path: root/sources/shiboken2/libshiboken/pep384impl.cpp
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diff --git a/sources/shiboken2/libshiboken/pep384impl.cpp b/sources/shiboken2/libshiboken/pep384impl.cpp
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index 000000000..2707d3716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sources/shiboken2/libshiboken/pep384impl.cpp
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+** Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
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+#include "pep384impl.h"
+extern "C"
+ **********************************************************************
+ The New Type API
+ ================
+ After converting everything but the "object.h" file, we could not
+ believe our eyes: it suddenly was clear that we would have no more
+ access to type objects, and even more scary that all types which we
+ use have to be heap types, only!
+ For PySide with it's intense use of heap type extensions in various
+ flavors, it seemed to be quite unsolvable. In the end, it was
+ nicely solved, but it took almost 3.5 months to get that right.
+ Before we see how this is done, we will explain the differences
+ between the APIs and their consequences.
+ The Interface
+ -------------
+ The old type API of Python knows static types and heap types.
+ Static types are written down as a declaration of a PyTypeObject
+ structure with all its fields filled in. Here is for example
+ the definition of the Python type "object":
+ PyTypeObject PyBaseObject_Type = {
+ PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
+ "object", |* tp_name *|
+ sizeof(PyObject), |* tp_basicsize *|
+ 0, |* tp_itemsize *|
+ object_dealloc, |* tp_dealloc *|
+ 0, |* tp_print *|
+ 0, |* tp_getattr *|
+ 0, |* tp_setattr *|
+ 0, |* tp_reserved *|
+ object_repr, |* tp_repr *|
+ 0, |* tp_as_number *|
+ 0, |* tp_as_sequence *|
+ 0, |* tp_as_mapping *|
+ (hashfunc)_Py_HashPointer, |* tp_hash *|
+ 0, |* tp_call *|
+ object_str, |* tp_str *|
+ PyObject_GenericGetAttr, |* tp_getattro *|
+ PyObject_GenericSetAttr, |* tp_setattro *|
+ 0, |* tp_as_buffer *|
+ PyDoc_STR("object()\n--\n\nThe most base type"), |* tp_doc *|
+ 0, |* tp_traverse *|
+ 0, |* tp_clear *|
+ object_richcompare, |* tp_richcompare *|
+ 0, |* tp_weaklistoffset *|
+ 0, |* tp_iter *|
+ 0, |* tp_iternext *|
+ object_methods, |* tp_methods *|
+ 0, |* tp_members *|
+ object_getsets, |* tp_getset *|
+ 0, |* tp_base *|
+ 0, |* tp_dict *|
+ 0, |* tp_descr_get *|
+ 0, |* tp_descr_set *|
+ 0, |* tp_dictoffset *|
+ object_init, |* tp_init *|
+ PyType_GenericAlloc, |* tp_alloc *|
+ object_new, |* tp_new *|
+ PyObject_Del, |* tp_free *|
+ };
+ We can write the same structure in form of a PyType_Spec structure,
+ and there is even a tool that does this for us, but I had to fix a
+ few things because there is little support for this.
+ The tool is XXX go home and continue.....
+ The Transition To Simpler Types
+ ===============================
+ After all code has been converted to the limited API, there is the
+ PyHeapTypeObject remaining as a problem.
+ Why a problem? Well, all the type structures in shiboken use
+ special extra fields at the end of the heap type object. This
+ currently enforces knowledge at compile time about how large the
+ heap type object is. In a clean implementation, we would only use
+ the PyTypeObject itself and access the fields "behind" the type
+ by a pointer that is computed at runtime.
+ Excursion: PepTypeObject
+ ------------------------
+ Before we are going into details, let us motivate the existence of
+ the PepTypeObject, an alias to PyTypeObject:
+ Originally, we wanted to use PyTypeObject as an opaque type and
+ restrict ourselves to only use the access function PyType_GetSlot.
+ This function allows access to all fields which are supported by
+ the limited API.
+ But this is a restriction, because we get no access to tp_dict,
+ which we need to support the signature extension. But we can work
+ around that.
+ The real restriction is that PyType_GetSlot only works for heap
+ types. This makes the function quite useless, because we have
+ no access to PyType_Type, which is the most important type "type"
+ in Python. We need that for instance to compute the size of
+ PyHeapTypeObject dynamically.
+ With much effort, it is possible to clone PyType_Type as a heap
+ type. But due to a bug in the Pep 384 support, we need
+ access to the nb_index field of a normal type. Cloning does not
+ help because PyNumberMethods fields are not inherited.
