ALL, _T("Select &All\tShift+[Grey +]"));
+ m->Append(IDM_DESELECT_ALL, _T("Deselect All\tShift+[Grey -]"));
+ m->Append(IDM_INVERT_SELECTION, _T("&Invert Selection\tGrey *"));
+ m->Append(IDM_SELECT, _T("Select...\tGrey +"));
+ m->Append(IDM_DESELECT, _T("Deselect...\tGrey -"));
+ m->Append(IDM_SELECT_BY_TYPE, _T("Select by Type\tAlt+[Grey+]"));
+ m->Append(IDM_DESELECT_BY_TYPE, _T("Deselect by Type\tAlt+[Grey -]"));
+ }
+ wxMenu *m_view = m = new wxMenu;
+ {
+ m->AppendRadioItem(IDM_VIEW_LARGE_ICONS, _T("Lar&ge Icons\tCtrl+1"));
+ m->AppendRadioItem(IDM_VIEW_SMALL_ICONS, _T("S&mall Icons\tCtrl+2"));
+ m->AppendRadioItem(IDM_VIEW_LIST, _T("&List\tCtrl+3"));
+ m->AppendRadioItem(IDM_VIEW_DETAILS, _T("&Details\tCtrl+4"))->Check(true); // CHECKED
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_BY_NAME, _T("Name\tCtrl+F3"));
+ m->Append(IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_BY_TYPE, _T("Type\tCtrl+F4"));
+ m->Append(IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_BY_DATE, _T("Date\tCtrl+F5"));
+ m->Append(IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_BY_SIZE, _T("Size\tCtrl+F6"));
+ m->Append(IDM_VIEW_ARANGE_NO_SORT, _T("Unsorted\tCtrl+F7"));
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->AppendCheckItem(IDM_VIEW_FLAT_VIEW, _T("Flat View"));
+ m->AppendCheckItem(IDM_VIEW_TWO_PANELS, _T("&2 Panels\tF9"));
+ {
+ wxMenu* subMenu = new wxMenu;
+ subMenu->AppendCheckItem(IDM_VIEW_ARCHIVE_TOOLBAR, _T("Archive Toolbar"));
+ subMenu->AppendCheckItem(IDM_VIEW_STANDARD_TOOLBAR, _T("Standard Toolbar"));
+ subMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ subMenu->AppendCheckItem(IDM_VIEW_TOOLBARS_LARGE_BUTTONS, _T("Large Buttons"));
+ subMenu->AppendCheckItem(IDM_VIEW_TOOLBARS_SHOW_BUTTONS_TEXT, _T("Show Buttons Text"));
+ m->Append(12112, _T("Toolbars"), subMenu); // FIXME ID ?
+ }
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_OPEN_ROOT_FOLDER, _T("Open Root Folder\t" STRING_PATH_SEPARATOR));
+ m->Append(IDM_OPEN_PARENT_FOLDER, _T("Up One Level\tBackspace"));
+ m->Append(IDM_FOLDERS_HISTORY, _T("Folders History...\tAlt+F12"));
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_VIEW_REFRESH, _T("&Refresh\tCtrl+R"));
+ }
+ wxMenu *m_favorites = m = new wxMenu;
+ {
+ {
+ wxMenu* subMenu = new wxMenu;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ UString s = LangString(IDS_BOOKMARK, 0x03000720);
+ s += L" ";
+ wchar_t c = (wchar_t)(L'0' + i);
+ s += c;
+ s += L"\tAlt+Shift+";
+ s += c;
+ subMenu->Append( kSetBookmarkMenuID + i, wxString(s));
+ }
+ m->Append(12111, _T("&Add folder to Favorites as"), subMenu); // FIXME ID ?
