namespace Shiboken { template<> struct Converter { static bool checkType(PyObject* pyObj) { return false; // lets avoid the chaos } // all types are convertible to QVariant static bool isConvertible(PyObject* pyObj) { return true; } static QVariant toCpp(PyObject* pyObj) { using namespace Shiboken; // Primitive types if (Converter::checkType(pyObj)) { // QVariant(bool) return QVariant(Converter::toCpp(pyObj)); } else if (pyObj == Py_None) { // QVariant() return QVariant(); } else if (Converter::checkType(pyObj)) { // QVariant(const char*) return QVariant(Converter::toCpp(pyObj)); } else if (Converter::checkType(pyObj)) { // QVariant(QByteArray) return QVariant(Converter::toCpp(pyObj)); } else if (PyFloat_CheckExact(pyObj)) { // QVariant(double) return QVariant(Converter::toCpp(pyObj)); } else if (PyInt_Check(pyObj)) { // QVariant(int) return QVariant(Converter::toCpp(pyObj)); } else if (PyLong_CheckExact(pyObj)) { // QVariant(qlonglong) return QVariant(Converter::toCpp(pyObj)); } else if (Shiboken::isShibokenEnum(pyObj)) { // QVariant(enum) return QVariant(Converter::toCpp(pyObj)); } else if (PyDict_Check(pyObj)) { return convertToVariantMap(pyObj); } else if (PySequence_Check(pyObj)) { return convertToVariantList(pyObj); } else { // a class supported by QVariant? if (Shiboken::isShibokenType(pyObj)) { Shiboken::SbkBaseWrapperType *objType = reinterpret_cast(pyObj->ob_type); const char* typeName = objType->original_name; uint typeCode = QMetaType::type(typeName); if (typeCode) { void** data = reinterpret_cast(pyObj)->cptr; if (typeName[strlen(typeName)-1] == '*') return QVariant(typeCode, data); else if (!isUserType(pyObj)) // User types inherited from Value types *should* not be converted. return QVariant(typeCode, data[0]); } } // Is a shiboken type not known by Qt return QVariant::fromValue(pyObj); } } static PyObject* toPython(void* cppObj) { return toPython(*reinterpret_cast(cppObj)); } static PyObject* toPython(const QVariant& cppObj) { if (cppObj.isValid()) { if (qstrcmp(cppObj.typeName(), "QVariantList") == 0) return Converter >::toPython(cppObj.value()); if (qstrcmp(cppObj.typeName(), "QStringList") == 0) return Converter >::toPython(cppObj.value()); if (qstrcmp(cppObj.typeName(), "QVariantMap") == 0) return Converter >::toPython(cppObj.value()); Shiboken::TypeResolver* tr = Shiboken::TypeResolver::get(cppObj.typeName()); if (tr) return tr->toPython(const_cast(; } Py_RETURN_NONE; } static QVariant convertToVariantMap(PyObject* map) { PyObject *key, *value; Py_ssize_t pos = 0; AutoDecRef keys(PyDict_Keys(map)); bool keysIsString = isStringList(keys); if (keysIsString) { QMap ret; while (PyDict_Next(map, &pos, &key, &value)) ret.insert(Converter::toCpp(key), toCpp(value)); return QVariant(ret); } else { return toCpp(map); } } static bool isStringList(PyObject *list) { bool allString = true; AutoDecRef fast(PySequence_Fast(list, "Failed to convert QVariantList")); Py_ssize_t size = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(fast.object()); for(int i=0; i < size; i++) { PyObject* item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(fast.object(), i); if (!Converter::checkType(item)) { allString = false; break; } } return allString; } static QVariant convertToVariantList(PyObject* list) { bool allString = isStringList(list); if (allString) { QStringList lst = Converter >::toCpp(list); return QVariant(lst); } else { QList lst; AutoDecRef fast(PySequence_Fast(list, "Failed to convert QVariantList")); Py_ssize_t size = PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(fast.object()); for(int i=0; i < size; i++) { PyObject* item = PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(fast.object(), i); lst.append(toCpp(item)); } return QVariant(lst); } Q_ASSERT(false); } }; }