diff options
10 files changed, 387 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index e5567f5ab..f23e1853b 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-[submodule "sources/shiboken"]
- path = sources/shiboken
- url = https://github.com/PySide/shiboken.git
-[submodule "sources/pyside"]
- path = sources/pyside
- url = https://github.com/PySide/pyside.git
-[submodule "sources/pyside-tools"]
- path = sources/pyside-tools
- url = https://github.com/PySide/Tools.git
-[submodule "sources/pyside-examples"]
- path = sources/pyside-examples
- url = https://github.com/PySide/Examples.git
+[submodule "sources/pyside2"]
+ path = sources/pyside2
+ url=https://github.com/PySide/pyside2.git
+[submodule "sources/shiboken2"]
+ path = sources/shiboken2
+ url=https://github.com/PySide/shiboken2.git
+[submodule "sources/pyside-tools2"]
+ path = sources/pyside-tools2
+ url=https://github.com/PySide/pyside-tools2.git
+[submodule "sources/pyside-examples2"]
+ path = sources/pyside-examples2
+ url=https://github.com/PySide/pyside-examples2.git
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 809354c7f..26ab178e8 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-.. image:: https://pypip.in/wheel/PySide/badge.png
+.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/wheel/pyside.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide/
:alt: Wheel Status
-.. image:: https://pypip.in/download/PySide/badge.png
+.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/pyside.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide/
:alt: Downloads
-.. image:: https://pypip.in/version/PySide/badge.png
+.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/pyside.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide/
:alt: Latest Version
-.. image:: https://pypip.in/license/PySide/badge.png
+.. image:: https://binstar.org/asmeurer/pyside/badges/license.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PySide/
:alt: License
@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ PySide
+.. note::
+ This text is mostly from PySide 1.2.X. We need to update it when
+ PySide2 for Qt5 is more ready.
PySide is the Python Qt bindings project, providing access the complete Qt 4.8 framework
as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.
@@ -45,7 +51,7 @@ PySide requires Python 2.6 or later and Qt 4.6 or better.
.. note::
- Qt 5.x is currently not supported.
+ Qt 5.x is currently in the works.
diff --git a/checklibs.py b/checklibs.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff4d51ae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/checklibs.py
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# checklibs.py
+# Check Mach-O dependencies.
+# See http://www.entropy.ch/blog/Developer/2011/03/05/2011-Update-to-checklibs-Script-for-dynamic-library-dependencies.html
+# Written by Marc Liyanage <http://www.entropy.ch>
+import subprocess, sys, re, os.path, optparse, collections
+from pprint import pprint
+class MachOFile:
+ def __init__(self, image_path, arch, parent = None):
+ self.image_path = image_path
+ self._dependencies = []
+ self._cache = dict(paths = {}, order = [])
+ self.arch = arch
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.header_info = {}
+ self.load_info()
+ self.add_to_cache()
+ def load_info(self):
+ if not self.image_path.exists():
+ return
+ self.load_header()
+ self.load_rpaths()
+ def load_header(self):
+ # Get the mach-o header info, we're interested in the file type (executable, dylib)
+ cmd = 'otool -arch {0} -h "{1}"'
+ output = self.shell(cmd, [self.arch, self.image_path.resolved_path], fatal = True)
+ if not output:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Unable to load mach header for {0} ({1}), architecture mismatch? Use --arch option to pick architecture'.format(self.image_path.resolved_path, self.arch)
+ exit()
+ (keys, values) = output.splitlines()[2:]
+ self.header_info = dict(zip(keys.split(), values.split()))
+ def load_rpaths(self):
+ output = self.shell('otool -arch {0} -l "{1}"', [self.arch, self.image_path.resolved_path], fatal = True)
+ load_commands = re.split('Load command (\d+)', output)[1:] # skip file name on first line
+ self._rpaths = []
+ load_commands = collections.deque(load_commands)
+ while load_commands:
+ load_commands.popleft() # command index
+ command = load_commands.popleft().strip().splitlines()
+ if command[0].find('LC_RPATH') == -1:
+ continue
+ path = re.findall('path (.+) \(offset \d+\)$', command[2])[0]
+ image_path = self.image_path_for_recorded_path(path)
+ image_path.rpath_source = self
+ self._rpaths.append(image_path)
+ def ancestors(self):
+ ancestors = []
+ parent = self.parent
+ while parent:
+ ancestors.append(parent)
+ parent = parent.parent
+ return ancestors
+ def self_and_ancestors(self):
+ return [self] + self.ancestors()
+ def rpaths(self):
+ return self._rpaths
+ def all_rpaths(self):
