// Update.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Update.h" #include "../../../Common/IntToString.h" #include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h" #include "../../../Windows/DLL.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileDir.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileFind.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileName.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariant.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariantConv.h" #include "../../../Windows/TimeUtils.h" #include "../../Common/FileStreams.h" #include "../../Common/LimitedStreams.h" #include "../../Compress/CopyCoder.h" #include "../Common/DirItem.h" #include "../Common/EnumDirItems.h" #include "../Common/OpenArchive.h" #include "../Common/UpdateProduce.h" #include "EnumDirItems.h" #include "SetProperties.h" #include "TempFiles.h" #include "UpdateCallback.h" static const char *kUpdateIsNotSupoorted = "update operations are not supported for this archive"; using namespace NWindows; using namespace NCOM; using namespace NFile; using namespace NDir; using namespace NName; static CFSTR kTempFolderPrefix = FTEXT("7zE"); #ifdef ENV_UNIX FString GetModuleDirPrefix() { FString s; const char *p7zip_home_dir = getenv("P7ZIP_HOME_DIR"); if (p7zip_home_dir) { return MultiByteToUnicodeString(p7zip_home_dir,CP_ACP); } return FTEXT(".") FSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR; } #endif static bool DeleteEmptyFolderAndEmptySubFolders(const FString &path) { NFind::CFileInfo fileInfo; FString pathPrefix = path + FCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR; { NFind::CEnumerator enumerator(pathPrefix + FCHAR_ANY_MASK); while (enumerator.Next(fileInfo)) { if (fileInfo.IsDir()) if (!DeleteEmptyFolderAndEmptySubFolders(pathPrefix + fileInfo.Name)) return false; } } /* // we don't need clear read-only for folders if (!MySetFileAttributes(path, 0)) return false; */ return RemoveDir(path); } using namespace NUpdateArchive; class COutMultiVolStream: public IOutStream, public CMyUnknownImp { unsigned _streamIndex; // required stream UInt64 _offsetPos; // offset from start of _streamIndex index UInt64 _absPos; UInt64 _length; struct CAltStreamInfo { COutFileStream *StreamSpec; CMyComPtr Stream; FString Name; UInt64 Pos; UInt64 RealSize; }; CObjectVector Streams; public: // CMyComPtr VolumeCallback; CRecordVector Sizes; FString Prefix; CTempFiles *TempFiles; void Init() { _streamIndex = 0; _offsetPos = 0; _absPos = 0; _length = 0; } bool SetMTime(const FILETIME *mTime); HRESULT Close(); MY_UNKNOWN_IMP1(IOutStream) STDMETHOD(Write)(const void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processedSize); STDMETHOD(Seek)(Int64 offset, UInt32 seekOrigin, UInt64 *newPosition); STDMETHOD(SetSize)(UInt64 newSize); }; // static NSynchronization::CCriticalSection g_TempPathsCS; HRESULT COutMultiVolStream::Close() { HRESULT res = S_OK; FOR_VECTOR (i, Streams) { COutFileStream *s = Streams[i].StreamSpec; if (s) { HRESULT res2 = s->Close(); if (res2 != S_OK) res = res2; } } return res; } bool COutMultiVolStream::SetMTime(const FILETIME *mTime) { bool res = true; FOR_VECTOR (i, Streams) { COutFileStream *s = Streams[i].StreamSpec; if (s) if (!s->SetMTime(mTime)) res = false; } return res; } STDMETHODIMP COutMultiVolStream::Write(const void *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 *processedSize) { if (processedSize != NULL) *processedSize = 0; while (size > 0) { if (_streamIndex >= Streams.Size()) { CAltStreamInfo altStream; FChar temp[16]; ConvertUInt32ToString(_streamIndex + 1, temp); FString res = temp; while (res.Len() < 3) res = FString(FTEXT('0')) + res; FString name = Prefix + res; altStream.StreamSpec = new COutFileStream; altStream.Stream = altStream.StreamSpec; if (!altStream.StreamSpec->Create(name, false)) return ::GetLastError(); { // NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(g_TempPathsCS); TempFiles->Paths.Add(name); } altStream.Pos = 0; altStream.RealSize = 0; altStream.Name = name; Streams.Add(altStream); continue; } CAltStreamInfo &altStream = Streams[_streamIndex]; unsigned index = _streamIndex; if (index >= Sizes.Size()) index = Sizes.Size() - 1; UInt64 volSize = Sizes[index]; if (_offsetPos >= volSize) { _offsetPos -= volSize; _streamIndex++; continue; } if (_offsetPos != altStream.Pos) { // CMyComPtr outStream; // RINOK(altStream.Stream.QueryInterface(IID_IOutStream, &outStream)); RINOK(altStream.Stream->Seek(_offsetPos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL)); altStream.Pos = _offsetPos; } UInt32 curSize = (UInt32)MyMin((UInt64)size, volSize - altStream.Pos); UInt32 realProcessed; RINOK(altStream.Stream->Write(data, curSize, &realProcessed)); data = (void *)((Byte *)data + realProcessed); size -= realProcessed; altStream.Pos += realProcessed; _offsetPos += realProcessed; _absPos += realProcessed; if (_absPos > _length) _length = _absPos; if (_offsetPos > altStream.RealSize) altStream.RealSize = _offsetPos; if (processedSize != NULL) *processedSize += realProcessed; if (altStream.Pos == volSize) { _streamIndex++; _offsetPos = 0; } if (realProcessed == 0 && curSize != 0) return E_FAIL; break; } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP COutMultiVolStream::Seek(Int64 offset, UInt32 seekOrigin, UInt64 *newPosition) { if (seekOrigin >= 3) return STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION; switch (seekOrigin) { case STREAM_SEEK_SET: _absPos = offset; break; case STREAM_SEEK_CUR: _absPos += offset; break; case STREAM_SEEK_END: _absPos = _length + offset; break; } _offsetPos = _absPos; if (newPosition != NULL) *newPosition = _absPos; _streamIndex = 0; return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP COutMultiVolStream::SetSize(UInt64 newSize) { if (newSize < 0) return E_INVALIDARG; unsigned i = 0; while (i < Streams.Size()) { CAltStreamInfo &altStream = Streams[i++]; if ((UInt64)newSize < altStream.RealSize) { RINOK(altStream.Stream->SetSize(newSize)); altStream.RealSize = newSize; break; } newSize -= altStream.RealSize; } while (i < Streams.Size()) { { CAltStreamInfo &altStream = Streams.Back(); altStream.Stream.Release(); DeleteFileAlways(altStream.Name); } Streams.DeleteBack(); } _offsetPos = _absPos; _streamIndex = 0; _length = newSize; return S_OK; } void CArchivePath::ParseFromPath(const UString &path, EArcNameMode mode) { OriginalPath = path; SplitPathToParts_2(path, Prefix, Name); if (mode == k_ArcNameMode_Add) return; if (mode == k_ArcNameMode_Exact) { BaseExtension.Empty(); return; } int dotPos = Name.ReverseFind(L'.'); if (dotPos < 0) return; if ((unsigned)dotPos == Name.Len() - 1) { Name.DeleteBack(); BaseExtension.Empty(); return; } const UString ext = Name.Ptr(dotPos + 1); if (BaseExtension.IsEqualToNoCase(ext)) { BaseExtension = ext; Name.DeleteFrom(dotPos); } else BaseExtension.Empty(); } UString CArchivePath::GetFinalPath() const { UString path = GetPathWithoutExt(); if (!BaseExtension.IsEmpty()) path += UString(L'.') + BaseExtension; return path; } UString CArchivePath::GetFinalVolPath() const { UString path = GetPathWithoutExt(); if (!BaseExtension.IsEmpty()) path += UString(L'.') + VolExtension; return path; } FString CArchivePath::GetTempPath() const { FString path = TempPrefix + us2fs(Name); if (!BaseExtension.IsEmpty()) path += FString(FTEXT('.')) + us2fs(BaseExtension); path += FTEXT(".tmp"); path += TempPostfix; return path; } static const wchar_t *kDefaultArcType = L"7z"; static const wchar_t *kDefaultArcExt = L"7z"; static const wchar_t *kSFXExtension = #ifdef _WIN32 L"exe"; #else L""; #endif bool CUpdateOptions::InitFormatIndex(const CCodecs *codecs, const CObjectVector &types, const UString &arcPath) { if (types.Size() > 1) return false; // int arcTypeIndex = -1; if (types.Size() != 0) { MethodMode.Type = types[0]; MethodMode.Type_Defined = true; } if (MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex < 0) { // MethodMode.Type = -1; MethodMode.Type = COpenType(); if (ArcNameMode != k_ArcNameMode_Add) { MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex = codecs->FindFormatForArchiveName(arcPath); if (MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex >= 0) MethodMode.Type_Defined = true; } } return true; } bool CUpdateOptions::SetArcPath(const CCodecs *codecs, const UString &arcPath) { UString typeExt; int