path: root/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/Windows/Control/Dialog.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/Windows/Control/Dialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/Windows/Control/Dialog.cpp b/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/Windows/Control/Dialog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..464ae302c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP/Windows/Control/Dialog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+// Dialog.cpp
+#include "StdAfx.h"
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+ #pragma hdrstop
+// for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you
+// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWidgets headers)
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+ #include "wx/wx.h"
+#include <wx/filename.h>
+#undef _WIN32
+#include "Windows/Control/DialogImpl.h"
+#include "Windows/Synchronization.h"
+class MyApp : public wxApp
+ virtual bool OnInit();
+// #include "../GUI/p7zip_32.xpm"
+extern const char * p7zip_32_xpm[];
+const TCHAR * nameWindowToUnix(const TCHAR * lpFileName) {
+ if ((lpFileName[0] == wxT('c')) && (lpFileName[1] == wxT(':'))) return lpFileName+2;
+ return lpFileName;
+extern time_t g_T0; // FIXME
+#define DIALOG_ID_DIR_DIALOG 8101
+#define DIALOG_ID_END_DIALOG 8199
+static struct
+ bool busy;
+ int id;
+ wxWindow *parentWindow;
+ // CreateDialog
+ NWindows::NControl::CModalDialog * dialog;
+ // EndModal
+ int value;
+ NWindows::NControl::CModalDialogImpl * window;
+ // MessageBox
+ const TCHAR * msg;
+ const TCHAR * title;
+ int flag;
+ //
+ LPCWSTR initialFolderOrFile;
+ wxSemaphore * sem;
+ int ret;
+ UString resultPath;
+#define MAX_CREATE 16
+} g_tabCreate[MAX_CREATE];
+static int myCreateHandle2(int n);
+static int findFreeInd()
+static NWindows::NSynchronization::CCriticalSection g_CriticalSection;
+ g_CriticalSection.Enter();
+ int ind = 0;
+ while (ind < MAX_CREATE)
+ {
+ if (g_tabCreate[ind].busy == false)
+ {
+ g_tabCreate[ind].busy = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ ind++;
+ }
+ g_CriticalSection.Leave();
+ return ind;
+static int WaitInd(wxWindow * destWindow, int ind,int id,wxWindow * parent,UString &resultPath)
+ int ret = 0;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].id = id;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].parentWindow = parent;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].ret = 0;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].resultPath = wxEmptyString;
+ if (wxThread::IsMain())
+ {
+ ret = myCreateHandle2(ind);
+ resultPath = g_tabCreate[ind].resultPath;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (destWindow == 0) {
+ extern wxWindow * g_window;
+ if (g_window == 0)
+ {
+ printf("INTERNAL ERROR : g_window and destWindow == NULL\n"); abort();
+ }
+ destWindow = g_window;
+ }
+ g_tabCreate[ind].sem = new wxSemaphore(0);
+ // create any type of command event here
+ event.SetInt( ind );
+ // send in a thread-safe way
+ // DEBUG printf("T=0x%lx - %d : WaitInd(%d,%p): BEGIN\n", wxThread::GetCurrentId(),time(0)-g_T0,g_tabCreate[ind].id,g_tabCreate[ind].parentWindow);