+ After I realized this dead end, I changed the concept and did not
+ use PyType_GetSlot at all (except in function copyNumberMethods),
+ but created PepTypeObject as a remake of PyTypeObject with only
+ those fields defined that are needed in PySide.
+ Is this breakage of the limited API? I don't think so. A special
+ function runs on program startup that checks the correct position
+ of the fields of PepHeapType, although a change in those fields is
+ more than unlikely.
+ The really crucial thing is to no longer use PyHeapTypeObject
+ explicitly because that _does_ change its layout over time.
+ Diversification
+ ---------------
+ There are multiple SbkXXX structures which all use a "d" field
+ for their private data. This makes it not easy to find the right
+ fields when switching between types and objects.
+ struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObjectType
+ {
+ PyHeapTypeObject super;
+ SbkObjectTypePrivate *d;
+ };
+ struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObject
+ {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ PyObject* ob_dict;
+ PyObject* weakreflist;
+ SbkObjectPrivate* d;
+ };
+ The first step was to rename the SbkObjectTypePrivate from "d" to
+ "sotp". It was chosen to be short but easy to remember.
+ Abstraction
+ -----------
+ After renaming the type extension pointers to "sotp", I replaced
+ them by function-like macros which did the special access "behind"
+ the types, instead of those explicit fields. For instance, the
+ expression
+ type->sotp->converter
+ became
+ PepType_SOTP(type)->converter
+ The macro expression can be seen here:
+ #define _genericTypeExtender(etype) \
+ (reinterpret_cast<char*>(etype) + \
+ (reinterpret_cast<PepTypeObject*>(&PyType_Type))->tp_basicsize)
+ #define PepType_SOTP(etype) \
+ (*reinterpret_cast<SbkObjectTypePrivate**>(_genericTypeExtender(etype)))
+ It looks complicated, but in the end there is only a single new
+ indirection via PyType_Type, which happens at runtime. This is the
+ key to fulfil what Pep 384 wants: No version-dependent fields.
+ Simplification
+ --------------
+ After all type extension fields were replaced by macro calls, we
+ could remove the version dependent definition
+ typedef struct _pepheaptypeobject {
+ union {
+ PepTypeObject ht_type;
+ void *opaque[PY_HEAPTYPE_SIZE];
+ };
+ } PepHeapTypeObject;
+ and the version dependent structure
+ struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObjectType
+ {
+ PepHeapTypeObject super;
+ SbkObjectTypePrivate *sotp;
+ };
+ could be replaced by the simplified
+ struct LIBSHIBOKEN_API SbkObjectType
+ {
+ PepTypeObject type;
+ };
+ which is no longer version-dependent.
+ Verification Of PepTypeObject
+ =============================
+ We have introduced PepTypeObject as a new alias for PyTypeObject,
+ and now we need to prove that we are allowed to do so.
+ When using the limited API as intended, then types are completely
+ opaque, and access is only through PyType_FromSpec and (from
+ version 3.5 upwards) through PyType_GetSlot.
+ Python then uses all the slot definitions in the type description
+ and produces a regular type object.
+ Unused Information
+ ------------------
+ But we know many things about types that are not explicitly said,
+ but they are inherently clear:
+ a) The basic structure of a type is always the same, regardless
+ if it is a static type or a heap type.
+ b) types are evolving very slowly, and a field is never replaced
+ by another field with different semantics.
+ Inherent rule a) gives us the following information: If we calculate
+ the offsets of the fields, then this info is also usable for non-
+ -heap types.
+ The validation checks if rule b) is still valid.
+ How it Works
+ ------------
+ The basic idea of the validation is to produce a new type using
+ PyType_FromSpec and to see where in the type structure these fields
+ show up. So we build a PyType_Slot structure with all the fields we
+ are using and make sure that these values are all unique in the
+ type.
+ Most fields are not investigated by PyType_FromSpec, and so we
+ simply used some numeric value. Some fields are interpreted, like
+ tp_members. This field must really be a PyMemberDef. And there are
+ tp_base and tp_bases which have to be type objects and lists
+ thereof. It was easiest to not produce these fields from scratch
+ but use them from the "type" object PyType_Type.
+ Then one would think to write a function that searches the known
+ values in the opaque type structure.
+ But we can do better and use optimistically the observation (b):
+ We simply use the PepTypeObject structure and assume that every
+ field lands exactly where we are awaiting it.
