How to build ===================== The instructions should help you build the Installer Framework from scratch. Get the sources --------------------- Use Git to check out the Qt Installer Framework sources that are hosted at: Build a static Qt --------------------- Building the Qt Installer Framework from sources requires Qt version 5.9.x. Supported compilers are MSVC 2013 or newer, GCC 4.7 or newer, and Clang 3.1 or newer. If you want to ship your installer as a single file you have to build Qt and the Qt Installer Framework statically. See the Qt documentation for the prerequisites and steps to build Qt from sources. Please read SSL Import and Export Restrictions from if you are statically linking against OpenSSL libraries. ### Windows Recommended configuration options for Microsoft Windows: configure -prefix %CD%\qtbase -release -static -static-runtime -accessibility -no-icu -no-sql-sqlite -no-qml-debug -nomake examples -nomake tests Build Qt: nmake (or 'mingw32-make') module-qtbase module-qtdeclarative module-qttools module-qttranslations module-qtwinextras ### Linux Recommended configuration options for Linux: configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase -release -static -accessibility -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-xcb -qt-pcre -no-glib -no-cups -no-sql-sqlite -no-qml-debug -no-opengl -no-egl -no-xinput2 -no-sm -no-icu -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-libudev Build Qt: make module-qtbase module-qtdeclarative module-qttools module-qttranslations ### macOS Recommended configuration options for macOS: configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase -release -static -no-securetransport -accessibility -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -no-cups -no-sql-sqlite -no-qml-debug -nomake examples -nomake tests -no-freetype Build Qt: make module-qtbase module-qtdeclarative module-qttools module-qttranslations Build the Framework --------------------- Run 'qmake && make' (or 'mingw32-make', 'nmake' ...) to build the Qt Installer Framework. The documentation can be generated by 'make docs'.