path: root/installerbuilder/libinstaller/kdtools/KDUpdater/kdupdaterfiledownloader.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'installerbuilder/libinstaller/kdtools/KDUpdater/kdupdaterfiledownloader.cpp')
1 files changed, 1165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/installerbuilder/libinstaller/kdtools/KDUpdater/kdupdaterfiledownloader.cpp b/installerbuilder/libinstaller/kdtools/KDUpdater/kdupdaterfiledownloader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c23badb5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installerbuilder/libinstaller/kdtools/KDUpdater/kdupdaterfiledownloader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2001-2010 Klaralvdalens Datakonsult AB. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the KD Tools library.
+** Licensees holding valid commercial KD Tools licenses may use this file in
+** accordance with the KD Tools Commercial License Agreement provided with
+** the Software.
+** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2 and version 3 as published by the
+** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are not
+** clear to you.
+#include "kdupdaterfiledownloader_p.h"
+#include "kdupdaterfiledownloaderfactory.h"
+#include "kdupdatersignatureverifier.h"
+#include "kdupdatersignatureverificationresult.h"
+#include <KDToolsCore/KDAutoPointer>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QFtp>
+#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
+#include <QNetworkProxyFactory>
+#include <QPointer>
+#include <QUrl>
+#include <QTemporaryFile>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QCryptographicHash>
+#include <QThreadPool>
+#include <QDebug>
+using namespace KDUpdater;
+static double calcProgress(qint32 done, qint32 total)
+ return total ? (double(done) / double(total)) : 0 ;
+QByteArray KDUpdater::calculateHash( QIODevice* device, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm algo ) {
+ Q_ASSERT( device );
+ QCryptographicHash hash( algo );
+ QByteArray buffer;
+ buffer.resize( 512 * 1024 );
+ while ( true ) {
+ const qint64 numRead = device->read(, buffer.size() );
+ if ( numRead <= 0 )
+ return hash.result();
+ hash.addData( buffer.constData(), numRead );
+ }
+ return QByteArray(); // never reached
+QByteArray KDUpdater::calculateHash( const QString& path, QCryptographicHash::Algorithm algo ) {
+ QFile file( path );
+ if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) )
+ return QByteArray();
+ return calculateHash( &file, algo );
+class HashVerificationJob::Private {
+ Private() : hash( QCryptographicHash::Sha1 ), error( HashVerificationJob::ReadError ), timerId( -1 ) {
+ }
+ QPointer<QIODevice> device;
+ QByteArray sha1Sum;
+ QCryptographicHash hash;
+ HashVerificationJob::Error error;
+ int timerId;
+HashVerificationJob::HashVerificationJob( QObject* parent ) : QObject( parent ), d( new Private )
+void HashVerificationJob::setDevice( QIODevice* dev )
+ d->device = dev;
+void HashVerificationJob::setSha1Sum( const QByteArray& sum )
+ d->sha1Sum = sum;
+int HashVerificationJob::error() const
+ return d->error;
+bool HashVerificationJob::hasError() const
+ return d->error != NoError;
+void HashVerificationJob::start()
+ Q_ASSERT( d->device );
+ d->timerId = startTimer( 0 );
+void HashVerificationJob::emitFinished()
+ emit finished( this );
+ deleteLater();
+void HashVerificationJob::timerEvent( QTimerEvent* )
+ Q_ASSERT( d->timerId >= 0 );
+ if ( d->sha1Sum.isEmpty() ) {
+ killTimer( d->timerId );
+ d->timerId = -1;
+ d->error = NoError;
+ d->device->close();
+ emitFinished();
+ return;
+ }
+ QByteArray buf;
+ buf.resize( 128 * 1024 );
+ const qint64 read = d->device->read(, buf.size() );
+ if ( read > 0 ) {
+ d->hash.addData( buf.constData(), read );
+ return;
+ }
+ d->error = d->hash.result() == d->sha1Sum ? NoError : SumsDifferError;
+ killTimer( d->timerId );
+ d->timerId = -1;
+ emitFinished();
+// KDUpdater::FileDownloader
+ \internal
+ \ingroup kdupdater
+ \class KDUpdater::FileDownloader kdupdaterfiledownloader.h
+ Base class for file downloaders used in KDUpdater. File downloaders are used by
+ the KDUpdater::Update class to download update files. Each subclass of FileDownloader
+ can download file from a specific category of sources (eg. local, ftp, http etc).
