path: root/src/protocol/qstprotocol.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/protocol/qstprotocol.cpp')
1 files changed, 1086 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/protocol/qstprotocol.cpp b/src/protocol/qstprotocol.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5a69b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/protocol/qstprotocol.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1086 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Contact:
+** This file is part of QtSystemTest.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
+** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** GNU General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
+** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
+** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
+** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
+** Other Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
+** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
+ This cpp file contains a number of socket related classes that are used heavily in QtUiTest.
+ The classes are documented later in the file.
+#include "qstprotocol.h"
+#include <qtuitestnamespace.h>
+#include <QCoreApplication>
+#include <QString>
+#include <QTimer>
+#include <QUuid>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QtNetwork/QTcpSocket>
+#include <QtNetwork/QTcpServer>
+#include <QtNetwork/QHostAddress>
+#include <QtNetwork/QHostInfo>
+#include <QPointer>
+#include <QDebug>
+#define qLog(A) if (1); else qDebug()
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) && !defined(Q_OS_TEMP)
+# include <io.h>
+static const int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 20000;
+static const quint32 TEST_MSG_SIGNATURE = 0xEDBAEDBA;
+static const quint32 TEST_MSG_END = 0xEDBAABDE;
+static uint g_unique_id = 0;
+bool waitForSignal(QObject* object, const char* signal, int timeout)
+ return QtUiTest::waitForSignal(object, signal, timeout);
+ QEventLoop loop;
+ QTimer dummy;
+ dummy.setInterval(1000);
+ if (!QObject::connect(object, signal, &dummy, SLOT(start())))
+ return false;
+ if (!QObject::connect(object, signal, &loop, SLOT(quit())))
+ return false;
+ QTimer::singleShot(timeout, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+ loop.exec();
+ return dummy.isActive();
+void wait(int timeout)
+ QtUiTest::wait(timeout);
+ QEventLoop loop;
+ QTimer::singleShot(timeout, &loop, SLOT(quit()));
+ loop.exec();
+ \class QstMessage qstprotocol.h
+ \inpublicgroup QtUiTestModule
+ \brief The QstMessage class can be used for exchanging messages between separate
+ processes. The class is never used directly but instead is used by QstProtocol.
+ The class basically wraps a number of strings (i.e. 'event' and 'message') and binary data
+ (i.e. a bytearray or a file) into a datastream that is sent to a peer using a socket
+ connection. On the receiving side a QstMessage instance is decoding the datastream
+ and performs a number of sanity checks to make it a bit more robost.
+ A TCP connection 'should' be reliable but in exceptional cases bytes may be lost. This
+ would result in the connection becoming useless because all future data reception would
+ be out of sync. To solve this a 'resync' function is implemented that can re-sync the datastream
+ by throwing away bytes until the data seems in sync again. The obvious downside is that
+ at least one message will be lost.
+ Message format is as follows:
+ Field: Length: Remarks:
+ Start signature 4 Fixed value - 0xEDBAEDBA
+ Message state 1 See MessageState enum
+ Message number 2
+ Length 4 Length of event/context block
+ Event:Context Length QString value (event and context)
+ Data length 4 Length of following binary data
+ File data Data length Binary data
+ End signature 4 Fixed value - 0xEDBAABDE
+ \internal
+ Constructs a default (empty) message.
+QstMessage::QstMessage(const QString &event, QVariantMap const &map)
+ : m_phase(0)
+ , m_msg_id(0)
+ , m_event(event)
+ , m_state(MessageEmpty)
+ , m_map(map)
+ \internal
+ Copy constructor.
+QstMessage::QstMessage(const QstMessage &other)
+ : m_phase(0)
+ , m_msg_id(other.m_msg_id)
+ , m_event(other.m_event)
+ , m_context(other.m_context)
+ , m_state(other.m_state)
+ , m_map(other.m_map)
+ , m_buffer(other.m_buffer)
+ \internal
+ Destroys the message.
+ \internal
+ Assignment operator.
