# QML for Android QML wrappers for native Android controls. ## Introduction This is a former Qt hackathon project born in November 2014. Credits for the original idea and the groundwork go to Attila Csipa: - http://achipa.blogspot.no/2014/11/qml-wrappers-for-native-android.html - http://achipa.blogspot.no/2014/11/native-ui-in-qt-on-android-without.html ## Requirements - Qt 5.4 or later - Android 5.x - Gradle ## Installation Build and install like any Qt module. ## Getting Started Link to the library, and deploy the desired Android packages in the application .pro file: QT += nativeandroid A minimal QML example that can replace the main.qml when using the Qt Quick Application template in Qt Creator. The rest can stay the same, using QQmlApplicationEngine to load the main.qml: import android 0.21 import android.app 0.21 import android.view 0.21 import android.widget 0.21 Activity { contentView: Button { text: "Button" } } Using an options menu in Activity requires changing the activity type in AndroidManifest.xml. The default activity type for Qt apps is "org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity", which must be changed to "org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.app.QtNativeActivity". In order to create the file, click "Create Templates" in Qt Creator: Projects -> Build & Run -> Build Steps -> Build Android APK ## Notes The Android 5.x dependency is not going to stay. Proper Android version handling is just missing for the time being. The goal of the hackathon project was to create a visually stunning demo, not a polished product. ;)