+ This is an internal class, not a part of the public API. Currently we have three
+ subclasses of FileDownloader
+ \li LocalFileDownloader - downloads from the local file system
+ \li FtpDownloader - downloads from a FTP site
+ \li HttpDownloader - downloads from a HTTP site
+ Usage
+ \code
+ KDUpdater::FileDownloader* downloader = new KDUpdater::(some subclass name)
+ downloader->setUrl( url );
+ downloader->download();
+// wait for downloadCompleted() signal
+QString downloadedFile = downloader->downloadedFileName();
+struct KDUpdater::FileDownloader::FileDownloaderData
+ FileDownloaderData() : autoRemove( true ) {
+ }
+ QUrl url;
+ QString scheme;
+ QByteArray sha1Sum;
+ QString errorString;
+ bool autoRemove;
+ bool followRedirect;
+KDUpdater::FileDownloader::FileDownloader(const QString& scheme, QObject* parent)
+ : QObject(parent),
+ d( new FileDownloaderData )
+ d->scheme = scheme;
+ d->followRedirect = false;
+void KDUpdater::FileDownloader::setUrl(const QUrl& url)
+ d->url = url;
+QUrl KDUpdater::FileDownloader::url() const
+ return d->url;
+void KDUpdater::FileDownloader::setSha1Sum( const QByteArray& sum )
+ d->sha1Sum = sum;
+QByteArray KDUpdater::FileDownloader::sha1Sum() const
+ return d->sha1Sum;
+QString FileDownloader::errorString() const
+ return d->errorString;
+void FileDownloader::setDownloadAborted( const QString& error )
+ d->errorString = error;
+ emit downloadAborted( error );
+void KDUpdater::FileDownloader::setDownloadCompleted( const QString& path )
+ KDAutoPointer<HashVerificationJob> job( new HashVerificationJob );
+ QFile* file = new QFile( path, job.get() );
+ if ( !file->open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
+ emit downloadProgress( 1 );
+ onError();
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Could not reopen downloaded file %1 for reading: %2").arg( path, file->errorString() ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ job->setDevice( file );
+ job->setSha1Sum( d->sha1Sum );
+ connect( job.get(), SIGNAL(finished(KDUpdater::HashVerificationJob*)), this, SLOT(sha1SumVerified(KDUpdater::HashVerificationJob*)) );
+ job.release()->start();
+void KDUpdater::FileDownloader::sha1SumVerified( KDUpdater::HashVerificationJob* job )
+ if ( job->hasError() ) {
+ onError();
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Cryptographic hashes do not match.") );
+ }
+ else {
+ onSuccess();
+ emit downloadCompleted();
+ }
+QString KDUpdater::FileDownloader::scheme() const
+ return d->scheme;
+void KDUpdater::FileDownloader::setAutoRemoveDownloadedFile(bool val)
+ d->autoRemove = val;
+void KDUpdater::FileDownloader::setFollowRedirects( bool val )
+ d->followRedirect = val;
+bool KDUpdater::FileDownloader::followRedirects() const
+ return d->followRedirect;
+bool KDUpdater::FileDownloader::isAutoRemoveDownloadedFile() const
+ return d->autoRemove;
+void KDUpdater::FileDownloader::download() {
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod( this, "doDownload", Qt::QueuedConnection );
+void KDUpdater::FileDownloader::cancelDownload()
+ // Do nothing
+// KDUpdater::FileDownloader
+ Even though QFile::copy() does the task of copying local files from one place
+ to another, I prefer to use the timer and copy one block of data per unit time.
+ This is because, it is possible that the user of KDUpdater is simultaneously
+ downloading several files. Sometimes in tandem with other file downloaders.
+ If the local file that is being downloaded takes a long time; then that will
+ hang the other downloads.
+ On the otherhand, local downloads need not actually download the file. It can
+ simply pass on the source file as destination file. At this moment however,
+ I think the user of LocalFileDownloader will assume that the downloaded file
+ can be fiddled around with without worrying about whether it would mess up
+ the original source or not.
