/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Qt SDK** ** ** Copyright (c) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation qt-info@nokia.com** ** ** No Commercial Usage ** ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed. ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying ** this package. ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception version ** 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please contact ** (qt-info@nokia.com). ** **************************************************************************/ #include "macreplaceinstallnamesoperation.h" #include "common/utils.h" #include "qprocesswrapper.h" #include #include using namespace QInstaller; MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation() { setName(QLatin1String("ReplaceInstallNames")); } void MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::backup() { } bool MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::performOperation() { // Arguments: // 1. indicator to find the original build directory, // means the path till this will be used to replace it with 2. // 2. new/current target install directory(the replacement) // 3. directory containing frameworks // 4. other directory containing frameworks // 5. other directory containing frameworks // 6. ... verbose() << arguments().join(QLatin1String(";")) << std::endl; if (arguments().count() < 3) { setError(InvalidArguments); setErrorString(tr("Invalid arguments in %0: %1 arguments given, 3 expected.").arg(name()) .arg(arguments().count())); return false; } QString indicator = arguments().at(0); QString installationDir = arguments().at(1); QStringList searchDirList = arguments().mid(2); foreach (const QString &searchDir, searchDirList) { if (!apply(indicator, installationDir, searchDir)) return false; } return true; } bool MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::undoOperation() { return true; } bool MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::testOperation() { return true; } Operation* MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::clone() const { return new MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation; } bool MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::apply(const QString &indicator, const QString &installationDir, const QString &searchDir) { mIndicator = indicator; mInstallationDir = installationDir; QStringList alreadyPatchedFrameworks; QLatin1String frameworkSuffix(".framework"); QDirIterator dirIterator(searchDir, QDirIterator::Subdirectories | QDirIterator::FollowSymlinks); while (dirIterator.hasNext()) { QString fileName = dirIterator.next(); //check that we don't do anything for already patched framework pathes if (fileName.contains(frameworkSuffix)) { QString alreadyPatchedSearchString = fileName.left(fileName.lastIndexOf(frameworkSuffix)) + frameworkSuffix; if (alreadyPatchedFrameworks.contains(alreadyPatchedSearchString)) { continue; } } if (dirIterator.fileInfo().isDir() && fileName.endsWith(frameworkSuffix)) { relocateFramework(fileName); alreadyPatchedFrameworks.append(fileName); } else if (dirIterator.fileInfo().isDir()) continue; else if (fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".dylib"))) relocateBinary(fileName); else if (dirIterator.fileInfo().isExecutable() && !fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".h")) && !fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".cpp")) && !fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".pro")) && !fileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".pri"))) { //the endsWith check are here because there were wrongly commited files in the repositories relocateBinary(fileName); } } return error() == NoError; } void MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::extractExecutableInfo(const QString &fileName, QString& frameworkId, QStringList &frameworks, QString &originalBuildDir) { verbose() << "Relocator calling otool -l for " << fileName << std::endl; QProcessWrapper otool; otool.start(QLatin1String("otool"), QStringList() << QLatin1String("-l") << fileName); if (!otool.waitForStarted()) { setError(UserDefinedError, tr("Can't invoke otool. Is Xcode installed?")); return; } otool.waitForFinished(); enum State { State_Start, State_LC_ID_DYLIB, State_LC_LOAD_DYLIB }; State state = State_Start; QByteArray outputData = otool.readAllStandardOutput(); QBuffer output(&outputData); output.open(QBuffer::ReadOnly); while (!output.atEnd()) { QString line = QString::fromLocal8Bit(output.readLine()); line = line.trimmed(); if (line.startsWith(QLatin1String("cmd "))) { line.remove(0, 4); if (line == QLatin1String("LC_LOAD_DYLIB")) state = State_LC_LOAD_DYLIB; else if (line == QLatin1String("LC_ID_DYLIB")) state = State_LC_ID_DYLIB; else state = State_Start; } else if (state == State_LC_LOAD_DYLIB && line.startsWith(QLatin1String("name "))) { line.remove(0, 5); int idx = line.indexOf(QLatin1String("(offset")); if (idx > 0) line.truncate(idx); line = line.trimmed(); frameworks.append(line); } else if (state == State_LC_ID_DYLIB && line.startsWith(QLatin1String("name "))) { line.remove(0, 5); int idx = line.indexOf(QLatin1String("(offset")); if (idx > 0) line.truncate(idx); line = line.trimmed(); frameworkId = line; originalBuildDir = frameworkId; idx = originalBuildDir.indexOf(mIndicator); if (idx < 0) { originalBuildDir.clear(); } else { originalBuildDir.truncate(idx); } if (originalBuildDir.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) originalBuildDir.chop(1); verbose() << "originalBuildDir is: " << originalBuildDir << std::endl; } } verbose() << "END - Relocator calling otool -l for " << fileName << std::endl; } void MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::relocateBinary(const QString &fileName) { QString frameworkId; QStringList frameworks; QString originalBuildDir; extractExecutableInfo(fileName, frameworkId, frameworks, originalBuildDir); verbose() << "got following informations(fileName, frameworkId, frameworks, orginalBuildDir): " << std::endl; verbose() << fileName << ", " << frameworkId << ", " << frameworks.join(QLatin1String("|")) << ", " << originalBuildDir << std::endl; QStringList args; if (frameworkId.contains(mIndicator) || QFileInfo(frameworkId).fileName() == frameworkId) { args << QLatin1String("-id") << fileName << fileName; if (!execCommand(QLatin1String("install_name_tool"), args)) return; } foreach (const QString &fw, frameworks) { if (originalBuildDir.isEmpty() && fw.contains(mIndicator)) { originalBuildDir = fw.left(fw.indexOf(mIndicator)); } if (originalBuildDir.isEmpty() || !fw.contains(originalBuildDir)) continue; QString newPath = fw; newPath.replace(originalBuildDir, mInstallationDir); args.clear(); args << QLatin1String("-change") << fw << newPath << fileName; if (!execCommand(QLatin1String("install_name_tool"), args)) return; } } void MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::relocateFramework(const QString &directoryName) { QFileInfo fi(directoryName); QString frameworkName = fi.baseName(); QString absoluteVersionDirectory = directoryName + QLatin1String("/Versions/Current"); if (QFileInfo(absoluteVersionDirectory).isSymLink()) { absoluteVersionDirectory = QFileInfo(absoluteVersionDirectory).symLinkTarget(); } fi.setFile(absoluteVersionDirectory + QDir::separator() + frameworkName); if (fi.exists()) { QString fileName = fi.isSymLink() ? fi.symLinkTarget() : fi.absoluteFilePath(); relocateBinary(fileName); } fi.setFile(absoluteVersionDirectory + QDir::separator() + frameworkName + QLatin1String("_debug")); if (fi.exists()) { QString fileName = fi.isSymLink() ? fi.symLinkTarget() : fi.absoluteFilePath(); relocateBinary(fileName); } } bool MacReplaceInstallNamesOperation::execCommand(const QString &cmd, const QStringList &args) { verbose() << "Relocator::execCommand " << cmd << " " << args << std::endl; QProcessWrapper process; process.start(cmd, args); if (!process.waitForStarted()) { setError(UserDefinedError, tr("Can't start process %0.").arg(cmd)); return false; } process.waitForFinished(); if (process.exitCode() != 0) { QString errorMessage = QLatin1String("Command %1 failed.\nArguments: %2\nOutput: %3\n"); setError(UserDefinedError, errorMessage.arg(cmd, args.join(QLatin1String(" ")), QString::fromLocal8Bit(process.readAll()))); return false; } return true; }