+ rpaths = []
+ for image in self.self_and_ancestors():
+ rpaths.extend(image.rpaths())
+ return rpaths
+ def root(self):
+ if not self.parent:
+ return self
+ return self.ancestors()[-1]
+ def executable_path(self):
+ root = self.root()
+ if root.is_executable():
+ return root.image_path
+ return None
+ def filetype(self):
+ return long(self.header_info.get('filetype', 0))
+ def is_dylib(self):
+ return self.filetype() == MachOFile.MH_DYLIB
+ def is_executable(self):
+ return self.filetype() == MachOFile.MH_EXECUTE
+ def all_dependencies(self):
+ self.walk_dependencies()
+ return self.cache()['order']
+ def walk_dependencies(self, known = {}):
+ if known.get(self.image_path.resolved_path):
+ return
+ known[self.image_path.resolved_path] = self
+ for item in self.dependencies():
+ item.walk_dependencies(known)
+ def dependencies(self):
+ if not self.image_path.exists():
+ return []
+ if self._dependencies:
+ return self._dependencies
+ output = self.shell('otool -arch {0} -L "{1}"', [self.arch, self.image_path.resolved_path], fatal = True)
+ output = [line.strip() for line in output.splitlines()]
+ del(output[0])
+ if self.is_dylib():
+ del(output[0]) # In the case of dylibs, the first line is the id line
+ self._dependencies = []
+ for line in output:
+ match = re.match('^(.+)\s+(\(.+)\)$', line)
+ if not match:
+ continue
+ recorded_path = match.group(1)
+ image_path = self.image_path_for_recorded_path(recorded_path)
+ image = self.lookup_or_make_item(image_path)
+ self._dependencies.append(image)
+ return self._dependencies
+ # The root item holds the cache, all lower-level requests bubble up the parent chain
+ def cache(self):
+ if self.parent:
+ return self.parent.cache()
+ return self._cache
+ def add_to_cache(self):
+ cache = self.cache()
+ cache['paths'][self.image_path.resolved_path] = self
+ cache['order'].append(self)
+ def cached_item_for_path(self, path):
+ if not path:
+ return None
+ return self.cache()['paths'].get(path)
+ def lookup_or_make_item(self, image_path):
+ image = self.cached_item_for_path(image_path.resolved_path)
+ if not image: # cache miss
+ image = MachOFile(image_path, self.arch, parent = self)
+ return image
+ def image_path_for_recorded_path(self, recorded_path):
+ path = ImagePath(None, recorded_path)
+ # handle @executable_path
+ if recorded_path.startswith(ImagePath.EXECUTABLE_PATH_TOKEN):
+ executable_image_path = self.executable_path()
+ if executable_image_path:
+ path.resolved_path = os.path.normpath(recorded_path.replace(ImagePath.EXECUTABLE_PATH_TOKEN, os.path.dirname(executable_image_path.resolved_path)))
+ # handle @loader_path
+ elif recorded_path.startswith(ImagePath.LOADER_PATH_TOKEN):
+ path.resolved_path = os.path.normpath(recorded_path.replace(ImagePath.LOADER_PATH_TOKEN, os.path.dirname(self.image_path.resolved_path)))
+ # handle @rpath
+ elif recorded_path.startswith(ImagePath.RPATH_TOKEN):
+ for rpath in self.all_rpaths():
+ resolved_path = os.path.normpath(recorded_path.replace(ImagePath.RPATH_TOKEN, rpath.resolved_path))
+ if os.path.exists(resolved_path):
+ path.resolved_path = resolved_path
+ path.rpath_source = rpath.rpath_source
+ break
+ # handle absolute path
+ elif recorded_path.startswith('/'):
+ path.resolved_path = recorded_path
+ return path
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return str(self.image_path)
+ def dump(self):
+ print self.image_path
+ for dependency in self.dependencies():
+ print '\t{0}'.format(dependency)
+ @staticmethod
+ def shell(cmd_format, args, fatal = False):
+ cmd = cmd_format.format(*args)
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell = True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
+ output = popen.communicate()[0]
+ if popen.returncode and fatal:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Nonzero exit status for shell command "{0}"'.format(cmd)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return output
+ @classmethod
+ def architectures_for_image_at_path(cls, path):
+ output = cls.shell('file "{}"', [path])
+ file_architectures = re.findall(r' executable (\w+)', output)
+ ordering = 'x86_64 i386'.split()
+ file_architectures = sorted(file_architectures, lambda a, b: cmp(ordering.index(a), ordering.index(b)))
+ return file_architectures
+ MH_EXECUTE = 0x2
+ MH_DYLIB = 0x6
+ MH_BUNDLE = 0x8
+# ANSI terminal coloring sequences
+class Color:
+ HEADER = '\033[95m'
+ BLUE = '\033[94m'
+ GREEN = '\033[92m'
+ RED = '\033[91m'
+ ENDC = '\033[0m'
+ @staticmethod
+ def red(string):
+ return Color.wrap(string, Color.RED)
+ @staticmethod
+ def blue(string):
+ return Color.wrap(string, Color.BLUE)
+ @staticmethod
+ def wrap(string, color):
+ return Color.HEADER + color + string + Color.ENDC
+# This class holds path information for a mach-0 image file. It holds the path as it was recorded
+# in the loading binary as well as the effective, resolved file system path.
