/************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of Installer Framework ** ** Copyright (c) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). ** ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com) ** ** ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage ** ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and ** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this file. ** Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser General ** Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met: ** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html. ** ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional ** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. ** ** Other Usage ** ** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and ** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia. ** ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com. ** **************************************************************************/ #include "createlocalrepositoryoperation.h" #include "binaryformat.h" #include "errors.h" #include "fileutils.h" #include "copydirectoryoperation.h" #include "lib7z_facade.h" #include "packagemanagercore.h" #include "kdupdaterupdateoperations.h" #include #include #include namespace QInstaller { // -- AutoHelper class AutoHelper { public: AutoHelper(CreateLocalRepositoryOperation *op) : m_op(op) { } virtual ~AutoHelper() { m_op->emitFullProgress(); m_op->setValue(QLatin1String("files"), m_files); } QStringList m_files; CreateLocalRepositoryOperation *m_op; }; // statics namespace Static { static void fixPermissions(const QString &repoPath) { QDirIterator it(repoPath, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext() && !it.next().isEmpty()) { if (!it.fileInfo().isFile()) continue; if (!QFile::setPermissions(it.filePath(), QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner | QFile::ReadUser | QFile::WriteUser | QFile::ReadGroup | QFile::ReadOther)) { throw Error(CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::tr("Could not set file permissions %1!") .arg(it.filePath())); } } } static void removeDirectory(const QString &path, AutoHelper *const helper) { QInstaller::removeDirectory(path); QStringList files = helper->m_files.filter(path); foreach (const QString &file, files) helper->m_files.removeAll(file); } static void removeFiles(const QString &path, AutoHelper *const helper) { const QFileInfoList entries = QDir(path).entryInfoList(QDir::AllEntries | QDir::Hidden); foreach (const QFileInfo &fi, entries) { if (fi.isSymLink() || fi.isFile()) { QFile f(fi.filePath()); if (!f.remove()) throw Error(QObject::tr("Could not remove file %1: %2").arg(f.fileName(), f.errorString())); helper->m_files.removeAll(f.fileName()); } } } static QString createArchive(const QString repoPath, const QString &sourceDir, const QString &version , AutoHelper *const helper) { const QString fileName = QString::fromLatin1("/%1meta.7z").arg(version); QFile archive(repoPath + fileName); QInstaller::openForWrite(&archive, archive.fileName()); Lib7z::createArchive(&archive, QStringList() << sourceDir); removeFiles(sourceDir, helper); // cleanup the files we compressed if (!archive.rename(sourceDir + fileName)) { throw Error(CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::tr("Could not move file %1 to %2. Error: %3").arg(archive .fileName(), sourceDir + fileName, archive.errorString())); } return archive.fileName(); } } // namespace Statics // -- CreateLocalRepositoryOperation CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::CreateLocalRepositoryOperation() { setName(QLatin1String("CreateLocalRepository")); } void CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::backup() { } bool CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::performOperation() { AutoHelper helper(this); emit progressChanged(0.0); const QStringList args = arguments(); if (args.count() != 2) { setError(InvalidArguments); setErrorString(tr("Invalid arguments in %0: %1 arguments given, 2 expected.").arg(name()) .arg(args.count())); return false; } try { const QString binaryPath = QFileInfo(args.at(0)).absoluteFilePath(); // Note the "/" at the end, important to make copy directory operation behave well const QString repoPath = QFileInfo(args.at(1)).absoluteFilePath() + QLatin1Char('/'); // check if this is an offline version, otherwise there will be no binary data PackageManagerCore *core = qVariantValue(value(QLatin1String("installer"))); if (core && !core->isOfflineOnly()) { throw QInstaller::Error(tr("Installer needs to be an offline version: %1.") .arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(binaryPath))); } // if we're running as installer and install into an existing target, remove possible previous repos if (QFile::exists(repoPath)) { Static::fixPermissions(repoPath); QInstaller::removeDirectory(repoPath); } // create the local repository target dir KDUpdater::MkdirOperation mkDirOp; mkDirOp.setArguments(QStringList() << repoPath); mkDirOp.backup(); if (!mkDirOp.performOperation()) { setError(mkDirOp.error()); setErrorString(mkDirOp.errorString()); return false; } setValue(QLatin1String("createddir"), mkDirOp.value(QLatin1String("createddir"))); // copy the whole meta data into local repository CopyDirectoryOperation copyDirOp; copyDirOp.setArguments(QStringList() << QLatin1String(":/metadata/") << repoPath); connect(©DirOp, SIGNAL(outputTextChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(outputTextChanged(QString))); const bool success = copyDirOp.performOperation(); helper.m_files = copyDirOp.value(QLatin1String("files")).toStringList(); if (!success) { setError(copyDirOp.error()); setErrorString(copyDirOp.errorString()); return false; } emit progressChanged(0.25); // we need to fix the folder and file permissions here, as copying from read only resource file // systems sets all permissions to a completely bogus value... Static::fixPermissions(repoPath); // open the updates xml file we previously copied QFile updatesXml(repoPath + QLatin1String("Updates.xml")); if (!updatesXml.exists() || !updatesXml.