+QstMessage& QstMessage::operator=(const QstMessage &other)
+ m_msg_id = other.m_msg_id;
+ m_event = other.m_event;
+ m_context = other.m_context;
+ m_state = other.m_state;
+ m_map = other.m_map;
+ m_buffer = other.m_buffer;
+ return *this;
+QVariant &QstMessage::operator[](const QString &key)
+ unpack();
+ return m_map[key.toLower()];
+const QVariant QstMessage::operator[](const QString &key) const
+ unpack();
+ return m_map[key.toLower()];
+bool QstMessage::contains(const QString &key) const
+ unpack();
+ return m_map.contains(key.toLower());
+QList<QString> QstMessage::keys() const
+ unpack();
+ return m_map.keys();
+QString QstMessage::toString() const
+ QString ret;
+ if (!isUnpacked()) {
+ ret = QLatin1String("(packed)\n");
+ return ret;
+ }
+ QVariantMap::const_iterator i = m_map.constBegin();
+ while (i != m_map.constEnd()) {
+ if (!i.value().isValid()) {
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret += i.key() + QLatin1String(": ");
+ if (i.value().canConvert<QStringList>())
+ ret += QLatin1String("'") + i.value().toStringList().join(QLatin1String("','")) + QLatin1String("'");
+ else if (i.value().canConvert<QString>())
+ ret += QLatin1String("'") + i.value().toString() + QLatin1String("'");
+ else
+ ret += QLatin1String("(data)");
+ ret += QLatin1Char('\n');
+ ++i;
+ }
+ if (ret.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n'))) ret.chop(1);
+ return ret;
+QVariantMap QstMessage::toMap() const
+ return m_map;
+ \internal
+ Returns the event that was received.
+QString QstMessage::event() const
+ return m_event;
+void QstMessage::setEvent(const QString &event)
+ m_event = event;
+ \internal
+ Returns the message number.
+quint16 QstMessage::msgId() const
+ return m_msg_id;
+bool QstMessage::isNull() const
+ return m_map.isEmpty();
+bool QstMessage::isUnpacked() const
+ return m_buffer.isEmpty();
+void QstMessage::unpack() const
+ if (isUnpacked()) return;
+ QDataStream s(&m_buffer, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
+ s.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_6);
+ s >> m_map;
+ m_buffer.clear();
+ \class QstProtocol qstprotocol.h
+ \inpublicgroup QtUiTestModule
+ \brief The QstProtocol class can be used for exchanging messages between separate
+ processes.
+ It is intended to be fast but at the same time ultra reliable and robust communication protocol.
+ The main function that is used on the sending side is:
+ \code
+ myConnection.postMessage( "My-Event", "My-Message", ptr_to_my_data );
+ \endcode
+ On the receiving side the main function is a re-implemented 'processMessage':
+ \code
+ void MyTestConnection::processMessage( QstMessage *msg )
+ {
+ if (msg->event() == "My-Event") {
+ print( msg->message() );
+ }
+ }
+ \endcode
+#include <stdio.h>
+QstProtocol::QstProtocol(QObject *parent)
+ : QTcpSocket(parent)
+ , tx_msg_id(1)
+ , port(0)
+ , onData_busy(false)
+ , enable_reconnect(false)
+ , reconnect_interval(10000)
+ , last_data_received(false)
+ , connection_valid(false)
+ , debug_on(false)
+ , m_auto_unpack(true)
+ static int id1 = qRegisterMetaType<QstMessage>(); Q_UNUSED(id1);
+ static int id2 = qRegisterMetaType<QstMessage*>(); Q_UNUSED(id2);
+ static int id3 = qRegisterMetaType<const QstMessage*>(); Q_UNUSED(id3);
+ unique_id = QString::number(++g_unique_id);
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::QstProtocol()").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ cur_message = 0;
+ rx_busy = false;
+ QObject::connect( &connect_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(connectTimeout()), Qt::DirectConnection );
+ QObject::connect( this,SIGNAL(connected()),this,SLOT(onSocketConnected()), Qt::DirectConnection );
+ QObject::connect( this,SIGNAL(disconnected()),this,SLOT(onSocketClosed()), Qt::DirectConnection );
+ QObject::connect( this,SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(onData()), Qt::DirectConnection );
+ // initialize. Any time is better than no time.
