path: root/test-framework/vmware/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test-framework/vmware/')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test-framework/vmware/ b/test-framework/vmware/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b410d366b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-framework/vmware/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys, subprocess, ConfigParser, platform, os
+# begin Autobuild/helpers/
+import os
+import re
+import time
+import sys
+import signal
+from subprocess import Popen
+from threading import Thread
+from subprocess import PIPE
+import subprocess
+import platform
+def DebugN( l, m ):
+ pass
+def windowskill( pid ):
+ """ replace os.kill on Windows, where it is not available"""
+ Cmd = 'taskkill /PID ' + str( int( pid ) ) + ' /T /F'
+ if os.system( Cmd ) == 0:
+ DebugN( 4, 'windowskill: process ' + str( pid ) + ' killed.' )
+def kill( pid, signal ):
+ if 'Windows' in platform.platform():
+ windowskill( pid )
+ else:
+ os.kill( pid, signal )
+class CommandRunner( Thread ):
+ def __init__ ( self, Cmd ):
+ Thread.__init__( self )
+ self.__started = None
+ self.mCmd = Cmd
+ self.mOutput = ()
+ self.mPid = -1
+ self.mReturnCode = -1
+ self.mError = ()
+ self.__combinedOutput = False
+ def setCombinedOutput(self, combine):
+ if combine: # make sure combine is usable as a boolean
+ self.__combinedOutput = True
+ else:
+ self.__combinedOutput = False
+ def getCombineOutput(self):
+ return self.__combinedOutput
+ def run( self ):
+ DebugN( 4, 'RunCommand: ' + str( self.mCmd ) )
+ stderrValue = subprocess.PIPE
+ if self.__combinedOutput:
+ stderrValue = subprocess.STDOUT
+ self.__started = True
+#nokia-sdk: changed to shell=False, as shell=True requires manual quoting of args
+ p = Popen ( self.mCmd, shell = False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderrValue )
+ self.mPid =
+ self.mOutput, self.mError = p.communicate()
+ self.mReturnCode = p.returncode
+ DebugN( 4, 'ReturnCode of RunCommand: ' + str( p.returncode ) )
+ def started(self):
+ return self.__started
+ def output( self ):
+ return self.mOutput, self.mError
+ def terminate( self ):
+ # FIXME logic?
+ if self.mPid != -1:
+ kill( self.mPid, signal.SIGTERM )
+ if self.mPid == True:
+ self.join( 5 )
+ kill( self.mPid, signal.SIGKILL )
+ self.mPid = -1
+def RunCommand( Cmd, TimeOutSeconds=-1, CombineOutput = False ):
+ timeoutString = ' without a timeout'
+ if TimeOutSeconds > 0:
+ timeoutString = ' with timeout of ' + str( TimeOutSeconds )
+ combinedOutputString = ' and separate output for stdout and stderr'
+ if CombineOutput:
+ combinedOutputString = ' and combined stdout and stderr output'
+ DebugN ( 3, 'RunCommand: executing ' + str( Cmd ) + timeoutString + combinedOutputString )
+ runner = CommandRunner ( Cmd )
+ runner.setCombinedOutput( CombineOutput )
+ runner.start()
+ # poor man's mutex:
+ while not runner.started():
+ time.sleep( 0.1 )
+# if "CYGWIN" in platform.platform() or 'Windows' in platform.platform():
+# time.sleep( 1 )
+ if TimeOutSeconds == -1:
+ runner.join()
+ else:
+ runner.join( TimeOutSeconds )
+ if runner.isAlive():
+ runner.terminate()
+# if "CYGWIN" in platform.platform() or 'Windows' in platform.platform():
+# time.sleep(1)
+ runner.join( 5 )
+ DebugN( 3, 'RunCommand: command timed out, returncode is ' + str( runner.mReturnCode ) )
+ return ( runner.mReturnCode, runner.output(), True )
+ else:
+ DebugN( 3, 'RunCommand: command completed, returncode is ' + str( runner.mReturnCode ) )
+ return ( runner.mReturnCode, runner.output(), False )
+# end Autobuild/helpers/
+def printUsage():
+ print( "Usage: {0} <outputfile> <timeout> <program> [<args>*]".format( sys.argv[0] ) )
+if len( sys.argv ) < 4:
+ printUsage()
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+output = sys.argv[1]
+timeout = int( sys.argv[2] )
+cmd = sys.argv[3:]
+start = time.clock()
+exitCode, pout, timedOut = RunCommand( cmd, timeout )
+end = time.clock()
+if timedOut:
+ exitStatus = 'Timeout'
+ exitStatus = 'Normal' #TODO: detect crash
+config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+config.add_section( 'Result' )
+config.set( 'Result', 'ExitCode', str( exitCode ) )
+config.set( 'Result', 'ExitStatus', exitStatus )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Filename', cmd[0] )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Arguments', " ".join( cmd[1:] ) )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Timeout', str( timeout ) )
+config.set( 'Result', 'ExecutionTime', str( end - start ) )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Stdout', pout[0] )
+config.set( 'Result', 'Stderr', pout[1] )
+config.add_section( 'Platform' )
+config.set( 'Platform', 'system', platform.system() )
+config.set( 'Platform', 'release', platform.release() )
+config.set( 'Platform', 'version', platform.version() )
+config.set( 'Platform', 'machine', platform.machine() )
+with open( output, 'w' ) as configFile:
+ config.write(configFile )
+sys.exit( exitCode )