formatIndex = MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex; if (formatIndex < 0) { typeExt = kDefaultArcExt; } else { const CArcInfoEx &arcInfo = codecs->Formats[formatIndex]; if (!arcInfo.UpdateEnabled) return false; typeExt = arcInfo.GetMainExt(); } UString ext = typeExt; if (SfxMode) ext = kSFXExtension; ArchivePath.BaseExtension = ext; ArchivePath.VolExtension = typeExt; ArchivePath.ParseFromPath(arcPath, ArcNameMode); FOR_VECTOR (i, Commands) { CUpdateArchiveCommand &uc = Commands[i]; uc.ArchivePath.BaseExtension = ext; uc.ArchivePath.VolExtension = typeExt; uc.ArchivePath.ParseFromPath(uc.UserArchivePath, ArcNameMode); } return true; } /* struct CUpdateProduceCallbackImp: public IUpdateProduceCallback { const CObjectVector *_arcItems; IUpdateCallbackUI *_callback; CUpdateProduceCallbackImp(const CObjectVector *a, IUpdateCallbackUI *callback): _arcItems(a), _callback(callback) {} virtual HRESULT ShowDeleteFile(int arcIndex); }; HRESULT CUpdateProduceCallbackImp::ShowDeleteFile(int arcIndex) { return _callback->ShowDeleteFile((*_arcItems)[arcIndex].Name); } */ bool CRenamePair::Prepare() { if (RecursedType != NRecursedType::kNonRecursed) return false; if (!WildcardParsing) return true; return !DoesNameContainWildcard(OldName); } extern bool g_CaseSensitive; static int CompareTwoNames(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) { for (int i = 0;; i++) { wchar_t c1 = s1[i]; wchar_t c2 = s2[i]; if (c1 == 0 || c2 == 0) return i; if (c1 == c2) continue; if (!g_CaseSensitive && (MyCharUpper(c1) == MyCharUpper(c2))) continue; if (IsCharDirLimiter(c1) && IsCharDirLimiter(c2)) continue; return i; } } bool CRenamePair::GetNewPath(bool isFolder, const UString &src, UString &dest) const { int num = CompareTwoNames(OldName, src); if (OldName[num] == 0) { if (src[num] != 0 && !IsCharDirLimiter(src[num]) && num != 0 && !IsCharDirLimiter(src[num - 1])) return false; } else { // OldName[num] != 0 // OldName = "1\1a.txt" // src = "1" if (!isFolder || src[num] != 0 || !IsCharDirLimiter(OldName[num]) || OldName[num + 1] != 0) return false; } dest = NewName + src.Ptr(num); return true; } static int GetReverseSlashPos(const UString &name) { int slashPos = name.ReverseFind(L'/'); #ifdef _WIN32 int slash1Pos = name.ReverseFind(L'\\'); slashPos = MyMax(slashPos, slash1Pos); #endif return slashPos; } static HRESULT Compress( const CUpdateOptions &options, CCodecs *codecs, const CActionSet &actionSet, const CArc *arc, CArchivePath &archivePath, const CObjectVector &arcItems, Byte *processedItemsStatuses, const CDirItems &dirItems, const CDirItem *parentDirItem, CTempFiles &tempFiles, CUpdateErrorInfo &errorInfo, IUpdateCallbackUI *callback) { CMyComPtr outArchive; int formatIndex = options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex; if (arc) { formatIndex = arc->FormatIndex; if (formatIndex < 0) return E_NOTIMPL; CMyComPtr archive2 = arc->Archive; HRESULT result = archive2.QueryInterface(IID_IOutArchive, &outArchive); if (result != S_OK) throw kUpdateIsNotSupoorted; } else { RINOK(codecs->CreateOutArchive(formatIndex, outArchive)); #ifdef EXTERNAL_CODECS { CMyComPtr setCompressCodecsInfo; outArchive.QueryInterface(IID_ISetCompressCodecsInfo, (void **)&setCompressCodecsInfo); if (setCompressCodecsInfo) { RINOK(setCompressCodecsInfo->SetCompressCodecsInfo(codecs)); } } #endif } if (outArchive == 0) throw kUpdateIsNotSupoorted; NFileTimeType::EEnum fileTimeType; UInt32 value; RINOK(outArchive->GetFileTimeType(&value)); switch (value) { case NFileTimeType::kWindows: case NFileTimeType::kUnix: case NFileTimeType::kDOS: fileTimeType = (NFileTimeType::EEnum)value; break; default: return E_FAIL; } { const CArcInfoEx &arcInfo = codecs->Formats[formatIndex]; if (options.AltStreams.Val && !arcInfo.Flags_AltStreams()) return E_NOTIMPL; if (options.NtSecurity.Val && !arcInfo.Flags_NtSecure()) return E_NOTIMPL; } CRecordVector updatePairs2; UStringVector newNames; if (options.RenamePairs.Size() != 0) { FOR_VECTOR (i, arcItems) { const CArcItem &ai = arcItems[i]; bool needRename = false; UString dest; if (ai.Censored) { FOR_VECTOR (j, options.RenamePairs) { const CRenamePair &rp = options.RenamePairs[j]; if (rp.GetNewPath(ai.IsDir, ai.Name, dest)) { needRename = true; break; } if (ai.IsAltStream) { int colonPos = ai.Name.ReverseFind(':'); int slashPosPos = GetReverseSlashPos(ai.Name); if (colonPos > slashPosPos) { UString mainName = ai.Name.Left(colonPos); /* actually we must improve that code to support cases with folder renaming like: rn arc dir1\ dir2\ */ if (rp.GetNewPath(false, mainName, dest)) { needRename = true; dest += ':'; dest += ai.Name.Ptr(colonPos + 1); break; } } } } } CUpdatePair2 up2; up2.SetAs_NoChangeArcItem(ai.IndexInServer); if (needRename) { up2.NewProps = true; RINOK(arc->IsItemAnti(i, up2.IsAnti)); up2.NewNameIndex = newNames.Add(dest); } updatePairs2.Add(up2); } } else { CRecordVector updatePairs; GetUpdatePairInfoList(dirItems, arcItems, fileTimeType, updatePairs); // must be done only once!!! // CUpdateProduceCallbackImp upCallback(&arcItems, callback); UpdateProduce(updatePairs, actionSet, updatePairs2, NULL /* &upCallback */); } UInt32 numFiles = 0; FOR_VECTOR (i, updatePairs2) if (updatePairs2[i].NewData) numFiles++; RINOK(callback->SetNumFiles(numFiles)); CArchiveUpdateCallback *updateCallbackSpec = new CArchiveUpdateCallback; CMyComPtr updateCallback(updateCallbackSpec); updateCallbackSpec->ShareForWrite = options.OpenShareForWrite; updateCallbackSpec->StdInMode = options.StdInMode; updateCallbackSpec->Callback = callback; if (arc) { // we set Archive to allow to transfer GetProperty requests back to DLL. updateCallbackSpec->Archive = arc->Archive; updateCallbackSpec->GetRawProps = arc->GetRawProps; updateCallbackSpec->GetRootProps = arc->GetRootProps; } updateCallbackSpec->DirItems = &dirItems; updateCallbackSpec->ParentDirItem = parentDirItem; updateCallbackSpec->StoreNtSecurity = options.NtSecurity.Val; updateCallbackSpec->StoreHardLinks = options.HardLinks.Val; updateCallbackSpec->StoreSymLinks = options.SymLinks.Val; updateCallbackSpec->ArcItems = &arcItems; updateCallbackSpec->UpdatePairs = &updatePairs2; updateCallbackSpec->ProcessedItemsStatuses = processedItemsStatuses; if (options.RenamePairs.Size() != 0) updateCallbackSpec->NewNames = &newNames; CMyComPtr outSeekStream; CMyComPtr outStream; if (!options.StdOutMode) { FString dirPrefix; if (!GetOnlyDirPrefix(us2fs(archivePath.GetFinalPath()), dirPrefix)) throw 1417161; CreateComplexDir(dirPrefix); } COutFileStream *outStreamSpec = NULL; COutMultiVolStream *volStreamSpec = NULL; if (options.VolumesSizes.Size() == 0) { if (options.StdOutMode) outStream = new CStdOutFileStream; else { outStreamSpec = new COutFileStream; outSeekStream = outStreamSpec; outStream = outSeekStream; bool isOK = false; FString realPath; for (int i = 0; i < (1 << 16); i++) { if (archivePath.Temp) { if (i > 0) { FChar s[16]; ConvertUInt32ToString(i, s); archivePath.TempPostfix = s; } realPath = archivePath.GetTempPath(); } else realPath = us2fs(archivePath.GetFinalPath()); if (outStreamSpec->Create(realPath, false)) { tempFiles.Paths.Add(realPath); isOK = true; break; } if (::GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_EXISTS) break; if (!archivePath.Temp) break; } if (!isOK) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.FileName = realPath; errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot open file"; return E_FAIL; } } } else { if (options.StdOutMode) return E_FAIL; if (arc && arc->GetGlobalOffset() > 0) return E_NOTIMPL; volStreamSpec = new COutMultiVolStream; outSeekStream = volStreamSpec; outStream = outSeekStream; volStreamSpec->Sizes = options.VolumesSizes; volStreamSpec->Prefix = us2fs(archivePath.GetFinalVolPath() + L"."); volStreamSpec->TempFiles = &tempFiles; volStreamSpec->Init(); /* updateCallbackSpec->VolumesSizes = volumesSizes; updateCallbackSpec->VolName = archivePath.Prefix + archivePath.Name; if (!archivePath.VolExtension.IsEmpty()) updateCallbackSpec->VolExt = UString(L'.') + archivePath.VolExtension; */ } RINOK(SetProperties(outArchive, options.MethodMode.Properties)); if (options.SfxMode) { CInFileStream *sfxStreamSpec = new CInFileStream; CMyComPtr sfxStream(sfxStreamSpec); if (!sfxStreamSpec->Open(options.SfxModule)) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot open SFX module"; errorInfo.FileName = options.SfxModule; return E_FAIL; } CMyComPtr sfxOutStream; COutFileStream *outStreamSpec = NULL; if (options.VolumesSizes.Size() == 0) sfxOutStream = outStream; else { outStreamSpec = new COutFileStream; sfxOutStream = outStreamSpec; FString realPath = us2fs(archivePath.GetFinalPath()); if (!outStreamSpec->Create(realPath, false)) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.FileName = realPath; errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot open file"; return E_FAIL; } } RINOK(NCompress::CopyStream(sfxStream, sfxOutStream, NULL)); if (outStreamSpec) { RINOK(outStreamSpec->Close()); } } CMyComPtr tailStream; if (options.SfxMode || !arc || arc->ArcStreamOffset == 0) tailStream = outStream; else { // Int64 globalOffset = arc->GetGlobalOffset(); RINOK(arc->InStream->Seek(0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL)); RINOK(NCompress::CopyStream_ExactSize(arc->InStream, outStream, arc->ArcStreamOffset, NULL)); if (options.StdOutMode) tailStream = outStream; else { CTailOutStream *tailStreamSpec = new CTailOutStream; tailStream = tailStreamSpec; tailStreamSpec->Stream = outSeekStream; tailStreamSpec->Offset = arc->ArcStreamOffset; tailStreamSpec->Init(); } } HRESULT result = outArchive->UpdateItems(tailStream, updatePairs2.Size(), updateCallback); callback->Finilize(); RINOK(result); if (options.SetArcMTime) { FILETIME ft; ft.dwLowDateTime = 0; ft.dwHighDateTime = 0; FOR_VECTOR (i, updatePairs2) { CUpdatePair2 &pair2 = updatePairs2[i]; const FILETIME *ft2 = NULL; if (pair2.NewProps && pair2.DirIndex >= 0) ft2 = &dirItems.Items[pair2.DirIndex].MTime; else if (pair2.UseArcProps && pair2.ArcIndex >= 0) ft2 = &arcItems[pair2.ArcIndex].MTime; if (ft2) { if (::CompareFileTime(&ft, ft2) < 0) ft = *ft2; } } if (ft.dwLowDateTime != 0 || ft.dwHighDateTime != 0) { if (outStreamSpec) outStreamSpec->SetMTime(&ft); else if (volStreamSpec) volStreamSpec->SetMTime(&ft);; } } if (outStreamSpec) result = outStreamSpec->Close(); else if (volStreamSpec) result = volStreamSpec->Close(); return result; } static HRESULT EnumerateInArchiveItems( // bool storeStreamsMode, const NWildcard::CCensor &censor, const CArc &arc, CObjectVector &arcItems) { arcItems.Clear(); UInt32 numItems; IInArchive *archive = arc.Archive; RINOK(archive->GetNumberOfItems(&numItems)); arcItems.ClearAndReserve(numItems); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { CArcItem ai; RINOK(arc.GetItemPath(i, ai.Name)); RINOK(Archive_IsItem_Folder(archive, i, ai.IsDir)); RINOK(Archive_IsItem_AltStream(archive, i, ai.IsAltStream)); /* if (!storeStreamsMode && ai.IsAltStream) continue; */ ai.Censored = censor.CheckPath(ai.IsAltStream, ai.Name, !ai.IsDir); RINOK(arc.GetItemMTime(i, ai.MTime, ai.MTimeDefined)); RINOK(arc.GetItemSize(i, ai.Size, ai.SizeDefined)); { CPropVariant prop; RINOK(archive->GetProperty(i, kpidTimeType, &prop)); if (prop.vt == VT_UI4) { ai.TimeType = (int)(NFileTimeType::EEnum)prop.ulVal; switch (ai.TimeType) { case NFileTimeType::kWindows: case NFileTimeType::kUnix: case NFileTimeType::kDOS: break; default: return E_FAIL; } } } ai.IndexInServer = i; arcItems.AddInReserved(ai); } return S_OK; } struct CEnumDirItemUpdateCallback: public IEnumDirItemCallback { IUpdateCallbackUI2 *Callback; HRESULT ScanProgress(UInt64 numFolders, UInt64 numFiles, UInt64 totalSize, const wchar_t *path, bool isDir) { return Callback->ScanProgress(numFolders, numFiles, totalSize, path, isDir); } }; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) #include #endif struct CRefSortPair { int Len; int Index; }; #define RINOZ(x) { int __tt = (x); if (__tt != 0) return __tt; } static int CompareRefSortPair(const CRefSortPair *a1, const CRefSortPair *a2, void *) { RINOZ(-MyCompare(a1->Len, a2->Len)); return MyCompare(a1->Index, a2->Index); } static int GetNumSlashes(const FChar *s) { for (int numSlashes = 0;;) { FChar c = *s++; if (c == 0) return numSlashes; if ( #ifdef _WIN32 c == FTEXT('\\') || #endif c == FTEXT('/')) numSlashes++; } } #ifdef _WIN32 void ConvertToLongNames(NWildcard::CCensor &censor); #endif HRESULT UpdateArchive( CCodecs *codecs, const CObjectVector &types, const UString &cmdArcPath2, NWildcard::CCensor &censor, CUpdateOptions &options, CUpdateErrorInfo &errorInfo, IOpenCallbackUI *openCallback, IUpdateCallbackUI2 *callback, bool needSetPath) { if (options.StdOutMode && options.EMailMode) return E_FAIL; if (types.Size() > 1) return E_NOTIMPL; bool renameMode = !options.RenamePairs.IsEmpty(); if (renameMode) { if (options.Commands.Size() != 1) return E_FAIL; } if (options.DeleteAfterCompressing) { if (options.Commands.Size() != 1) return E_NOTIMPL; const CActionSet &as = options.Commands[0].ActionSet; for (int i = 2; i < NPairState::kNumValues; i++) if (as.StateActions[i] != NPairAction::kCompress) return E_NOTIMPL; } censor.AddPathsToCensor(options.PathMode); #ifdef _WIN32 ConvertToLongNames(censor); #endif censor.ExtendExclude(); if (options.VolumesSizes.Size() > 0 && (options.EMailMode /* || options.SfxMode */)) return E_NOTIMPL; if (options.SfxMode) { CProperty property; property.Name = L"rsfx"; property.Value = L"on"; options.MethodMode.Properties.Add(property); if (options.SfxModule.IsEmpty()) { errorInfo.Message = L"SFX file is not specified"; return E_FAIL; } bool found = false; if (options.SfxModule.Find(FCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) < 0) { const FString fullName = ::GetModuleDirPrefix() + options.SfxModule; if (NFind::DoesFileExist(fullName)) { options.SfxModule = fullName; found = true; } } if (!found) { if (!NFind::DoesFileExist(options.SfxModule)) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot find specified SFX module"; errorInfo.FileName = options.SfxModule; return E_FAIL; } } } CArchiveLink arcLink; if (needSetPath) { if (!options.InitFormatIndex(codecs, types, cmdArcPath2) || !options.SetArcPath(codecs, cmdArcPath2)) return E_NOTIMPL; } UString arcPath = options.ArchivePath.GetFinalPath(); if (cmdArcPath2.IsEmpty()) { if (options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex < 0) throw "type of archive is not specified"; } else { NFind::CFileInfo fi; if (!fi.Find(us2fs(arcPath))) { if (renameMode) throw "can't find archive";; if (options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex < 0) { if (!options.SetArcPath(codecs, cmdArcPath2)) return E_NOTIMPL; } } else { if (fi.IsDir()) throw "there is no such archive"; if (fi.IsDevice) return E_NOTIMPL; if (options.VolumesSizes.Size() > 0) return E_NOTIMPL; CObjectVector types; // change it. if (options.MethodMode.Type_Defined) types.Add(options.MethodMode.Type); // We need to set Properties to open archive only in some cases (WIM archives). CIntVector excl; COpenOptions op; #ifndef _SFX op.props = &options.MethodMode.Properties; #endif op.codecs = codecs; op.types = &types; op.excludedFormats = ! op.stdInMode = false; op.stream = NULL; op.filePath = arcPath; HRESULT result = arcLink.Open2(op, openCallback); if (result == E_ABORT) return result; const wchar_t *errorArcType = NULL; if (arcLink.NonOpen_ErrorInfo.ErrorFormatIndex > 0) errorArcType = codecs->Formats[arcLink.NonOpen_ErrorInfo.ErrorFormatIndex].Name; RINOK(callback->OpenResult(arcPath, result, errorArcType)); /* if (result == S_FALSE) return E_FAIL; */ RINOK(result); if (arcLink.VolumePaths.Size() > 1) { errorInfo.SystemError = (DWORD)E_NOTIMPL; errorInfo.Message = L"Updating for multivolume archives is not implemented"; return E_NOTIMPL; } CArc &arc = arcLink.Arcs.Back(); arc.MTimeDefined = !fi.IsDevice; arc.MTime = fi.MTime; if (arc.ErrorInfo.ThereIsTail) { errorInfo.SystemError = (DWORD)E_NOTIMPL; errorInfo.Message = L"There is some data block after the end of the archive"; return E_NOTIMPL; } if (options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex < 0) { options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex = arcLink.GetArc()->FormatIndex; if (!options.SetArcPath(codecs, cmdArcPath2)) return E_NOTIMPL; } } } if (options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex < 0) { options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex = codecs->FindFormatForArchiveType(kDefaultArcType); if (options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex < 0) return E_NOTIMPL; } bool thereIsInArchive = arcLink.IsOpen; if (!thereIsInArchive && renameMode) return