# QML for Android QML wrappers for native Android controls. ## Introduction This is a former Qt hackathon project born in November 2014. Credits for the original idea and the groundwork go to Attila Csipa: - http://achipa.blogspot.no/2014/11/qml-wrappers-for-native-android.html - http://achipa.blogspot.no/2014/11/native-ui-in-qt-on-android-without.html ## Requirements - Qt 5.4 or later - Android 5.x - Gradle ## Installation Build and install like any Qt module. ## Getting Started Link to the library, and deploy the desired Android packages in the application .pro file: QT += qmlandroid QMLANDROID_PACKAGES = app view widget A minimal QML example that can replace the main.qml when using the Qt Quick Application template in Qt Creator. The rest can stay the same, using QQmlApplicationEngine to load the main.qml: import android 0.21 import android.app 0.21 import android.view 0.21 import android.widget 0.21 Activity { contentView: Button { text: "Button" } } Using an options menu in Activity requires changing the activity type in AndroidManifest.xml. The default activity type for Qt apps is "org.qtproject.qt5.android.bindings.QtActivity", which must be changed to "qt.android.app.QmlActivity". In order to create the file, click "Create Templates" in Qt Creator: Projects -> Build & Run -> Build Steps -> Build Android APK ## Notes The Android 5.x dependency is not going to stay. Proper Android version handling is just missing for the time being. The goal of the hackathon project was to create a visually stunning demo, not a polished product. ;)