+struct KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::LocalFileDownloaderData
+ LocalFileDownloaderData() : source(0), destination(0),
+ downloaded(false), timerId(-1) { }
+ QFile* source;
+ QTemporaryFile* destination;
+ QString destFileName;
+ bool downloaded;
+ int timerId;
+KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::LocalFileDownloader(QObject* parent)
+ :KDUpdater::FileDownloader(QLatin1String( "file" ), parent),
+ d ( new LocalFileDownloaderData )
+ if( this->isAutoRemoveDownloadedFile() && !d->destFileName.isEmpty() )
+ QFile::remove(d->destFileName);
+ delete d;
+bool KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::canDownload() const
+ const QString localFile = url().toLocalFile();
+ QFileInfo fi( localFile );
+ return fi.exists() && fi.isReadable();
+bool KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::isDownloaded() const
+ return d->downloaded;
+void KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::doDownload()
+ // Already downloaded
+ if( d->downloaded )
+ return;
+ // Already started downloading
+ if( d->timerId >= 0 )
+ return;
+ // Open source and destination files
+ QString localFile = this->url().toLocalFile();
+ d->source = new QFile(localFile, this);
+ d->destination = new QTemporaryFile(this);
+ if( !d->source->open(QFile::ReadOnly) )
+ {
+ onError();
+ setDownloadAborted(tr("Cannot open source file for reading."));
+ return;
+ }
+ if( !d->destination->open() )
+ {
+ onError();
+ setDownloadAborted(tr("Cannot open destination file for writing."));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Start a timer and kickoff the copy process
+ d->timerId = startTimer(0); // as fast as possible
+ emit downloadStarted();
+ emit downloadProgress(0);
+QString KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::downloadedFileName() const
+ return d->destFileName;
+KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader* KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::clone( QObject* parent ) const
+ return new LocalFileDownloader( parent );
+void KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::cancelDownload()
+ if( d->timerId < 0 )
+ return;
+ killTimer( d->timerId );
+ d->timerId = -1;
+ onError();
+ emit downloadCanceled();
+void KDUpdater::LocalFileDownloader::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)
+ if( !d->source || !d->destination )
+ return;
+ const qint64 blockSize = 32768;
+ QByteArray buffer;
+ buffer.resize( blockSize );
+ const qint64 numRead = d->source->read(, buffer.size() );
+ qint64 toWrite = numRead;
+ while ( toWrite > 0 ) {
+ const qint64 numWritten = d->destination->write( buffer.constData() + numRead - toWrite, toWrite );
+ if ( numWritten < 0 ) {
+ killTimer( d->timerId );
+ d->timerId = -1;
+ onError();
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Writing to %1 failed: %2").arg( d->destination->fileName(), d->destination->errorString() ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ toWrite -= numWritten;
+ }
+ if( numRead > 0 ) {
+ emit downloadProgress( calcProgress(d->source->pos(), d->source->size()) );
+ return;
+ }
+ d->destination->flush();
+ killTimer( d->timerId );
+ d->timerId = -1;
+ setDownloadCompleted( d->destination->fileName() );
+void LocalFileDownloader::onSuccess()
+ d->downloaded = true;
+ d->destFileName = d->destination->fileName();
+ d->destination->setAutoRemove( false );
+ d->destination->close();
+ delete d->destination;
+ d->destination = 0;
+ delete d->source;
+ d->source = 0;
+void LocalFileDownloader::onError()
+ d->downloaded = false;
+ d->destFileName.clear();
+ delete d->destination;
+ d->destination = 0;
+ delete d->source;
+ d->source = 0;
+struct KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::ResourceFileDownloaderData
+ ResourceFileDownloaderData()
+ : downloaded( false ),
+ timerId( -1 )
+ {
+ }
+ QString destFileName;
+ bool downloaded;
+ int timerId;
+KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::ResourceFileDownloader(QObject* parent)
+ :KDUpdater::FileDownloader(QLatin1String( "resource" ), parent),
+ d ( new ResourceFileDownloaderData )
+ delete d;
+bool KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::canDownload() const
+ QUrl url = this->url();
+ url.setScheme( QString::fromLatin1( "file" ) );