E_FAIL; CDirItems dirItems; CDirItem parentDirItem; CDirItem *parentDirItem_Ptr = NULL; /* FStringVector requestedPaths; FStringVector *requestedPaths_Ptr = NULL; if (options.DeleteAfterCompressing) requestedPaths_Ptr = &requestedPaths; */ if (options.StdInMode) { CDirItem di; di.Name = options.StdInFileName; di.Size = (UInt64)(Int64)-1; di.Attrib = 0; NTime::GetCurUtcFileTime(di.MTime); di.CTime = di.ATime = di.MTime; dirItems.Items.Add(di); } else { bool needScanning = false; if (!renameMode) FOR_VECTOR (i, options.Commands) if (options.Commands[i].ActionSet.NeedScanning()) needScanning = true; if (needScanning) { CEnumDirItemUpdateCallback enumCallback; enumCallback.Callback = callback; RINOK(callback->StartScanning()); dirItems.SymLinks = options.SymLinks.Val; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) dirItems.ReadSecure = options.NtSecurity.Val; #endif dirItems.ScanAltStreams = options.AltStreams.Val; HRESULT res = EnumerateItems(censor, options.PathMode, options.AddPathPrefix, dirItems, &enumCallback); FOR_VECTOR (i, dirItems.ErrorPaths) { RINOK(callback->CanNotFindError(fs2us(dirItems.ErrorPaths[i]), dirItems.ErrorCodes[i])); } if (res != S_OK) { if (res != E_ABORT) errorInfo.Message = L"Scanning error"; return res; } RINOK(callback->FinishScanning()); if (censor.Pairs.Size() == 1) { NFind::CFileInfo fi; FString prefix = us2fs(censor.Pairs[0].Prefix) + FTEXT("."); // UString prefix = censor.Pairs[0].Prefix; /* if (prefix.Back() == WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) { prefix.DeleteBack(); } */ if (fi.Find(prefix)) if (fi.IsDir()) { parentDirItem.Size = fi.Size; parentDirItem.CTime = fi.CTime; parentDirItem.ATime = fi.ATime; parentDirItem.MTime = fi.MTime; parentDirItem.Attrib = fi.Attrib; parentDirItem_Ptr = &parentDirItem; int secureIndex = -1; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) if (options.NtSecurity.Val) dirItems.AddSecurityItem(prefix, secureIndex); #endif parentDirItem.SecureIndex = secureIndex; parentDirItem_Ptr = &parentDirItem; } } } } FString tempDirPrefix; bool usesTempDir = false; #ifdef _WIN32 CTempDir tempDirectory; if (options.EMailMode && options.EMailRemoveAfter) { tempDirectory.Create(kTempFolderPrefix); tempDirPrefix = tempDirectory.GetPath(); NormalizeDirPathPrefix(tempDirPrefix); usesTempDir = true; } #endif CTempFiles tempFiles; bool createTempFile = false; if (!options.StdOutMode && options.UpdateArchiveItself) { CArchivePath &ap = options.Commands[0].ArchivePath; ap = options.ArchivePath; // if ((archive != 0 && !usesTempDir) || !options.WorkingDir.IsEmpty()) if ((thereIsInArchive || !options.WorkingDir.IsEmpty()) && !usesTempDir && options.VolumesSizes.Size() == 0) { createTempFile = true; ap.Temp = true; if (!options.WorkingDir.IsEmpty()) ap.TempPrefix = options.WorkingDir; else ap.TempPrefix = us2fs(ap.Prefix); NormalizeDirPathPrefix(ap.TempPrefix); } } unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < options.Commands.Size(); i++) { CArchivePath &ap = options.Commands[i].ArchivePath; if (usesTempDir) { // Check it ap.Prefix = fs2us(tempDirPrefix); // ap.Temp = true; // ap.TempPrefix = tempDirPrefix; } if (!options.StdOutMode && (i > 0 || !createTempFile)) { const FString path = us2fs(ap.GetFinalPath()); if (NFind::DoesFileOrDirExist(path)) { errorInfo.SystemError = 0; errorInfo.Message = L"The file already exists"; errorInfo.FileName = path; return E_FAIL; } } } CObjectVector arcItems; if (thereIsInArchive) { RINOK(EnumerateInArchiveItems( // options.StoreAltStreams, censor, arcLink.Arcs.Back(), arcItems)); } /* FStringVector processedFilePaths; FStringVector *processedFilePaths_Ptr = NULL; if (options.DeleteAfterCompressing) processedFilePaths_Ptr = &processedFilePaths; */ CByteBuffer processedItems; if (options.DeleteAfterCompressing) { unsigned num = dirItems.Items.Size(); processedItems.Alloc(num); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) processedItems[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < options.Commands.Size(); i++) { const CArc *arc = thereIsInArchive ? arcLink.GetArc() : 0; // IInArchiveExtra *archiveExtra = thereIsInArchive ? arcLink.GetArchiveExtra() : 