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) throw QInstaller::Error(tr("Could not open file: %1").arg(updatesXml.fileName())); // read the content of the updates xml QString error; QDomDocument doc; if (!doc.setContent(&updatesXml, &error)) throw QInstaller::Error(tr("Could not read: %1. Error: %2").arg(updatesXml.fileName(), error)); // build for each available package a name - version mapping QHash versionMap; const QDomElement root = doc.documentElement(); const QDomNodeList rootChildNodes = root.childNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < rootChildNodes.count(); ++i) { const QDomElement element = rootChildNodes.at(i).toElement(); if (element.isNull()) continue; QString name, version; if (element.tagName() == QLatin1String("PackageUpdate")) { const QDomNodeList elementChildNodes = element.childNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < elementChildNodes.count(); ++j) { const QDomElement e = elementChildNodes.at(j).toElement(); if (e.tagName() == QLatin1String("Name")) name = e.text(); else if (e.tagName() == QLatin1String("Version")) version = e.text(); } versionMap.insert(name, version); } } emit progressChanged(0.50); QSharedPointer file(new QFile(binaryPath)); if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { throw QInstaller::Error(tr("Could not open file: %1. Error: %2").arg(file->fileName(), file->errorString())); } // start to read the binary layout BinaryLayout bl = BinaryContent::readBinaryLayout(file.data(), findMagicCookie(file.data(), QInstaller::MagicCookie)); // calculate the offset of the component index start inside the binary const qint64 resourceOffsetAndLengtSize = 2 * sizeof(qint64); const qint64 resourceSectionSize = resourceOffsetAndLengtSize * bl.resourceCount; file->seek(bl.endOfData - bl.indexSize - resourceSectionSize - resourceOffsetAndLengtSize); const qint64 dataBlockStart = bl.endOfData - bl.dataBlockSize; file->seek(retrieveInt64(file.data()) + dataBlockStart); QInstallerCreator::ComponentIndex componentIndex = QInstallerCreator::ComponentIndex::read(file, dataBlockStart); QDirIterator it(repoPath, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext() && !it.next().isEmpty()) { if (it.fileInfo().isDir()) { const QString fileName = it.fileName(); const QString absoluteTargetPath = QDir(repoPath).absoluteFilePath(fileName); // zip the meta files that come with the offline installer if (versionMap.contains(fileName)) { helper.m_files.prepend(Static::createArchive(repoPath, absoluteTargetPath, versionMap.value(fileName), &helper)); versionMap.remove(fileName); emit outputTextChanged(helper.m_files.first()); } // copy the 7z files that are inside the component index into the target QInstallerCreator::Component c = componentIndex.componentByName(fileName.toUtf8()); if (c.archives().count()) { QVector > archives = c.archives(); foreach (const QSharedPointer &a, archives) { if (!a->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) continue; QFile target(absoluteTargetPath + QDir::separator() + QString::fromUtf8(a->name())); QInstaller::openForWrite(&target, target.fileName()); QInstaller::blockingCopy(a.data(), &target, a->size()); helper.m_files.prepend(target.fileName()); emit outputTextChanged(helper.m_files.first()); } } } } emit progressChanged(0.75); QDir repo(repoPath); if (!versionMap.isEmpty()) { // offline installers might miss possible old components foreach (const QString &dir, versionMap.keys()) { const QString missingDir = repoPath + dir; if (!repo.mkpath(missingDir)) throw QInstaller::Error(tr("Could not create target dir: %1.").arg(missingDir)); helper.m_files.prepend(Static::createArchive(repoPath, missingDir, versionMap.value(dir) , &helper)); emit outputTextChanged(helper.m_files.first()); } } try { // remove these, if we fail it doesn't hurt Static::removeDirectory(QDir::cleanPath(repoPath + QLatin1String("/installer-config")), &helper); Static::removeDirectory(QDir::cleanPath(repoPath + QLatin1String("/config")), &helper); const QStringList files = repo.entryList(QStringList() << QLatin1String("*.qrc"), QDir::Files); foreach (const QString &file, files) { if (repo.remove(file)) helper.m_files.removeAll(QDir::cleanPath(repoPath + file)); } } catch (...) {} setValue(QLatin1String("local-repo"), repoPath); } catch (const Lib7z::SevenZipException &e) { setError(UserDefinedError); setErrorString(e.message()); return false; } catch (const QInstaller::Error &e) { setError(UserDefinedError); setErrorString(e.message()); return false; } catch (...) { setError(UserDefinedError); setErrorString(tr("Unknown exception caught: %1.").arg(QLatin1String(Q_FUNC_INFO))); return false; } return true; } bool CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::undoOperation() { Q_ASSERT(arguments().count() == 2); AutoHelper _(this); emit progressChanged(0.0); QDir dir; const QStringList files = value(QLatin1String("files")).toStringList(); foreach (const QString &file, files) { emit outputTextChanged(tr("Removing file: %0").arg(file)); if (!QFile::remove(file)) { setError(InvalidArguments); setErrorString(tr("Could not remove %0.").arg(file)); return false; } dir.rmpath(QFileInfo(file).absolutePath()); } setValue(QLatin1String("files"), QStringList()); QDir createdDir = QDir(value(QLatin1String("createddir")).toString()); if (createdDir == QDir::root() || !createdDir.exists()) return true; QFile::remove(createdDir.path() + QLatin1String("/.DS_Store")); QFile::remove(createdDir.path() + QLatin1String("/Thumbs.db")); errno = 0; const bool result = QDir::root().rmdir(createdDir.path()); if (!result) { setError(UserDefinedError, tr("Cannot remove directory %1: %2").arg(createdDir.path(), QLatin1String(strerror(errno)))); } setValue(QLatin1String("files"), QStringList()); return result; } bool CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::testOperation() { return true; } Operation *CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::clone() const { return new CreateLocalRepositoryOperation(); } void CreateLocalRepositoryOperation::emitFullProgress() { emit progressChanged(1.0); } } // namespace QInstaller