+ rx_timer.start();
+ Destructs the instance of QstProtocol.
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::~QstProtocol()").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ enableReconnect( false, 0 );
+ // anything that is still in the tx buffer gets lost
+ abort();
+ close();
+ while (send_msg_replies.count() > 0)
+ delete send_msg_replies.takeFirst();
+ while (unhandled_msg.count() > 0)
+ delete unhandled_msg.takeFirst();
+void QstProtocol::setSocket( int socket )
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::setSocket(socket=%2)").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(socket).toLatin1());
+ }
+ setSocketDescriptor( socket );
+ rx_timer.start();
+ testConnection();
+void QstProtocol::enableReconnect( bool enable, uint reconnectInterval )
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::enableReconnect( enable=%2, interval=%3)").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(enable).
+ arg(reconnectInterval).toLatin1());
+ }
+ enable_reconnect = enable;
+ reconnect_interval = reconnectInterval;
+ Opens a socket connection to the specified \a hostname and \a port.
+ After a connection is successfully opened the instance will listen for and process
+ incoming commands received from the remote host.
+void QstProtocol::connect( const QString& hostname, int port )
+ if (state() == ConnectedState) {
+ if (hostname == this->host && port == this->port)
+ return;
+ disconnect();
+ }
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::connect(%2:%3)").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(hostname).
+ arg(port).toLatin1());
+ }
+ rx_timer.start();
+ this->host = hostname;
+ this->port = port;
+ reconnect();
+void QstProtocol::disconnect( bool disableReconnect )
+ if (state() == ConnectedState) {
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::disconnect(disableReconnect=%2)").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(disableReconnect).toLatin1());
+ }
+ // be polite and tell the other side we are closing
+ postMessage( QstMessage("QTEST_CLOSING_CONNECTION") );
+ // we are closing ourselves, so we don't want to reconnect
+ if (disableReconnect) enable_reconnect = false;
+ onSocketClosed();
+ }
+bool QstProtocol::isConnected()
+ return ((state() == ConnectedState) && connection_valid);
+bool QstProtocol::waitForConnected( int timeout )
+ QTime t;
+ t.start();
+ bool ok = false;
+ QTime t2;
+ t2.start();
+ while (t.elapsed() < timeout && !ok) {
+ ok = QTcpSocket::waitForConnected(timeout);
+ if (!ok) {
+ wait(100);
+ if (t2.elapsed() > 1000) {
+ t2.start();
+ reconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ok) {
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::waitForConnected(%2, %3) ...")
+ .arg(uniqueId()).arg(timeout).arg(stateStr()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ t2.start();
+ while (t.elapsed() < timeout && !isConnected()) {
+ wait(10);
+ if (!isConnected() && t2.elapsed() > 500) {
+ postMessage( QstMessage(QLatin1String("QTEST_NEW_CONNECTION")) );
+ t2.start();
+ }
+ }
+ ok = isConnected();
+ }
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::waitForConnected() ... %2 (%3 ms)").arg(uniqueId()).arg(ok ? "OK" : "FAILED" ).arg(t.elapsed()).toLatin1();
+ if (!ok) qDebug() << errorStr();
+ }
+ return ok;
+ \internal
+ Posts (e.g. non blocking) an \a event, \a message and contents of \a fileName to the remote host.
+uint QstProtocol::postMessage(const QstMessage &message )
+ if (debug_on && message.event() != QLatin1String("PING") && message.event() != QLatin1String("PONG")) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::postMessage(%2)").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(message.event()).toLatin1());
+ }
+ if (state() != ConnectedState)
+ return 0;
+ QstMessage msg(message);
+ msg.m_msg_id = tx_msg_id++;
+ send( msg );
+ return msg.m_msg_id;
+void QstProtocol::onReplyReceived( QstMessage* /*reply*/ )
+ \internal
+ Sends an \a event, \a message and \a data to the remote host and waits for up to
+ \a timeout milliseconds for a reply. If a reply is received, the reply's message
+ string is placed in \a reply.