+ And that is the whole proof: If we find all the disjoint values at
+ the places where we expect them, thenthis is q.e.d. :)
+ About tp_dict
+ -------------
+ One word about the tp_dict field: This field is a bit special in
+ the proof, since it does not appear in the spec and cannot easily
+ be checked by "type.__dict__" because that creates a dictproxy
+ object. So how do we proove that is really the right dict?
+ We have to create that PyMethodDef structure anyway, and instead of
+ leaving it empty, we insert a dummy function. Then we ask the
+ tp_dict field if it has that object in it, and that's q.e.d.
+ *********/
+ *
+ * Support for object.h
+ *
+ */
+ * Here is the verification code for PepTypeObject.
+ * We create a type object and check if its fields
+ * appear at the right offsets.
+ */
+#define make_dummy_int(x) (x * sizeof(void*))
+#define make_dummy(x) (reinterpret_cast<void*>(make_dummy_int(x)))
+#ifdef Py_LIMITED_API
+datetime_struc *PyDateTimeAPI = NULL;
+static PyObject *
+dummy_func(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+static struct PyMethodDef probe_methoddef[] = {
+ {"dummy", dummy_func, METH_NOARGS},
+ {0}
+#define probe_tp_call make_dummy(1)
+#define probe_tp_str make_dummy(2)
+#define probe_tp_traverse make_dummy(3)
+#define probe_tp_clear make_dummy(4)
+#define probe_tp_methods probe_methoddef
+#define probe_tp_descr_get make_dummy(6)
+#define probe_tp_init make_dummy(7)
+#define probe_tp_alloc make_dummy(8)
+#define probe_tp_new make_dummy(9)
+#define probe_tp_free make_dummy(10)
+#define probe_tp_is_gc make_dummy(11)
+#define probe_tp_name "type.probe"
+#define probe_tp_basicsize make_dummy_int(42)
+static PyType_Slot typeprobe_slots[] = {
+ {Py_tp_call, probe_tp_call},
+ {Py_tp_str, probe_tp_str},
+ {Py_tp_traverse, probe_tp_traverse},
+ {Py_tp_clear, probe_tp_clear},
+ {Py_tp_methods, probe_tp_methods},
+ {Py_tp_descr_get, probe_tp_descr_get},
+ {Py_tp_init, probe_tp_init},
+ {Py_tp_alloc, probe_tp_alloc},
+ {Py_tp_new, probe_tp_new},
+ {Py_tp_free, probe_tp_free},
+ {Py_tp_is_gc, probe_tp_is_gc},
+ {0, 0}
+static PyType_Spec typeprobe_spec = {
+ probe_tp_name,
+ probe_tp_basicsize,
+ 0,
+ typeprobe_slots,
+static void
+ PyObject *obtype = reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(&PyType_Type);
+ PyTypeObject *probe_tp_base = reinterpret_cast<PyTypeObject*>(
+ PyObject_GetAttrString(obtype, "__base__"));
+ PyObject *probe_tp_bases = PyObject_GetAttrString(obtype, "__bases__");
+ PepTypeObject *check = reinterpret_cast<PepTypeObject*>(
+ PyType_FromSpecWithBases(&typeprobe_spec, probe_tp_bases));
+ PepTypeObject *typetype = reinterpret_cast<PepTypeObject*>(obtype);
+ PyObject *w = PyObject_GetAttrString(obtype, "__weakrefoffset__");
+ long probe_tp_weakrefoffset = PyLong_AsLong(w);
+ PyObject *d = PyObject_GetAttrString(obtype, "__dictoffset__");
+ long probe_tp_dictoffset = PyLong_AsLong(d);
+ PyObject *probe_tp_mro = PyObject_GetAttrString(obtype, "__mro__");
+ if (false
+ || probe_tp_name != check->tp_name
+ || probe_tp_basicsize != check->tp_basicsize
+ || probe_tp_call != check->tp_call
+ || probe_tp_str != check->tp_str
+ || probe_tp_traverse != check->tp_traverse
+ || probe_tp_clear != check->tp_clear
+ || probe_tp_weakrefoffset != typetype->tp_weaklistoffset
+ || probe_tp_methods != check->tp_methods
+ || probe_tp_base != typetype->tp_base
+ || !PyDict_Check(check->tp_dict)
+ || !PyDict_GetItemString(check->tp_dict, "dummy")
+ || probe_tp_descr_get != check->tp_descr_get
+ || probe_tp_dictoffset != typetype->tp_dictoffset
+ || probe_tp_init != check->tp_init
+ || probe_tp_alloc != check->tp_alloc
+ || probe_tp_new != check->tp_new
+ || probe_tp_free != check->tp_free
+ || probe_tp_is_gc != check->tp_is_gc
+ || probe_tp_bases != typetype->tp_bases
+ || probe_tp_mro != typetype->tp_mro)
+ Py_FatalError("The structure of type objects has changed!");
+ Py_DECREF(check);
+ Py_DECREF(probe_tp_base);
+ Py_DECREF(w);
+ Py_DECREF(d);
+ Py_DECREF(probe_tp_bases);
+ Py_DECREF(probe_tp_mro);
+#ifdef Py_LIMITED_API
+// This structure is only here because Python 3 has an error.