+ }
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
+ {
+ UString path = g_App.AppState.FastFolders.GetString(i);
+ const int kMaxSize = 100;
+ const int kFirstPartSize = kMaxSize / 2;
+ if (path.Length() > kMaxSize)
+ {
+ path = path.Left(kFirstPartSize) + UString(L" ... ") +
+ path.Right(kMaxSize - kFirstPartSize);
+ }
+ UString s = path;
+ if (s.IsEmpty())
+ s = L"-";
+ s += L"\tAlt+";
+ s += (wchar_t)(L'0' + i);
+ // menu.AppendItem(MF_STRING, kOpenBookmarkMenuID + i, s);
+ m->Append( kOpenBookmarkMenuID + i, wxString(s));
+ }
+ }
+ wxMenu *m_tools = m = new wxMenu;
+ {
+ m->Append(IDM_OPTIONS, _T("&Options..."));
+ m->Append(IDM_BENCHMARK, _T("&Benchmark"));
+ }
+ wxMenu *m_help = m = new wxMenu;
+ {
+ m->Append(IDM_HELP_CONTENTS, _T("&Contents...\tF1"));
+ m->AppendSeparator();
+ m->Append(IDM_ABOUT, _T("&About 7-Zip..."));
+ }
+ wxMenuBar *menuBar = new wxMenuBar;
+ menuBar->Append(m_file, _T("&File"));
+ menuBar->Append(m_edit, _T("&Edit"));
+ menuBar->Append(m_view, _T("&View"));
+ menuBar->Append(m_favorites, _T("F&avorites"));
+ menuBar->Append(m_tools, _T("&Tools"));
+ menuBar->Append(m_help, _T("&Help"));
+ hwnd->SetMenuBar(menuBar);
+static CStringTable g_stringTable[] =
+ /* resource.rc */
+ /***************/
+ { IDS_APP_TITLE, L"7-Zip File Manager" },
+ { IDS_COPY , L"Copy" },
+ { IDS_MOVE , L"Move" },
+ { IDS_COPY_TO , L"Copy to:" },
+ { IDS_MOVE_TO , L"Move to:" },
+ { IDS_COPYING , L"Copying..." },
+ { IDS_MOVING , L"Moving..." },
+ { IDS_CANNOT_COPY , L"You cannot move or copy items for such folders." },
+ { IDS_SPLITTING , L"Splitting..." },
+ { IDS_SPLIT_CONFIRM_TITLE , L"Confirm Splitting" },
+ { IDS_SPLIT_CONFIRM_MESSAGE , L"Are you sure you want to split file into {0} volumes?" },
+ { IDS_SPLIT_VOL_MUST_BE_SMALLER , L"Volume size must be smaller than size of original file" },
+ { IDS_COMBINE , L"Combine Files" },
+ { IDS_COMBINE_TO , L"&Combine to:" },
+ { IDS_COMBINING , L"Combining..." },
+ { IDS_COMBINE_SELECT_ONE_FILE , L"Select only first file" },
+ { IDS_CHECKSUM_CALCULATING , L"Checksum calculating..." },
+ { IDS_CHECKSUM_INFORMATION , L"Checksum information" },
+ { IDS_CHECKSUM_CRC_DATA , L"CRC checksum for data:" },
+ { IDS_CHECKSUM_CRC_DATA_NAMES , L"CRC checksum for data and names:" },
+ { IDS_SCANNING , L"Scanning..." },
+ { IDS_PROPERTIES , L"Properties" },
+ { IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED , L"Operation is not supported." },
+ { IDS_CONFIRM_FILE_DELETE , L"Confirm File Delete" },
+ { IDS_CONFIRM_FOLDER_DELETE , L"Confirm Folder Delete" },
+ { IDS_CONFIRM_ITEMS_DELETE , L"Confirm Multiple File Delete" },
+ { IDS_WANT_TO_DELETE_FILE , L"Are you sure you want to delete '{0}'?" },
+ { IDS_WANT_TO_DELETE_FOLDER , L"Are you sure you want to delete the folder '{0}' and all its contents?" },
+ { IDS_WANT_TO_DELETE_ITEMS , L"Are you sure you want to delete these {0} items?" },
+ { IDS_DELETING , L"Deleting..." },
+ { IDS_ERROR_DELETING , L"Error Deleting File or Folder" },
+ { IDS_RENAMING , L"Renaming..." },
+ { IDS_ERROR_RENAMING , L"Error Renaming File or Folder" },
+ { IDS_CONFIRM_FILE_COPY , L"Confirm File Copy" },
+ { IDS_WANT_TO_COPY_FILES , L"Are you sure you want to copy files to archive" },
+ { IDS_CREATE_FOLDER , L"Create Folder" },
+ { IDS_CREATE_FOLDER_NAME , L"Folder name:" },
+ { IDS_CREATE_FOLDER_ERROR , L"Error Creating Folder" },
+ { IDS_CREATE_FILE , L"Create File" },
+ { IDS_CREATE_FILE_NAME , L"File Name:" },
+ { IDS_CREATE_FILE_ERROR , L"Error Creating File" },
+ { IDS_SELECT , L"Select" },