+bool QstProtocol::sendMessage( const QstMessage &message, QstMessage &reply, int timeout )
+ QstMessage msg(message);
+ QPointer<QstProtocol> safeThis(this);
+ bool safeDebugOn(debug_on);
+ QString safeUniqueId(uniqueId());
+ last_send_cmd = message.event();
+ if (state() == ConnectingState) {
+ wait(4000);
+ }
+ if (state() == ConnectedState) {
+ msg.m_msg_id = tx_msg_id++;
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::sendMessage(%2) msgid=%3)").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(msg.event()).
+ arg(msg.msgId()).
+ toLatin1());
+ }
+ send( msg );
+ QTime t1;
+ t1.start();
+ QTime t2;
+ t2.start();
+ bool first_time = true;
+ while ( (state() == ConnectedState) &&
+ (timeout < 0 || t1.elapsed() < timeout) ) {
+ if (debug_on) {
+ if (first_time || t2.elapsed() > 1000) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::sendMessage(%2) ... waiting for reply").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(message.event()).toLatin1());
+ t2.start();
+ first_time = false;
+ }
+ }
+ waitForSignal(this, SIGNAL(replyReceived()), 500);
+ if (!safeThis) {
+ if (safeDebugOn) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::sendMessage(%2) ... object deleted unexpectedly").
+ arg(safeUniqueId).
+ arg(message.event()).toLatin1());
+ }
+ reply[QLatin1String("status")] = "ERROR: Connection was terminated unexpectedly. This may be caused by an application crash.";
+ reply[QLatin1String("_q_inResponseTo")] = QString("%1\n%2").arg(message.event()).arg(message.toString());
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if (send_msg_replies.count() > 0) {
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::sendMessage(%2) ... check replies").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(message.event()).toLatin1());
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<send_msg_replies.size(); i++) {
+ QstMessage * possible_reply =;
+ if (possible_reply && possible_reply->m_msg_id == msg.m_msg_id) {
+ reply = *possible_reply;
+ delete send_msg_replies.takeAt( i );
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::sendMessage(%2) ... reply received").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(message.event()).toLatin1());
+ }
+ onReplyReceived(&reply);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (state() != ConnectedState) {
+ reply[QLatin1String("status")] = "ERROR: Connection lost. This is likely caused by a crash in the Application Under Test.";
+ reply[QLatin1String("_q_inResponseTo")] = QString("%1\n%2").arg(message.event()).arg(message.toString());
+ } else {
+ qDebug() << "ERROR-REPLY-TIMEOUT: " << t1.elapsed() << t2.elapsed();
+ reply[QLatin1String("status")] = QLatin1String("ERROR_REPLY_TIMEOUT");
+ reply[QLatin1String("_q_inResponseTo")] = QString("%1\n%2").arg(message.event()).arg(message.toString());
+ }
+ reply[QLatin1String("location")] = QString("%1:%2").arg(__FILE__).arg(__LINE__);
+ } else {
+ reply[QLatin1String("status")] = QLatin1String("ERROR_NO_CONNECTION");
+ reply[QLatin1String("_q_inResponseTo")] = QString("%1\n%2").arg(message.event()).arg(message.toString());
+ reply[QLatin1String("location")] = QString("%1:%2").arg(__FILE__).arg(__LINE__);
+ }
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::sendMessage(%2) ... done. Status: %3").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(message.event()).arg(reply[QLatin1String("status")].toString()).toLatin1());
+ }
+ return false;
+ Send the string \a result as a reply to \a originalMsg.
+void QstProtocol::replyMessage( const QstMessage *originalMsg, const QstMessage &message )
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::replyMessage(%2)").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(originalMsg->event()).toLatin1());
+ }
+ QstMessage msg(message);
+ msg.m_msg_id = originalMsg->msgId();
+ msg.m_event = QLatin1String("@REPLY@");
+ if (originalMsg->state() == QstMessage::MessageOldVersion) {
+ msg["status"] = QLatin1String(
+ "\n**********************************************"
+ "\nThe version of qtuitestrunner you are using is"
+ "\nincompatible with this version of QtUiTest!"
