/*! \contentspage{index.html}{InstallerFramework} \page noninteractive.html \title Non Interactive Installation \section1 Installer Page Callbacks \section2 builtinpages Built-in pages \section3 IntroductionPageCallback Wizard buttons: \list \o Next \o Cancel \endlist \section3 LicenseAgreementPageCallback Wizard buttons: \list \o Next \o Cancel \o Back \endlist Radio buttons: \list \o acceptLicenseRB (radio button): Accepts the license Agreement (unchecked by default) \o rejectLicenseRB (radio button): Rejects the license Agreement (checked by default) \endlist \section3 TargetDirectoryPageCallback Wizard buttons: \list \o Next \o Cancel \o Back \endlist targetDirectoryLE (line edit): The target directory for installation \section3 ComponentSelectionPageCallback Wizard buttons: \list \o Next \o Cancel \o Back \endlist Methods: \list \o selectComponent( id ): selects the component with the ID id (string) \o deselectComponent( id ): deselects the component with the ID id (string) \endlist In uninstallation mode, additional controls are available: \list \o uninstallAllComponentsRB (radio button): Uninstall all components (default) \o keepSelectedComponentsRB (radio button): Uninstall only unselected components (deselectComponent/selectComponent to modify them) \endlist \section3 ReadyForInstallationPageCallback Wizard buttons: \list \o Next ("Install") \o Cancel \o Back \endlist \section3 PerformInstallationPage details.button (push button): Shows/hides installation details Wizard buttons: \list \o Cancel \endlist \section3 FinishedPageCallback Wizard buttons: \list \o Finish \endlist \section2 Custom Pages Custom pages are registered as \a{Dynamic${ObjectName}}, where \a{${ObjectName}} is the object name set in the UI file. Thus the callback called is \a{Dynamic${ObjectName}Callback()}. Widgets can be addressed using their object names (from the UI file): \code var page = pageWidgetByObjectName( "DynamicSomePage" ) page.myButton.click //direct child of the UI file's widgte page.someFancyWidget.subWidget.setText( "foobar" ) // nested widget \endcode \section1 Message Boxes \table \header \o Identifier \o Possible Answers \o Description \row \o cancelInstallation \o Yes, No \o Confirmation for canceling the installation (Cancel button in the wizard) \row \o overwriteTargetDirectory \o Yes, No \o Confirmation to use an already existing directory as target \row \o installationError \o Ok \o A fatal error occurred while performing the installation \row \o installationErrorWithRetry \o Retry, Ignore, Cancel \o An error occurred while performing the installation, Retry possible \row \o metaInfoJobError \o Ok \o Error occurred retrieving meta information (online installer) \endtable */