+ QString localFile = QString::fromLatin1( ":%1" ).arg( url.toLocalFile() );
+ QFileInfo fi(localFile);
+ return fi.exists() && fi.isReadable();
+bool KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::isDownloaded() const
+ return d->downloaded;
+void KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::doDownload()
+ // Already downloaded
+ if( d->downloaded )
+ return;
+ // Already started downloading
+ if( d->timerId >= 0 )
+ return;
+ // Open source and destination files
+ QUrl url = this->url();
+ url.setScheme( QString::fromLatin1( "file" ) );
+ d->destFileName = QString::fromLatin1( ":%1" ).arg( url.toLocalFile() );
+ // Start a timer and kickoff the copy process
+ d->timerId = startTimer(0); // as fast as possible
+ emit downloadStarted();
+ emit downloadProgress(0);
+QString KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::downloadedFileName() const
+ return d->destFileName;
+KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader* KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::clone( QObject* parent ) const
+ return new ResourceFileDownloader( parent );
+void KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::cancelDownload()
+ if( d->timerId < 0 )
+ return;
+ killTimer( d->timerId );
+ d->timerId = -1;
+ emit downloadCanceled();
+void KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)
+ killTimer( d->timerId );
+ d->timerId = -1;
+ setDownloadCompleted( d->destFileName );
+void KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::onSuccess()
+ d->downloaded = true;
+void KDUpdater::ResourceFileDownloader::onError()
+ d->downloaded = false;
+// KDUpdater::FileDownloader
+struct KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::FtpDownloaderData
+ FtpDownloaderData() : ftp(0), destination(0),
+ downloaded(false), ftpCmdId(-1), aborted(false) { }
+ QFtp* ftp;
+ QTemporaryFile* destination;
+ QString destFileName;
+ bool downloaded;
+ int ftpCmdId;
+ bool aborted;
+KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::FtpDownloader(QObject* parent)
+ : KDUpdater::FileDownloader(QLatin1String( "ftp" ), parent),
+ d ( new FtpDownloaderData )
+ if( this->isAutoRemoveDownloadedFile() && !d->destFileName.isEmpty() )
+ QFile::remove(d->destFileName);
+ delete d;
+bool KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::canDownload() const
+ // TODO: Check whether the ftp file actually exists or not.
+ return true;
+bool KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::isDownloaded() const
+ return d->downloaded;
+void KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::doDownload()
+ if( d->downloaded )
+ return;
+ if( d->ftp )
+ return;
+ d->ftp = new QFtp(this);
+ connect(d->ftp, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(ftpDone(bool)));
+ connect(d->ftp, SIGNAL(commandStarted(int)), this, SLOT(ftpCmdStarted(int)));
+ connect(d->ftp, SIGNAL(commandFinished(int,bool)), this, SLOT(ftpCmdFinished(int,bool)));
+ connect(d->ftp, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(ftpStateChanged(int)));
+ connect(d->ftp, SIGNAL(dataTransferProgress(qint64,qint64)), this, SLOT(ftpDataTransferProgress(qint64,qint64)));
+ d->ftp->connectToHost( url().host(), url().port(21) );
+ d->ftp->login();
+QString KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::downloadedFileName() const
+ return d->destFileName;
+KDUpdater::FtpDownloader* KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::clone( QObject* parent ) const
+ return new FtpDownloader( parent );
+void KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::cancelDownload()
+ if( d->ftp )
+ {
+ d->aborted = true;
+ d->ftp->abort();
+ }
+void KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::ftpDone(bool error)
+ if( error )
+ {
+ d->ftp->deleteLater();
+ d->ftp = 0;
+ d->ftpCmdId = -1;
+ onError();
+ if( d->aborted )
+ {
+ d->aborted = false;
+ emit downloadCanceled();
+ }
+ else
+ setDownloadAborted( d->ftp->errorString() );
+ }
+ //PENDING what about the non-error case??
+void KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::ftpCmdStarted(int id)
+ if( id != d->ftpCmdId )
+ return;
+ emit downloadStarted();
+ emit downloadProgress(0);
+void KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::ftpCmdFinished(int id, bool error)
+ if( id != d->ftpCmdId || error ) // PENDING why error -> return??
