path: root/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/cppgenerator.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/cppgenerator.cpp')
1 files changed, 12 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/cppgenerator.cpp b/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/cppgenerator.cpp
index a9556fa4c..5e3f890f8 100644
--- a/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/cppgenerator.cpp
+++ b/sources/shiboken2/generator/shiboken2/cppgenerator.cpp
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ QString CppGenerator::getVirtualFunctionReturnTypeName(const AbstractMetaFunctio
if (func->type()->isPrimitive())
return QLatin1Char('"') + func->type()->name() + QLatin1Char('"');
- return QString::fromLatin1("PepType(Shiboken::SbkType< %1 >())->tp_name").arg(func->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName());
+ return QString::fromLatin1("reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(Shiboken::SbkType< %1 >())->tp_name").arg(func->type()->typeEntry()->qualifiedCppName());
void CppGenerator::writeVirtualMethodNative(QTextStream&s, const AbstractMetaFunction* func)
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeVirtualMethodNative(QTextStream&s, const AbstractMetaFun
s << INDENT << "Shiboken::warning(PyExc_RuntimeWarning, 2, "\
"\"Invalid return value in function %s, expected %s, got %s.\", \"";
s << func->ownerClass()->name() << '.' << funcName << "\", " << getVirtualFunctionReturnTypeName(func);
- s << ", PepType(Py_TYPE(" PYTHON_RETURN_VAR "))->tp_name);" << endl;
+ s << ", Py_TYPE(" PYTHON_RETURN_VAR ")->tp_name);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "return " << defaultReturnExpr << ';' << endl;
s << INDENT << '}' << endl;
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeVirtualMethodNative(QTextStream&s, const AbstractMetaFun
s << INDENT << "Shiboken::warning(PyExc_RuntimeWarning, 2, "\
"\"Invalid return value in function %s, expected %s, got %s.\", \"";
s << func->ownerClass()->name() << '.' << funcName << "\", " << getVirtualFunctionReturnTypeName(func);
- s << ", PepType(Py_TYPE(" PYTHON_RETURN_VAR "))->tp_name);" << endl;
+ s << ", Py_TYPE(" PYTHON_RETURN_VAR ")->tp_name);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "return " << defaultReturnExpr << ';' << endl;
s << INDENT << '}' << endl;
@@ -4056,7 +4056,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeTpTraverseFunction(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaCla
s << "static int ";
s << baseName << "_traverse(PyObject* " PYTHON_SELF_VAR ", visitproc visit, void* arg)" << endl;
s << '{' << endl;
- s << INDENT << "return PepType(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(SbkObject_TypeF()))->tp_traverse(" PYTHON_SELF_VAR ", visit, arg);" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "return reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(SbkObject_TypeF())->tp_traverse(" PYTHON_SELF_VAR ", visit, arg);" << endl;
s << '}' << endl;
@@ -4066,7 +4066,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeTpClearFunction(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaClass*
s << "static int ";
s << baseName << "_clear(PyObject* " PYTHON_SELF_VAR ")" << endl;
s << '{' << endl;
- s << INDENT << "return PepType(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(SbkObject_TypeF()))->tp_clear(" PYTHON_SELF_VAR ");" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "return reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(SbkObject_TypeF())->tp_clear(" PYTHON_SELF_VAR ");" << endl;
s << '}' << endl;
@@ -4539,7 +4539,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeEnumInitialization(QTextStream& s, const AbstractMetaEnu
Indentation indent(INDENT);
s << INDENT << "PyObject* anonEnumItem = PyInt_FromLong(" << enumValueText << ");" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "if (PyDict_SetItemString(PepType(reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType *>(" << enclosingObjectVariable
+ s << INDENT << "if (PyDict_SetItemString(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectType *>(" << enclosingObjectVariable
<< "))->tp_dict, \"" << enumValue->name() << "\", anonEnumItem) < 0)" << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
@@ -4907,7 +4907,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeClassRegister(QTextStream &s,
for (const AbstractMetaField *field : fields) {
if (!field->isStatic())
- s << INDENT << QLatin1String("PyDict_SetItemString(PepType(") + cpythonTypeName(metaClass) + QLatin1String(")->tp_dict, \"");
+ s << INDENT << QLatin1String("PyDict_SetItemString(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(") + cpythonTypeName(metaClass) + QLatin1String(")->tp_dict, \"");
s << field->name() << "\", ";
writeToPythonConversion(s, field->type(), metaClass, metaClass->qualifiedCppName() + QLatin1String("::") + field->name());
s << ");" << endl;
@@ -5122,7 +5122,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeGetattroFunction(QTextStream& s, GeneratorContext &conte
s << INDENT << "if (Shiboken::Object::isUserType(" PYTHON_SELF_VAR ")) {" << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
- s << INDENT << "PyObject* meth = PyDict_GetItem(PepType(Py_TYPE(" PYTHON_SELF_VAR "))->tp_dict, name);" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "PyObject* meth = PyDict_GetItem(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(Py_TYPE(" PYTHON_SELF_VAR "))->tp_dict, name);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "if (meth)" << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
@@ -5187,7 +5187,7 @@ void CppGenerator::writeGetattroFunction(QTextStream& s, GeneratorContext &conte
s << INDENT << "PyTypeObject *tp = Py_TYPE(self);" << endl;
s << INDENT << "PyErr_Format(PyExc_AttributeError," << endl;
s << INDENT << " \"'%.50s' object has no attribute '%.400s'\"," << endl;
- s << INDENT << " PepType(tp)->tp_name, PyBytes_AS_STRING(name));" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << " tp->tp_name, PyBytes_AS_STRING(name));" << endl;
s << INDENT << "return NULL;" << endl;
s << INDENT << "} else {" << endl;
@@ -5267,7 +5267,7 @@ bool CppGenerator::finishGeneration()
QString defineStr = QLatin1String("init_") + cls->qualifiedCppName().replace(QLatin1String("::"), QLatin1String("_"));
if (cls->enclosingClass() && (cls->enclosingClass()->typeEntry()->codeGeneration() != TypeEntry::GenerateForSubclass))
- defineStr += QLatin1String("(PepType(") + cpythonTypeNameExt(cls->enclosingClass()->typeEntry()) + QLatin1String(")->tp_dict);");
+ defineStr += QLatin1String("(reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject *>(") + cpythonTypeNameExt(cls->enclosingClass()->typeEntry()) + QLatin1String(")->tp_dict);");
defineStr += QLatin1String("(module);");
s_classPythonDefines << INDENT << defineStr << endl;
@@ -5813,9 +5813,9 @@ QString CppGenerator::writeReprFunction(QTextStream &s, GeneratorContext &contex
s << INDENT << "if (idx >= 0)" << endl;
Indentation indent(INDENT);
- s << INDENT << "str.replace(0, idx, PepType((Py_TYPE(self)))->tp_name);" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "str.replace(0, idx, Py_TYPE(self)->tp_name);" << endl;
- s << INDENT << "PyObject* mod = PyDict_GetItemString(PepType(Py_TYPE(self))->tp_dict, \"__module__\");" << endl;
+ s << INDENT << "PyObject* mod = PyDict_GetItemString(Py_TYPE(self)->tp_dict, \"__module__\");" << endl;
// PYSIDE-595: The introduction of heap types has the side effect that the module name
// is always prepended to the type name. Therefore the strchr check:
s << INDENT << "if (mod && !strchr(str, '.'))" << endl;