# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/env python ############################################################################# ## ## Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. ## Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ## ## This file is part of the Qt Installer Framework. ## ## $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:GPL-EXCEPT$ ## Commercial License Usage ## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ## and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ## information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ## ## GNU General Public License Usage ## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ## General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ## Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ## included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ## information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ## be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ## ## $QT_END_LICENSE$ ## ############################################################################# import ConfigParser, datetime, os, string, sys, time, platform import testcase, utils, result, virtualmachine from virtualmachine import VMException from xml.sax import make_parser from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler class ControlException( Exception ): def __init__( self, value ): self.value = value def __str__( self ): return repr( self.value ) class Handler( ContentHandler ): def __init__( self, res ): self._res = res self._inResult = False self._buf = "" def startElement( self, name, attrs ): self._inResult = False if name == "result": self._inResult = True self._name = attrs['name'] self._status = attrs['status'] def endElement( self, name ): if name == 'result': trimmed = string.strip( self._buf ) if self._status == "passed": stat = result.CheckerResult.Passed else: stat = result.CheckerResult.Failed self._res.addCheckerResult( result.CheckerResult( self._name, stat, trimmed ) ) self._inResult = False self._buf = "" def characters( self, ch ): if self._inResult: self._buf += ch class Control: def __init__( self, vmrun, checkerDir, source, reporter ): self._vmrun = vmrun self._checkerDir = checkerDir self._vms = [] self._testcases = [] self._source = source self._reporter = reporter self._guiEnabled = True self._createErrorSnapshots = False self._hostType = "" self._hostLocation = "" self._hostUsername = "" self._hostPassword = "" def setGuiEnabled( self, usegui ): self._guiEnabled = usegui for i in self._vms: i.setGuiEnabled( usegui ) def setCreateErrorSnapshots( self, createSnapshots ): self._createErrorSnapshots = createSnapshots def setRemoteHost( self, type, loc, user, pw ): self._hostType = type self._hostLocation = loc self._hostUsername = user self._hostPassword = pw for vm in self._vms: if not vm.isRemote(): vm.setRemoteHost( self._hostType, self._hostLocation, self._hostUsername, self._hostPassword ) def addVM( self, cfgpath ): config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.read( cfgpath ) vm = virtualmachine.fromVMRunAndPath( self._vmrun, cfgpath ) vm.setGuiEnabled( self._guiEnabled ) if len( self._hostType ) > 0 and not vm.isRemote(): vm.setRemoteHost( self._hostType, self._hostLocation, self._hostUsername, self._hostPassword ) self._vms.append( vm ) #TODO catch/transform exceptions def addTestCase( self, path ): self._testcases.append( testcase.TestCase( path ) ) def run( self ): while True: try: inst = self._source.nextInstaller() if inst == None: print( "** Installer source returned None, aborting" ) return if inst.error: raise ControlException( inst.error ) print( "** New installer: {0}".format( inst.path ) ) self.testInstaller( inst, inst.platform ) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: self._reporter.reportException() def testInstaller( self, inst, platform ): for vm in self._vms: if vm.ostype() != platform: continue for case in self._testcases: if not case.supportsPlatform( platform ): continue res = result.Result() try: try: res.setInstaller( inst ) res.setTestCase( case ) res.setVirtualMachine( vm ) res.testStarted() self.run_test( inst.path, vm, case, res ) res.testFinished() inst.markAsTested() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: res.addException() finally: self._reporter.reportResult( res ) def convertCheckerResults( self, filename, res ): parser = make_parser() parser.setContentHandler( Handler( res ) ) f = file( filename, 'rb' ) parser.parse( f ) def run_test( self, installerPath, vm, testcase, res ): steps = testcase.steps() if len( steps ) == 0: raise ControlException( "No steps found for testcase {0}".format( testcase.name() ) ) revertStatus, _ = vm.revertToSnapshot() if revertStatus != 0: raise VMException( "Failed to revert to snapshot '{0}'".format( vm.snapshot() ) ) time.sleep( 5 ) # Trying to avoid a possible race between restore and start vm.start() try: try: vm.checkPythonInstalled() wrapperpath = vm.copyToTemp( utils.execution_path( 'guest.py' ) ) for stepNum in range( len( steps ) ): needSnapshot = False step = steps[stepNum] if stepNum == 0: executableguestpath = vm.copyToTemp( installerPath ) else: executableguestpath = testcase.maintenanceToolLocation() outputFileName = 'output{0}.log'.format( stepNum ) outputpath = vm.mkTempPath( outputFileName ) scriptguestpath = vm.copyToTemp( step.installscript() ) timeout = step.timeout() checkerguestpath = vm.copyToTemp( step.checkerTestDir(), "checkerTestDir{0}".format( stepNum ) ) if len( string.strip( step.checkerTestDir() ) ) > 0 else None vm.command( 'Execute installer', "runProgramInGuest", "'{0}' '{1}' '{2}' '{3}' '{4}' --script '{5}'".format( vm.python(), wrapperpath, outputpath, timeout, executableguestpath, scriptguestpath ) ) vm.copyFromTemp( outputFileName, outputFileName ) r = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() r.read( outputFileName ) try: s = r.get( 'Result', 'ExitCode' ) exitCode = int( s ) except ValueError: res.addInternalError( "Could not parse integer exit code from '{0}'".format( r.get( 'Result', 'ExitCode' ) ) ) exitCode = -1 try: s = r.get( 'Result', 'ExecutionTime' ) executionTime = float( s ) except ValueError: res.addInternalError( "Could not parse float execution time from '{0}'".format( r.get( 'Result', 'ExecutionTime' ) ) ) executionTime = 0.0 exitStatus = result.exitStatusFromString( r.get( 'Result', 'ExitStatus' ) ) instR = result.ExecutionResult( exitCode, exitStatus, executionTime ) if instR.hasError(): needSnapshot = True checkerResults = [] if checkerguestpath and not instR.hasError(): if ( platform.system() == "Darwin" ): # Have to sleep to work around VMware Fusion bug time.sleep( 30 ) run_py = vm.copyToTemp( self._checkerDir ) + vm.pathSep() + "run.py" if ( platform.system() == "Darwin" ): # Have to sleep to work around VMware Fusion bug time.sleep( 30 ) checkeroutputFileName = 'checker-output{0}.xml'.format( stepNum ) checkeroutput = vm.mkTempPath( checkeroutputFileName ) vm.command( 'Execute checker tests', "runProgramInGuest", "'{0}' '{1}' '{2}' -o '{3}' -p '{4}'".format( vm.python(), run_py, checkerguestpath, checkeroutput, testcase.targetDirectory() ) ) vm.copyFromTemp( checkeroutputFileName, checkeroutputFileName ) self.convertCheckerResults( localcheckeroutput, checkerResults ) if res.hasCheckerErrors(): needSnapshot = True if self._createErrorSnapshots and needSnapshot: snapshot = 'error-{0}-{1}'.format( datetime.datetime.now().strftime( '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S' ), utils.randomString( 4 ) ) status, _ = vm.createSnapshot( snapshot ) if status == 0: res.setErrorSnapshot( snapshot ) else: res.addInternalError( 'Could not create error snapshot "{0}"'.format( snapshot ) ) res.addStepResult( result.StepResult( instR, checkerResults ) ) #TODO handle timeouts? finally: vm.kill() except e: print( e ) res.addInternalError( str( e ) )