# PySide6 ### Introduction **Important:** for Qt5 compatibility, check [PySide2](https://pypi.org/project/PySide2) PySide6 is the official Python module from the [Qt for Python project](https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python), which provides access to the complete Qt 6.0+ framework. The Qt for Python project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository and an open design process. We welcome any contribution conforming to the [Qt Contribution Agreement](https://www.qt.io/contributionagreement/). ### Installation Since the release of the [Technical Preview](https://blog.qt.io/blog/2018/06/13/qt-python-5-11-released/) it is possible to install via `pip`, both from Qt's servers and [PyPi](https://pypi.org/project/PySide6/): ``` pip install PySide6 ``` > Please note: this wheel is an alias to other two wheels > [PySide6_Essentials](https://pypi.org/project/PySide6_Essentials) and > [PySide6_Addons](https://pypi.org/project/PySide6_Addons), which contains > a predefined list of Qt Modules. #### Dependencies PySide6 versions following 6.0 use a C++ parser based on [Clang](http://clang.org/). The Clang library (C-bindings), version 13.0 or higher is required for building. Prebuilt versions of it can be downloaded from [download.qt.io](https://download.qt.io/development_releases/prebuilt/libclang/). After unpacking the archive, set the environment variable *LLVM_INSTALL_DIR* to point to the folder containing the *include* and *lib* directories of Clang: ``` 7z x .../libclang-release_100-linux-Rhel7.2-gcc5.3-x86_64-clazy.7z export LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=$PWD/libclang ``` On Windows: ``` 7z x .../libclang-release_100-windows-vs2015_64-clazy.7z SET LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=%CD%\libclang ``` ### Building from source For building PySide6 from scratch, please read about [getting started](https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/gettingstarted.html). This process will include getting the code: ``` git clone https://code.qt.io/pyside/pyside-setup cd pyside-setup git checkout 6.x # if a specific version is needed ``` then install the dependencies, and following the instructions per platform. A common build command will look like: ``` python setup.py install --qtpaths=/path/to/bin/qtpaths6 --parallel=8 --build-tests ``` You can obtain more information about the options to build PySide and Shiboken in [our wiki](https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python/). ### Documentation and Bugs You can find more information about the PySide6 module API in the [official Qt for Python documentation](https://doc.qt.io/qtforpython/). If you come across any issue, please file a bug report at our [JIRA tracker](https://bugreports.qt.io/projects/PYSIDE) following our [guidelines](https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python/Reporting_Bugs). ### Community Check our channels on IRC (Libera), Telegram, Gitter, Matrix, and mailing list, and [join our community](https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_for_Python#Community)! ### Licensing PySide6 is available under both Open Source (LGPLv3/GPLv3) and commercial license. Using PyPi is the recommended installation source, because the content of the wheels is valid for both cases. For more information, refer to the [Qt Licensing page](https://www.qt.io/licensing/).