+ wxPostEvent( destWindow, event );
+ g_tabCreate[ind].sem->Wait();
+ ret = g_tabCreate[ind].ret;
+ resultPath = g_tabCreate[ind].resultPath;
+ // DEBUG printf("T=0x%lx - %d : WaitInd(%d,%p): ret=%d\n", wxThread::GetCurrentId(),time(0)-g_T0,g_tabCreate[ind].id,g_tabCreate[ind].parentWindow,ret);
+ delete g_tabCreate[ind].sem;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].sem = 0;
+ }
+ g_tabCreate[ind].busy = false;
+ return ret;
+static int WaitInd(wxWindow * destWindow,int ind,int id,wxWindow * parent)
+ UString resultPath;
+ return WaitInd(destWindow,ind,id,parent,resultPath);
+void verify_main_thread(void);
+class LockGUI
+ bool _IsMain;
+ public:
+ LockGUI() {
+ verify_main_thread();
+ _IsMain = wxThread::IsMain();
+ if (!_IsMain) {
+ // DEBUG
+ printf("GuiEnter-Dialog(0x%lx)\n",wxThread::GetCurrentId());
+ abort(); // FIXME wxMutexGuiEnter();
+ }
+ }
+ ~LockGUI() {
+ if (!_IsMain) {
+ wxMutexGuiLeave();
+ // DEBUG printf("GuiLeave(0x%lx)\n",wxThread::GetCurrentId());
+ }
+ }
+static const unsigned int kNumDialogsMax = 32;
+static unsigned int g_NumDialogs = 0;
+static const CDialogInfo *g_Dialogs[kNumDialogsMax];
+void RegisterDialog(const CDialogInfo *dialogInfo)
+ // DEBUG printf("RegisterDialog : %d\n",dialogInfo->id);
+ if (g_NumDialogs < kNumDialogsMax)
+ g_Dialogs[g_NumDialogs++] = dialogInfo;
+namespace NWindows {
+ CSysString MyLoadString(unsigned int resourceID)
+ {
+ for(unsigned i=0; i < g_NumDialogs; i++) {
+ if (g_Dialogs[i]->stringTable) {
+ int j = 0;
+ while(g_Dialogs[i]->stringTable[j].str) {
+ if (resourceID == g_Dialogs[i]->stringTable[j].id) {
+ return g_Dialogs[i]->stringTable[j].str;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return L"FIXME-MyLoadStringW-";
+ }
+ namespace NControl {
+/////////////////////////////////////////// CModalDialog //////////////////////////////////
+ bool CModalDialog::CheckButton(int buttonID, UINT checkState)
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ wxCheckBox* w = (wxCheckBox*)_window->FindWindow(buttonID);
+ if (w)
+ {
+ w->SetValue(checkState == BST_CHECKED);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ UINT CModalDialog::IsButtonChecked(int buttonID) const
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ wxCheckBox* w = (wxCheckBox*)_window->FindWindow(buttonID);
+ if (w)
+ {
+ bool bret = w->GetValue();
+ if (bret) return BST_CHECKED;
+ }
+ }
+ void CModalDialog::EnableItem(int id, bool state)
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ wxWindow* w = _window->FindWindow(id);
+ if (w) w->Enable(state);
+ }
+ void CModalDialog::SetItemText(int id, const TCHAR *txt)
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ wxWindow* w = _window->FindWindow(id);
+ if (w)
+ {
+ wxString label(txt);
+ w->SetLabel(label);
+ }
+ }
+ wxWindow * CModalDialog::GetItem(long id) const
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ return _window->FindWindow(id);
+ }
+ void CModalDialog::ShowItem(int itemID, int cmdShow) const
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ // cmdShow = SW_HIDE or SW_SHOW (sometimes false or true !)
