/*! \contentspage{index.html}{InstallerFramework} \page operations.html \title Operations \section1 Can be called manually on the uninstaller/installer if needed qt version registration for example: \code SDKMaintenanceTool --runoperation "RegisterQtInCreatorV23" "" "" "" "" \endcode \section1 Following a list of all available operations \section2 Copy \bold Syntax: "Copy" \a source \a target Copies a file from \a source to \a target. \section2 Move \bold Syntax: "Move" \a source \a target Moves a file from \a source to \a target. \section2 Delete \bold Syntax: "Delete" \a filename Deletes the file specified by \a filename. \section2 Mkdir \bold Syntax: "Mkdir" \a path Creates the directory path \a path. \section2 Rmdir \bold Syntax: "Rmdir" \a path Removes the directory path \a path. \section2 AppendFile \bold Syntax: "AppendFile" \a filename \a text Appends \a text to the file specified by \a filename. \a is threated as ASCII text. \section2 PrependFile \bold Syntax: "PrependFile" \a filename \a text Prepends \a text to the file specified by \a filename. \a is threated as ASCII text. \section2 Execute \bold Syntax: "Execute" [{\a exitcodes}] \a command [\a parameter1 [\a parameter2 [\a parameter3 [\a parameter4]]]] Executes the command specified by \a command. Up to four parameters can be passed. Optionally, you can pass a comma separated list of numbers in {} as first argument, which defines the "valid" exit codes of the process, i.e. the codes the execution is considered being successful. This defaults to "{0}". \section2 CreateShortcut \bold Syntax: "CreateShortcut" \a filename \a linkname [\a arguments] Creates a shortcut from the file specified by \a filename to \a linkname. On Windows, this will create a .lnk file which can have \a arguments, on Unix this will create a symobic link. \section2 CreateDesktopEntry \bold Syntax: "CreateDesktopEntry" \a filename \a "key=value[\nkey2=value2[\nkey3=value3]]]" Creates an INI-file like .desktop file as specified by freedesktop.org If \a filename is absolute, the desktop entry is stored there. Otherwise it's stored in locations defined in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications or $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications, including the default pathes for boths, as defined by freedesktop.org. The key/value pairs are written in the file. The file is set to a encoding of UTF-8. \section2 InstallIcons \bold Syntax: "InstallIcons" \a directory Installs the contents of \a directory into a location as specified by freedesktop.org, i.e. in any of $XDG_DATA_DIRS/icons or /usr/share/icons or $HOME/.icons. The files are removed from their initial location. Make sure to add this operation after the operation extracting them form the archive. \section2 Extract \bold Syntax: "Extract" \a archive \a targetdirectory Extracts \a archive to \a targetdirectory \section2 GlobalConfig \bold Syntax: "GlobalConfig" \a company \a application \a key \a value
\a or
\bold Syntax: "GlobalConfig" \a filename \a key \a value Stores \a value for \a key in a configuration file. The configuration file is either specified by \a filename (using QSettings::NativeFormat, which might be the Windows registry) or via the \a application and the \a company name. \section2 EnvironmentVariable \bold Syntax: "EnvironmentVariable" \a key \a value [[\a persistent] \a system] Sets the envirnoment variable \a key to a \a value. If \a persistent is set to true, the variable will be set persistently. This is currently only supported on Windows. If \a system is set to true, the persistent variable will be set system wide, not only for the current user. \section2 RegisterFileType \bold Syntax: "RegisterFileType" \a extension \a command [\a description [\a contentType [\a icon]]]. Registers the file type with \a extension to be opened via \a command. Optionally, you can specify a \a description, a \a contentType and an \a icon. This is currently only supported on Windows. \section2 RegisterQtInCreatorV2 \bold Syntax: "RegisterQtInCreatorV2", \a displayname, \a qt_or_qmake_path, [\a system_root, [\a sbs_path]]. Registers the Qt version \a displayname to Qt Creator with \a qt_or_qmake_path (if the path does not end with the qmake binary, it will add bin/qmake to the path automatically). Optionally, you can specify a\ system_root which. For Symbian SDKs the instance root will be where Qt Creator will find the Symbian SDK root (EPOCROOT). For Symbian SDKs supporting sbs, you add the \a sbs_path . \note The minimum Qt Creator version it supports is 2.2 \section2 RegisterQtInCreatorV23 \bold Syntax: "RegisterQtInCreatorV23", \a displayname, \a qt_path, \a target, \a internal_id. Registers the Qt version \a displayname to Qt Creator with \a qt_path. Target means one of the Qt type in QtCreator(Symbian/Maemo/Desktop/Simulator/WinCE) and \a the internal_id is used to update or remove this Qt version. \note The minimum Qt Creator version it supports is 2.3 */