+// I will fix that.
+typedef struct {
+ /* Number implementations must check *both*
+ arguments for proper type and implement the necessary conversions
+ in the slot functions themselves. */
+ binaryfunc nb_add;
+ binaryfunc nb_subtract;
+ binaryfunc nb_multiply;
+ binaryfunc nb_remainder;
+ binaryfunc nb_divmod;
+ ternaryfunc nb_power;
+ unaryfunc nb_negative;
+ unaryfunc nb_positive;
+ unaryfunc nb_absolute;
+ inquiry nb_bool;
+ unaryfunc nb_invert;
+ binaryfunc nb_lshift;
+ binaryfunc nb_rshift;
+ binaryfunc nb_and;
+ binaryfunc nb_xor;
+ binaryfunc nb_or;
+ unaryfunc nb_int;
+ void *nb_reserved; /* the slot formerly known as nb_long */
+ unaryfunc nb_float;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_add;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_subtract;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_multiply;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_remainder;
+ ternaryfunc nb_inplace_power;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_lshift;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_rshift;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_and;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_xor;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_or;
+ binaryfunc nb_floor_divide;
+ binaryfunc nb_true_divide;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_floor_divide;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_true_divide;
+ unaryfunc nb_index;
+ binaryfunc nb_matrix_multiply;
+ binaryfunc nb_inplace_matrix_multiply;
+} PyNumberMethods;
+// temporary structure until we have a generator for the offsets
+typedef struct _oldtypeobject {
+ PyVarObject ob_base;
+ void *X01; // const char *tp_name;
+ void *X02; // Py_ssize_t tp_basicsize;
+ void *X03; // Py_ssize_t tp_itemsize;
+ void *X04; // destructor tp_dealloc;
+ void *X05; // printfunc tp_print;
+ void *X06; // getattrfunc tp_getattr;
+ void *X07; // setattrfunc tp_setattr;
+ void *X08; // PyAsyncMethods *tp_as_async;
+ void *X09; // reprfunc tp_repr;
+ PyNumberMethods *tp_as_number;
+} PyOldTypeObject;
+// There is a bug in Python 3.6 that turned the Index_Check function
+// into a macro without taking care of the limited API.
+// This leads to the single problem that we don't have
+// access to PyLong_Type's nb_index field which is no heap type.
+// We cannot easily create this function by inheritance since it is
+// not inherited.
+// Simple solution: Create the structure and write such a function.
+// Long term: Submit a patch to python.org .
+PepType_nb_index(PyTypeObject *type)
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyOldTypeObject*>(type)->tp_as_number->nb_index;
+int PyIndex_Check(PyObject *obj)
+ PyOldTypeObject *type = reinterpret_cast<PyOldTypeObject*>(Py_TYPE(obj));
+ return type->tp_as_number != NULL &&
+ type->tp_as_number->nb_index != NULL;
+ *
+ * Support for unicodeobject.h
+ *
+ */
+char *
+_PepUnicode_AsString(PyObject *str)
+ /*
+ * We need to keep the string alive but cannot borrow the Python object.
+ * Ugly easy way out: We re-code as an interned bytes string. This
+ * produces a pseudo-leak as long there are new strings.
+ * Typically, this function is used for name strings, and the dict size
+ * will not grow so much.