+ return;
+ disconnect(d->ftp, 0, this, 0);
+ d->ftp->deleteLater();
+ d->ftp = 0;
+ d->ftpCmdId = -1;
+ d->destination->flush();
+ setDownloadCompleted( d->destination->fileName() );
+void FtpDownloader::onSuccess()
+ d->downloaded = true;
+ d->destFileName = d->destination->fileName();
+ d->destination->setAutoRemove( false );
+ delete d->destination;
+ d->destination = 0;
+void FtpDownloader::onError()
+ d->downloaded = false;
+ d->destFileName.clear();
+ delete d->destination;
+ d->destination = 0;
+void KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::ftpStateChanged(int state)
+ switch(state)
+ {
+ case QFtp::Connected:
+ // begin the download
+ d->destination = new QTemporaryFile(this);
+ d->destination->open(); //PENDING handle error
+ d->ftpCmdId = d->ftp->get( url().path(), d->destination );
+ break;
+ case QFtp::Unconnected:
+ // download was unconditionally aborted
+ disconnect(d->ftp, 0, this, 0);
+ d->ftp->deleteLater();
+ d->ftp = 0;
+ d->ftpCmdId = -1;
+ onError();
+ setDownloadAborted(tr("Download was aborted due to network errors."));
+ break;
+ }
+void KDUpdater::FtpDownloader::ftpDataTransferProgress(qint64 done, qint64 total)
+ emit downloadProgress( calcProgress(done, total) );
+// KDUpdater::FileDownloader
+struct KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::HttpDownloaderData
+ explicit HttpDownloaderData( HttpDownloader* qq ) : q( qq ), http(0), destination(0), downloaded(false),
+ aborted(false), retrying(false) { }
+ HttpDownloader* const q;
+ QNetworkAccessManager manager;
+ QNetworkReply* http;
+ QTemporaryFile* destination;
+ QString destFileName;
+ bool downloaded;
+ bool aborted;
+ bool retrying;
+ void shutDown() {
+ disconnect( http, SIGNAL( finished() ), q, SLOT( httpReqFinished() ) );
+ http->deleteLater();
+ http = 0;
+ destination->close();
+ destination->deleteLater();
+ destination = 0;
+ }
+KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::HttpDownloader(QObject* parent)
+ : KDUpdater::FileDownloader(QLatin1String( "http" ), parent),
+ d ( new HttpDownloaderData( this ) )
+ if( this->isAutoRemoveDownloadedFile() && !d->destFileName.isEmpty() )
+ QFile::remove(d->destFileName);
+ delete d;
+bool KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::canDownload() const
+ // TODO: Check whether the ftp file actually exists or not.
+ return true;
+bool KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::isDownloaded() const
+ return d->downloaded;
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::doDownload()
+ if( d->downloaded )
+ return;
+ if( d->http )
+ return;
+ d->http = d->manager.get( QNetworkRequest( url() ) );
+ connect( d->http, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, SLOT( httpReadyRead() ) );
+ connect( d->http, SIGNAL( downloadProgress( qint64, qint64 ) ), this, SLOT( httpReadProgress( qint64, qint64) ) );
+ connect( d->http, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( httpReqFinished() ) );
+ connect( d->http, SIGNAL( error( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ), this, SLOT( httpError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ) );
+ /*
+ // In a future update, authentication should also be supported.
+ connect(d->http, SIGNAL(proxyAuthenticationRequired(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)),
+ this, SLOT(httpProxyAuth(QNetworkProxy,QAuthenticator*)));
+ connect(d->http, SIGNAL(authenticationRequired(QString,QAuthenticator*)),
+ this, SLOT(httpAuth(QString,QAuthenticator*)));
+ */
+ // Begin the download
+ d->destination = new QTemporaryFile(this);
+ if ( !d->destination->open() ) {
+ const QString err = d->destination->errorString();
+ d->shutDown();
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Cannot download %1: Could not create temporary file: %2").arg( url().toString(), err ) );
+ return;
+ }
+QString KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::downloadedFileName() const
+ return d->destFileName;
+KDUpdater::HttpDownloader* KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::clone( QObject* parent ) const
+ return new HttpDownloader( parent );
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::httpReadyRead()
+ static QByteArray buffer( 16384, '\0' );
+ while( d->http->bytesAvailable() )
+ {
+ const qint64 read = d->http->read(, buffer.size() );
+ qint64 written = 0;
+ while( written < read ) {
+ const qint64 numWritten = d->destination->write( + written, read - written );
+ if ( numWritten < 0 ) {
+ const QString err = d->destination->errorString();
+ d->shutDown();
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Cannot download %1: Writing to temporary file failed: %2").arg( url().toString(), err ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ written += numWritten;
+ }
+ }
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::httpError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError )
+ static bool setProxySettings = false;
+ if( !d->retrying && !setProxySettings )
+ {
+ d->shutDown();
+ d->retrying = true;
+ setProxySettings = true;
+ // silently force retry with global proxy settings
+ QNetworkProxyFactory::setUseSystemConfiguration( true );
+ doDownload();
+ return;
+ }
+ httpDone( true );
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::cancelDownload()
+ d->aborted = true;
+ if( d->http )
+ {
+ d->http->abort();
+ httpDone( true );
+ }
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::httpDone( bool error )
+ if( error )
+ {
+ QString err;
+ if( d->http )
+ {
+ err = d->http->errorString();
+ d->http->deleteLater();
+ d->http = 0;
+ onError();
+ }
+ if( d->aborted )
+ {
+ d->aborted = false;
+ emit downloadCanceled();
+ }
+ else
+ setDownloadAborted( err );
+ }
+ //PENDING: what about the non-error case??
