QUIP: Title: Author: Comma-Separated List, With Continuation Lines Status: { Active | Superseded | Withdrawn } Type: { Implementation | Informational | Process } [Qt-Version:] [Content-Type: text/x-rst] [Requires: QUIP-1] Created: YYYY-MM-dd Post-History: https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/YYYY-Month/nnnnnn.html [Replaces:] [Superseded-By:] Title ===== Introductory paragraph, motivation. Use reStructuredText_ mark-up. Run it through the checker_ to see how it'll look. Various sections ---------------- Develop the theme and state the proposal. References ---------- .. [0] QUIP-1 defines the form this template anticipates: https://code.qt.io/cgit/meta/quips.git/tree/quip-0001.rst .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. _checker: http://rst.ninjs.org/