+ wxWindow* w = _window->FindWindow(itemID);
+ if (w)
+ {
+// FIXME w->Show(cmdShow != SW_HIDE);
+ w->Enable(cmdShow != SW_HIDE);
+ }
+ }
+ UINT_PTR CModalDialog::SetTimer(UINT_PTR idEvent , unsigned milliseconds)
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ return _window->SetTimer(idEvent , milliseconds);
+ }
+ void CModalDialog::KillTimer(UINT_PTR idEvent)
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ _window->KillTimer(idEvent);
+ }
+ void CModalDialog::SetText(const TCHAR *_title) {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ _window->SetTitle(_title);
+ }
+ bool CModalDialog::GetText(CSysString &s) {
+ wxString str;
+ {
+ LockGUI lock;
+ str = _window->GetTitle();
+ }
+ s = str;
+ return true;
+ }
+ INT_PTR CModalDialog::Create(int id , HWND parentWindow)
+ {
+ int ind = findFreeInd();
+ g_tabCreate[ind].dialog = this;
+ return WaitInd(0, ind,id,parentWindow);
+ }
+ void CModalDialog::End(int result)
+ {
+ int ind = findFreeInd();
+ g_tabCreate[ind].window = _window;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].value = result;
+ WaitInd(this->_window,ind,DIALOG_ID_END_DIALOG,0);
+ }
+ void CModalDialog::PostMessage(UINT message)
+ {
+ int ind = findFreeInd();
+ g_tabCreate[ind].dialog = this;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].value = message;
+ WaitInd(this->_window,ind,DIALOG_ID_POST_DIALOG,0);
+ }
+/////////////////////////////////////////// CModalDialogImpl ///////////////////////////////////////
+ CModalDialogImpl::CModalDialogImpl(CDialog *dialog, wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
+ const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size, long style) :
+ wxDialog(parent, id, title , pos , size, style /* | wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT */ ) ,
+ _timer(this, TIMER_ID_IMPL), _dialog(dialog)
+ {
+ // set the frame icon
+ this->SetIcon(wxICON(p7zip_32));
+ }
+ void CModalDialogImpl::OnAnyButton(wxCommandEvent& event)
+ {
+ int id = event.GetId();
+ if (id == wxID_OK)
+ {
+ if (_dialog) _dialog->OnOK();
+ // event.Skip(true);
+ }
+ else if (id == wxID_CANCEL)
+ {
+ if (_dialog) _dialog->OnCancel();
+ // event.Skip(true);
+ }
+ else if (id == wxID_HELP)
+ {
+ if (_dialog) _dialog->OnHelp();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_dialog)
+ {
+ /* bool bret = */ _dialog->OnButtonClicked(id, FindWindow(id) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void CModalDialogImpl::OnAnyChoice(wxCommandEvent &event)
+ {
+ int itemID = event.GetId();
+ if (_dialog) _dialog->OnCommand(CBN_SELCHANGE, itemID, 0);
+ }
+ void CModalDialogImpl::OnAnyTimer(wxTimerEvent &event)
+ {
+ int timerID = event.GetId();
+ if (_dialog) _dialog->OnTimer(timerID , 0);
+ }
+ }
+///////////////////////// myCreateHandle
+static int myCreateHandle2(int n)
+ unsigned int id = g_tabCreate[n].id;
+ wxWindow * parentWindow = g_tabCreate[n].parentWindow;
+ NWindows::NControl::CModalDialogImpl * window = 0;
+ // DEBUG printf("T=0x%lx - %d : myCreateHandle(%d): BEGIN\n", wxThread::GetCurrentId(),time(0)-g_T0,n);
+ {
+ /* FIXME : the dialog must be shown before ending it ?