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::onError()
+ d->downloaded = false;
+ d->destFileName.clear();
+ delete d->destination;
+ d->destination = 0;
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::onSuccess()
+ d->downloaded = true;
+ d->destFileName = d->destination->fileName();
+ d->destination->setAutoRemove( false );
+ delete d->destination;
+ d->destination = 0;
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::httpReqFinished()
+ const QVariant redirect = d->http == 0 ? QVariant() : d->http->attribute( QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute );
+ const QUrl redirectUrl = redirect.toUrl();
+ //if ( redirect.isValid() )
+ // redirectUrl = redirect.toUrl();
+ if ( followRedirects() && redirectUrl.isValid() )
+ {
+ // clean the previous download
+ d->http->deleteLater();
+ d->http = 0;
+ d->destination->close();
+ d->destination->deleteLater();
+ d->destination = 0;
+ d->http = d->manager.get( QNetworkRequest( redirectUrl ) );
+ connect( d->http, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, SLOT( httpReadyRead() ) );
+ connect( d->http, SIGNAL( downloadProgress( qint64, qint64 ) ), this, SLOT( httpReadProgress( qint64, qint64) ) );
+ connect( d->http, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( httpReqFinished() ) );
+ connect( d->http, SIGNAL( error( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ), this, SLOT( httpError( QNetworkReply::NetworkError ) ) );
+ // Begin the download
+ d->destination = new QTemporaryFile(this);
+ d->destination->open(); //PENDING handle error
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( d->http == 0 )
+ return;
+ httpReadyRead();
+ d->destination->flush();
+ setDownloadCompleted( d->destination->fileName() );
+ d->http->deleteLater();
+ d->http = 0;
+ }
+void KDUpdater::HttpDownloader::httpReadProgress( qint64 done, qint64 total)
+ emit downloadProgress( calcProgress( done, total ) );
+class SignatureVerificationDownloader::Private
+ SignatureVerificationDownloader* const q;
+ explicit Private( FileDownloader* dl, SignatureVerificationDownloader* qq ) : q( qq ), verifier( 0 ), downloader( dl ), sigDownloader( 0 ), actualDownloadDone( false )
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT( downloader );
+ q->connect( downloader.get(), SIGNAL( downloadProgress( double ) ), q, SIGNAL( downloadProgress( double ) ) );
+ q->connect( downloader.get(), SIGNAL(downloadStarted()), q, SLOT(dataDownloadStarted()) );
+ q->connect( downloader.get(), SIGNAL(downloadCompleted()), q, SLOT(dataDownloadCompleted()) );
+ q->connect( downloader.get(), SIGNAL(downloadCanceled()), q, SLOT(dataDownloadCanceled()) );
+ q->connect( downloader.get(), SIGNAL(downloadAborted(QString)), q, SLOT(dataDownloadAborted(QString)) );
+ }
+ ~Private()
+ {
+ delete verifier;
+ }
+ const SignatureVerifier* verifier;
+ KDAutoPointer< FileDownloader > downloader;
+ KDAutoPointer< FileDownloader > sigDownloader;
+ QUrl signatureUrl;
+ SignatureVerificationResult result;
+ QString downloadedFileName;
+ bool actualDownloadDone : 1;
+SignatureVerificationDownloader::SignatureVerificationDownloader( FileDownloader* downloader, QObject* parent ) : FileDownloader( downloader->scheme(), parent ), d( new Private( downloader, this ) )
+QUrl SignatureVerificationDownloader::signatureUrl() const
+ return d->signatureUrl;
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::setSignatureUrl( const QUrl& url )
+ d->signatureUrl = url;
+const SignatureVerifier* SignatureVerificationDownloader::signatureVerifier() const {
+ return d->verifier;
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::setSignatureVerifier( const SignatureVerifier* verifier ) {
+ delete d->verifier;
+ d->verifier = verifier ? verifier->clone() : 0;
+SignatureVerificationResult SignatureVerificationDownloader::result() const
+ return d->result;
+bool SignatureVerificationDownloader::canDownload() const
+ return d->downloader->canDownload();
+bool SignatureVerificationDownloader::isDownloaded() const
+ return d->downloader->isDownloaded();