0; // IArchiveGetRootProps *archiveGetRootProps = thereIsInArchive ? arcLink.GetArchiveGetRootProps() : 0; CUpdateArchiveCommand &command = options.Commands[i]; UString name; bool isUpdating; if (options.StdOutMode) { name = L"stdout"; isUpdating = arc != 0; } else { name = command.ArchivePath.GetFinalPath(); isUpdating = (i == 0 && options.UpdateArchiveItself && arc != 0); } RINOK(callback->StartArchive(name, isUpdating)) RINOK(Compress(options, codecs, command.ActionSet, arc, command.ArchivePath, arcItems, options.DeleteAfterCompressing ? (Byte *)processedItems : NULL, dirItems, parentDirItem_Ptr, tempFiles, errorInfo, callback)); RINOK(callback->FinishArchive()); } if (thereIsInArchive) { RINOK(arcLink.Close()); arcLink.Release(); } tempFiles.Paths.Clear(); if (createTempFile) { try { CArchivePath &ap = options.Commands[0].ArchivePath; const FString &tempPath = ap.GetTempPath(); if (thereIsInArchive) if (!DeleteFileAlways(us2fs(arcPath))) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot delete the file"; errorInfo.FileName = us2fs(arcPath); return E_FAIL; } if (!MyMoveFile(tempPath, us2fs(arcPath))) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot move the file"; errorInfo.FileName = tempPath; errorInfo.FileName2 = us2fs(arcPath); return E_FAIL; } } catch(...) { throw; } } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) if (options.EMailMode) { NDLL::CLibrary mapiLib; if (!mapiLib.Load(FTEXT("Mapi32.dll"))) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot load Mapi32.dll"; return E_FAIL; } /* LPMAPISENDDOCUMENTS fnSend = (LPMAPISENDDOCUMENTS)mapiLib.GetProc("MAPISendDocuments"); if (fnSend == 0) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot find MAPISendDocuments function"; return E_FAIL; } */ LPMAPISENDMAIL sendMail = (LPMAPISENDMAIL)mapiLib.GetProc("MAPISendMail"); if (sendMail == 0) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.Message = L"7-Zip cannot find MAPISendMail function"; return E_FAIL; } FStringVector fullPaths; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < options.Commands.Size(); i++) { CArchivePath &ap = options.Commands[i].ArchivePath; FString arcPath; if (!MyGetFullPathName(us2fs(ap.GetFinalPath()), arcPath)) { errorInfo.SystemError = ::GetLastError(); errorInfo.Message = L"GetFullPathName error"; return E_FAIL; } fullPaths.Add(arcPath); } CCurrentDirRestorer curDirRestorer; for (i = 0; i < fullPaths.Size(); i++) { UString arcPath = fs2us(fullPaths[i]); UString fileName = ExtractFileNameFromPath(arcPath); AString path = GetAnsiString(arcPath); AString name = GetAnsiString(fileName); // Warning!!! MAPISendDocuments function changes Current directory // fnSend(0, ";", (LPSTR)(LPCSTR)path, (LPSTR)(LPCSTR)name, 0); MapiFileDesc f; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(f)); f.nPosition = 0xFFFFFFFF; f.lpszPathName = (char *)(const char *)path; f.lpszFileName = (char *)(const char *)name; MapiMessage m; memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.nFileCount = 1; m.lpFiles = &f; const AString addr = GetAnsiString(options.EMailAddress); MapiRecipDesc rec; if (!addr.IsEmpty()) { memset(&rec, 0, sizeof(rec)); rec.ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO; rec.lpszAddress = (char *)(const char *)addr; m.nRecipCount = 1; m.lpRecips = &rec; } sendMail((LHANDLE)0, 0, &m, MAPI_DIALOG, 0); } } #endif if (options.DeleteAfterCompressing) { CRecordVector pairs; FStringVector foldersNames; for (i = 0; i < dirItems.Items.Size(); i++) { const CDirItem &dirItem = dirItems.Items[i]; FString phyPath = us2fs(dirItems.GetPhyPath(i)); if (dirItem.IsDir()) { CRefSortPair pair; pair.Index = i; pair.Len = GetNumSlashes(phyPath); pairs.Add(pair); } else { if (processedItems[i] != 0 || dirItem.Size == 0) { DeleteFileAlways(phyPath); } else { // file was skipped /* errorInfo.SystemError = 0; errorInfo.Message = L"file was not processed"; errorInfo.FileName = phyPath; return E_FAIL; */ } } } pairs.Sort(CompareRefSortPair, NULL); for (i = 0; i < pairs.Size(); i++) { FString phyPath = us2fs(dirItems.GetPhyPath(pairs[i].Index)); if (NFind::DoesDirExist(phyPath)) { // printf("delete %S\n", phyPath); RemoveDir(phyPath); } } } return S_OK; }