+ "\n**********************************************\n");
+ }
+ send( msg );
+bool QstProtocol::lastDataReceived()
+ return last_data_received;
+QString QstProtocol::errorStr()
+ QString S = QLatin1String("Connection error: ");
+ switch (error()) {
+ case ConnectionRefusedError: S += QString("Connection attempt to %1:%2 failed").arg(host).arg(port).toLatin1(); break;
+ case HostNotFoundError: S += QString("Host %1:%2 not found").arg(host).arg(port).toLatin1(); break;
+ case RemoteHostClosedError: S += QLatin1String("RemoteHostClosedError"); break;
+ case SocketAccessError: S += QLatin1String("SocketAccessError"); break;
+ case SocketResourceError: S += QLatin1String("SocketResourceError"); break;
+ case SocketTimeoutError: S += QLatin1String("SocketTimeoutError"); break;
+ case DatagramTooLargeError: S += QLatin1String("DatagramTooLargeError"); break;
+ case NetworkError: S += QLatin1String("NetworkError"); break;
+ case AddressInUseError: S += QLatin1String("AddressInUseError"); break;
+ case SocketAddressNotAvailableError: S += QLatin1String("SocketAddressNotAvailableError"); break;
+ case UnsupportedSocketOperationError: S += QLatin1String("UnsupportedSocketOperationError"); break;
+ case UnknownSocketError: S += QLatin1String("UnknownSocketError"); break;
+ default: S += QLatin1String("Unknown error");
+ }
+ return S;
+QString QstProtocol::stateStr()
+ switch (state()) {
+ case QAbstractSocket::UnconnectedState: return QLatin1String("UnconnectedState");
+ case QAbstractSocket::HostLookupState: return QLatin1String("HostLookupState");
+ case QAbstractSocket::ConnectingState: return QLatin1String("ConnectingState");
+ case QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState: return QLatin1String("ConnectedState");
+ case QAbstractSocket::BoundState: return QLatin1String("BoundState");
+ case QAbstractSocket::ClosingState: return QLatin1String("ClosingState");
+ case QAbstractSocket::ListeningState: return QLatin1String("ListeningState");
+ }
+ return QLatin1String("Unknown state");
+void QstProtocol::onConnectionFailed( const QString &reason )
+ emit connectionFailed( this, reason );
+void QstProtocol::testConnection()
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::testConnection()").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ while (send_msg_replies.count() > 0)
+ delete send_msg_replies.takeFirst();
+ postMessage( QstMessage(QLatin1String("QTEST_NEW_CONNECTION")) );
+void QstProtocol::send( const QstMessage &message )
+ QByteArray data;
+ if (!message.isUnpacked()) {
+ data = message.m_buffer;
+ } else if (!message.m_map.isEmpty()) {
+ QDataStream s(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+ s.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_6);
+ s << message.m_map;
+ }
+ QDataStream tmp(this);
+ tmp.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_6);
+ sendPreamble(&tmp, message);
+ // phase 2
+ quint32 len = data.count();
+ tmp << len;
+ if (len > 0) {
+ // phase 3
+ tmp.writeRawData(, (int)len );
+ }
+ // phase 4
+ tmp << TEST_MSG_END;
+ flush(); // Force socket to send data now
+void QstProtocol::sendPreamble( QDataStream *ds, const QstMessage &message)
+ // phase 0
+ *ds << static_cast<quint8>(message.state());
+ *ds << message.msgId();
+ // phase 1
+ QString event;
+ if (message.context().isEmpty()) {
+ event = message.event();
+ } else {
+ event = message.event() + QChar(':') + message.context();
+ }
+ quint32 len = (event.length() *2) + 4;
+ *ds << len;
+ *ds << event;
+bool QstProtocol::receive( QstMessage *msg, bool &syncError )
+ syncError = false;
+ QDataStream stream(this);
+ stream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_4_6);
+ quint8 msgState;
+ if (msg->m_phase == uint(0)) {
+ msg->m_len = 0;
+ quint32 sig;
+ if (bytesAvailable() >= sizeof( sig ) + sizeof( msgState ) + sizeof( msg->m_msg_id ) + sizeof( msg->m_len )) {
+ stream >> sig;
+ if (sig != TEST_MSG_SIGNATURE) {
+ qWarning() << QString("QstMessage::receive(), Invalid start signature (0x%1)").arg(sig,8,16).toLatin1();
+ syncError = true;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ stream >> msgState;
