path: root/tests/testconversionoperator.cpp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fixed conversion operators type resolution for references to types.Marcelo Lira2012-03-091-0/+58
* Adds many tests regarding default copy constructors.Marcelo Lira2012-03-091-5/+5
* Fix conversionoperator test code.Hugo Lima2010-03-041-5/+6
* Disable debug output about typesystem on conversionoperatortest.Hugo Lima2010-03-031-3/+3
* Don't add external conversion operators that were removed on type system file.Marcelo Lira2010-03-011-8/+57
* Added method AbstractMetaBuilder::fixReturnTypeOfConversionOperator(func).Marcelo Lira2010-02-261-0/+71