/* * Based on code provided by: * Antonio Valentino * Frédéric */ #include static void _populate_parent(PyObject* pyParent, QWidget *parent) { if (parent->children().isEmpty()) return; foreach(QObject *child, parent->children()) { QString name(child->objectName()); if (!name.isEmpty() && !name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith("qt_")) { bool has_attr = PyObject_HasAttrString(pyParent, qPrintable(name)); Shiboken::AutoDecRef pyChild(Shiboken::Converter::toPython(child)); if (!has_attr) PyObject_SetAttrString(pyParent, qPrintable(name), pyChild); Shiboken::setParent(pyParent, pyChild); _populate_parent(pyChild, qobject_cast(child)); } } } static PyObject* quiloader_load_ui_from_device(QUiLoader* self, QIODevice* dev, QWidget *parent) { QWidget *w = self->load(dev, parent); if (w) { if (parent && parent->layout()) parent->layout()->deleteLater(); PyObject* pyParent = Shiboken::Converter::toPython(w); _populate_parent(pyParent, w); return pyParent; } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unable to open ui file"); return 0; } static PyObject* quiloader_load_ui(QUiLoader* self, const QString &ui_file, QWidget *parent) { QFile fd(ui_file); if (fd.exists(ui_file) && fd.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QWidget* w = self->load(&fd, parent); fd.close(); if (w != 0) { PyObject* pyParent = Shiboken::Converter::toPython(w); if (parent && parent->layout()) parent->layout()->deleteLater(); _populate_parent(pyParent, w); return pyParent; } } PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unable to open ui file"); return 0; }