#include #include #include #include #include #include //rebase to adress 0x20000000 results in crashing tools like perl on win7/64bit //which I used for testing bool rebaseDlls(const QString &maddeBinLocation, const QString &rebaseBinaryLocation, const QString &adressValue = QLatin1String("0x50000000"), const QString &dllFilter = QLatin1String("msys*.dll")) { QStringList dllStringList = QDir(maddeBinLocation).entryList(QStringList(dllFilter), QDir::Files, QDir::Size | QDir::Reversed); QString dlls; QString dllsEnd; //of an unknown issue msys-1.0.dll should be the last on my system foreach (QString dll, dllStringList) { dll.prepend(maddeBinLocation + QLatin1String("/")); if (dll.contains(QLatin1String("msys-1"))) { dllsEnd.append(dll + QLatin1String(" ")); } else { dlls.append(dll + QLatin1String(" ")); } } dlls = dlls.append(dllsEnd); QProcess process; process.setEnvironment(QStringList(QLatin1String("EMPTY_ENVIRONMENT=true"))); QProcess::ProcessError initError(process.error()); process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); process.setNativeArguments(QString::fromLatin1("-b %1 -o 0x10000 -v %2").arg(adressValue, dlls)); process.start(rebaseBinaryLocation); process.waitForFinished(); if (process.exitCode() != 0 || initError != process.error() || process.exitStatus() == QProcess::CrashExit) { qWarning() << rebaseBinaryLocation + QString::fromLatin1(" ") + process.nativeArguments(); qWarning() << QString::fromLatin1("\t Adress rebasing failed! Maybe a process(bash.exe, ssh, ...) " "is using some of the dlls(%1).").arg(dllStringList.join(QLatin1String(", "))); qWarning() << "\t Output: \n" << process.readAll(); if (initError != process.error()) { qDebug() << QString::fromLatin1("\tError(%1): ").arg(process.error()) << process.errorString(); } if (process.exitStatus() == QProcess::CrashExit) { qDebug() << "\tcrashed!!!"; } return false; } qWarning() << rebaseBinaryLocation + QString::fromLatin1(" ") + process.nativeArguments(); //qWarning() << "\t Output: \n" << process.readAll(); return true; } bool checkTools(const QString &maddeBinLocation, const QStringList &binaryCheckList) { QDirIterator it( maddeBinLocation, binaryCheckList, QDir::Files ); while (it.hasNext()) { QString processPath(it.next()); if (!QFileInfo(processPath).exists()) { qDebug() << processPath << " is missing - so we don't need to check it"; continue; } bool testedToolState = true; QProcess process; process.setEnvironment(QStringList(QString::fromLatin1("EMPTY_ENVIRONMENT=true"))); QProcess::ProcessError initError(process.error()); process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::MergedChannels); process.start(processPath, QStringList(QString::fromLatin1("--version"))); process.waitForFinished(1000); QString processOutput = QString::fromLocal8Bit(process.readAll()); //check for the unpossible load dll error if (processOutput.contains(QString::fromLatin1("VirtualAlloc pointer is null")) || processOutput.contains(QString::fromLatin1("Couldn't reserve space for")) || process.exitStatus() == QProcess::CrashExit) { qWarning() << QString::fromLatin1("found dll loading problem with(ExitCode: %1): ") .arg(QString::number(process.exitCode())) << processPath; qWarning() << processOutput; testedToolState = false; if (initError != process.error()) { qWarning() << QString::fromLatin1("\tError(%1): ").arg(process.error()) << process.errorString(); } if (process.exitStatus() == QProcess::CrashExit) { qWarning() << "\tcrashed!!!"; } } if ( process.state() == QProcess::Running ) process.terminate(); //again wait some time if ( !process.waitForFinished( 1000 ) ) { process.kill(); process.waitForFinished( 1000 ); //some more waittime } if (testedToolState == false) { return