Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Avoid compiler warning about unhandled constant in switch block.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-0/+3
* Fix typoHugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fix bug#554 - "Inner classes don't work and give us a segfault"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-4/+43
* Used Qt4.7 code to normalize types for all previous Qt version.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-084-6/+323
* Removed '&' from type registration.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-081-3/+3
* Added support for promoting enums from removed namespaces to upper scope.Marcelo Lira2012-03-089-15/+201
* Fixed signal register function.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-081-2/+5
* Fix Py_DEBUG detection on Windows.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+1
* Minor changed in CMakeLists.txtHugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-5/+4
* Removed WITH_THREAD ifdefs, it causes a lot of warnings on Windows and was al...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-3/+0
* Print debug messages to stderr isntead of stdout.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+4
* Use converter during generation only for primitives types which isRenato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-081-8/+14
* Fixed use of python conversion for type with typedefs.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-081-3/+5
* Fix bug#484 - "Error compiling QtContacts 1.1 (problems with const QList<QVar...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+6
* Disable copy of ThreadStateSaver objects.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-0/+3
* Removed unnecessary code to check the refcount of Python objects returned on ...sb-1.0.0-beta2Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-13/+1
* Fixed code generation for virtual method ownership release of returned value.Marcelo Lira2012-03-082-4/+2
* Fix register type function to register the type with two names.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-082-21/+72
* Added tests to check the release of ownership of objects returned from Python.Marcelo Lira2012-03-0810-11/+185
* Generate code to release ownership on Python values returned to C++ on virtua...Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-0/+10
* Fixed typo on generated error message.Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-1/+1
* Replaced code generated on funtion getattro to function present onRenato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-081-80/+4
* Fixed comments typo.Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-082-3/+3
* Fix object destruction process to avoid pass a invalid object during theRenato Araujo Oliveira Filho2012-03-084-13/+20
* Finally fix bug#500 - "If an instance of QPrintDialog is created a deadlock h...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+5
* Fix bug#513 - "Hardcoded bool return type for operator overloads"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-0810-27/+245
* Revert "Fix bug#500 - "If an instance of QPrintDialog is created a deadlock h...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+1
* Fix bug#500 - "If an instance of QPrintDialog is created a deadlock happens o...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+5
* Code generated for Qt's signals wrapping now deal with arguments with default...Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-0/+7
* Added another overload for makeTuple, this time with just one argument.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+7
* Test case for proper generation of constructor altered by conversion-rule tag.Marcelo Lira2012-03-085-0/+98
* Generator now writes the proper variable name on C++ constructor calls.Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-1/+2
* Write a simpler code to deal with dynamic QMetaObjects.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-30/+11
* Add subtype init hook.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-083-3/+34
* Remove cpp object copier as it was used by anyone and nobody missed him.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-085-37/+0
* Removed useless stuff from TypeResolver.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-34/+17
* Remove SbkTypeInfo and CppObjectCopier structs, they aren't needed after the ...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-085-63/+9
* Remove objectDeleter function and use the well known Shiboken::callCppDestruc...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-7/+1
* Remove const version of Converters to avoid hidding generator bugs.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-12/+0
* Updated basewrapper.h docs.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-8/+60
* Add function Shiboken::ObjectType::getUserData(SbjObjectTyoe*)Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-0/+10
* Fix shiboken version in doc generation.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+2
* Cast PySideSignal object to PyObject before calling Py_DECREF.sb-1.0.0-beta1Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fix compilation errors on Windows.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-5/+5
* Bump ApiExtractor dependency to 0.9.0Lauro Neto2012-03-081-1/+1
* Added BindingManager::visitAllPyObjects function, used to visit all PyObjects...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-0/+21
* Speed up hasWrapper function using the find method instead of count.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fix last commit, compre was a fragile and stupid solution.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-1/+3
* Fix value of variable AVOID_PROTECTED_HACK.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+3
* Fix compilation without protect hack.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-5/+23