!isEmpty(IFW_PRI_INCLUDED) { error("installerfw.pri already included") } IFW_PRI_INCLUDED = 1 IFW_NEWLINE = $$escape_expand(\\n\\t) defineReplace(toNativeSeparators) { return($$replace(1, /, $$QMAKE_DIR_SEP)) } defineReplace(cleanPath) { win32:1 ~= s|\\\\|/|g contains(1, ^/.*):pfx = / else:pfx = segs = $$split(1, /) out = for(seg, segs) { equals(seg, ..):out = $$member(out, 0, -2) else:!equals(seg, .):out += $$seg } return($$join(out, /, $$pfx)) } isEmpty(IFW_BUILD_TREE) { sub_dir = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ sub_dir ~= s,^$$re_escape($$PWD),, IFW_BUILD_TREE = $$cleanPath($$OUT_PWD) IFW_BUILD_TREE ~= s,$$re_escape($$sub_dir)$,, } IFW_SOURCE_TREE = $$PWD IFW_APP_PATH = $$IFW_BUILD_TREE/bin IFW_LIB_PATH = $$IFW_BUILD_TREE/lib RCC = $$cleanPath($$toNativeSeparators($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/rcc)) LRELEASE = $$cleanPath($$toNativeSeparators($$[QT_INSTALL_BINS]/lrelease)) win32:RCC = $${RCC}.exe win32:LRELEASE = $${LRELEASE}.exe INCLUDEPATH += \ $$IFW_SOURCE_TREE/src/libs/7zip \ $$IFW_SOURCE_TREE/src/libs/kdtools \ $$IFW_SOURCE_TREE/src/libs/installer win32:INCLUDEPATH += $$IFW_SOURCE_TREE/src/libs/7zip/win/CPP unix:INCLUDEPATH += $$IFW_SOURCE_TREE/src/libs/7zip/unix/CPP CONFIG += help uitools CONFIG(static, static|shared) { QTPLUGIN += qsqlite QT += script network xml DEFINES += USE_STATIC_SQLITE_PLUGIN } GIT_SHA1 = $$system(git rev-list --abbrev-commit -n1 HEAD) DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII "_GIT_SHA1_=$$GIT_SHA1" CONFIG(shared, static|shared):DEFINES += KDTOOLS_SHARED CONFIG(shared, static|shared):DEFINES += LIB_INSTALLER_SHARED static { win32:exists($$IFW_LIB_PATH/installer.lib):POST_TARGETDEPS += $$IFW_LIB_PATH/installer.lib unix:exists($$IFW_LIB_PATH/libinstaller.a):POST_TARGETDEPS += $$IFW_LIB_PATH/libinstaller.a } LIBS += -L$$IFW_LIB_PATH # The order is important for a static compilation. The linker needs to parse libs/objects in dependency order. equals(TEMPLATE, app):LIBS += -linstaller unix:!macx:LIBS += -lutil macx:LIBS += -framework Carbon -framework Security win32:LIBS *= -lmpr # PQR for MinGW-w64: Added -lmpr for WNetGetUniversalName.