+# The former can contain @-replacement tokens.
+# In the case where the recorded path contains an @rpath token that was resolved successfully, we also
+# capture the path of the binary that supplied the rpath value that was used.
+# That path itself can contain replacement tokens such as @loader_path.
+class ImagePath:
+ def __init__(self, resolved_path, recorded_path = None):
+ self.recorded_path = recorded_path
+ self.resolved_path = resolved_path
+ self.rpath_source = None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ description = None
+ if self.resolved_equals_recorded() or self.recorded_path == None:
+ description = self.resolved_path
+ else:
+ description = '{0} ({1})'.format(self.resolved_path, self.recorded_path)
+ if (not self.is_system_location()) and (not self.uses_dyld_token()):
+ description = Color.blue(description)
+ if self.rpath_source:
+ description += ' (rpath source: {0})'.format(self.rpath_source.image_path.resolved_path)
+ if not self.exists():
+ description += Color.red(' (missing)')
+ return description
+ def exists(self):
+ return self.resolved_path and os.path.exists(self.resolved_path)
+ def resolved_equals_recorded(self):
+ return self.resolved_path and self.recorded_path and self.resolved_path == self.recorded_path
+ def uses_dyld_token(self):
+ return self.recorded_path and self.recorded_path.startswith('@')
+ def is_system_location(self):
+ system_prefixes = ['/System/Library', '/usr/lib']
+ for prefix in system_prefixes:
+ if self.resolved_path and self.resolved_path.startswith(prefix):
+ return True
+ EXECUTABLE_PATH_TOKEN = '@executable_path'
+ LOADER_PATH_TOKEN = '@loader_path'
+ RPATH_TOKEN = '@rpath'
+# Command line driver
+parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = "Usage: %prog [options] path_to_mach_o_file")
+parser.add_option("--arch", dest = "arch", help = "architecture", metavar = "ARCH")
+parser.add_option("--all", dest = "include_system_libraries", help = "Include system frameworks and libraries", action="store_true")
+(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+if len(args) < 1:
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+archs = MachOFile.architectures_for_image_at_path(args[0])
+if archs and not options.arch:
+ print >> sys.stderr, 'Analyzing architecture {}, override with --arch if needed'.format(archs[0])
+ options.arch = archs[0]
+toplevel_image = MachOFile(ImagePath(args[0]), options.arch)
+for dependency in toplevel_image.all_dependencies():
+ if dependency.image_path.exists() and (not options.include_system_libraries) and dependency.image_path.is_system_location():
+ continue
+ dependency.dump()
+ print
diff --git a/qtinfo.py b/qtinfo.py
index 631adb667..7c4cde76b 100644
--- a/qtinfo.py
+++ b/qtinfo.py
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ class QtInfo(object):
def getHeadersPath(self):
return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_HEADERS")
+ def getDocsPath(self):
+ return self.getProperty("QT_INSTALL_DOCS")
def getProperty(self, prop_name):
cmd = [self._qmake_path, "-query", prop_name]
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
@@ -52,3 +55,4 @@ class QtInfo(object):
imports_dir = property(getImportsPath)
translations_dir = property(getTranslationsPath)
headers_dir = property(getHeadersPath)
+ docs_dir = property(getDocsPath)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index b2798e243..7bb2d7af9 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ submodules = {
["shiboken2", "qt5"],
["pyside2", "qt5"],
["pyside-tools2", "qt5"],
- ["pyside-examples", "master"],
+ ["pyside-examples2", "qt5"],
'1.3.0dev': [
["shiboken", "master"],
@@ -113,6 +113,12 @@ from utils import regenerate_qt_resources
from utils import filter_match
from utils import osx_localize_libpaths
+# guess a close folder name for extensions
+def get_extension_folder(ext):
+ maybe = list(map(lambda x:x[0], submodules[__version__]))
+ folder = difflib.get_close_matches(ext, maybe)[0]
+ return folder
# Declare options
OPTION_DEBUG = has_option("debug")
OPTION_RELWITHDEBINFO = has_option('relwithdebinfo')