+ { IDS_DESELECT , L"Deselect" },
+ { IDS_SELECT_MASK , L"Mask:" },
+ { IDS_FOLDERS_HISTORY , L"Folders History" },
+ { IDS_N_SELECTED_ITEMS , L"{0} object(s) selected" },
+ { IDS_FILES_COLON , L"Files:" },
+ { IDS_FOLDERS_COLON , L"Folders:" },
+ { IDS_SIZE_COLON , L"Size:" },
+ { IDS_PROP_TOTAL_SIZE , L"Total Size" },
+ { IDS_PROP_FREE_SPACE , L"Free Space" },
+ { IDS_PROP_CLUSTER_SIZE , L"Cluster Size" },
+ { IDS_PROP_VOLUME_NAME , L"Label" },
+ { IDS_PROP_LOCAL_NAME , L"Local Name" },
+ { IDS_PROP_PROVIDER , L"Provider" },
+ { IDS_OPTIONS , L"Options" },
+ { IDS_COMMENT , L"Comment" },
+ { IDS_COMMENT2 , L"&Comment:" },
+ { IDS_SYSTEM , L"System" },
+ { IDS_TOO_MANY_ITEMS , L"Too many items" },
+ { IDS_WANT_UPDATE_MODIFIED_FILE , L"File '{0}' was modified.\nDo you want to update it in the archive?" },
+ { IDS_CANNOT_UPDATE_FILE , L"Can not update file\n'{0}'" },
+ { IDS_CANNOT_START_EDITOR , L"Cannot start editor." },
+ { IDS_OPENNING , L"Opening..." },
+ { IDS_ADD , L"Add" },
+ { IDS_EXTRACT , L"Extract" },
+ { IDS_TEST , L"Test" },
+ { IDS_BUTTON_COPY , L"Copy" },
+ { IDS_BUTTON_MOVE , L"Move" },
+ { IDS_BUTTON_DELETE , L"Delete" },
+ { IDS_BUTTON_INFO , L"Info" },
+ { IDS_BOOKMARK , L"Bookmark" },
+ { IDS_COMPUTER , L"Computer" },
+ { IDS_NETWORK , L"Network" },
+ { IDS_PROGRESS_TESTING , L"Testing" },
+ { IDS_MESSAGE_NO_ERRORS , L"There are no errors" },
+ { 0 , 0 }
+#include "res/ParentFolder.h"
+ SevenZipPanel::SevenZipPanel(MyFrame *frame, wxWindow *parent,int id,int panelIndex) :
+ wxPanel(parent,id) , m_frame(frame), _wList(0)
+ {
+ _panelIndex = panelIndex;
+ int _baseID = id; // FIXME
+ int _listID = _baseID + 1;
+ int _comboBoxID = _baseID + 3;
+ int _statusBarID = _comboBoxID + 1;
+ int kParentFolderID = 100; // FIXME Panel.h
+ ///Sizer for adding the controls created by users
+ wxBoxSizer* pMainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
+ int sizes[] = {150, 250, 350, -1};
+ wxArrayString pathArray;
+ wxBoxSizer *pPathSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
+ m_pBmpButtonParentFolder = new wxBitmapButton(this, kParentFolderID, wxGetBitmapFromMemory(PARENT_FOLDER), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_AUTODRAW);
+ m_pComboBoxPath = new wxComboBox(this, _comboBoxID, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300,-1), pathArray, wxCB_DROPDOWN | wxCB_SORT );
+ pPathSizer->Add(m_pBmpButtonParentFolder, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0);
+ pPathSizer->Add(m_pComboBoxPath, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5);
+ m_pListCtrlExplorer = new CExplorerListCtrl(this,_listID,wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(300,300),
+ printf("DEBUG : new CExplorerListCtrl(id=%d) => %p\n",_listID,m_pListCtrlExplorer);
+ m_pStatusBar = new wxStatusBar(this, _statusBarID);
+ m_pStatusBar->SetFieldsCount(4, sizes);
+ pMainSizer->Add(pPathSizer, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0);
+ pMainSizer->Add(m_pListCtrlExplorer, 1, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0);
+ pMainSizer->Add(m_pStatusBar, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 0);
+ SetSizer(pMainSizer);
+ SetAutoLayout (true);
+ Layout();
+ // m_pListCtrlExplorer->SetDropTarget(new DnDFile(this));
+ }
+ void SevenZipPanel::OnAnyButton( wxCommandEvent &event )
+ {
+ count++;
+ int id = event.GetId();
+ wxString msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : button %d \n"), count,id);
+ WriteText(msg);
+ _wList->OnMessage(WM_COMMAND , id , 0);
+ }
+ void SevenZipPanel::OnSelected(wxListEvent& event)