+ msg->m_state = static_cast<QstMessage::MessageState>(msgState);
+ stream >> msg->m_msg_id;
+ stream >> msg->m_len;
+ msg->m_phase++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (msg->m_phase == uint(1)) {
+ if (bytesAvailable() >= msg->m_len) {
+ QString event;
+ stream >> event;
+ int i = event.indexOf(QLatin1Char(':'));
+ if (i == -1) {
+ msg->m_event = event;
+ } else {
+ msg->m_event = event.left(i);
+ msg->m_context = event.mid(i+1);
+ }
+ msg->m_phase++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msg->m_phase == uint(2)) {
+ if (bytesAvailable() >= sizeof( msg->m_len )) {
+ stream >> msg->m_len;
+ msg->m_phase++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msg->m_phase == uint(3)) {
+ if (msg->m_len > 0) {
+ QByteArray buf;
+ quint32 len = msg->m_len;
+ uint bytes_available = bytesAvailable();
+ if (bytes_available < len)
+ len = bytes_available;
+ buf.resize( len );
+ stream.readRawData(, len );
+ msg->m_buffer.append(buf);
+ msg->m_len -= len;
+ if (msg->m_len == 0) {
+ // received OK
+ msg->m_phase++;
+ } else {
+ // waiting for more data
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ msg->m_phase++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msg->m_phase == uint(4)) {
+ quint32 id2;
+ if (bytesAvailable() >= sizeof( id2 )) {
+ stream >> id2;
+ msg->m_phase = 0;
+ if (id2 != TEST_MSG_END) {
+ qWarning() << QString("QstMessage::receive(), Invalid end signature (0x%2)").arg(id2,8,16).toLatin1();
+ syncError = true;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool QstProtocol::rxBusy()
+ return rx_busy;
+ Reads the remote control connection and responds to received commands.
+void QstProtocol::onData()
+ if (onData_busy) return;
+ onData_busy = true;
+ int sync_error_count = 0;
+ bool msg_received = true;
+ while (msg_received && bytesAvailable() > 0) {
+ msg_received = false;
+ // set the time to now :-)
+ rx_timer.start();
+ bool sync_error;
+ if (cur_message == 0)
+ cur_message = new QstMessage();
+ if (receive( cur_message, sync_error )) {
+ msg_received = true;
+ QString last_event = cur_message->event();
+ if (m_auto_unpack) {
+ cur_message->unpack();
+ }
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << ( QString("%1 QstProtocol::onData(%2) msgid = %3").
+ arg(uniqueId()).
+ arg(last_event).
+ arg(cur_message->m_msg_id).
+ toLatin1());
+ }
+ // We received a full message
+ if (last_event == QLatin1String("@REPLY@")) {
+ // add the reply to a list
+ send_msg_replies.append( cur_message );
+ int id = cur_message->m_msg_id;
+ QstMessage *received_message(cur_message);
+ // and make sure we create a new one
+ cur_message = 0;
+ emit replyReceived( id, received_message );
+ } else if (last_event == QLatin1String("QTEST_NEW_CONNECTION")) {
+ // Acknowledge the other side we can receive data
+ postMessage( QstMessage(QLatin1String("QTEST_ACK_CONNECTION")) );
+ } else if (last_event == QLatin1String("QTEST_ACK_CONNECTION")) {
+ // we don't assume we have a connection until both sides
+ // have actually received data from the other side
+ connection_valid = true;
+ onConnected();
+ connect_timer.stop();
+ } else if (last_event == QLatin1String("QTEST_CLOSING_CONNECTION")) {
+ last_data_received = true;
+ QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT(onSocketClosed()));
+ } else if (last_event == QLatin1String("PONG")) {
+ // Do nothing
+ } else if (last_event == QLatin1String("TEST")) {
+ if (!debug_on) {
+ // don't show the same information twice
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 Test message received").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ } else if (last_event == QLatin1String("PING")) {
+ postMessage( QstMessage(QLatin1String("PONG")) );
+ } else {
+ // add the msg to a list
+ unhandled_msg.append( cur_message );
+ cur_message = 0;
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(processMessages()));
+ }
+ delete cur_message;
+ cur_message = 0;
+ } else {
+ // We didn't receive a full message
+ if (sync_error) {
+ sync_error_count++;
+ if (sync_error_count > 10)
+ return;
+ // receiving garbage messages - nothing can be done but closing the connection and try again.