@@ -203,7 +209,7 @@ Use --list-versions option to get list of available versions""" % OPTION_VERSION
# remove pyside-exampes from submodules so they will not be included
for idx, item in enumerate(submodules[__version__]):
- if item[0] == 'pyside-examples':
+ if item[0].startswith('pyside-examples'):
del submodules[__version__][idx]
@@ -236,7 +242,11 @@ for n in ["pyside_package", "build", "PySide-%s" % __version__]:
d = os.path.join(script_dir, n)
if os.path.isdir(d):
print("Removing %s" % d)
- rmtree(d)
+ try:
+ rmtree(d)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('***** problem removing "{}"'.format(d))
+ print('ignored error: {}'.format(e))
# Prepare package folders
for pkg in ["pyside_package/PySide", "pyside_package/pysideuic"]:
@@ -490,6 +500,7 @@ class pyside_build(_build):
log.info("Qt qmake: %s" % self.qmake_path)
log.info("Qt version: %s" % qtinfo.version)
log.info("Qt bins: %s" % qtinfo.bins_dir)
+ log.info("Qt docs: %s" % qtinfo.docs_dir)
log.info("Qt plugins: %s" % qtinfo.plugins_dir)
log.info("-" * 3)
log.info("OpenSSL libs: %s" % OPTION_OPENSSL)
@@ -536,8 +547,7 @@ class pyside_build(_build):
def build_extension(self, extension):
# calculate the subrepos folder name
- maybe = list(map(lambda x:x[0], submodules[__version__]))
- folder = difflib.get_close_matches(extension, maybe)[0]
+ folder = get_extension_folder(extension)
log.info("Building module %s..." % extension)
@@ -550,9 +560,14 @@ class pyside_build(_build):
if os.path.exists(module_build_dir):
log.info("Deleting module build folder %s..." % module_build_dir)
- rmtree(module_build_dir)
+ try:
+ rmtree(module_build_dir)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('***** problem removing "{}"'.format(module_build_dir))
+ print('ignored error: {}'.format(e))
log.info("Creating module build folder %s..." % module_build_dir)
- os.makedirs(module_build_dir)
+ if not os.path.exists(module_build_dir):
+ os.makedirs(module_build_dir)
module_src_dir = os.path.join(self.sources_dir, folder)
@@ -564,6 +579,7 @@ class pyside_build(_build):
"-DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=%s" % self.qmake_path,
"-DBUILD_TESTS=%s" % self.build_tests,
+ "-DQt5Help_DIR=%s" % self.qtinfo.docs_dir,
"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%s" % self.build_type,
"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%s" % self.install_dir,
@@ -634,6 +650,7 @@ class pyside_build(_build):
"py_version": self.py_version,
"qt_version": self.qtinfo.version,
"qt_bin_dir": self.qtinfo.bins_dir,
+ "qt_doc_dir": self.qtinfo.docs_dir,
"qt_lib_dir": self.qtinfo.libs_dir,
"qt_plugins_dir": self.qtinfo.plugins_dir,
"qt_imports_dir": self.qtinfo.imports_dir,
@@ -717,8 +734,9 @@ class pyside_build(_build):
# <sources>/pyside-examples/examples/* -> <setup>/PySide/examples
+ folder = get_extension_folder('pyside-examples')
- "{sources_dir}/pyside-examples/examples",
+ "{sources_dir}/%s/examples" % folder,
force=False, vars=vars)
# Re-generate examples Qt resource files for Python 3 compatibility
@@ -836,8 +854,9 @@ class pyside_build(_build):
# <sources>/pyside-examples/examples/* -> <setup>/PySide/examples
+ folder = get_extension_folder('pyside-examples')
- "{sources_dir}/pyside-examples/examples",
+ "{sources_dir}/%s/examples" % folder,
force=False, vars=vars)
# Re-generate examples Qt resource files for Python 3 compatibility
diff --git a/sources/pyside-examples b/sources/pyside-examples
deleted file mode 160000
-Subproject df4f44b6aeb08f27da270392f5d9dc2e2f28e3a
diff --git a/sources/pyside-examples2 b/sources/pyside-examples2
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 0d814764dd2d34553b4f4d8f34a0641457a21a7
diff --git a/sources/pyside-tools2 b/sources/pyside-tools2
-Subproject d7f2a9bc3d228884235f19e1e73d132e7db39de
+Subproject f69bcb12713ca10752f0175f64ae5bcb3125fed
diff --git a/sources/pyside2 b/sources/pyside2
-Subproject cd0f27e7219c64fe6a4a079892f75d1a6af726b
+Subproject b8473ad41057eefa3f48faf02a9bad360200ad6
diff --git a/sources/shiboken2 b/sources/shiboken2
-Subproject af111f1634bbaea5e7685fc89ae14dc2c293337
+Subproject bfb1186f639d7ccd71e1f2baaf7bd342df4837e