+ */
+#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
+#define AT __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__)
+ static PyObject *cstring_dict = NULL;
+ if (cstring_dict == NULL) {
+ cstring_dict = PyDict_New();
+ if (cstring_dict == NULL)
+ Py_FatalError("Error in " AT);
+ }
+ PyObject *bytesStr = PyUnicode_AsEncodedString(str, "utf8", NULL);
+ PyObject *entry = PyDict_GetItem(cstring_dict, bytesStr);
+ if (entry == NULL) {
+ int e = PyDict_SetItem(cstring_dict, bytesStr, bytesStr);
+ if (e != 0)
+ Py_FatalError("Error in " AT);
+ entry = bytesStr;
+ }
+ else
+ Py_DECREF(bytesStr);
+ return PyBytes_AsString(entry);
+ *
+ * Support for longobject.h
+ *
+ */
+ * This is the original Python function _PyLong_AsInt() from longobject.c .
+ * We define it here because we are not allowed to use the function
+ * from Python with an underscore.
+ */
+/* Get a C int from an int object or any object that has an __int__
+ method. Return -1 and set an error if overflow occurs. */
+_PepLong_AsInt(PyObject *obj)
+ int overflow;
+ long result = PyLong_AsLongAndOverflow(obj, &overflow);
+ if (overflow || result > INT_MAX || result < INT_MIN) {
+ /* XXX: could be cute and give a different
+ message for overflow == -1 */
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_OverflowError,
+ "Python int too large to convert to C int");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return (int)result;
+ *
+ * Support for pydebug.h
+ *
+ */
+static PyObject *sys_flags = NULL;
+Pep_GetFlag(const char *name)
+ static int initialized = 0;
+ int ret = -1;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ sys_flags = PySys_GetObject("flags");
+ // func gives no error if NULL is returned and does not incref.
+ Py_XINCREF(sys_flags);
+ initialized = 1;
+ }
+ if (sys_flags != NULL) {
+ PyObject *ob_ret = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys_flags, name);
+ if (ob_ret != NULL) {
+ long long_ret = PyLong_AsLong(ob_ret);
+ Py_DECREF(ob_ret);
+ ret = (int) long_ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ static int initialized = 0;
+ static int verbose_flag = -1;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ verbose_flag = Pep_GetFlag("verbose");
+ if (verbose_flag != -1)
+ initialized = 1;
+ }
+ return verbose_flag;
+ *
+ * Support for code.h
+ *
+ */
+PepCode_Get(PyCodeObject *co, const char *name)
+ PyObject *ob = (PyObject *)co;
+ PyObject *ob_ret;
+ int ret = -1;
+ ob_ret = PyObject_GetAttrString(ob, name);
+ if (ob_ret != NULL) {
+ long long_ret = PyLong_AsLong(ob_ret);
+ Py_DECREF(ob_ret);
+ ret = (int) long_ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ *
+ * Support for datetime.h
+ *
+ */
+static PyTypeObject *dt_getCheck(const char *name)
+ PyObject *op = PyObject_GetAttrString(PyDateTimeAPI->module, name);
+ if (op == NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "datetime.%s not found\n", name);
+ Py_FatalError("aborting");
+ }
+ return (PyTypeObject *)op;
+// init_DateTime is called earlier than our module init.
+// We use the provided PyDateTime_IMPORT machinery.
+datetime_struc *
+ static int initialized = 0;
+ if (!initialized) {
+ PyDateTimeAPI = (datetime_struc *)malloc(sizeof(datetime_struc));
+ if (PyDateTimeAPI == NULL)
+ Py_FatalError("PyDateTimeAPI malloc error, aborting");
+ PyDateTimeAPI->module = PyImport_ImportModule("datetime");
+ if (PyDateTimeAPI->module == NULL)
+ Py_FatalError("datetime module not found, aborting");
+ PyDateTimeAPI->DateType = dt_getCheck("date");
+ PyDateTimeAPI->DateTimeType = dt_getCheck("datetime");
+ PyDateTimeAPI->TimeType = dt_getCheck("time");
+ PyDateTimeAPI->DeltaType = dt_getCheck("timedelta");
+ PyDateTimeAPI->TZInfoType = dt_getCheck("tzinfo");
+ initialized = 1;
+ }
+ return PyDateTimeAPI;
+PyDateTime_Get(PyObject *ob, const char *name)
+ PyObject *ob_ret;
+ int ret = -1;
+ ob_ret = PyObject_GetAttrString(ob, name);
+ if (ob_ret != NULL) {
+ long long_ret = PyLong_AsLong(ob_ret);
+ Py_DECREF(ob_ret);
+ ret = (int) long_ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
+PyObject *
+PyDate_FromDate(int year, int month, int day)
+ return PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)PyDateTimeAPI->DateType,
+ (char *)"(iii)", year, month, day);
+PyObject *
+PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(int year, int month, int day,
+ int hour, int min, int sec, int usec)
+ return PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)PyDateTimeAPI->DateTimeType,
+ (char *)"(iiiiiii)", year, month, day,
+ hour, min, sec, usec);
+PyObject *
+PyTime_FromTime(int hour, int min, int sec, int usec)
+ return PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)PyDateTimeAPI->TimeType,
+ (char *)"(iiii)", hour, min, sec, usec);
+ *
+ * Support for pythonrun.h
+ *
+ */
+// Flags are ignored in these simple helpers.
