path: root/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Tar/TarIn.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Tar/TarIn.cpp')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Tar/TarIn.cpp b/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Tar/TarIn.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5ceaa509d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/7zip/Archive/Tar/TarIn.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// TarIn.cpp
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+#include "../../../../C/CpuArch.h"
+#include "Common/StringToInt.h"
+#include "../../Common/StreamUtils.h"
+#include "TarIn.h"
+namespace NArchive {
+namespace NTar {
+static void MyStrNCpy(char *dest, const char *src, int size)
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+ {
+ char c = src[i];
+ dest[i] = c;
+ if (c == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+static bool OctalToNumber(const char *srcString, int size, UInt64 &res)
+ char sz[32];
+ MyStrNCpy(sz, srcString, size);
+ sz[size] = 0;
+ const char *end;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; sz[i] == ' '; i++);
+ res = ConvertOctStringToUInt64(sz + i, &end);
+ return (*end == ' ' || *end == 0);
+static bool OctalToNumber32(const char *srcString, int size, UInt32 &res)
+ UInt64 res64;
+ if (!OctalToNumber(srcString, size, res64))
+ return false;
+ res = (UInt32)res64;
+ return (res64 <= 0xFFFFFFFF);
+#define RIF(x) { if (!(x)) return S_FALSE; }
+static bool IsRecordLast(const char *buf)
+ for (int i = 0; i < NFileHeader::kRecordSize; i++)
+ if (buf[i] != 0)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+static void ReadString(const char *s, int size, AString &result)
+ char temp[NFileHeader::kRecordSize + 1];
+ MyStrNCpy(temp, s, size);
+ temp[size] = '\0';
+ result = temp;
+static HRESULT GetNextItemReal(ISequentialInStream *stream, bool &filled, CItemEx &item, AString &error)
+ char buf[NFileHeader::kRecordSize];
+ char *p = buf;
+ error.Empty();
+ filled = false;
+ bool thereAreEmptyRecords = false;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ size_t processedSize = NFileHeader::kRecordSize;
+ RINOK(ReadStream(stream, buf, &processedSize));
+ if (processedSize == 0)
+ {
+ if (!thereAreEmptyRecords )
+ error = "There are no trailing zero-filled records";
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ if (processedSize != NFileHeader::kRecordSize)
+ {
+ error = "There is no correct record at the end of archive";
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ item.HeaderSize += NFileHeader::kRecordSize;
+ if (!IsRecordLast(buf))
+ break;
+ thereAreEmptyRecords = true;
+ }
+ if (thereAreEmptyRecords)
+ {
+ error = "There are data after end of archive";
+ return S_OK;
+ }
+ ReadString(p, NFileHeader::kNameSize, item.Name); p += NFileHeader::kNameSize;
+ RIF(OctalToNumber32(p, 8, item.Mode)); p += 8;
+ if (!OctalToNumber32(p, 8, item.UID)) item.UID = 0; p += 8;
+ if (!OctalToNumber32(p, 8, item.GID)) item.GID = 0; p += 8;
+ if (GetBe32(p) == (UInt32)1 << 31)
+ {
+ // GNU extension
+ item.Size = GetBe64(p + 4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RIF(OctalToNumber(p, 12, item.Size));
+ }
+ p += 12;
+ RIF(OctalToNumber32(p, 12, item.MTime)); p += 12;
+ UInt32 checkSum;
+ RIF(OctalToNumber32(p, 8, checkSum));
+ memcpy(p, NFileHeader::kCheckSumBlanks, 8); p += 8;
+ item.LinkFlag = *p++;
+ ReadString(p, NFileHeader::kNameSize, item.LinkName); p += NFileHeader::kNameSize;
+ memcpy(item.Magic, p, 8); p += 8;
+ ReadString(p, NFileHeader::kUserNameSize, item.User); p += NFileHeader::kUserNameSize;
+ ReadString(p, NFileHeader::kGroupNameSize, item.Group); p += NFileHeader::kGroupNameSize;
+ item.DeviceMajorDefined = (p[0] != 0); RIF(OctalToNumber32(p, 8, item.DeviceMajor)); p += 8;
+ item.DeviceMinorDefined = (p[0] != 0); RIF(OctalToNumber32(p, 8, item.DeviceMinor)); p += 8;
+ AString prefix;
+ ReadString(p, NFileHeader::kPrefixSize, prefix);
+ p += NFileHeader::kPrefixSize;
+ if (!prefix.IsEmpty() && item.IsMagic() &&
+ (item.LinkFlag != 'L' /* || prefix != "00000000000" */ ))
+ item.Name = prefix + AString('/') + item.Name;
+ if (item.LinkFlag == NFileHeader::NLinkFlag::kLink)
+ item.Size = 0;
+ UInt32 checkSumReal = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < NFileHeader::kRecordSize; i++)
+ checkSumReal += (Byte)buf[i];
+ if (checkSumReal != checkSum)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ filled = true;
+ return S_OK;
+HRESULT ReadItem(ISequentialInStream *stream, bool &filled, CItemEx &item, AString &error)
+ item.HeaderSize = 0;
+ bool flagL = false;
+ bool flagK = false;
+ AString nameL;
+ AString nameK;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ RINOK(GetNextItemReal(stream, filled, item, error));
+ if (!filled)
+ return S_OK;
+ if (item.LinkFlag == 'L' || // NEXT file has a long name
+ item.LinkFlag == 'K') // NEXT file has a long linkname
+ {
+ AString *name;
+ if (item.LinkFlag == 'L')
+ { if (flagL) return S_FALSE; flagL = true; name = &nameL; }
+ else
+ { if (flagK) return S_FALSE; flagK = true; name = &nameK; }
+ if (item.Name.Compare(NFileHeader::kLongLink) != 0 &&
+ item.Name.Compare(NFileHeader::kLongLink2) != 0)
+ return S_FALSE;
+ if (item.Size > (1 << 14))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ int packSize = (int)item.GetPackSize();
+ char *buf = name->GetBuffer(packSize);
+ RINOK(ReadStream_FALSE(stream, buf, packSize));
+ item.HeaderSize += packSize;
+ buf[(size_t)item.Size] = '\0';
+ name->ReleaseBuffer();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (item.LinkFlag == 'g' || item.LinkFlag == 'x' || item.LinkFlag == 'X')
+ {
+ // pax Extended Header
+ }
+ else if (item.LinkFlag == NFileHeader::NLinkFlag::kDumpDir)
+ {
+ // GNU Extensions to the Archive Format
+ }
+ else if (item.LinkFlag > '7' || (item.LinkFlag < '0' && item.LinkFlag != 0))
+ return S_FALSE;
+ if (flagL) item.Name = nameL;
+ if (flagK) item.LinkName = nameK;
+ return S_OK;
+ }