+ delete cur_message;
+ cur_message = 0;
+ disconnect(!enable_reconnect);
+ reconnect();
+ }
+ // else we are waiting on more fragments to arrive
+ }
+ }
+ onData_busy = false;
+void QstProtocol::processMessages()
+ while (!rx_busy && unhandled_msg.count() > 0) {
+ QstMessage *tmp = unhandled_msg.takeFirst();
+ if (tmp) {
+ rx_busy = true;
+ processMessage( tmp );
+ delete tmp;
+ rx_busy = false;
+ }
+ }
+ Signals the instance that the other side has closed the connection.
+void QstProtocol::onSocketClosed()
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::onSocketClosed()").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ // anything that is still in the tx buffer gets lost
+ abort();
+ close();
+ connection_valid = false;
+ // if the close was spontaneous and we want to keep the connection alive, we try to reconnect
+ if (enable_reconnect) {
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() <<
+ QString("%1 QstProtocol::onSocketClosed() singleshot reconnect in .5 seconds").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ QTimer::singleShot(500,this,SLOT(reconnect()));
+ }
+ // tell the world we are closed
+ QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(emitConnectionClosed()));
+ Signals the instance that a connection is established with a remote control host.
+void QstProtocol::onSocketConnected()
+ connect_timer.stop();
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::onSocketConnected()").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ testConnection();
+void QstProtocol::reconnect()
+ if (!host.isEmpty() && state() != ConnectedState) {
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::reconnect(%2)").arg(uniqueId()).arg(stateStr()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ connect_timer.stop();
+ connect_timer.start( CONNECT_TIMEOUT );
+ // if we are trying to connect to the local machine, always use
+ // (and avoid the need for dns)
+ QString hostname = QHostInfo::localHostName().toUpper();
+ if (hostname == host.toUpper() || hostname.startsWith( host.toUpper() + "." ))
+ host = QLatin1String("");
+ close();
+ wait(100);
+ if (state() == ConnectingState) {
+ // Will just get a warning, retry later
+ return;
+ }
+ connectToHost( host, port );
+ } else {
+ if (host.isEmpty()) {
+ qWarning( "QstProtocol::reconnect() FAILED, no host specified" );
+ enable_reconnect = false;
+ }
+ }
+void QstProtocol::connectTimeout()
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::connectTimeout()").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ connect_timer.stop();
+ if (enable_reconnect) {
+ reconnect();
+ } else {
+ onConnectionFailed( errorStr() );
+ }
+void QstProtocol::emitConnectionClosed()
+ if (debug_on) {
+ qDebug() << QString("%1 QstProtocol::emitConnectionClosed()").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1();
+ }
+ // force sendMessage to quit
+ emit replyReceived();
+ emit connectionClosed( this );
+QString QstProtocol::uniqueId() const
+ return QString("%1 %2").arg(unique_id).arg(qApp->applicationName());
+void QstProtocol::enableDebug( bool debugOn )
+ debug_on = debugOn;
+ qDebug() << QString("Debugging is switched %1 for Test Protocol %2").arg(debugOn ? "ON" : "OFF").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1() ;
+void QstProtocol::disableDebug()
+ debug_on = false;
+ qDebug() << QString("Debugging is switched %1 for Test Protocol %2").arg(debug_on ? "ON" : "OFF").arg(uniqueId()).toLatin1() ;