[testmodifydocumentation] darwin arm [signals::signal_signature_test] linux darwin win32 [Qt3DExtras::qt3dextras_test] win32 ci linux darwin [QtMultimedia::audio_test] linux darwin win32 # PYSIDE-474 [QtWebEngineWidgets::pyside-474-qtwebengineview] py2 py3 [QtCore::qthread_test] linux py3.6 # PYSIDE-754 [QtWebEngineCore::web_engine_custom_scheme] win32 linux darwin # In addition to a pre-existing windows failure, # qtlocation/ac899dcc40bb3ad09307583fb7e6befd45a77b33 / QTBUG-66304 introduced # a failure in 5.14 [QtPositioning::positioning] win32 linux darwin # Open GL functions failures on macOS (2/2020) [registry::existence_test] darwin [QtQml::qqmlnetwork_test] linux ci # extended, see PyPy section below [QtWidgets::bug_750] darwin ci [QtWidgets::qpicture_test] darwin ci # Unsolved Refcounting leaks in debug mode [pysidetest::property_python_test] debug [signals::bug_79] debug # PYSIDE-535: These errors are still present. Please try to remove one :) [sample::mixed_mi] pypy [sample::renaming] pypy [sample::sample] pypy [sample::str] pypy [sample::typedealloc] pypy [pysidetest::homonymoussignalandmethod_test] pypy [pysidetest::mixin_signal_slots_test] pypy [signals::qobject_receivers_test] pypy [signals::qobject_sender_test] pypy [QtCore::classinfo_test] pypy [QtCore::qbytearray_test] pypy [QtWidgets::bug_836] pypy [QtWidgets::bug_860] pypy [QtWidgets::signature_test] pypy [QtQml::bug_825] pypy [QtQml::qqmlnetwork_test] pypy # This is added to the same entry above [QtQml::javascript_exceptions] pypy [QtQml::qqmlincubator_incubateWhile] pypy # gives timeout on macOS if I run video converter while testing # 2022-03-04 PyPy: Currently 28 of 657 tests fail