+ {
+ const wxListItem & item = event.GetItem();
+ count++;
+ wxString msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : OnSelected %d \n"), count,event.GetId());
+ WriteText(msg);
+ info.hdr.hwndFrom = m_pListCtrlExplorer;
+ info.hdr.code = LVN_ITEMCHANGED;
+ info.uOldState = 0;
+ info.uNewState = LVIS_SELECTED;
+ info.lParam = item.GetData(); // event.GetIndex(); // FIXME ? event.GetData();
+ _wList->OnMessage(WM_NOTIFY , event.GetId() , (LPARAM)&info);
+ /*
+ if ( GetWindowStyle() & wxLC_REPORT )
+ {
+ wxListItem info;
+ info.m_itemId = event.m_itemIndex;
+ info.m_col = 1;
+ info.m_mask = wxLIST_MASK_TEXT;
+ if ( GetItem(info) )
+ {
+ wxLogMessage(wxT("Value of the 2nd field of the selected item: %s"),
+ info.m_text.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG(wxT("wxListCtrl::GetItem() failed"));
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ void SevenZipPanel::OnDeselected(wxListEvent& event)
+ {
+ const wxListItem & item = event.GetItem();
+ count++;
+ wxString msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : OnDeselected %d \n"), count,event.GetId());
+ WriteText(msg);
+ info.hdr.hwndFrom = m_pListCtrlExplorer;
+ info.hdr.code = LVN_ITEMCHANGED;
+ info.uOldState = LVIS_SELECTED;
+ info.uNewState = 0;
+ info.lParam = item.GetData(); // event.GetIndex(); // FIXME ? event.GetData();
+ _wList->OnMessage(WM_NOTIFY , event.GetId() , (LPARAM)&info);
+ }
+ void SevenZipPanel::OnColumnClick(wxListEvent& event)
+ {
+ count++;
+ wxString msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : OnColumnClick %d col=%d\n"), count,event.GetId(),event.GetColumn());
+ WriteText(msg);
+ info.hdr.hwndFrom = m_pListCtrlExplorer;
+ info.hdr.code = LVN_COLUMNCLICK;
+ info.iSubItem = event.GetColumn();
+ _wList->OnMessage(WM_NOTIFY , event.GetId() , (LPARAM)&info);
+ }
+ void SevenZipPanel::OnActivated(wxListEvent& event)
+ {
+ count++;
+ int ind = event.GetIndex();
+ NMHDR info;
+ info.hwndFrom = m_pListCtrlExplorer;
+ info.code = NM_DBLCLK;
+ _wList->OnMessage(WM_NOTIFY , event.GetId() , (LPARAM)&info);
+ /*
+ if ((ind >= 0) && ( ind < m_nbDirs))
+ {
+ wxString msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : OnActivated %d : DIR = %d\n"), count,event.GetId(),ind);
+ WriteText(msg);
+ wxString name = m_pListCtrlExplorer->GetItemText(ind);
+ wxFileName filename (m_currentDirectory,name);
+ BinPath(filename.GetFullPath());
+ }
+ else
+ */
+ {
+ wxString msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : OnActivated %d : FILE = %d\n"), count,event.GetId(),ind);
+ WriteText(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ void SevenZipPanel::OnFocused(wxListEvent& event)
+ {
+ count++;
+ wxString msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : OnFocused %d \n"), count,event.GetId());
+ WriteText(msg);
+ event.Skip();
+ }
+ void SevenZipPanel::OnLeftDownBeginDrag(wxListEvent& event)
+ {
+ count++;
+ wxString msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : OnLeftDownBeginDrag %d \n"), count,event.GetId());
+ WriteText(msg);
+#if 0
+ if ( m_pListCtrlExplorer->GetSelectedItemCount() < 1) return ;
+ // start drag operation
+ wxFileDataObject filesData;
+ long item = -1;
+ for ( ;; )
+ {
+ item = m_pListCtrlExplorer->GetNextItem(item,
+ if ( item == -1 )
+ break;
+ // this item is selected - do whatever is needed with it
+ // wxLogMessage("Item %ld is selected.", item);
+ wxString file = m_currentDirectory + _T("/") + m_pListCtrlExplorer->GetItemText(item);
+ filesData.AddFile(file);
+ }
+ msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : wxDropSource %d \n"), count,event.GetId());
+ WriteText(msg);
+ wxDropSource source(filesData, this,
+ wxDROP_ICON(dnd_copy),
+ wxDROP_ICON(dnd_move),
+ wxDROP_ICON(dnd_none));
+ int flags = 0;
+ /*
+ if ( m_moveByDefault )
+ flags |= wxDrag_DefaultMove;
+ else if ( m_moveAllow )
+ flags |= wxDrag_AllowMove;
+ */
+ flags |= wxDrag_AllowMove;
+ msg = wxString::Format(_T("P %d : DoDragDrop %d \n"), count,event.GetId());
+ WriteText(msg);
+ wxDragResult result = source.DoDragDrop(flags);
+ const wxChar *pc;
+ switch ( result )
+ {
+ case wxDragError: pc = _T("Error!"); break;
+ case wxDragNone: pc = _T("Nothing"); break;
+ case wxDragCopy: pc = _T("Copied"); break;
+ case wxDragMove: pc = _T("Moved"); break;
+ case wxDragCancel: pc = _T("Cancelled"); break;
+ default: pc = _T("Huh?"); break;
+ }
+ WriteText(wxString(_T(" Drag result: ")) + pc);
+ }
+void SevenZipPanel::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent &WXUNUSED(event) )
+ WriteText(_T("OnLeftDown"));
+#if 0
+ if ( !m_strText.empty() )
+ {
+ // start drag operation
+ wxTextDataObject textData(m_strText);
+ wxDropSource source(textData, this,
+ wxDROP_ICON(dnd_copy),
+ wxDROP_ICON(dnd_move),
+ wxDROP_ICON(dnd_none));
+ int flags = 0;
+ if ( m_moveByDefault )
+ flags |= wxDrag_DefaultMove;
+ else if ( m_moveAllow )
+ flags |= wxDrag_AllowMove;
+ wxDragResult result = source.DoDragDrop(flags);
+ const wxChar *pc;
+ switch ( result )
+ {
+ case wxDragError: pc = _T("Error!"); break;
+ case wxDragNone: pc = _T("Nothing"); break;
+ case wxDragCopy: pc = _T("Copied"); break;
+ case wxDragMove: pc = _T("Moved"); break;
+ case wxDragCancel: pc = _T("Cancelled"); break;
+ default: pc = _T("Huh?"); break;
+ }
+ SetStatusText(wxString(_T("Drag result: ")) + pc);
+ wxUnusedVar(result);
+#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP
+void SevenZipPanel::OnRightClick(wxListEvent& event)
+ wxPoint point = event.GetPoint();
+ WriteText(_T("OnRightClick"));
+ wxMenu menu; // (_T("Dnd sample menu"));
+ menu.Append(wxID_ANY, _T("&Test drag..."));
+ menu.AppendSeparator();
+ menu.Append(wxID_ANY, _T("item1"));
+ menu.Append(wxID_ANY, _T("item2"));
+ menu.Append(wxID_ANY, _T("item3"));
+ menu.Append(wxID_ANY, _T("&About"));
+ PopupMenu( &menu, point.x, point.y );
+int SevenZipPanel::count = 0;
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(SevenZipPanel, wxPanel)
+// EVT_MENU(wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnAnyMenu)
+// EVT_LISTBOX (wxID_ANY, MyPanel::OnListBox)
+// EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(wxID_ANY, MyPanel::OnAnyListBoxDoubleClick)
+EVT_BUTTON (wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnAnyButton)
+ // EVT_CLOSE(SevenZipPanel::OnCloseWindow)
+EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED(wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnSelected)
+EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED(wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnDeselected)
+EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED(wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnActivated)
+EVT_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED(wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnFocused)
+EVT_LIST_BEGIN_DRAG(wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnLeftDownBeginDrag)
+EVT_LIST_ITEM_RIGHT_CLICK(wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnRightClick)
+EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK(wxID_ANY, SevenZipPanel::OnColumnClick)