/* * This file is part of the API Extractor project. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Roberto Raggi * * Contact: PySide team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "declarator_compiler.h" #include "name_compiler.h" #include "type_compiler.h" #include "compiler_utils.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "binder.h" #include "tokens.h" #include DeclaratorCompiler::DeclaratorCompiler(Binder *binder) : _M_binder(binder), _M_token_stream(binder->tokenStream()) { } void DeclaratorCompiler::run(DeclaratorAST *node) { _M_id.clear(); _M_parameters.clear(); _M_array.clear(); _M_function = false; _M_reference = false; _M_variadics = false; _M_indirection = 0; if (node) { NameCompiler name_cc(_M_binder); DeclaratorAST *decl = node; while (decl && decl->sub_declarator) decl = decl->sub_declarator; Q_ASSERT(decl != 0); name_cc.run(decl->id); _M_id = name_cc.name(); _M_function = (node->parameter_declaration_clause != 0); if (node->parameter_declaration_clause && node->parameter_declaration_clause->ellipsis) _M_variadics = true; visitNodes(this, node->ptr_ops); visit(node->parameter_declaration_clause); if (const ListNode *it = node->array_dimensions) { it->toFront(); const ListNode *end = it; do { QString elt; if (ExpressionAST *expr = it->element) { const Token &start_token = _M_token_stream->token((int) expr->start_token); const Token &end_token = _M_token_stream->token((int) expr->end_token); elt += QString::fromUtf8(&start_token.text[start_token.position], (int)(end_token.position - start_token.position)).trimmed(); } _M_array.append(elt); it = it->next; } while (it != end); } } } void DeclaratorCompiler::visitPtrOperator(PtrOperatorAST *node) { std::size_t op = _M_token_stream->kind(node->op); switch (op) { case '&': _M_reference = true; break; case '*': ++_M_indirection; break; default: break; } if (node->mem_ptr) { #if defined(__GNUC__) #warning "ptr to mem -- not implemented" #endif } } void DeclaratorCompiler::visitParameterDeclaration(ParameterDeclarationAST *node) { Parameter p; TypeCompiler type_cc(_M_binder); DeclaratorCompiler decl_cc(_M_binder); decl_cc.run(node->declarator); p.name = decl_cc.id(); p.type = CompilerUtils::typeDescription(node->type_specifier, node->declarator, _M_binder); if (node->expression != 0) { const Token &start = _M_token_stream->token((int) node->expression->start_token); const Token &end = _M_token_stream->token((int) node->expression->end_token); int length = (int)(end.position - start.position); p.defaultValueExpression = QString(); QString source = QString::fromUtf8(&start.text[start.position], length).trimmed(); QStringList list = source.split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { if (!list.at(i).startsWith("#")) p.defaultValueExpression += list.at(i).trimmed(); } p.defaultValue = p.defaultValueExpression.size() > 0; } _M_parameters.append(p); } // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;