+PyObject *
+PyRun_String(const char *str, int start, PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals)
+ PyObject* code = Py_CompileString(str, "pyscript", start);
+ PyObject* ret = NULL;
+ if (code != NULL) {
+ ret = PyEval_EvalCode(code, globals, locals);
+ }
+ Py_XDECREF(code);
+ return ret;
+// This is only a simple local helper that returns a computed variable.
+static PyObject *
+PepRun_GetResult(const char *command, const char *resvar)
+ PyObject *d, *v, *res;
+ d = PyDict_New();
+ if (d == NULL || PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__builtins__",
+ PyEval_GetBuiltins()) < 0)
+ return NULL;
+ v = PyRun_String(command, Py_file_input, d, d);
+ res = v ? PyDict_GetItemString(d, resvar) : NULL;
+ Py_XDECREF(v);
+ Py_DECREF(d);
+ return res;
+ *
+ * Support for classobject.h
+ *
+ */
+PyTypeObject *PepMethod_TypePtr = NULL;
+static PyTypeObject *getMethodType(void)
+ static const char prog[] =
+ "class _C:\n"
+ " def _m(self): pass\n"
+ "MethodType = type(_C()._m)\n";
+ return (PyTypeObject *) PepRun_GetResult(prog, "MethodType");
+// We have no access to PyMethod_New and must call types.MethodType, instead.
+PyObject *
+PyMethod_New(PyObject *func, PyObject *self)
+ return PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject *)PepMethod_TypePtr,
+ (char *)"(OO)", func, self);
+PyObject *
+PyMethod_Function(PyObject *im)
+ PyObject *ret = PyObject_GetAttrString(im, "__func__");
+ // We have to return a borrowed reference.
+ Py_DECREF(ret);
+ return ret;
+PyObject *
+PyMethod_Self(PyObject *im)
+ PyObject *ret = PyObject_GetAttrString(im, "__self__");
+ // We have to return a borrowed reference.
+ // If we don't obey that here, then we get a test error!
+ Py_DECREF(ret);
+ return ret;
+ *
+ * Support for funcobject.h
+ *
+ */
+PyObject *
+PepFunction_Get(PyObject *ob, const char *name)
+ PyObject *ret;
+ // We have to return a borrowed reference.
+ ret = PyObject_GetAttrString(ob, name);
+ Py_XDECREF(ret);
+ return ret;
+ *
+ * Support for funcobject.h
+ *
+ */
+// this became necessary after Windows was activated.
+PyTypeObject *PepFunction_TypePtr = NULL;
+static PyTypeObject *getFunctionType(void)
+ static const char prog[] =
+ "from types import FunctionType\n";
+ return (PyTypeObject *) PepRun_GetResult(prog, "FunctionType");
+ *
+ * Extra support for signature.cpp
+ *
+ */
+PyTypeObject *PepStaticMethod_TypePtr = NULL;
+static PyTypeObject *getStaticMethodType(void)
+ static const char prog[] =
+ "StaticMethodType = type(str.__dict__['maketrans'])\n";
+ return (PyTypeObject *) PepRun_GetResult(prog, "StaticMethodType");
+#endif // Py_LIMITED_API
+ *
+ * Common newly needed functions
+ *
+ */
+// The introduction of heaptypes converted many type names to the
+// dotted form, since PyType_FromSpec uses it to compute the module
+// name. This function reverts this effect.
+const char *
+PepType_GetNameStr(PyTypeObject *type)
+ const char *ret = PepType(type)->tp_name;
+ const char *nodots = strrchr(ret, '.');
+ if (nodots)
+ ret = nodots + 1;
+ return ret;
+ *
+ * Module Initialization
+ *
+ */
+ check_PepTypeObject_valid();
+#ifdef Py_LIMITED_API
+ Pep_GetVerboseFlag();
+ PepMethod_TypePtr = getMethodType();
+ PepFunction_TypePtr = getFunctionType();
+ PepStaticMethod_TypePtr = getStaticMethodType();
+} // extern "C"