TEMPLATE = app TARGET = installerbase DEPENDPATH += . .. INCLUDEPATH += . .. GIT_SHA1 = $$system(git rev-list --abbrev-commit -n1 HEAD) DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII "_GIT_SHA1_=$$GIT_SHA1" win32:RC_FILE = installerbase.rc DESTDIR = ../bin CONFIG += help contains(CONFIG, static): { QTPLUGIN += qsqlite DEFINES += USE_STATIC_SQLITE_PLUGIN } CONFIG -= app_bundle include(../libinstaller/libinstaller.pri) QT += network HEADERS += installerbase_p.h \ tabcontroller.h \ installerbasecommons.h SOURCES = installerbase.cpp \ installerbase_p.cpp \ tabcontroller.cpp \ installerbasecommons.cpp win32-msvc2005 { CONFIG += embed_manifest_exe #msvc2008 is doing this automaticaly } embed_manifest_exe:win32-msvc2005 { # The default configuration embed_manifest_exe overrides the manifest file # already embedded via RC_FILE. Vs2008 already have the necessary manifest entry QMAKE_POST_LINK += $$quote(mt.exe -updateresource:$$DESTDIR/$${TARGET}.exe -manifest \"$${PWD}\\$${TARGET}.exe.manifest\") }