false; } } return true; } bool removeDirectory( const QString& path ) { if ( !QFileInfo(path).exists() ) return true; if ( path.isEmpty() ) // QDir( "" ) points to the working directory! We never want to remove that one. return true; QDirIterator it(path, QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::AllEntries | QDir::Hidden | QDir::System); while ( it.hasNext() ) { it.next(); const QFileInfo currentFileInfo = it.fileInfo(); if ( currentFileInfo.isDir() && !currentFileInfo.isSymLink() ) { removeDirectory( currentFileInfo.filePath() ); } else { QFile f( currentFileInfo.filePath() ); if( !f.remove() ) qWarning() << "Can't remove: " << currentFileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); } } if ( !QDir().rmdir(path)) return QDir().rename(path, path + QString::fromLatin1("_") + QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString()); return true; } bool cleanUpSubDirectories(const QString &maddeLocation, const QStringList &subDirectoryList, const QStringList &extraFiles) { if (maddeLocation.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << "Remove nothing could be result in a broken system ;)"; return false; } if (!QFileInfo(maddeLocation).exists()) { qWarning() << QString::fromLatin1("Ups, location '%1' is not existing.").arg(maddeLocation); return false; } foreach (const QString &subDirectory, subDirectoryList) { bool removed = removeDirectory(maddeLocation + QString::fromLatin1("/") + subDirectory); if (!removed) { qWarning() << "Can't remove " << subDirectory <<" for a clean up step"; return false; } } foreach (const QString &fileName, extraFiles) { QFile file(fileName); if (file.exists()) { bool removed = QFile(fileName).remove(); if (!removed) { qWarning() << "Can't remove " << extraFiles <<" for a clean up step"; } } } return true; } bool runInstall(const QString &postinstallCommand, const QString &checkFileForAnOkInstallation) { QProcess process; process.setEnvironment(QStringList(QString::fromLatin1("EMPTY_ENVIRONMENT=true"))); QProcess::ProcessError initError(process.error()); process.setProcessChannelMode(QProcess::ForwardedChannels); process.setNativeArguments(postinstallCommand); process.start(QString(), QStringList()); process.waitForFinished(-1); if (process.exitCode() != 0 || initError != process.error() || process.exitStatus() == QProcess::CrashExit) { qWarning() << QString::fromLatin1("runInstall(ExitCode: %1) went wrong \n'%2'") .arg(QString::number(process.exitCode()), postinstallCommand); if (initError != process.error()) { qDebug() << QString::fromLatin1("\tError(%1): ").arg(process.error()) << process.errorString(); } if (process.exitStatus() == QProcess::CrashExit) { qDebug() << "\tcrashed!!!"; } } if ( process.state() == QProcess::Running ) process.terminate(); //again wait some time if ( !process.waitForFinished( 1000 ) ) process.kill(); return QFileInfo(checkFileForAnOkInstallation).exists(); } static void printUsage() { const QString appName = QFileInfo( QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath() ).fileName(); std::cout << "Usage: " << qPrintable(appName) << " -r -m " << std::endl; std::cout << "Example:" << std::endl; std::cout << " " << qPrintable(appName) << " -r D:/msysgit_rebase.exe -m D:/Maemo/4.6.2" << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); if ( app.arguments().count() != 5 ) //5. is app name { printUsage(); return 6; } QString rebaseBinaryLocation; QString maddeLocation; for ( int i = 1; i < app.arguments().size(); ++i ) { if ( app.arguments().at( i ) == QLatin1String( "" ) ) continue; if (app.arguments().at(i) == QString::fromLatin1("-r")) { i++; rebaseBinaryLocation = app.arguments().at(i); } if (app.arguments().at(i) == QString::fromLatin1("-m")) { i++; maddeLocation = app.arguments().at(i); } } if (!QFileInfo(maddeLocation).isDir()) { qDebug() << "MADDE location is not existing."; return 4; } if (!QFileInfo(maddeLocation + QString::fromLatin1("/bin")).isDir()) { qDebug() << "It seems that the madde location don't have a 'bin'' directory."; return 5; } QString maddeBinLocation = maddeLocation + QString::fromLatin1("/bin"); //from qs // var envExecutable = installer.value("TargetDir") + "/" + winMaddeSubPath + "/bin/env.exe"; // var postShell = installer.value("TargetDir") + "/" + winMaddeSubPath + "/postinstall/postinstall.sh"; // component.addOperation("Execute", "{0,1}", envExecutable, "-i" , "/bin/sh", "--login", postShell, "--nosleepontrap", "showStandardError"); QString postinstallShell = maddeLocation + QString::fromLatin1("/postinstall/postinstall.sh"); //"--nosleepontrap" is not used in our Madde, but later maybe it is there again QString postinstallCommand = maddeBinLocation + QString::fromLatin1("/env.exe -i /bin/sh --login %1") .arg(postinstallShell + QString::fromLatin1(" --nosleepontrap")); QString successFileCheck = maddeLocation + QString::fromLatin1("/madbin/mad.cmd"); QString directoriesForCleanUpArgument = QString::fromLatin1("sysroots, toolchains, targets, runtimes, wbin"); directoriesForCleanUpArgument.remove(QString::fromLatin1(" ")); QStringList directoriesForCleanUp(directoriesForCleanUpArgument.split(QString::fromLatin1(","))); //this was used for testings //cleanUpSubDirectories(maddeLocation, directoriesForCleanUp, QStringList(successFileCheck)); bool installationWentFine = runInstall(postinstallCommand, successFileCheck); if (installationWentFine) return 0; QString binaryCheckArgument = QString::fromLatin1("a2p.exe, basename.exe, bash.exe, bzip2.exe, cat.exe, chmod.exe, cmp.exe, comm.exe, cp.exe, cut.exe, " \ "date.exe, diff.exe, diff3.exe, dirname.exe, du.exe, env.exe, expr.exe, find.exe, fold.exe, gawk.exe, " \ "grep.exe, gzip.exe, head.exe, id.exe, install.exe, join.exe, less.exe, ln.exe, ls.exe, lzma.exe, m4.exe, " \ "make.exe, md5sum.exe, mkdir.exe, mv.exe, od.exe, paste.exe, patch.exe, perl.exe, perl5.6.1.exe, ps.exe, " \ "rm.exe, rmdir.exe, sed.exe, sh.exe, sleep.exe, sort.exe, split.exe, ssh-agent.exe, ssh-keygen.exe, " \ "stty.exe, tail.exe, tar.exe, tee.exe, touch.exe, tr.exe, true.exe, uname.exe, uniq.exe, vim.exe, wc.exe, xargs.exe"); binaryCheckArgument.remove(QString::fromLatin1(" ")); QStringList binaryCheckList(binaryCheckArgument.split(QString::fromLatin1(","))); QStringList possibleRebaseAdresses; possibleRebaseAdresses << QString::fromLatin1("0x5200000"); //this uses perl possibleRebaseAdresses << QString::fromLatin1("0x30000000"); possibleRebaseAdresses << QString::fromLatin1("0x35000000"); possibleRebaseAdresses << QString::fromLatin1("0x40000000"); possibleRebaseAdresses << QString::fromLatin1("0x60000000"); possibleRebaseAdresses << QString::fromLatin1("0x60800000"); possibleRebaseAdresses << QString::fromLatin1("0x68000000"); //this uses git foreach (const QString &newAdress, possibleRebaseAdresses) { bool rebased = rebaseDlls(maddeBinLocation, rebaseBinaryLocation, newAdress); if (!rebased) { //rebasing is not working return 2; } bool reseted = cleanUpSubDirectories(maddeLocation, directoriesForCleanUp, QStringList(successFileCheck)); if (!reseted) { //Madde couldn't reseted to the starting position return 3; } if (!checkTools(maddeBinLocation, binaryCheckList)) { //we need another adress continue; } bool installationWentFine = runInstall(postinstallCommand, successFileCheck); if (installationWentFine) { qDebug() << "Rebasing dlls to " << newAdress <<" helped to install MADDE"; return 0; } } //means rebasing was not helping return 1; }