path: root/PySide
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix memory leak on QEasingCuverFunctor.Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+1
* Added the missing QPixmapCache.Key class to the type system.Marcelo Lira2012-03-082-0/+2
* Implemented support to QEasingCurve.setCustomType.Renato Filho2012-03-084-9/+174
* Fix bug 803 - "QWebElementCollection.operator[] is not implemented"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+16
* Fix typoPaulo Alcantara2012-03-081-1/+1
* Implemented convertion from Python types for QDate, QTime, QDateTime.Renato Filho2012-03-084-95/+144
* Fix bug 686 - "Request to make Q[Mutex|Read|Write]Locker context managers"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+34
* White spaces removal...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+2
* Fixed kee-reference rule.Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fix bug 857 - "64bit Windows build broken"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+2
* QPersistentModelIndex has its "operator const QModelIndex&() const" method back.Marcelo Lira2012-03-081-2/+5
* Fix bug #606Paulo Alcantara2012-03-082-0/+124
* Add template to toTuple() functionsPaulo Alcantara2012-03-081-0/+4
* Always use the local Qt headers + global.h.in cleanup.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1137/+55
* Only add Qt4.6 classes when using Qt4.6 on QtTest and QtGui.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-2/+10
* Add since attribute for classes and enums added on Qt4.6 and Qt4.7.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-089-111/+114
* Fix QGraphicsItem compilation on Qt4.5.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fix QColor wrapper compilation on Qt4.5.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-0/+2
* Remove typesystem verbosity after fix of bug 417.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-088-89/+89
* Use add-function on QCoreApplication and QApplication constructors.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-084-51/+24
* Create pythonic functions for QTransform class.Renato Filho2012-03-081-0/+35
* Remove the restriction of detecing QtOpenGL module just when the gl.h header ...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-3/+1
* Fix path of pysideqmlregistertype.cpp.Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+1
* Fix bug 825 - "Can't register a class using that uses metaclasses in QML usin...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-5/+0
* Fixed QSysInfo.Endian enum detection on MacOs.Renato Filho2012-03-081-0/+1
* Included QMacStyle class check.Renato Filho2012-03-083-0/+7
* Fix bug 786 - "There's no __eq__ for all classes inherited from ObjectDescri...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-082-44/+60
* Put back missing functions for class QItemSelection.Renato Filho2012-03-081-9/+1
* Fix bug 797 - "error on ui file load"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+2
* Fix bug 844 - "Crash in QGraphicsItem::toGraphicsObject when printing obj ref...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fix bug #834 - "Segfault on childEvent"Paulo Alcantara2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fixed QStandardItem::clone and QStandardItemModel::setItemPrototype ownership...Renato Filho2012-03-081-0/+7
* Implemented QTestTouch functions.Renato Filho2012-03-084-3/+179
* Fix bug #788 - "QIPv6Address.__getitem__ is missing."Paulo Alcantara2012-03-081-5/+38
* Fixed QFileDialog functions which used QString as pointer to return valuesRenato Filho2012-03-082-11/+14
* Fixed QKeyEvent polymorphic-id-expression to support QEvent::ShortcutOverride.Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+1
* Fixed QVariant conversion for dictionary.Renato Filho2012-03-081-2/+4
* Fix bug 766 - "Constructor "QImage(const char* const xpm[])" missing"Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-20/+28
* Fix bugs 776 and 777Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+14
* Implemented support to iterator on QTreeWidgetItemIterator.Renato Filho2012-03-081-0/+13
* Fixed QKeySequence convertion to QVariant.Renato Filho2012-03-082-11/+12
* Implemented support to QKeySequence.operator[].Renato Filho2012-03-081-3/+12
* Fix bugs 771, 772, 779, 780, 781, 782, 783 and 784Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-13/+55
* Fix bug 768 - "Method "QGraphicsItemGroup* QGraphicsScene::createItemGroup(co...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+22
* Fix bug 765 - "Method "QRect QStyle::itemTextRect(const QFontMetrics&,constQR...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-2/+0
* Fix bug 760 - "Method "void QMatrix::map(int x,int y,int* tx,int* ty)const" m...Hugo Parente Lima2012-03-081-4/+27
* Implemented conversion from QMultiMap to Python dictonary.Renato Filho2012-03-082-2/+26
* Implemented necessary convertions rules for function QPicture.setData.Renato Filho2012-03-081-1/+27
* Fixed reference leak on PySideSignal for QTimer.SingleShotRenato Filho2012-03-081-3/+6
* fix QTextBlock.setUserData reference leak.Renato Filho2012-03-081-2/+18