+QString SignatureVerificationDownloader::downloadedFileName() const
+ return d->downloadedFileName;
+FileDownloader* SignatureVerificationDownloader::clone( QObject* parent ) const
+ return new SignatureVerificationDownloader( d->downloader->clone(), parent );
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::onError()
+ d->sigDownloader.reset();
+ if ( QFile::exists( d->downloadedFileName ) )
+ QFile::remove( d->downloadedFileName );
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::onSuccess()
+ d->sigDownloader.reset();
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::cancelDownload()
+ if ( !d->actualDownloadDone ) {
+ d->downloader->cancelDownload();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( d->sigDownloader ) {
+ d->sigDownloader->cancelDownload();
+ }
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::doDownload()
+ Q_ASSERT( d->verifier );
+ Q_ASSERT( d->downloader );
+ d->downloader->setUrl( url() );
+ d->downloader->setSha1Sum( sha1Sum() );
+ d->downloader->download();
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::dataDownloadStarted()
+ emit downloadStarted();
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::dataDownloadAborted( const QString& err )
+ setDownloadAborted( err );
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::dataDownloadCanceled()
+ emit downloadCanceled();
+static QUrl suggestSignatureUrl( const QUrl& url ) {
+ return url.toString() + QLatin1String(".sig");
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::dataDownloadCompleted()
+ d->downloadedFileName = d->downloader->downloadedFileName();
+ d->actualDownloadDone = true;
+ QUrl url = d->signatureUrl;
+ if ( url.isEmpty() )
+ url = suggestSignatureUrl( d->downloader->url() );
+ d->sigDownloader.reset( FileDownloaderFactory::instance().create( url.scheme(), this ) );
+ if ( !d->sigDownloader ) {
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Could not download signature: scheme %1 not supported").arg( url.scheme() ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ d->sigDownloader->setUrl( url );
+ connect( d->sigDownloader.get(), SIGNAL(downloadCompleted()), this, SLOT(signatureDownloadCompleted()) );
+ connect( d->sigDownloader.get(), SIGNAL(downloadCanceled()), this, SLOT(signatureDownloadCanceled()) );
+ connect( d->sigDownloader.get(), SIGNAL(downloadAborted(QString)), this, SLOT(signatureDownloadAborted(QString)) );
+ d->sigDownloader->download();
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::signatureDownloadAborted( const QString& err )
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Downloading signature: %1").arg( err ) );
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::signatureDownloadCanceled()
+ emit downloadCanceled();
+void SignatureVerificationDownloader::signatureDownloadCompleted()
+ QFile sigFile( d->sigDownloader->downloadedFileName() );
+ if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Could not open signature file: %1").arg( sigFile.errorString() ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ const QByteArray signature = sigFile.readAll();
+ QFile dataFile( d->downloadedFileName );
+ if ( ! QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) {
+ setDownloadAborted( tr("Could not open file for verification: %1").arg( dataFile.errorString() ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ const QByteArray dataHash = calculateHash(&dataFile, QCryptographicHash::Sha1);
+ //const QString sigPath = d->sigDownloader->downloadedFileName();
+ d->result = d->verifier->verify( dataHash, signature );
+ if( ! d->result.isValid() ) {
+ setDownloadAborted( d->result.errorString() );
+ return;
+ }
+ setDownloadCompleted( d->downloadedFileName );
+#if 0
+ SignatureVerificationRunnable* runnable = new SignatureVerificationRunnable;
+ runnable->setSignature( signature );
+ runnable->setData( dataFile.release() );
+ runnable->setVerifier( d->verifier );
+ runnable->addResultListener( this, "verificationResult" );
+ QThreadPool::globalInstance()->start( runnable );