+ while (!g_tabCreate[n].window->IsShownOnScreen()) Sleep(200);
+ Sleep(200);
+ */
+ g_tabCreate[n].window->EndModal(g_tabCreate[n].value);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ g_tabCreate[n].dialog->OnMessage(g_tabCreate[n].value, 0, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ {
+ long style = g_tabCreate[n].flag;
+ long decorated_style = style;
+ wxICON_QUESTION ) ) == 0 )
+ {
+ decorated_style |= ( style & wxYES ) ? wxICON_QUESTION : wxICON_INFORMATION ;
+ }
+ wxMessageDialog dialog(parentWindow, g_tabCreate[n].msg, g_tabCreate[n].title, decorated_style);
+ dialog.SetIcon(wxICON(p7zip_32));
+ int ret = dialog.ShowModal();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ {
+ wxString defaultDir = g_tabCreate[n].initialFolderOrFile;
+ wxDirDialog dirDialog(g_tabCreate[n].parentWindow,
+ g_tabCreate[n].title, defaultDir);
+ dirDialog.SetIcon(wxICON(p7zip_32));
+ int ret = dirDialog.ShowModal();
+ if (ret == wxID_OK) g_tabCreate[n].resultPath = dirDialog.GetPath();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ {
+ wxString defaultFilename = g_tabCreate[n].initialFolderOrFile;
+ wxFileName filename(defaultFilename);
+ wxString dir = filename.GetPath();
+ wxString name = filename.GetFullName();
+ // printf("DIALOG_ID_FILE_DIALOG = '%ls' => '%ls' '%ls'\n",&defaultFilename[0],&dir[0],&name[0]);
+ wxFileDialog fileDialog(g_tabCreate[n].parentWindow, g_tabCreate[n].title,
+ dir, name, wxT("All Files (*.*)|*.*"), wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT);
+ fileDialog.SetIcon(wxICON(p7zip_32));
+ int ret = fileDialog.ShowModal();
+ if (ret == wxID_OK) g_tabCreate[n].resultPath = fileDialog.GetPath();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ for(unsigned i=0; i < g_NumDialogs; i++) {
+ if (id == g_Dialogs[i]->id) {
+ // DEBUG printf("%d : Create(%d,%p): CreateDialog-1\n",time(0)-g_T0,id,parentWindow);
+ window = (g_Dialogs[i]->createDialog)(g_tabCreate[n].dialog,g_tabCreate[n].parentWindow);
+ // DEBUG printf("%d : Create(%d,%p): CreateDialog-2\n",time(0)-g_T0,id,parentWindow);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (window) {
+ // DEBUG printf("%d : Create(%d,%p): %p->ShowModal()\n",time(0)-g_T0,id,parentWindow,window);
+ // window->Show(true);
+ // wxGetApp().ProcessPendingEvents();
+ INT_PTR ret = window->ShowModal();
+ // DEBUG printf("%d : Create(%d,%p): %p->ShowModal() - ret=%d\n",time(0)-g_T0,id,parentWindow,window,ret);
+ window->Detach();
+ window->Destroy();
+ // DEBUG printf("%d : Create(%d,%p): END\n",time(0)-g_T0,id,parentWindow,window);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // FIXME
+ printf("INTERNAL ERROR : cannot find dialog %d\n",id);
+ return 0;
+void myCreateHandle(int n)
+ int ret = myCreateHandle2(n);
+ g_tabCreate[n].ret = ret;
+ g_tabCreate[n].sem->Post();
+int MessageBoxW(wxWindow * parent, const TCHAR * msg, const TCHAR * title,int flag)
+ int ind = findFreeInd();
+ g_tabCreate[ind].msg = msg;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].title = title;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].flag = flag;
+ return WaitInd(parent,ind,DIALOG_ID_MESSAGEBOX,parent); // FIXME
+// FIXME : should be in Windows/Shell.cpp
+namespace NWindows{
+namespace NShell{
+bool BrowseForFolder(HWND owner, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR initialFolder, UString &resultPath)
+ int ind = findFreeInd();
+ g_tabCreate[ind].title = title;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].initialFolderOrFile = nameWindowToUnix(initialFolder);
+ UString resTmp;
+ int ret = WaitInd(0,ind,DIALOG_ID_DIR_DIALOG,owner,resTmp); // FIXME
+ if(ret == wxID_OK)
+ {
+ resultPath = resTmp;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+/////////////////////////// CPP/Windows/CommonDialog.cpp
+namespace NWindows
+ bool MyGetOpenFileName(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR title, LPCWSTR fullFileName, LPCWSTR s, UString &resPath)
+ {
+ int ind = findFreeInd();
+ g_tabCreate[ind].title = title;
+ g_tabCreate[ind].initialFolderOrFile = nameWindowToUnix(fullFileName);
+ UString resTmp;
+ int ret = WaitInd(0,ind,DIALOG_ID_FILE_DIALOG,hwnd,resTmp); // FIXME
+ if(ret == wxID_OK)
+ {
+ resPath = resTmp;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }